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Content available remote Integration of Lean Management with ISO Management Systems in enterprise
Lean manufacturing [LM], quality management system and environmental management system are clear initiatives with a goal of improving effectiveness and efficiencies of organizations. Many organisations tackle lean philosophy, ISO standards individually but this kind of attempt do not focus on the synergy and the advantage from the potential collaboration. This paper aims to present the possibility of integration Lean Management concept with ISO management systems – Quality Management System [QMS] ISO 9001and Environmental Management System [EMS] ISO 14001 already implemented in the enterprises. The integration of these three concepts can be obtain due to improvement of main KPI’s defined in the organization. Based on critical research literature and participant observation presented as a case study (one of the author of the paper works as a consultant and is being implemented Lean Manufacturing concept in different organization since ten years) authors defined concept of integration of EMS and QMS (already implemented in the organization) with chosen Lean Management tools. Concept has been developed based on literature analysis and experience of the authors. Results and summary from concept implementation has been described in last chapter of the paper.
Artykuł dotyczy metodyk zwinnych zarządzania projektami. Przedstawiając największe korzyści wynikające z wdrożenia metodyk zwinnych w przedsiębiorstwie oraz związane z tym wyzwania, koncentruje się głównie na etapie podejmowania decyzji. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja uwarunkowań zastosowania metodyk zwinnych oraz zaproponowanie kryteriów ich oceny. Z uwagi na zakres rozważań, czyli całość przedsiębiorstwa, uwarunkowania pogrupowano korzystając z systemowego ujęcia modelu organizacji. Opracowanie zawiera wyniki z wnioskowania opartego na przeglądzie literatury, studium przypadku 4 organizacji z branży IT, wywiadach oraz osobistym doświadczeniu autorów.
The article concerns agile methodologies of project management. By presenting the greatest benefits resulting from the implementation of agile methodologies in the enterprise and the related challenges, it focuses mainly on the decision-making stage. The main goal of the article is to identify the conditions for the use of agile methodologies and to propose criteria for their evaluation. In result of the scope of presented deliberations – the whole enterprise, the conditions were divided into groups using the systematic approach to the organization model. The article contains scientific results from research based on a literature review, a case study of 4 organizations from the IT industry, interviews, and personal experience of authors.
Since modern enterprises have to challenge increasing social and economical expectations, including health and safety assurance, authors of the article attempt to formulate general guidelines for companies that want to decrease number of accidents and increase occupational safety level. The authors also attempted to verify the theory of the accident pyramid formulated by Heinrich, through the study of the relationship between the number of accidents at work and the number of registered near-misses in the selected company.Since modern enterprises have to challenge increasing social and economical expectations, including health and safety assurance, authors of the article attempt to formulate general guidelines for companies that want to decrease number of accidents and increase occupational safety level. The authors also attempted to verify the theory of the accident pyramid formulated by Heinrich, through the study of the relationship between the number of accidents at work and the number of registered near-misses in the selected company.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zwinnego procesu innowacji produktowej i organizacyjnej opracowanej oraz zaimplementowanej w Wolters Kluwer. Przedstawiono cechy i naturę innowacji produktowej i organizacyjnej opisując ich podstawową charakterystykę. Omówione zostały główne założenia, szanse i zagrożenia zwinnego procesu innowacji. Opisano poszczególne kroki procesu, co pozwoli czytelnikowi zrozumieć sposób implementacji i zastosowania omawianego procesu. Autorzy przedstawiają również sugestie i wnioski, które są kluczowe z punktu widzenia zastosowania procesu w warunkach innych organizacji.
Main goal of this article is to present agile process of product and organizational innovation created and implemented at Wolters Kluwer. It shows features and nature of the product and organizational innovation by describing their basic characteristics. Main assumptions, possibilities and risks of agile innovation process were discussed. Each step of the process was described which allows reader to understand how to implement and use that process. Authors of the article also present key suggestions and conclusions for process usage in other organizations.
Aim of this article is to present way of calculation of the OEE rate for work stations. The OEE rate is a tool used in searching for the best way of improvement of functionality of a work station. During the research in X factory, which lead to calculation of OEE rate for certain work station, it was noticed that while producing elements which require multiple technical operations on this single station, the output value of rate is imprecise. The above imprecision results from the rules of calculation of the quality component of the OEE rate, which is calculated as quotient of the number of properly produced elements to entire production on particular station. These rules don’t consider the amount of technical operations performed on specific element properly, before it is considered a defect, also they don’t consider possibility of performing more than one correcting operation, as well as they don’t distinguish operations with different time schedule. As a result of performed analysis a new way of calculating the quality component of OEE rate was developed. Developing new formula for the quality component allows to eliminate earlier mentioned lack of precision, therefore provides a better reflection of actual quality of the machine. This allows to evaluate the best way of improvement. This article presents 3 various formulas, which allow calculating the quality component, depending on type of production and available amount of information. Variety of results, presented by examples, indicate that in many cases the classical formula, which can be found in the literature, can lead to the imprecision of the measurement.
The study presents the implementation of projects in organisations that achieve business objectives through the implementation of repetitive actions. Projects in these organisations are, on the one hand, treated as marginal activities, while the results of these projects have significant impact on the delivery of main processes, e.g. through the introduction of new products. Human capital and solutions in this field bear impact on the success of projects in these organisations, which is not always conducive to smooth implementation of projects. Conflict results from the nature of a project, which is a one-time and temporary process, so organisational solutions are also temporary. It influences on attitudes and commitment of the project contractors. The paper identifies and analyses factors which affect the success of the projects.
W opracowaniu podjęto zagadnienie realizacji projektów w organizacjach, w których cele działalności są osiągane poprzez realizację działań powtarzalnych. W organizacjach tych projekty są z jednej strony traktowane, jako działalność marginalna, a jednocześnie wyniki tych projektów wpływają na realizację procesów podstawowych, np. poprzez wdrożenie, w ramach projektu, nowego wyrobu do produkcji. Istotny wpływ na przebieg i osiągnięcie sukcesu projektu w tych organizacjach ma kapitał ludzki i rozwiązania stosowane w tym zakresie. Ewentualne problemy wynikają z natury projektu, który jest procesem jednorazowym i tymczasowym, więc rozwiązania organizacyjne też mają charakter tymczasowy. Tymczasowość ta wpływa na postawy i zaangażowanie wykonawców projektu. W opracowaniu zidentyfikowano i przeanalizowano zagadnienia, które wpływają na sukces projektów realizowanych w wybranych organizacjach o procesach powtarzalnych.
W niniejszym artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badań w zakresie eliminacji strat maszyn występujące na linii produkcyjnej w procesach aparaturowych u producenta farb proszkowych przedsiębiorstwa X. Dodatkowo autorzy zaproponowali własne metody organizacyjne , które zasadniczo zmniejszą straty maszyn na linii produkcyjnej i spowodują większą niezawodność parku maszynowego.
The aim of the paper is to present research results in the elimination of losses occurring machines on the production line in the processes of apparatus manufacturer of powder coatings company X. Additionally, the authors have proposed their own methods of organization, which essentially reduce losses machines on the production line and result in greater reliability of the machine park.
Rolling wave planning is the process of planning for a project in waves as the project becomes clearer and unfolds. It is important in such projects to at least highlight in the initial plan the key milestones for the Project. Rolling Wave Planning acknowledges the fact that we can see more clearly what is in close proximity, but looking further ahead our vision becomes less clear [3]. Article shows benefits of rolling wave planning in production field. Based on the same data, there are two forecast calculations. First calculation is about current state of weekly cycle planning, second calculation is about future state of rolling wave planning (wave is the period of one day). Problem of current state is lack of production cells capacity, that makes costs of overtime. After research of implementing rolling wave planning there is shown estimations for new level of production cells capacity. New way of planning brings benefits in better aggregations, which reduce time for exchanges. Reduced time we can use for extra value-added process witch rise production cells capacity. Figure 5 include both calculations and final results.
Mass Customization is a strategy to deliver to customer highly customized product with the price comparable to products made in mass production processes. One of the key aspects in keeping cost at the low level is efficient utilization of production capacity. It can be achieved only if product workload is known. "MOST" technique seems to be very efficient tool to accomplish it. Fast and simple technique guarantee that very diverse products can be estimated in terms of total working time needed to produce them. In consequence "normhours" for every elements are determined which is further base for all kind of capacity planning. Another issue is to keep stability in delivery in Make to Order environment when there are fluctuations in demand reinforced by variation in workload. The problem can be solved by applying variable Lead Time, which means that when capacity or workload increase customer wait longer for product. It is the simplest solution and widely used, however it does not have to be preferable. Then instead, market fluctuation can be covered by flexible working hours, which can be achieved by overtime, seasonal workers or shifting working hours from low to high season period. Last mentioned problem is how to balance production process when there is unstable workload in particular sub-processes. Proposed solution is to keep some small amount of products buffer in between sub-processes and apply multifunctional workers who can operate more than one operation. It seems obvious that production capacity management in Mass Customization is more sophisticated than typical "Make to Stock" facilities. However there are methods and techniques available which can be applied and make Mass Customization possible to implement.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki analizy czynników sukcesu realizacji wielkiego przedsięwzięcia budowlanego finansowanego ze źródeł publicznych na przykładzie budowy stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku – Letnicy. Przedmiotem analizy była faza przygotowawcza tj. od właściwej inicjacji, którą można datować na przełom 2005 i 2006 roku do podpisania umowy z Generalnym Wykonawcą budowy stadionu. Na tle kolejno realizowanych procesów w przedsięwzięciu, ujętych w wyodrębnionych obszarach tematycznych, zidentyfikowano zdarzenia i czynności według dat ich wystąpienia w fazie przygotowawczej. Jako obszary tematyczne analizowano przygotowanie dokumentacji projektowej i uzyskiwanie kolejnych pozwoleń, przedstawiono zasady przygotowania i realizacji przetargów na wybór wykonawców prac budowlanych. Przedmiotem analizy były również rozwiązania organizacyjne, które zastosowano przy realizacji projektu. W podsumowaniu zestawiono kilka wytycznych dla przyszłych zarządzających tego typu projektami, tak aby zakończyły się sukcesem.
This paper presents the results of the analysis of key success factors for implementing large construction projects funded from public funds. It bases on example of project of building football stadium construction in Gdansk-Letnica (Poland) for EURO 2012 Championship. It is focused on setting up phase (from the main initiation – which can be dated to the turn of 2005 and 2006 – to signing a contract with the general contractor). During analysis events and task were identified, divided on subject areas and placed on timeline, in background of consequent processes which happened during the project. Following subject areas were analyzed: preparing project documentation and obtaining further authorization, and presenting rules for the preparation and implementation of tenders for selection of contractors construction. The analysis was also focused on organizational solutions, which were used in project. The summary contains the number of guidelines for future management of this kind of projects, to ensure success in the future.
Content available Skuteczne zarządzanie roszczeniami w budownictwie
W publikacji zaprezentowano kluczowe zagadnienia zarządzania roszczeniami w budownictwie. Przedstawiono cele, rodzaje oraz strategię gospodarki roszczeniowej przedsiębiorstw. Opisano koncepcję metodyki dostosowanej do obecnych warunków gospodarczych w obszarze zarządzania roszczeniami. Przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz efekty pilotażowych czynności wdrożeniowych metodyki CM w spółce budowlanej o średniej wielkości zatrudnienia.
Publication shows theoretical and methodological aspects of efficiently applying Claim Management in civil engineering. The described research can evaluate crucial factors of applying the new concept of Claim Management in small and medium construction companies. The research methods applied are: pilot study of applying Claim Management methods in construction company which hires 120 employees; individual interviews with the management of this company as well as questionnaire survey of different subjects of construction asking about applying this innovation. The research period as well as the field of research is small but the results of increasing efficiency in acquiring additional income from applying the claim administration indicates that it is purposeful to use and improve the new Claim Management concept. The results indicates also that it is necessary to carry on further research to perfect this method. Modern Claim Management should become the universal tool which through risk analysis, sets and changes helps to deal with claims in construction business.
Content available Marnotrawstwo pracy maszyn na placu budowy
W opracowaniu poruszono zagadnienia nieefektywnego wykorzystania maszyn w procesie budowlanym, co w kontekście koncepcji Lean jest marnotrawstwem. Celem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie wytycznych do minimalizacji marnotrawstwa pracy maszyn. Do ich opracowania wykorzystano narzędzia koncepcji Lean, a także rezultaty własnych badań empirycznych. Chociaż mają one charakter wstępny, to w połączeniu z heurystyką oraz podejściem do analiz wg „wspólnej części zasobów w procesie”, przyniosły rezultaty, które dostosowały wytyczne Lean do procesu budowlanego. Do pomiaru efektywności pracy maszyn zastosowano wskaźnik OEE. Szczegółowym przedmiotem analiz były maszyny do prac ziemnych i transportu bliskiego. Zaproponowano rozwiązania służące zwiększeniu wartości wskaźnika OEE, a tym samym minimalizowaniu marnotrawstwa
The paper describes some problems of inefficient use of machinery in the construction process. If you look at it from the perspective of Lean Management, this is the source of waste. This is the reason for which authors attempted to formulate guidelines to reduce waste. Lean Tools and results of empirical research were used to prepare these guidelines. However, it was only an initial study to validate the method of analysis of the shared part of the resources in the construction process. But the results in conjunction with heuristics gave the new quality guidelines of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Index of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) was used to measure the efficiency of machines. Specific research focused on the excavators and cranes. The article presents some solutions to increase efficiency and reduce waste of these machines work.
Content available remote Zarządzanie projektami - elementy krytyczne
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