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The aim of the presented work was an attempt to verify the geothermal conditions in the Polish Lowlands (Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous reservoir) based on new geological information. The paper presents geothermal conditions in the Polish Lowlands according to the state of recognition at the end of 2022 in order to update the hydrogeothermal conditions in selected regions. Based on the scientific and research works published so far as well as numerous geothermal investments, and geological information from twenty-three new exploratory drilling events performed in the years 2000-2022 (nineteen of which were performed/documented after 2006), the authors undertook to update forecasts of the top surface of Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous formations, the total thickness of these formations and the potential discharge of wells. The analysis was performed using the QGIS Desktop 3.24.1 software, a cross-platform and free open-source geoinformation software application (GIS ) that enables the viewing, editing and analyzing of spatial data and the creation of maps. The correction covered the course of the isolines on all six analyzed maps. The presented analysis made it possible to make a spot correction of the forecasted course of the isoline in relation to the maps published earlier in the Atlas of geothermal resources in the Polish Lowlands. Mesozoic formations developed in 2006, edited by Wojciech Górecki. Information obtained from newly drilled geothermal boreholes enabled the local correction of the forecasted values of individual parameters while maintaining the general trend.
Celem pracy była próba weryfikacji uwarunkowań geotermalnych na Niżu Polskim (zbiornik dolnej jury i dolnej kredy) na podstawie nowych informacji geologicznych. W pracy przedstawiono uwarunkowania geotermalne na Niżu Polskim według stanu rozpoznania na koniec 2022 r. w celu aktualizacji warunków hydrogeotermalnych w wybranych regionach. Na podstawie dotychczas opublikowanych prac naukowo-badawczych, a także zrealizowanych licznych inwestycji geotermalnych, oraz informacji geologicznej z nowych 23 wierceń poszukiwawczych zrealizowanych w latach 2000-2022 (19 z nich wykonano/udokumentowano po roku 2006), autorzy podjęli się aktualizacji prognoz zalegania stropu utworów jury dolnej i kredy dolnej, miąższości całkowitej tych utworów oraz potencjalnej wydajności ujęć geotermalnych. Analizę wykonano z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania QGIS Desktop 3.24.1, wieloplatformowego, wolnego i otwartego oprogramowania geoinformacyjnego (GIS ) umożliwiającego przeglądanie, edytowanie i analizowanie danych przestrzennych oraz tworzenie map. Korekta objęła przebieg izolinii na wszystkich sześciu analizowanych mapach. Zaprezentowane analizy pozwoliły na dokonanie punktowej korekty prognozowanego przebiegu izolinii w odniesieniu do publikowanych wcześniej map w Atlasie zasobów geotermalnych na Niżu Polskim. Formacje mezozoiku opracowanym w 2006 r., pod redakcją naukową Wojciecha Góreckiego. Informacje uzyskane z nowo wykonanych otworów geotermalnych pozwoliły na lokalną korektę prognozowanych wartości poszczególnych parametrów przy zachowaniu ogólnego trendu.
Based on the current data regarding one of the large combustion plants (LCP) in Poland, there was determined the relationship between the costs of exhaust gas treatment applied as a result of progressive limitation of air emissions of certain pollutants from LCPs in the EU and the costs associated with the environmental effects of emission reduction. The analyses were carried out in consideration of the emission limits for particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) laid down in the EU Directives (LCP and IED) and the BAT conclusions. The costs of exhaust gas treatment were examined as regards the investment costs, at the assumed amortisation period of 20 years, as well as the operating costs including the increase in electricity used for own consumption. The costs per unit mass of a given pollutant reduced due to the exhaust gas treatment installation were compared with relevant environmental fees and the avoided external costs related to the pollutants analysed. There was also performed the analysis of PM, SO2 and NOX concentrations in the areas neighbouring the LCP under the study. The obtained results clearly show that with careful planning for investment expenditures related to the construction of the exhaust gas treatment installation, the avoided external costs are several times higher than the incurred expenses. The benefits of tightening the emission regulations are evident not only in terms of the reduction of the external costs, but also in the considerable decrease of the concentration at ground levels.
W artykule wykorzystując rzeczywiste dane z jednej z polskich dużych elektrociepłowni określano relacje miedzy kosztami oczyszczenia spalin do poziomu wynikających z kolejnych ograniczeń prawnych wyprowadzanych w UE, a środowiskowymi skutkami zmniejszenia emisji. Rozpatrzono ograniczenia wynikające z dyrektyw LCP, IED oraz konkluzji BAT dla trzech substancji: pyłu, dwutlenku siarki i tlenków azotu. Po stronie kosztów uwzględniono zarówno koszty inwestycyjne przyjmując 20 letni okres amortyzacja instalacji jak i eksploatacyjne, w tym zwiększanie potrzeb własnych elektrociepłowni. Koszty odniesione do jednostki masy zatrzymanej w instalacji oczyszczającej spaliny substancji porównano z kosztami opłat środowiskowych oraz unikniętymi kosztami zewnętrznymi związanymi z rozważanymi zanieczyszczeniami. Przeprowadzono także analizę zmian immisji zanieczyszczeń wokół elektrociepłowni. Uzyskane wyniki jednoznacznie wskazuję, że przy właściwym planowaniu wydatków inwestycyjnych związanych z budową instalacji oczyszczających, uniknięte koszty zewnętrzne wielokrotnie przekraczają ponoszone nakłady finansowe. Pozytywne skutki zaostrzania standardów emisji widoczne są nie tylko w aspekcie zmniejszenia kosztów zewnętrznych, ale także znaczącym zmniejszeniem immisji wokół elektrociepłowni.
The energy sector worldwide is a significant source of air pollutant emission. In Poland, the vast majority of heat and electricity is generated in coal-fired heat and power plants. There is a common belief that high greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector in Poland are mainly due to the technological processes involving the conversion of energy by burning fossil fuels. However, coal mining also causes a high environmental burden. This paper aimed to determine the carbon footprint of a typical hard coal-fired heating plant in Poland, taking into account mining of hard coal, its transport to the heating plant and useful energy generation in the heating plant. The investigation carried out allowed comparing the process steps and determining which of them is the dominant source of the greenhouse gas emissions. The obtained results show that hard coal mining and hard coal transport account for almost 65% and 5% of total equivalent carbon dioxide emission, respectively. Energy transformations in the heating plant account for 30% of total equivalent carbon dioxide emission, where approx. 29% is due to hard coal burning and 1% due to electricity consumption. The relative shares of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in total equivalent carbon dioxide emission account for approx. 91%, 4% and 5%, respectively.
The use of motor vehicles varies considerably under distinct traffic conditions: in cities, outside cities as well as on motor-ways and expressways. The impact of road traffic on the natural environment has been studied for many years, including in terms of the nature of the operation of motor vehicles. This problem is particularly important in highly urbanized areas, where traffic congestion is the source of increased emissions of harmful compounds contained in exhaust gases. For this reason, many cities have traffic restrictions, especially for those cars that do not meet the most stringent emission standards. Environmental protection is the driving force behind the development of modern combustion engine supply systems, which allow for proper control of the combustion of petroleum-derived fuels. The exhaust gas cleaning systems in the form of catalytic converters or particulate matter filters are also playing a very important role. Considerable differences in internal combustion engine operating states, both static and dynamic, result in important differences in pollutant emissions. Likewise, the national annual pollutant emission is affected by the share of distances travelled by vehicles under various traffic conditions. At the same time, it is very difficult to estimate exhaust emissions from road transport sources. Very interesting method of emission estimation is the application of the data included in the emission inventory which are a valuable source of information on exhaust emissions under various operating conditions. In the present study, the annual pollutant emissions were analyzed: at a national level (total pollutant emission) and in distinct traffic conditions. There were found large differences between individual pollutants’ shares in the emissions from vehicles under the tested traffic conditions. This is particularly evident for nitrogen oxides with the highest emission share outside cities, as opposed to other substances with the highest emission shares in cities, where traffic congestion is taking place.
Do strat i marnotrawstwa żywności dochodzi na każdym etapie produkcji żywności, począwszy od produkcji podstawowej surowców przez przetwórstwo, transport, magazynowanie, handel oraz gastronomię, a skończywszy na konsumpcji. Wszystkie ogniwa odpowiadają za straty i marnotrawstwo żywności, jednak ich skala jest różna. Artykuł prezentuje próbę oszacowania skali strat i marnotrawstwa żywności w Polsce na podstawie wyników badań przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu PROM. Analiza dotyczy poszczególnych ogniw łańcucha żywnościowego oraz wybranych sektorów. Przeanalizowano także uzyskane wyniki w kontekście dotychczas dostępnych danych zarówno dla Polski, jak i innych krajów UE. Oszacowana wielkość strat dla wszystkich ogniw łańcucha żywnościowego to 4 840 946 t rocznie. Uzyskane szacunki mogą być obarczone błędem ze względu na trudności w pozyskaniu danych, szczególnie z niektórych sektorów, i zbyt małą próbę badawczą. Wskazują jednak na największy – 60% udział gospodarstw domowych w marnowaniu żywności, natomiast produkcja i przetwórstwo żywności odpowiadają łącznie za 30%. Szacunki te wskazują kierunki działań, które powinny być podejmowane w Polsce, aby w sposób efektywny przeciwdziałać marnowaniu i stratom żywności.
Food losses and food wastage occur at every stage of food production, beginning from basic manufacture of raw materials via processing, transport, storage, trade and gastronomy, and finally, at consumption stage. All mentioned links are responsible for food losses and waste however, their scale is different. The present paper provides an attempt of estimating the scale of food losses and waste in Poland based upon the results of the studies, conducted within the frames of PROM project. The analysis concerns the particular links of food chain and the selected sectors. The obtained results were also analyzed in the context of the so far available data for Poland as well as for other EU countries were also analyzed. The estimated amount of food losses in the food chain is 4 840 946 tons per year. The obtained estimates may be biased due to difficulties in obtaining data, especially from certain sectors, and too small a research sample. However, they indicate the largest – 60% share of households in wasting food, while the production and processing of food is 30% in total. These estimates indicate the directions of actions that should be taken in Poland in order to effectively counteract food waste and losses.
Z analiz wynika, że za przekroczenie poziomu dopuszczalnego pyłu PM10 i benzo(a)piren odpowiada przede wszystkim sektor bytowo-komunalny, którego udział w zanieczyszczeniu powietrza może wynosić ponad 80% w zależności od regionu. Zgodnie z raportem "Ocena jakości powietrza za 2015 r.", wykonanym przez Inspekcję Ochrony Środowiska, spośród 46 stref, na które nasz kraj jest podzielony, stwierdzono przekroczenia na obszarze 39 stref ze względu na przekroczenie dopuszczalnego poziomu pyłu PM10, 23 stref ze względu na przekroczenie dopuszczalnych poziomów pyłu PM2,5 oraz 44 stref ze względu na przekroczenie poziomu docelowego benzo(a)pirenu. Wpływ dużych źródeł punktowych (przemysłu) na stężenia szkodliwych substancji w powietrzu nie przekraczał 10%.
This article presents results of the inventory of pollutant emission from motor vehicles in Poland. To determine emission from motor vehicles in Poland COPERT 5 software was used for the first time. In addition, a comparison of the national emission from motor vehicles in 2016 and in 2015 was included. Pollutants harmful to health were considered primarily: carbon monoxide, organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Emission of substances contributing to the intensification of the greenhouse effect were also examined: carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrous oxide. It was found that the relative increase in volume of emission of carbon monoxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds is less than 10%, and nitrogen oxides and particulate matter less than 15%. The relative increase in carbon dioxide emission is approximately 14%, which corresponds to a relative increase in fuel consumption. The relative increase of volume of heavy metal emission is similar. The assessment of the energy emission factor (emission of pollution related to energy equal to used fuel) proves that - amongst pollutants harmful to health - for carbon monoxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds there is a relative reduction by approximately 5% in 2016, and for nitrogen oxides and particulate matter - increase by approximately (3-4)%.
The inventory results of pollutant emission from motor vehicles in Poland comparing to the emission of pollutants in the European Union have been presented in the paper. The analysis is based on the official results of the pollution inventory reported to the European Union. Emission of the following substances was considered for the years 1990-2016 for Poland and the European Union from all civilization and road transport activities: carbon monoxide, non-methan volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter consisting of fractions: total suspended particles, PM10 and PM2.5. It was observed that the share of pollutant emission from road transport in Poland is smaller than for the entire European Union. This is especially evident in the case of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. As a result of the analysis of the emission inventory in the European Union, it was confirmed that the share of motorization in the emission of pollutants harmful to human health is significantly smaller in Poland than in the entire European Union. Therefore, conducting a detailed analysis of specific distance emission of pollutants from a statistical vehicle as well as extending research on greenhouse gas emission from motor vehicles is recommended.
Within the Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute the Central Emission Database is being established. The Database will cover the most important emission sectors from anthropogenic activities, including usage of motor vehicles. The intensity of emissions of individual pollutants is the input data to air pollution dispersion models. Based on calculations performed by the air pollution dispersion models concentration of pollutants dispersed in atmospheric air (pollution immission) is provided. The annual average immision for a selected place in Poland is a measure of the threat to environment. In order to determine the intensity of pollutant emissions from motor vehicles it is necessary to recognize the intensity of vehicle motion and the volume of emission of pollutants depending on the type of vehicle motion. The task presented in this article is to determine the characteristics of pollutant emissions from motor vehicles depending on the type of their motion. The mean value of vehicle speeds was used to characterize the type of vehicle motion. The emission of pollutants from vehicles is therefore characterized by the dependence of road emissions of pollutants on the average speed of vehicles. The characteristics were determined for cumulated categories of motor vehicles: passenger cars, light commercial vehicles as well as heavy duty trucks and buses. The results of the inventory of pollutant emissions from motor vehicles in Poland in 2016 were used to determine the characteristics of pollutant emissions.
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