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Drinking water treatment reduces or eliminates certain health risks and ensures appropriate water quality by removing physical, chemical, and biological pollutants. The treatment process’s increased need for energy, chemicals, and technological inputs raises the expense of producing water as well as its secondary environmental effects. The goal of this research is to use the water quality index (WQI) and life cycle assessment (LCA) to determine and assess the environmental effects of the Al-Hashimiyah water treatment plant (WTP) in Babylon City, Iraq. The water quality index was employed as a criterion for categorizing and treating water in accordance with fundamental water characterization variables using a weighted arithmetic index technique. The LCA was supported by the EcoIndicator 99 database and SimaPro 7.0 software. What makes this study unusual is the identification of two extra functional units related to decontamination, beyond the usual one cubic meter treated water. Samples of treated and raw water were gathered during a 25-month period, from March 2022 to March 2023, and were regularly tested. The results demonstrated that all chemical and physical characteristics (for both raw and processed water) met Iraqi criteria, with the exception of total suspended particles and electrical conductivity. According to LCA studies, certain environmental consequences grow as pollutant concentrations drop. Due to this, a more thorough analysis of the environmental performance of water treatment facilities is now required.
Accurate determination of reaeration coefficient in lakes is a key factor for accurate modeling of dissolved oxygen. This study developed a new numerical model to determine the lake reaeration coefficient of Sawa lake, Iraq based on solving the transform mechanisms of dissolved oxygen without the using the empirical and laboratory methods. The model solved the gas transport at the water-air surface numerically to predict the dissolved oxygen and the reaeration coefficient simultaneously. Results showed that the lake reaeration coefficient was 0.001 day-1 at 20 °C with low root mean squared errors (0.138, 0.137, and 0.168 mg/L for the three years of simulation 2007, 2012, and 2017, respectively) and absolute mean errors (0.121, 0.114, and 0.145 mg/L in 2007, 2012, and 2017, respectively). It was noticed that the lake habitat was impacted causing unhealthy conditions (low reaeration rate), and there was upward dissolved oxygen movement due to the presence of positive trend in the yearly cycle of temperature. In addition, including this numerical approach along with other water quality models can improve the predictions of other water quality parameters.
This study evaluated the sediment quality of the Main Outfall Drain River in Thi-qar Government by measuring (Mn, Ni, Pb, Fe, Cr, Zn, Cd and Cu) in the sediments. Samples were collected at 4 locations between the summer of 2021 and the winter of 2022, and the results revealed that the heavy metal dominance in the Main Outfall Drain and Al-Sanaf Marsh was in the order of Fe> Mn> Ni> Zn> Cr> Pb>Cu>Cd. Among these sedimentary contaminants, Fe has the highest level in sediments. Two indices were used: sediment quality criteria (QSm) and pollution index (PI). All sites were in the third class of QSm (a possible hazard for aquatic life) because QSm> 0.5. The lowest value is recorded in site 4, and the highest value is located in site 3. The results of PI of Zn and Cu show no effected by pollution to slightly affected in all sites, Cr exhibits the same pattern as Zn and Cu except for site 3 was moderately affected in winter, while Pb caused moderate pollution effect in all sites, except site 2 and site 3 which were slightly affected in winter. Mn, Cd and Fe were seriously affected by pollution in all sites. Pollution index values of most metals (except Fe and Cr) were higher in summer than in winter, probably due to the observed dilution of the metals with anthropogenic origin by rain, leading to lower values in winter. At the same time, Fe and Cr were higher in winter than in summer due to being mostly of terrestrial origin, derived from runoff of the nearby soil by rain. The results show that the sediments of the main outfall drain suffer from large quantities of heavy metals, mainly from site 3, which may be due to receiving industrial effluent, sewage and irrigation water from the governorates through which it passes.
Future options for addressing the depletion of fossil fuels and reducing pollution from internal combustion engines may include biofuel as an alternative fuel. This study aims to experimentally and statistically assess the effect of using diesel-biofuel blends on the emissions of a single-cylinder direct-injection engine. Using recycled olive oil, a chemical Tran’s esterification process was used to create biofuel. The experimental results were contrasted with those of a one-dimensional engine model for exhaust emissions and torque, which showed high agreement between test and numerical data. In order to comprehend the factors that affect the engine’s reaction to variations in fuel composition, the thermodynamic characteristics of the engine for various blends were also supplied. According to the investigation, a mixture with 20% of the volume fraction of oleic acid methyl ester olive-based biofuel and 80% of the volume fraction of pure diesel can be an effective fuel alternative for cleaner exhaust emissions while offering almost the same performance.
Biodiesel is regarded as a clean fuel alternative to fossil diesel fuel for fewer pollutant emissions of internal combustion engines. The biodiesel type can be made from waste frying oil, thus it has to be done right. Waste vegetable oil can be provided for free or at a low cost by restaurants and food processors that often use frying oils. Animal fat is also available for free or for a nominal fee from grocery stores, restaurants, and butchers who use lots of fats in their cooking. The methyl ester of oleic acid methyl ester (OAME) biodiesel was produced from used vegetable oil using the transesterification process in order to compare the performance of the 67 kW KUBOTA tractor diesel engine when utilizing OAME and fossil diesel. OAME biofuel was used without being mixed. The engine’s reliability metrics and important indicators, including the brake torque, indicated power, brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and burn duration, were identified. Optimal implementation was met by fossil diesel and the tested characteristics were very close. The OAME biofuel performs better in terms of volumetric efficiency and duration of combustion than the conventional diesel. The decision to choose a specific biofuel that is produced from a particular source so largely hinges on its availability and economic feasibility wherever it is used.
In times of water scarcity, groundwater is a vital resource that provides an alternate source of water for human consumption. In Iraq, the quality of rivers has been greatly affected by climate change and the dwindling availability of surface water. Examining and classifying the groundwater in this region is now vital. The present study sought to incorporate the groundwater property data (drinking purpose) with a geographic information system (GIS). Eleven variables were measured in 25 wells to investigate the physio-chemical properties around the Babylon province of Iraq. On the basis of the acceptability of groundwater for drinking, GWQI was categorized into four primary groups in the results. Approximately 28% of the twenty-five wells (1811.04 km2) are of excellent quality, 24% are of good quality (1552.3 km2), 44% are of low quality (2845.9 km2), and 4% are extremely contaminated (2587.2 km2). The average GWQI for the entire study region was 110.7, making it inappropriate for human consumption. It has been determined that approximately 52% of the groundwater from the examined wells can be deemed safe for consumption, although certain measurements surpass the permissible limits. To guarantee that the residents in these areas are supplied with water of superior quality and safety, treatment of the tested groundwater is recommended before use.
In order to use alum in large numbers for the treatment of low turbidity water, a novel method has been used to treat low turbidity water using bentonite with a reduced amount of alum. Given that bentonite has a negative charge, it is added to the raw water to give the blocks weight. The weight is then added by joining the blocks together to create massive blocks that settle more quickly. In addition to providing a large surface for organic compound adsorption, it increases the suspension’s weight and particle density. There are between 10 and 50 mg/l of bentonite clay utilized.In the Karbala water treatment plant, the effectiveness of the water quality index (WQI) at turbidity 20NTU (national turbidity unit) using alum alone was subpar (71.16%). Under the same circumstances, the pilot plant’s WQI efficiency was equally low (72%). The turbidity of the water was increased to 120 NTUwhen bentonite was used in the pilot plant, increasing the efficiency of WQI to 97.2%. When bentonite was added to the water, the turbidity was increased to 200 NTU and the WQI efficiency was increased to 98.9%. The usage of bentonite produced a high level of WQI efficiency and a cheap substance free from infections or negative effects.
The current study aimed to use the biological treatment (Phycoremediation) for sewage water, where the green alga Chlorella vulgaris was used in the treatment process and to improve water quality by removing some of the pollutants contained in the water, the most important of which are hydrocarbon pollutants, and to note the changes in the biochemical properties of the algae, such as the SOD enzyme and CAT enzyme and total chlorophyll before and after the treatment process. The treatment process took place between wastewater and green algae when the latter reached a stable stage to ensure its high treatment capacity and the best possible life span. Where the measurements were made for the characteristics of the treated water in addition to the biochemical measurements of the algae on the 4th and 8th day of the biological treatment. A study of the growth curve of C. vulgaris showed that the growth phase started on day 6, reached stability on day 12, then reached the death phase on day 19, and continued to decline until the death of the alga. The results of the study showed the value of what was contained in the wastewater before the treatment process, as it was as follows: total hydrocarbons (5.38 mg/l), as for the biochemical properties of algae before exposure to wastewater, they were as follows: superoxide dismutase enzyme (1.2197 U/mg), catalase enzyme (0.6023 U/mg), total chlorophyll (6.1503 mg/g). After the wastewater treatment process was completed, the high ability of green algae to remove hydrocarbon pollutants from the water was shown, at a rate of 72.3–64.5%, respectively. The results of the study showed the effect of sewage water on some physiological characteristics of algae, as it showed an increase in the activity of SOD after 4 days of treatment to reach 1.33 U/mg, while the activity decreased on the 8th day to reach 1.289 U/mg, as for the CAT enzyme It appeared in the same way as the previous enzyme, as its effectiveness increased after 4 days of treatment to reach 0.6916 U/mg, and decreased on the last day to reach 0.5476 U/mg, while with regard to the value of chlorophyll, the value of chlorophyll a decreased to reach 1.9473 mg/g in the last day, while on the contrary, the value of chlorophyll b increased to reach 4.5369 mg/g in the last day, while for total chlorophyll its value increased to reach 6.4842 mg/g in the last day.
Restaurants and food processors that frequently utilize frying oils can provide waste vegetable oil for free or for a small price. To compare the use of OAME to fossil diesel on the performance of the 67 kW Kubota tractor diesel engine, the methyl ester of oleic acid methyl ester (OAME) biodiesel was created from used vegetable oil using the transesterification process. The OAME gasoline was used straight up. The engine’s performance parameters and key indications, such as the indicated torque, brake torque, indicated power, fuel consumption of the braking force brake (BSFC), and exhaust gas emissions, were determined. The choice of a certain biofuel made from a specific source is primarily based on its economic viability and availability where it is utilized.
As a result of poor human activities, storm water is now contaminated, notably in the Middle East. The filtering process is a physical separation with no chemical reactions occurring throughout the operation. The goal of this research is to use three distinct types of filters to improve the quality of storm water: sand, sand with granular activated carbon (GAC), and sand with cotton. Before and after treatment, the pH, turbidity, electric conductivity, TDS, and temperature of storm water are all monitored. In addition, the water quality index (WQI) was computed. The parameters of treated storm water varied depending on the filter media used, such as sand (turbidity = 83 NTU, TDS = 585 mg/L, conductivity = 1190 S/cm, pH = 7.1 and temperature =17.8 °C), sand with GAC (turbidity = 12NTU, TDS = 540 mg/L, conductivity = 910 S/cm, pH = 7 and temperature =18 °C) and sand with cotton (turbidity = 6.4 NTU, TDS = 490 mg/L, conductivity = 1090 μS/cm, pH = 7.2 and temperature =17.6 °C). Sand has a treatment efficiency of 63.6 percent, sand with GAC has an efficiency of 84.9 percent, and sand with cotton has an efficiency of 84.2 percent at a flow rate of 0.66 L/min, when WQI is clean. With GAC, it is clear that the dual media filter is the finest special sand.
Since organic dyes are the main component of many industrial wastes, it is necessary to be removed efficiently and instantaneously. The aim of this research focuses on the synthesizing of organoclay by modifying kaolinite with cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and applying it for the removal of (methyl-orange) dye from water by the mechanisms of adsorption. The effects of several parameters, mainly agitation time, water pH, adsorbent doses, and dye concentrations, on the adsorption process were optimised using the central composite design (CCD) method, which was performed using MINITAB package (version 17). Results showed that the dye was completely (100%) removed at pH of 4.0, adsorbent dose of 0.4 g, dye concentration of 50 mg/L, and agitation speed of 160 rpm. In addition, it was found that Freundlich and Sips isotherms were the best models to track lab data. Moreover, the Pseudo second order method was found to be more convenient compared to other models for studying kinetics of the sorption mechanism. For column testing, an appropriate hydraulic conductivity and reactivity were obtained by combining modificatory kaolinite and glass waste with weight proportions of 50:50. Thus, empirical simulations such as those in the kinetic model of Clark have provided satisfactory consent for using the simulated methyl orange.
The maintenance of the human body, including any actions that may be taken to keep it free from disease and intoxication and to facilitate access to treatment, are all part of good health. Having a wide variety of molecular weights, polyethylene oxide (PEO) is a hydrophilic, uncrosslinked, nonlinear system polymer. It’s made from ethylene oxide, which has a lot of advantages for medicine administration and antimicrobial purposes. Polyethylene oxide bactericidal activity at different PEO concentrations value (80, 40, 20 and 10 μg/ml) against five isolates of Bacillus cereus isolated and identification from azo dye is investigated in this work (random selection from total isolates). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of each isolate were calculated, and PEO’s antibacterial activity was evaluated using the disk diffusion test. 85 Bacillus cereus isolates were collected from total azo dyes, PEO has a broad-spectrum antibacterial effect against tested bacteria, with an inverse connection between inhibitory zone diameter and PEO concentration, also even exceeds the activity of some drugs. The MICs of PEO ranged from 10 to 20 μg/ml, with MBCs ranging from 20 to 80 μg/ml. In other trials, PEO was shown to be strongly attached to bacterial cells, which might explain its effect on bacterial inhibitory growth and their invasion. At an appropriate concentration, PEO significantly inhibited bacterial growth. To avoid the development of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, it is strongly recommended that PEO be used as a cost-effective antibacterial agent, particularly when mixed with deys used at home or in enterprises.
Poly ethylene oxide is an uncrosslinked, non-ionic linear hydrophilic polymer with a variety of molecular weights. PEO is used to make it, and it offers a number of beneficial qualities for medication delivery and antibacterial uses. The antibacterial activity of polyethylene oxide (PEO) at various concentrations as (80, 40, 20, 10 g/ml) against bacteria in Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes and Lactobacillus sp. and Gram-negative Enterobacter bugandensis, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia was investigated in this study. The disk diffusion experiment was used to assess the antimicrobial activity of PEO, as well as each isolate’s minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). PEO is shown to have strong broad-spectrum antibacterial action against the bacteria studied, that inhibition zone increase their width inversely proportional to PEO concentration, and has even outpaced the efficacy of certain medicines. PEO had MICs ranging from 10 to 20 g/ml, as well as MBCs of 20 to 80 g/ml. In additional studies, PEO was discovered to be strongly associated with the cell of bacteria, which contributed to its inhibitory impact on bacterial invasion and growth. PEO at an appropriate dose effectively decreased bacterial growth. PEO is highly recommended as a cost-effective antibacterial treatment, Specifically, ectopic infection treatment without the risk of bacterial strains becoming antibiotic-resistant.
Urban land-cover change is increasing dramatically in most emerging countries. In Iraq and in the capital city (Baghdad). Active socioeconomic progress and political stability have pushed the urban border into the countryside at the cost of natural ecosystems at ever- growing rates. Widely used classifier of Maximum Likelihood was used for classification of 2003 and 2021 Landsat images. This classifier achieved 83.20% and 99.58% overall accuracies for 2003 and 2021 scenes, respectively. This study found that the urban area decreases by 16.4% and the agriculture area decrease by 5.4% over the period. On the other hand, barren land has been expanded up to more than 7% as well as increasing in water land that should probably due to flooding (almost 15% more than 2003). To reduce the undesirable effects of land-cover changes over urban ecosystems in Baghdad and in the municipality in specific, it is suggested that Baghdad develops an urban development policy. The emphasis of policy must be the maintenance an acceptable balance among urban infrastructure development, ecological sustainability and agricultural production.
The Al-Najaf state is witnessing an increased economic development and attracting more investments that require the development of new areas and exploring new water resources. This study evaluates the quality of 12 surface water samples and groundwater from 12 wells for irrigation according to the salinity and sodicity hazards based on electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). In addition, the concentrations of radionuclides, which include Thorium (232Th), Uranium (238U), Potassium (40K) and Cesium (137Cs) were tested in four soil samples in the study area. It was found that the average values of pH, total hardness, Na, Ca, Mg, K, Cl, SO4, NO3 for groundwater and surface water were 8 and 6, 2287 and 4006 mg/L, 1140 and 1232 mg/L, 378 and 637 mg/L, 327 and 587 mg/L, 2 and 2 mg/L, 989 and 2007 mg/L, 1149 and 1325 mg/L, as well as 2 and 2 mg/L, respectively. From salinity and sodicity hazards analysis, the groundwater had EC of 5242 µS/cm and SAR of 61, whereas surface water had EC of 6253 µS/cm and SAR of 50. Furthermore, the concentrations of radionuclides, i.e. 232Th, 238U, 40K and 137Cs in the soil samples were found to be 11.02, 34.12, 544.45, and 1.6 Bq/kg, respectively. The concentrations of radionuclides were within the worldwide baseline, expect for 40K. The study concluded that both water sources are classified as very high salinity and sodium water (class C4-S4), and it cannot be used for irrigation, only suitable for the salt tolerant crops.
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