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Copper ions removal by different sorbents from model aqueous solutions was investigated. The decrease of copper ions after addition of biosorbents prepared from mosses Sphagnum sp., Polytrichum commune and a green alga Parachlorella kessleri was compared to copper removal by commercial cationic exchanger Amberlite IR 120. The maximum sorption capacity obtained was 7.4 mg.g-1 (96.1%) and 71 mg.g-1 (95.3%) for ion-exchanger at a solution with concentration of copper ions 16 mg.l-1 and 160 mg.l-1, respectively. A significant copper (II) uptake was achieved within 10 min after addition of biomass Parachlorella kessleri and Shpagnum sp. Their maximal uptake efficiency 92.8% and 85.4%, respectively is comparable to efficiency of ion-exchanger at low copper (II) concentration in solutions. However, at higher copper concentration ion-exchanger was more efficient in copper removal. The advantage of biomass is high biosorption capacity, high efficiency achieved very quickly and cost-effectiveness especially for solutions with low metal concentration (under 100 mg.l-1). These parameters determine biomass as economical alternatives for metal removal from solution during final, polishing step or drinking water preparation.
Zbadano usuwanie jonów miedzi za pomocą różnych sorbentów z modelowego roztworu wodnego. Zmniejszenie liczby jonów miedzi po dodaniu biosorbentów przygotowanych z mchów Sphagnum sp., Polytrichum commune oraz zielonych alg Parachlorella kessleri porównano z usuwaniem miedzi za pomocą kationowych wymienników Amberlite IR 120. Maksymalna wydajność sorpcji została osiągnięta przy poziomie, odpowiednio, 7.4 oraz 160 mg.g-1. Znaczący wychwyt miedzi (II) został osiągnięty w czasie 10 minut po dodaniu biomasy Parachlorella kessleri oraz Shpagnum sp. Ich maksymalna skuteczność, odpowiednio 92.8% oraz 85.4% jest porównywalna do skuteczności wymienników jonowych przy niskim stężeniu miedzi (II) w roztworach. Jednakże, przy wyższym stężeniu miedzi wymiennik jonowy był bardziej skuteczny w usuwaniu miedzi. Przewagą biomasy jest wysoka wydajność biosorpcji, skuteczność osiągana bardzo szybko przy niskich kosztach, zwłaszcza dla roztworów o niskim stężeniu metali (poniżej 100 mg.lg-1). Parametry te determinują biomasę jako ekonomiczną alternatywę do usuwania metali z roztworu podczas finalnego kroku lub przygotowania wody pitnej.
A new foraminiferal fauna from Early Triassic (Induan) strata of the Çaglayik section on the “Strandzha Massif”, north-west Turkey, comprises five species precisely determined and five species in open nomenclature belonging to ten genera. They belong to the post-extinction foraminiferal assemblage of the Permian-Triassic crisis, characterized by the presence of both disaster taxa (Earlandia and Postcladella kalhori) and Lazarus taxa (Diplosphaerina inaequalis, Rectostipulina quadrata, Arenovidalina sp. and Glomospira sp.). The present study at Tütünlüktepe Formation identified for the first time the Permian foraminifers on the Strandzha Massif as relict members of a post-extinction foraminiferal assemblage.
Three sections (Rebro, Lyalintsi and Velinovo) of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate sequences from the Lyubash unit (Srednogorie, Balkanides, SW Bulgaria) have been studied for elucidation of biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution. Palaeontological studies of foraminifera, supplemented by studies of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts and corals, enabled the determination of the Oxfordian-Valanginian age of the analysed sequences. They were deposited on the Dragoman Block (western part of the Moesian Platform), and during Mid-Late Cretaceous included to the Srednogorie. A possible Middle to Late Callovian age of the lowermost part (overlying the Bajocian-Lower Bathonian Polaten Formation) of the studied sections assumed till now has not been confirmed by the present studies. Eleven facies have been distinguished and attributed to depositional environments. Marine sedimentation on a homoclinal ramp started in the Oxfordian and till the Early Kimmeridgian - in all three sections - was dominated by fine-grained peloidal-bioclastic wackestones to grainstones. Since the Late Kimmeridgian, when a rimmed platform established, facies pattern underwent differentiation into (i) the inner platform (lagoon and tidal flat facies) - only in Velinovo, (ii) reef and peri-reef facies/bioclastic shoals - mainly in Lyalintsi, and (iii) platform slope - mainly in Rebro. Sedimentation generally displays a shallowing-upward trend. Two stages in evolution of the rimmed platform are postulated. The mobile stage lasting till the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary was followed by a more stable stage in the Berriasian to Valanginian time. Reefs are developed mainly as coral-microbial biostromes, lower coral bioherms or coral thickets, in the environment of moderate energy and sedimentation. They contain highly diversified corals (72 species). Micro- bialites contributed to the reef framework, but they never dominated. Locally, microencrusters and cement crusts formed important part of reefal framework. During the mobile stage of the platform evolution a relative sea-level rise interrupted reef development, as evidenced by intercalations of limestones with Saccocoma. During the second stage high carbonate production and/or regressive eustatic events, not balanced by subsidence, decreased accommodation space, limiting reef growth and enhancing carbonate export to distal parts of the platform.
The Callovian to Berriasian pelagic carbonates in the Western Fore-Balkan crop out as a part of the Middle Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous peri-platform marine sediments deposited on the northern Tethyan continental margin. This pelagic record consists of marl-limestone alternation (Bov Formation), grey micritic limestones with reddish nodular limestones (Javorets Formation), Ammonitico Rosso type red nodular limestones (Gintsi Formation) and Biancone-type grey micritic regularly bedded limestones (Glozhene Formation) (Sapunov 1976). The total thickness of this succession exceeds 400 m. Rich ammonite faunas recorded from the Bov, Javorets and Gintsi Formations enabled ammonite zonation and age assignment: Macrocephalites spp., Hecticoceras spp. and Kosmoceras spp. zones (Callovian), P. athletoides, C. renggeri, P. (D.) episcopallis, P. (D.) antecedens and G. riazi zones (Oxfordian), H. beckeri zone (Upper Kimmeridgian) and H. hybonotum, S. schwertschlageri and V. rothpletzi zones (Tithonian). The stratigraphic distribution and relative abundance of pelagic microplankton organisms (thin-shelled bivalves, planktonic foraminifers, radiolarians, calcareous dinocysts, pelagic echinoderms and calpionellids) have been used for biostratigraphy and/or recognition of microbiofacies. Within the Oxfordian- Berriasian interval the calcareous dinocyst zones: C. fibrata, C. borzai, C. tithonica, P. malmica, C. tenuis, C. fortis, St. proxima and St. wanneri are recorded. The Middle Tithonian to Berriasian interval is characterized by the successive calpionellid zones: Chitinoidella, Praetintinnopsella, Crassicollaria, Calpionella and Calpionellopsis (Lakova et al. 1999). Five microbiofacies within the pelagic carbonates are superposed: mudstone and wackestone with filaments of pelagic bivalves (Callovian), Globuligerina wackestone and radiolarian wackestone [Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian(?)], Saccocoma wackestones (Kimmeridgian – Lower Tithonian) Globochaete mudstone (Middle Tithonian) and calpionellid mudstone (Upper Tithonian and Berriasian) (Fig. 1). The estimated average rate of sedimentation within the Callovian-Berriasian pelagic succession in the Western Fore-Balkan varying from 9 to 26 mm/10 3 years is characteristic for the transition from relatively condensed to stratigraphically expanded sections in the Upper Jurassic of the Tethyan region. This rate is lower during the Callovian to Kimmeridgian and increased significantly in the Tithonian and Berriasian. Probable explanations are partial carbonate dissolution of the red nodular limestones in the Late Jurassic and the increased bioproductivity of nannoplankton in the Berriasian.
This study deals with the successions located in the Lyubash unit (SW Bulgaria), which represents a part of the Moesian Carbonate Platform in Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous time interval. According to the recent tectonic scheme of Bulgaria (Dabovski et al. 2002) the Lyubash unit belongs to Srednogorie tectonic zone of the Balkan orogenic system. Three sections have been sampled and studied – Rebro, Lyalintsi and Velinovo, which are built up by thick-bedded to massive light grey to whitish organogenic and micritic limestones of the Javorets, Gintsi and Slivnitsa formations. Detailed studies on foraminifera and calcareous dinocyst, provided new biostratigraphic data, and confirmed the Middle Callovian-Valanginian age of the examined sediments as assumed previously by Sapunov et al. (1985). Foraminifera are particularly abundant in the lagoon facies, and represented by genera: Globuligerina, Ophthalmidium, Cornuspira, Ammobaculites, Mesoendothyra, Labyrinthina, Kurnubia, Pseudocyclammina, Dobrogelina, Rumanoloculina, Hechtina, Meandrospira, Valvulina, Trocholina, and Neotrocholina. The sedimentological analysis allowed recognizing microfacies groups assigned to three facies zones: platform slope facies, reef and peri-reef facies and lagoon-tidal flat facies. The development of the platform is characterized by complex vertical and lateral alternation of the studied microfacies. Platform slope facies are prevalent at the section Rebro; the Lyalintsi section is dominated by reef and peri-reef facies, and the section Velinovo is mainly dominated by lagoon facies. Sea-level fluctuations are observed, however generally, a shallowing-upward trend in the platform evolution is observed in all three sections. Coral-microbial reefs are developed as biostromes, and contain numerous and highly differentiated scleractinian corals: 70 species (6 new) from 50 genera (4 new). Among them following corals are the most common: phacelloid Latomeandra, Stylosmilia, Thecosmilia, Cladophyllia, ramose Solenocoenia, Meandrophyllia, lameller Synastraea and Microsolena. Reef development has been disturbed by sea level rise, evidenced by limestones with Saccocoma, intercalated with coral biostromes.
Two types (basin and shelf) of Triassic and Jurassic Tethyan sediments participate in the structure of eastern Stara Planina Mts. (eastern Bulgaria). A parautochtonous position is assumed for the basin type rocks. The shelf sediments are allochtonous and can be observed as olistolites included in the Lower Jurassic Sini Vir Formation and in the Middle Jurassic Kotel Formation. The parautochtonous sediments take part in the composition of the probable overthrust structures refolded in antiformal and synformal structures, and intensely eroded before Late Cretaceous times. From the geological heritage point of view, the Triassic and Jurassic sediments of the region are included in a large unit - geosites framework - composed of 19 geosites: 10 in the parautochtonous and 9 in the allochtonous sediments. They exhibit different geological (tectonical, stratigraphical, palaeontological, etc.) features.
W strukturze wschodniej Starej Planiny (wschodnia Bułgaria) występują dwa typy triasowych i jurajskich osadów Tetydy: basenowe i szelfowe. Skały pochodzenia basenowego uważane są za parautochtoniczne. Osady szelfowe są allochtoniczne. Występują one w dolnojurajskiej formacji Sini Vir oraz w środkowojurajskiej formacji Kotel, w formie olistolitów. Osady parautochtoniczne uczestniczą w prawdopodobnej strukturze płaszczowinowej, przefałdowanej w struktury antyklinalne i synklinalne, intensywnie zerodowanej przed górną kredą. Z punktu widzenia dziedzictwa geologicznego, osady triasowe i jurajskie omawianego regionu tworzą dużą zbiorczą jednostkę geotopową, obejmującą 19 geotopów: 10 w osadach parautochtonicznych, 9 w osadach allochtonicznych. Posiadają one różnorodne cechy geologiczne (tektoniczne, stratygraficzne, paleontologiczne itp.).
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