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Content available Traffic Modeling in Industrial Ethernet Networks
This article discusses the traffic types typically used in industrial networks. The authors propose a number of methods of generating traffic that can be used in modeling traffic sources in the networks under consideration. The proposed traffic models have been developed on the basis of the ON/OFF model. The proposed solutions can be applied to model typical traffic types that are used in industrial systems, such as Time-Triggered (TT) traffic, Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) traffic or Best Effort traffic. The article discusses four traffic models with modifications and shows how the proposed models can be used in modeling different traffic types used in industrial networks.
W artykule przedstawiono opis i zasadę działania symulatora pól komutacyjnych elastycznych sieci optycznych. Symulator umożliwia określenie prawdopodobieństwa strat dla poszczególnych klas zgłoszeń oferowanych węzłom sieci optycznych. Architektura węzła elastycznych sieci optycznych oparta jest na strukturze 3- sekcyjnego pola Closa. W przyszłości program symulacyjny zostanie wykorzystany jako narzędzie weryfikacji modeli analitycznych węzłów elastycznych sieci optycznych.
The article presents a description and operation principle of a simulator of elastic optical networks switching networks. The simulator allows to determine the loss probability for individual traffic classes offered to optical network nodes. The node architecture of elastic optical networks is based on the structure of the 3-stage Clos switching network. In the future, the simulation software will be used as a verification tool for analytical models of elastic network nodes.
Content available remote Overflows of elastic traffic
This article presents the results of a study on hierarchical multiservice traffic overflow systems. The systems under investigation were composed of a number of primary resources and one alternative resource. Traffic in the considered systems was generated with the assumption that tere was a finite number of traffic sources in individual classes. Further assumption was that offered traffic is elastic traffic for which – with an increase of the load of the system – a change in the volume of allocated resources is possible followed by concurrent extension of their service time. The article includes the results that present the bloking probabilisty In The sample elastic trafficoverflow systems. The study focuses on a determination of the influence of the traffic intensity, volume of resources, degree of compression, resource with compression (primary resources, alternative resources)and the cardinality of traffic sources on values of the blocking probability in individual call classes and on the number of calls that overflow to the alternative resource.
W artykule zaproponowano analityczny model wielousługowych hierarchicznych sieci bezprzewodowych, z zaimplementowanymi mechanizmami rezerwacji zasobów dla przenoszonych połączeń oraz z przelewem zgłoszeń pomiędzy sieciami pokrywającymi ten sam obszar. Zastosowana przybliżona metoda wyznaczania wartości średniej i wariancji ruchu spływającego z zasobów pierwszego wyboru na zasoby alternatywne pozwala na jej praktyczne wykorzystanie w procesie optymalizacji sieci komórkowych. Rezultaty obliczeń analitycznych porównano z danymi uzyskanymi w wyniku przeprowadzonych symulacji.
This article proposes an analytical model of multiservice hierarchical wireless networks with implemented resource reservation mechanisms for handover calls and call overflow between networks covering the same area. The applied approximate method for a determination of the average value and variance of traffic that overflows from resources of the first choice to resources of the second choice can be practically employed in cellular network optimization.
With the growing interest towards the Internet of Things IPv6-based mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) become a key enabling technology offering the possibility of automated, unsupervised network configuration and operation. Such a functionality calls for an accurate and reliable testing of the newly proposed solutions, which is challenging due to the dynamic, decentralized and ad hoc nature of MANETs. In this work selected topics are presented on performing IPv6 protocols experimentation in wireless, IPv6-only mobile ad hoc networks – including both simulation – and testbed-based evaluation. Based on the authors experience with the evaluation of the extended IPv6 Neighbor Discovery protocol (ND++) proposed during the course of research, the selection of an opensource simulation environment is presented and a comparison between simulation and emulation experimentation methods is provided. Benefits and drawbacks of both these methodologies for testing IPv6 solutions are depicted. Moreover, the important aspects of topology and mobility considerations are considered. Finally the authors pro.ose a testing approach that would allow for a detailed and accurate evaluation by means of open-source, easily accessible and low-cost methodologies.
Przedstawiono platformę do testowania i rozwijania nowych protokołów rutingu złożoną z prostych ruterów zrealizowanych z użyciem układów System On Chip, z osadzonym systemem operacyjnym Linuks. Rutery odpowiedzialne są tylko za przełączanie pakietów. Funkcjonalność odpowiedzialną za obsługę protokołów rutingu wszystkich węzłów przeniesiono na dedykowany komputer. Jest ona realizowana przez oprogramowanie Ouagga zmodyfikowane na potrzeby opracowanej platformy.
The paper presents a platform for developing and testing of new routing protocols. The proposed platform is composed of simple routers i.e., the devices of the System on Chip type, with embedded Linux system. These routers perform only packet switching functions. The functions related to supporting routing protocols, for all nodes have been moved to a dedicated computer. This functions are provided by a software Quagga router, modified for the purposes of the platform.
This article presents a new recurrent method for modelling multi-service switching networks with overflow links. In the proposed method, the blocking probability for a given stage of the switching network is determined on the basis of the characteristics of the preceding stage. A particular attention is given to a possibility of a considerable reduction of the internal blocking probability of the switching network that would result from an application of additional overflow links between neighbouring switches of the first stage of the network. The results of the analytical modelling of selected multi-service switching networks with overflow links in the first stage are compared with the results of the simulation experiments. The study confirms the accuracy of all the adopted theoretical assumptions in the proposed analytical model of the multi-service switching network.
Content available remote Shortest path problem solving based on ant colony optimization metaheuristic
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic is a versatile algorithmic optimization approach based on the observation of the behaviour of ants. As a result of numerous analyses, ACO has been applied to solving various combinatorial problems. The ant colony metaheuristic proves itsel I' to be efficient in solving NP-hard problems, often generating the best solution in the shortest amount of time. However, not enough attention has been paid to ACO as a means of solving problems that have optimal solutions which can be found using other methods. The shortest path problem is undoubtedly one of the aspects of great significance to navigation and telecommunications. It is used, amongst others, for determining the shortest route between two geographical locations, for routing in packet networks, and to balance and optimize network utilization. Thus, this article introduces ShortestPathACO, an Ant Colony Optimization based algorithm designed to find the shortest path in a graph. The algorithm consists of several subproblems that are presented successively. Each subproblem is discussed from many points of view to enable researchers to find the most suitable solutions to the problems they investigate.
This paper proposes an approximate calculation method of occupancy distribution and blocking probability in systems which are offered multi-service traffic streams generated by Binomial-Poisson-Pascal (BPP) traffic sources. The method is based on transforming a multi-dimensional service process in the system into a one-dimensional Markov chain and on appropriate modification of the generalized Kaufman-Roberts recursion. The proposed algorithm determines the number of sources of particular classes, being serviced in a given state of the system, and subsequently the traffic offered in particular states of the system occupancy. The results of analytical calculations of the blocking probabilities in three full-availability groups with BPP traffic streams, obtained on the basis of the proposed method, are compared with the results of the exact Iversen convolution algorithm.
W artykule zaproponowano metodę MIM określania charakterystyk ruchowych w wielousługowych systemach telekomunikacyjnych obsługujących ruch typu Erlanga, Engseta i Pascala. Podstawą opracowanej metody jest rekurencja Kaufmana-Robertsa, bazująca na opisie procesów obsługi, zachodzących w rozważanych systemach, za pomocą jednowymiarowego łańcucha Markowa. W artykule zaproponowano iteracyjny algorytm określania średniej liczby źródeł ruchu, obsługiwanych w poszczególnych stanach zajętości systemu, co pozwala uzależnić wartość oferowanego ruchu od stanu zajętości systemu. Rezultaty obliczeń analitycznych prawdopodobieństwa blokady i strat, uzyskane na podstawie proponowanej metody MIM, porównano z wynikami uzyskiwanymi na podstawie algorytmu splotowego Iversena oraz, opracowanego wcześniej, algorytmu SIM, w którym liczbę obsługiwanych źródeł poszczególnych klas ruchu wyznacza się w pojedynczym przebiegu iteracyjnym. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że metoda MIM pozwala uzyskać dokładne wartości prawdopodobieństwa blokady i strat w wiązce pełnodostępnej z ruchem BPP, niezależnie od liczby źródeł poszczególnych klas ruchu. Jednocześnie, na podstawie wyników badań możemy stwierdzić, że stosowanie metody SIM w przypadku małej liczby źródeł ruchu (znacznie mniejszej od pojemności systemu) może prowadzić do dużych niedokładności. Należy podkreślić, że podstawową zaletą proponowanej metody MIM jest możliwość jej zastosowania do modelowania systemów zależnych od stanu (np. systemów z ograniczoną dostępnością lub rezerwacją przepływności).
This paper proposes an analytical calculation method for determining occupancy distribution and blocking probability in multi-threshold and multi-retry systems that simultaneously service multirate Bernoulli-Poisson-Pascal (BPP) traffic streams. The proposed method is based on the approximation of a multi-dimensional Markov process occurring in the system under consideration by one-dimensional Markov chain. The paper discusses conditions and requirements to be met to approximate the service process in the systems by the reversible process and, in consequence, to determine the product form solution for determination of occupancy distribution in the threshold systems. The results of analytical calculations of blocking probability in exemplary systems with streaming, adaptive and elastic services are compared with simulation data in order to evaluate accuracy of the proposed analytical model.
Modelowanie i kodowanie to najbardziej złożone elementy wielu adaptacyjnych algorytmów kompresji, przy czym sam proces kompresji oparty o modelowanie i kodowanie musi być realizowany w sposób sekwencyjny. Metoda zmniejszonej częstości aktualizacji modelu danych to modyfikacja zastosowana do adaptacyjnego algorytmu kompresji, aby poprawić prędkość modelowania kosztem nieznacznego, z praktycznego punktu widzenia, pogorszenia jakości modelowania. W niniejszej pracy zauważono, iż zastosowanie tej metody umożliwia zrównoleglenie algorytmu kompresji. Badania eksperymentalne wykazały, ˙ze dzięki wykorzystaniu równoległości drobnoziarnistej dla procesora Itanium 2 i algorytmu SFALIC metoda zmniejszonej częstości aktualizacji modelu danych pozwala na zwiększenie prędkości kodowania i modelowania o około 50%. Przeprowadzone szacunki pokazały, że metoda ta pozwala również na wykorzystanie równoległości średnioziarnistej w znacznie większym stopniu. W artykule zaproponowano analityczną˛ metodę˛ określania rozkładu zajętości i prawdopodobieństwa blokady w wieloprogowych systemach zależnych od stanu, które obsługują˛ równocześnie zintegrowane strumienie ruchu typu BPP (Bernoulli-Poisson-Pascal). Proponowana metoda Bazuje na aproksymacji wielowymiarowego procesu Markowa, zachodzącego w rozważanym systemie, jednowymiarowym łańcuchem Markowa. W artykule określono warunki, spełnienie których pozwala na przybliżanie procesu obsługi w rozważanym systemie procesem odwracalnym i - w konsekwencji - na opracowanie iloczynowej formy rozkładu zajętości w systemach progowych zależnych od stanu. Przeprowadzona została analiza systemów z powtórzeniami (ang. rety systems), w wyniku której wykazano, że systemy te można traktować jako szczególny przypadek systemów wieloprogowych. Analiza istniejących modeli, określających właściwości ruchowe systemów wieloprogrowych, pozwoliła także rozszerzyć´ definicje prawdopodobieństwa blokady w rozważanych systemach. Rezultaty obliczeń analitycznych prawdopodobieństwa blokady - w przykładowych systemach obsługujących usługi strumieniowe, elastyczne i adaptacyjne - zostały porównane z danymi symulacji w celu określenia dokładności proponowanego modelu. Zaproponowana w artykule metoda modelowania systemów progowych może być stosowana do określania charakterystyk ruchowych wielousługowych systemów bezprzewodowych, np. Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS).
The article proposes an analytical method for determining basic traffic characteristics of systems which are offered overflow traffic composed of multi-rate traffic streams. The described analytical model enables determination of parameters of traffic overflowed from primary groups for systems servicing single and multi-service switching networks with overflow traffic on the basis of Ka u f man-Roberts model for full-availability group with a Poisson requests distribution stream. Additionally, a method for determining a channel occupancy distribution in the alternative group with traffic overflowed from primary groups in their occupation state has been also presented. Analytical calculation results of blocking probability calculated using the presented methodology have been compared with the data obtained from the system simulation process.
The paper presents a model of a group of cells, exploiting the effects of connection handoff between cells, aimed at increasing the traffic capacity of a system. The analytical model proposed is based on the model of limited-availability group, which makes it possible to determine basic traffic characteristics in the system under consideration. In the paper it is applied the generalized model of the limited-availability group, i.e. the group which consists of separated transmission links of various capacities. The results of analytical calculations of blocking probability in a group of UMTS cells were compared with simulation data, which confirmed high accuracy of the proposed method.
The article discusses an analytical method of determining average bandwidth offered to the user in the UMTS system applying HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) technology. The application of HSDPA increases the transmission speed between the base station and the end-user's terminal in the UMTS networks. This has, in turn, made it possible for cellular systems operators to offer new services that require greater data flow in the downlink direction such as, e.g., broadband Internet access.
This paper presents three approximate calculation methods of occupancy distribution and blocking probability in switching networks which are offered multi-service traffic streams generated by Binomial (Engset) & Poisson (Erlang) & Pascal traffic sources. The proposed methods belong to the class of methods known as the effective availability methods. The basis of the proposed calculation algorithms is the occupancy distribution in interstage links as well as in the outgoing links (forming outgoing directions). These distributions are calculated with the help of the full-availability group model and the limited-availability group model. The results of analytical calculations of the blocking probabilities are compared with the simulation results of three-stage switching networks, and, therefore, the validity of the assumptions used in the model is proved.
This article presents an approximate method of blocking probability calculations in a switching node of virtual circuit networks carrying a mixture of different traffic streams, including multicast traffic. This mixture can be composed of an arbitrary number of unicast and multicast traffic classes generated by a finite population of two-state sources (pseudo-random traffic). It is assumed that outgoing directions node consist of links of various capacities. Hence, the model enables calculations of blocking probabilities for calls of all traffic classes for any structure of the groups forming the outgoing directions. The proposed method is based on an approximation of the service process occurring in outgoing directions by appropriately constructed one-dimensional Markov chain. The analytical results of the blocking probabilities in sample switching nodes are compared with the simulation results.
In this paper the new packet switch architecture with multiple output queuing (MOQ) is proposed. In this architecture the nonblocking switch fabric, which has the capacity of N _N2 N2, and output buffers arranged into N separate queues for each output, are applied. Each of N queues in one output port stores packets directed to this output only from one input. Both switch fabric and buffers can operate at the same speed as input and output ports. This solution does not need any speedup in the switch fabric as well as arbitration logic for taking decisions which packets from inputs will be transferred to outputs. Two possible switch fabric structures are considered: the centralized structure with the switch fabric located on one or several separate boards, and distributed structure with the switch fabric distributed over line cards. Buffer arrangements as separate queues with independent write pointers or as a memory bank with one pointer are also discussed. The mean cell delay and cell loss probability as performance measures for the proposed switch architecture are evaluated and compared with performance of OQ architecture and VOQ architecture. The hardware complexity of OQ, VOQ and presented MOQ are also compared. We conclude that hardware complexity of proposed switch is very similar to VOQ switch but its performance is comparable to OQ switch.
This paper a new approximate model of a switching network with reservation to which a mixture of different multi-rate traffic streams is offered. Four reservation algorithms for multiservice switching networks are proposed and compared. These algorithms lead to changes of blocking probabilities for different traffic streams in the switching networks. In particular cases, reservation algorithms can be used for blocking probability equalization of a certain number or for all traffic streams offered. The method of point-to-group blocking probability calculation in the multi-service switching networks with reservation algorithms is also presented in the paper. The proposed method is based on the effective availability concept. Special attention is paid to the procedures for determination of the effective availability in the multi-service switching network with reservation. The results of analytical calculations of the probabilities of blocking are compared with the results of digital simulation of therestage switching networks with reservation, and therefore, the validity of the assumption used in the model is proved.
W artykule zaproponowano algorytmy rezerwacji dla pól komutacyjnych integracją z integracją usług. Opracowane algorytmy umożliwiają uprzywilejowanie pewnych klas ruchu w dostępie do zasobów sieci. W szczególnym przypadku, mogą one prowadzić do wyrównania prawdopodobieństwa blokady zgłoszeń wybranych lub wszystkich klas ruchu integracją węzłach sieci integracją usług. W artykule zaproponowano także nową przybliżoną metodę obliczeń prawdopodobieństwa blokady punkt-grupą w wielosekcyjnych polach komutacyjnych z rezerwacją przepływności, którym oferowany jest ruch zintegrowany. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na metodę określania efektywnej dostępności, która bezpośrednio wpływa na dokładność rezultatów końcowych. Rezultaty obliczeń numerycznych porównano z danymi symulacji pól komutacyjnych obsługujących ruch zintegrowany.
In this paper, reservation algorithms for multiservice switching networks are proposed. The algorithms presented can be used for blocking probability equalisation for a certain number or all classes of offered call streams. A new approximate method of point-to-point blocking probability calculation in the multiservice switching networks is also presented. This method can be used for blocking probability calculation in the switching networks with/without reservation. Special attention is paid to the method for determining the effective availability, which directly affects the accuracy of the final results. The results of analytical calculations are compared with the results of digital simulation of switching networks with/without reservation. The formulae derived can be useful for the analysis of ISDN and B-ISDN systems.
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