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Frequency domain based signal processing methods such as cepstrum analysis, Hilbert Transform based demodulation, cyclostationary analysis, etc have been shown to present a quite effective behaviour in the detection of defects, when applied to the analysis of vibration signals, resulting from gear pairs with one or more defective gears. However, these methods typically require some complex and sophisticated analysis, which renders their application cumbersome for applications requiring unskilled personnel or automated fault detection and trending. Alternatively to these methods, morphological analysis for processing vibration signals has been proposed, addressing the issues of how to quantify the shape and the size of the signals directly in the time domain. Morphological analysis and the resulting morphological index is applied in this paper to a set of twelve successive vibration measurements resulting from a gearbox prior to tooth breakage. As shown, the morphological index is able monitor the evolution of the potential fault, providing a clear warning prior to the breakage of the tooth.
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