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We present the results of our analysis of Gaia19dke, an extraordinary microlensing event in the Cygnus constellation that the Gaia satellite discovered. This event featured a strong microlensing parallax effect, resulting in multiple light curve peaks. We conducted extensive photometric, spectroscopic, and high-resolution imaging follow-up observations to determine the mass and nature of the invisible lensing object. Using the Milky Way priors on the density and proper motion of lenses, we found that the lens is likely to be located at a distance of DL=3.3+2.1-1.7 kpc, and has a mass of ML=0.50+0.82-0.27 M☉. Based on its low luminosity and mass, we propose that the lens in the Gaia19dke event is either a main sequence star or an isolated white dwarf. Due to its brightness, longevity, and lack of blending, Gaia19dke is a target for which the forthcoming Gaia Data Release 4 data will help to constrain the parameters of the lens.
Content available remote New Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of the Eclipsing Binary V2080 Cygni
We present new spectroscopic and photometric measurements of the eclipsing binary V2080 Cyg. It is a detached system with similar components and an orbital period of 4.9 d. We collected spectroscopic data with two instruments, 1.88 m DDO telescope equipped with Cassegrain spectrograph and 0.5 m PST1 connected to a fiber-fed echell\'e spectrograph. We collected 127 measurements for each component, which significantly increase the number of available radial velocity measurements for the V2080 Cyg system. Obtained masses of the eclipsing components are M1=1.189± 0.007 and M2=1.138±0.007 M☉. We also collected a multicolor photometry. The three-band light curves obtained together with the radial velocity data enabled us to calculate the model of the system. New estimations of the orbital inclination and radii of the components were computed. We obtained as well new times of minima. The O-C diagrams indicate variation, which requires more recent data to be confirmed. The possible existence of a third body could cause a light-time effect in the system. In addition, we analyze the Gaia mission results. V2080 Cyg A has three visual companions. However, according to Gaia parallaxes and proper motions, they cannot be dynamically connected with the eclipsing binary and therefore are background stars.
Content available remote Over a Century of δ Ceti Variability Investigation
We present results of a 2014-2018 campaign of radial velocity measurements of δ Ceti. Combining our determination of pulsation period with historical data we conclude that the most likely explanation of observed changes is the presence of a secondary component with a minimum mass of 1.10±0.05 Mo on an orbit with a period of 169±6 yr. Consequently, we revised the intrinsic, evolutionary period change rate to be not larger than 0.018±0.004 s/century, which is significantly lower than previous estimations and is consistent with evolutionary models. We did not find any significant multiperiodic frequencies in radial velocity periodograms such as those reported in the photometric data from the MOST satellite. Using interferometric angular size of δ Ceti from JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalogue we determined several physical parameters of the star with bolometric flux method. They turned out to be consistent with most previous determinations, confirming lower mass and slower evolution of δ Ceti than obtained using different methods.
Nauki zajmujące się zjawiskami elektrycznymi czerpią mocno z tego, co podpatrzyliśmy w przyrodzie ożywionej, a elektryczność i procesy życiowe są ściśle ze sobą związane. Czy można pozyskiwać energię z organizmów żywych?
Content available remote Cell proliferation induced by modified cationic dextran
The interaction between oppositely charged membranes and polycations causes cell aggregation, loss of membrane fluidity, and membrane degeneration and may cause an increase of its permeability. Unfortunately, the interaction is the reason why the use of polycations in medicine is severely limited. Therefore, in this paper, we share our observations related to the action of 40-kDa dextran modified using glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride, resulting in increased fibroblast cell proliferation. Using viability and proliferation tests [3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide, crystal violet, 3H-thymidine incorporation], we have observed that cationic dextran derivatives exert a positive impact on nonepithelial cell proliferation in vitro. This phenomenon has been noted for human and mouse fibroblasts and several other nonepithelial cell lines. However, the effect seems to be most pronounced for fibroblast cell lines. The presented studies allow to examine the impact of the polymer structure and the methods of its cationic modification on this newly observed phenomenon. The observation is unique because positively charged macromolecules usually exhibit high toxicity in all cell types in vitro.
Content available remote Spectroscopy of the Eclipsing Binary BD-00°2862. Possible Multiplicity
We present the first spectroscopic analysis of the eclipsing binary BD-00°2862. The All Sky Automated Survey light curves yield orbital period of the system of 2.15 d. The shape of the light curve reveals that the components are almost spherical and the binary is detached. The eclipses depths show significant difference of the components' temperature. We acquired spectra with 0.5-m telescope equipped with an echellé spectrograph. The spectra are dominated by the lines of the more luminous component, which is about five times more luminous than its close companion. Obtained radial velocities together with the light curves enabled us to obtain a model of the system using the Wilson-Devinney method. The mass ratio of the stars is 0.67 and the size of the semi-major axis is 8.6 R⊙. The masses of the eclipsing components are M1=1.08±0.03 M⊙ and M2=0.72±0.02 M⊙. The stars are not evolved and the radii are close to the main sequence values: R1=1.21±0.01 R⊙ and R2=0.71±0.01 R⊙. The evolutionary tracks show that the system is probably on the pre main sequence stage. The photometric parallax yields distance of 131 pc, which is comparable with the one obtained by Gaia mission - 130 pc. We carried out a spectrum analysis for the main component obtaining its temperature of 5600±400 K and the metallicity - [M/H]=-0.30±0.20. The star has a visual companion separated by about 12". The companion has proper motion comparable to the one of the main star. Additionally, its distance based on the trigonometric parallax is equal within errors with the distance of component A. Therefore, the companion is probably a part of the system. Its spectral type is M3 and the estimated mass - about 0.3M⊙.
Content available remote GT Ursae Majoris AB - a Possible Quadruple System
We present the first spectroscopic study of an eclipsing system GT UMa. Our spectra show that the main visual component A is a triple-lined star, which consists of a close eclipsing pair and a farther third component. Radial velocity measurements show evidence of reflex motion. We used Hipparcos and our own R-band light curves for the analysis. These results enabled us to calculate absolute parameters of the eclipsing binary system: 1.37 M⊙ and 1.31 M⊙ and corresponding radii 2.11 R⊙ and 1.63 R⊙. Both eclipsing components are evolved. The orbital period of the eclipsing subsystem is 1.2 d and the semi-major axis - 6.5 R⊙. The wide orbit has low radial velocity amplitude and its parameters are difficult to determine. We obtained a preliminary solution which must be confirmed with future observations. The preliminary period of the wide orbit is 394 d and the lower limit for the semi-major axis - 174 R⊙ (0.81 a.u.). We estimated the mass of the third body to about 1.1 M⊙. Additionally, we investigated the visual companion B. We obtained spectra of this star and measured the radial velocity which is very close to the one of the component A. The proper motions and the parallax are also similar. These are strong arguments that component B is gravitationally bound with the main triple system A.
W artykule przedstawiono znaczące zmiany jakościowe w technice okrętowej, które nastąpiły w ostatnich kilkunastu latach. Odpowiednio do skutków tych zmian kształtują się zadania elektryków okrętowych. Skuteczne i przyszłościowe przygotowanie elektryków okrętowych wymaga uwzględnienia w programach i metodyce kształcenia aktualnego stanu techniki i głównych trendów jej rozwoju. Zasygnalizowano podstawowe kierunki rozwoju i zmian w technice okrętowej, uproszczony model kształcenia zawodowego, uwarunkowania kształcenia oraz propozycje aktualizacji procesu kształcenia uczelni morskiej.
Significant changes in marine technologies and work organization on board modern ships took place in the recent years. These changes expanded tasks and responsibilities of Electro-Technical Officers. Efficient and future oriented education process of ETOs must include these new trends in teaching programs and methodology.
In a von Neumann factor M of type II∞ with semifinite faithful normal trace τ, the q-th Schattentype norm ‖·‖q of an operator A ϵ M is defined as ‖A‖q = (τ(|A|q))1/q.We will prove that for every self-adjoint operator H ϵ M and any numbers q > 1, ε > 0, there exists a self-adjoint perturbation operator A ϵ M such that ‖A‖ < ε, ‖A‖q < ε and H + A has a pure point spectrum.We will also discuss the possibility of transferring this result onto other von Neumann factors.
Przedstawiono wyniki własnych analiz wpływu sposobu deskowania i podpierania deskowań na pracę statyczną ramowej konstrukcji monolitycznej w stadium jej realizacji. Określono rozkład sił wewnętrznych w konstrukcji w 7-dniowych cyklach realizacji, wykazując przeciążenie konstrukcji w fazie budowy.
The results of own analysis referring to the influence which mode of formwork and supporting formwork exert on the static work of frame monolithic construction in realisation phase have been presented. The internal forces in the construction has been determined on the basis of seven-days -in implementation cycle. It has testified to the construction overload in its construction phase.
Porównano metody stosowane w Polsce i wybranych innych krajach. Wskazano na różnice w zasadach obliczania i wartościach współczynników długości wyboczeniowej słupów. Zamieszczono przykład obliczenia współczynników długości wyboczeniowych słupów na wybranych wielonawowych wielokondygnacyjnych ramach o węzłach nieprzesuwnych.
The paper presents methods for calculating the effective length factors of reinforced concrete columns in non-sway frames, used in the United States of America, India and some European countries. Paper shows differences in approaches and values of the effective length factors of columns calculated according to those documents. The calculation was carried out on some examples of multi-span, multi-storey, non-sway frames.
Przeprowadzono badania skuteczności tradycyjnej opaski betonowej w postaci płyty monolitycznej i nawierzchni brukowej jako zabezpieczenia przed zawilgoceniem wodami opadowymi ścian przyziemia budynków. Wykonano badania zawilgocenia próbek gruntu znajdującego się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie ścian fundamentowych i pod opaską betonową oraz badania wilgotności gruntu. Wyniki badań opasek trzech obiektów nie wykazały ich skuteczności w zakresie ochrony przeciwwodnej. Stwierdzono, że opaski mogą powodować pogorszenie warunków wilgotnościowych gruntu w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie ścian fundamentowych.
The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the traditional concrete ties as the protection against damp basement walls run-off rain. The research results of the three objects haven’t demonstrated the insulation effectiveness of concrete ties. It can be concluded that the bands cause the deterioration of the damp conditions of the ground at the indirect distance from the basement walls.
The paper explains a method for discerning the parts of a water supply system in need of renovation. The results are based on technical data collected over the last twenty one years, concerning more than two hundred sections of both renovated and nonrenovated pipelines. In the study, an appropriately prepared data set was used for training an artificial neural network (ANN) in the form of a multilayer perceptron (MLP). Further comparison between the responses of the trained MLP and the decisions made by human experts showed satisfactory consistency, although 15% of the database records produced certain discrepancies. The presented method can help create an expert system capable of supporting failure-free operation of a water distribution system.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań porównawczych dwóch rodzajów zadajników elektrohydraulicznych służących do pozycjonowania suwaka w rozdzielaczu stosowanym w hydraulicznych układach mobilnych. Dla każdego z tych zadajników zbadano charakterystykę rozdzielacza, podstawowe parametry dynamiczne, takie jak odpowiedź na wymuszenie skokowe i sinusoidalne oraz histerezę. Wyniki tych badań zostały porównane z wynikami uzyskanymi podczas sterowania położeniem tłoczyska cylindra hydraulicznego w zamkniętym układzie regulacji. Celem było wyeksponowanie wpływu badanych parametrów na uzyskiwaną jakość regulacji.
This paper presents the results of comparative research performed over two types of electro-hydraulic pilot valves used for spool positioning in a mobile hydraulics directional control valve (DCV). The DCV characteristic, basic dynamic parameters like step and sinusoidal input response and hysteresis were evaluated for each of these pilot valves. The results of this research were compared with the results obtained during closed loop position control of a hydraulic cylinder rod. The goal was to exhibit the influence of the investigated parameters on the obtained control quality.
Zaprezentowano metodę typowania wodociągów wymagających przeprowadzenia remontu wykorzystującą sztuczne sieci neuronowe (SSN). W badaniach zastosowano dane zawierające informacje z ostatnich 21 lat o parametrach technicznych i wskaźnikach awaryjności ponad 200 odcinków wodociągów, zarówno tych, które poddane zostały remontom w tym okresie, jak i o wodociągach nieremontowanych. Odpowiednio przygotowany zbiór danych wejściowych został wykorzystany do trenowania sieci neuronowej w postaci perceptronu wielowarstwowego. Przedstawiono analizę działania wytrenowanej sieci neuronowej, porównując jej odpowiedzi z podjętymi w przeszłości decyzjami ekspertów o remontach wodociągów. Pomimo dobrej zgodności przewidywań SSN i opinii ekspertów, w większości przypadków stwierdzono około 15% sprzecznych decyzji. Zaproponowana metoda umożliwia stworzenie systemu eksperckiego, którego wdrożenie może poprawić wykorzystanie zasobów finansowych przedsiębiorstwa, przeznaczanych na utrzymanie niezawodnej infrastruktury wodnej.
The paper explains a method for discerning the parts of a water supply system in need of renovation, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The study uses data, collected over the last twenty-one years, containing information on condition assessment and failure indicators concerning more than two hundred sections of both renovated and nonrenovated pipelines. During the study, an appropriately prepared data set was used for training a neural network in the form of a multilayer perceptron. Further comparison of the predictions obtained using the trained ANN with the decisions made by human experts showed satisfactory consistency; however, it should be noted that for 15% of all cases from the database discrepancies were recorded. The proposed method enables creating an expert system, which implemented by a water supply company can improve its cost management and ensure failure-free operation of its water distribution system.
Content available Przepływowa mikroreometria w węźle mikrokanałów
Praca prezentuje zastosowanie układu mikrokanałów do konstrukcji przepływowego wiskozymetru o zminimalizowanych wymaganiach dotyczących objętości badanej próbki. Istotą jego działania jest obserwacja granicy kontaktu strumieni cieczy badanej i referencyjnej w mikrokanale i odniesienie jej pozycji do stosunków lepkości tych cieczy. Otrzymane wyniki pomiarów tak przebadanej cieczy jonowej zostały potwierdzone techniką pasywnej mikroreologii optycznej wskazując na możliwość wykorzystania obydwu technik do pomiarów, w których minimalizacja objętości próbki ma kluczowe znaczenie.
The application of microchannel-based flow-through viscometer characterized by minimized sample volume requirements is presented in the paper. The measurement was performed by the observation of laminar fluid-fluid interphase between two liquids and relating its position to viscosity ratio of both liquids. The obtained results were cross-checked with the passive optical rheometry showing a possibility of using these two techniques in case when a small sample volume is crucial.
Liquid-liquid extraction provides an environmentally friendly process as an alternative to azeotropic distillation, pervaporation and reverse osmosis because these techniques require the use of large amounts of energy, may involve volatile organic compounds, and operation at high pressureIonic liquids (ILs) continue to gain wide recognition as potential environmentally friendly solvents due to their unique properties. However due to their current high cost, their use in industry is seriously limited without an efficient methodology for recovery and recycle. In this paper we describe an innovative methodology for a liquid-liquid extraction process based on an electrically induced emulsion of an ionic liquid as the extracting solvent dispersed in an organic mixture. This offers a most efficient exploitation of the solvent. On the other hand we present our own design of a pilot (semi-industrial) scale extractor based on this methodology and which demonstrates effective recovery of the ionic liquid. In order to achieve this goal we used a numerical modelling tool implemented using our own simulation software based on the finite element method. We also used our original previous experience with generating and investigating liquid-liquid electrosprays using phase Doppler anemometry. Finally we present recommendations for contactor geometry and for the preferred operating conditions for the extractor.
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