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Content available remote Design of a mixture for construction purposes using secondary energy products
The article deals with research into the possibilities of creating a material that would be a combination of SEP with alkali-activated systems, which today are referred to as geopolymers. SEPs are secondary energy wastes, which are referred to as fly ash, slag and products of flue gas
desulfurization technology. Geopolymers are complex composites whose binder component consists of aluminosilicates in combination with alkaline activators.
Grinding of hardened steels is often an important used technology at finishing. Products made from these materials in mechanical engineering are often used, and a quality of the workpiece surface roughness after grinding is one of the important parameters that to us speaks about the quality
of the machining process. The paper deals with the influence of the selected cutting conditions when grinding bearing steel 100Cr6 (EN 10027–1) on their machined surface roughness.
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