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This paper presents the possibility of using a fuzzy controller to correct metrological properties of an electric traction energy meter. So far, no algorithms based on fuzzy logic to determine the desired conversion value of the current channel of the electricity meter have been applied. Currently, for the mentioned channel, conventional methods of gain determination are used, based on a sequential algorithm that controls operation of the programmable gain amplifier. The proposed corrector is designed for smart and continuous modification of the conversion factor of the low-voltage input part of the current channel in the electric energy meter. The authors have performed an accurate analysis of the current function in the main circuit of an electric locomotive by creating a model of a traction inverter subject to asynchronous motor load. An essential concept is this paper is to present the possibility of having a multi-input fuzzy controller split into two-input controllers connected in parallel and cascade. By performing a computer simulation of systems used for correcting metrological properties of electric traction energy meters, it has been proven that the applied fuzzy systems, based on an expert’s knowledge of digitally controlled PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) type operational amplifiers, are advantageous.
This paper presents the theory about generating the braking curve and the analysis of the influence of the braking controller parameters on the generation of the braking curve of the train. In this paper, computed examples of braking quality developed using generic quality factor are shown, and on the basis of the calculations, weight components of the factor and an additional criterion for assessing the quality of braking were proposed. It has been demonstrated that the developed algorithms can be used to verify the effectiveness of the braking controller and the adjustment of the terms, and the change of these algorithms affects the shape of the generated braking curve of the train. It has been shown that the analysis of a failure of the propulsion car revealed the existence of a safe braking area. The performed statistical analysis confirmed the normal distribution of the scatter of braking results, for which the regression model fitted.
Content available remote Model symulacyjny parku wiatrowego
W artykule zaprezentowano, opracowany w środowisku programu PSCAD, model farmy wiatrowej stanowiący narzędzie obliczeniowe do badania możliwości wykorzystania farmy w procesach regulacyjnych mocy czynnej i biernej w sieciach elektroenergetycznych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych ilustrujące reakcję farmy wiatrowej na wymuszenia operatora systemu dystrybucyjnego w zakresie ograniczania maksymalnej wartości wytwarzanej mocy czynnej i produkcji mocy biernej na przebieg procesów elektromechanicznych zachodzących w turbozespołach wiatrowych.
The article presents, developed in the environment of the program PSCAD, model of a wind farm constituting software calculation tool to study the possibility of using farm in the regulatory processes of active and reactive in power networks. Presents the results of simulation studies to illustrate the reaction of the wind farm on action the distribution system operator for limiting the maximum value of generated active power and reactive power production for the electromechanical processes occurring in wind turbines.
W artykule omówiona została teoria i metoda generacji krzywej hamowania. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań dokładności i jakości hamowania oraz pokazano wpływ zmiany parametrów regulatora na modelowanie krzywej hamowania, a wyniki zostały zinterpretowane. Omówiono ogólny wskaźnik jakości hamowania oraz pokazano obliczenia jakości procesu hamowania docelowego uwzględniające realizację wzorcowej krzywej hamowania dla przykładowego procesu hamowania. Obliczenia krzywej hamowania zostały zrealizowane w oparciu o autorskie programowe odwzorowanie systemu realizującego także funkcję hamowania docelowego. Przedstawione zostały także wstępnie dobrane wagi poszczególnych składników wskaźnika jakości oraz rezultaty obliczeń jakości hamowania docelowego pociągu metra. Przedyskutowano wpływ awarii taboru (zanik napięcia) na proces bezpiecznego automatycznego zatrzymania pociągu.
In the paper a basic function of an Automatic Train Operation (ATO) called target braking has been discussed. The most important assumptions of this function have been discussed in detail. The author's simulation model, which was developed to study the impact of the propulsion systems on the precision and quality of train braking also allows to perform in dynamic conditions the target braking process and it provides the ability to calculate braking accuracy. There was shown that the simulator allows to calculate the quality factor, which makes possible the assessment of generated braking curve and the results was discussed.
W artykule zaprezentowano możliwość wykorzystania sterownika rozmytego do korekcji właściwości metrologicznych trakcyjnego licznika energii elektrycznej. Zaprojektowany korektor umożliwia w sposób inteligentny modyfikację stałej przetwarzania wejściowej niskonapięciowej części toru prądowego licznika energii elektrycznej.
The paper was presented the possibility of using the fuzzy logic controller to correcting the metrological characteristics of the traction electricity watt-hours meter. Designed signal gain corrector allow to intelligently modification of the gain of in the low voltage input of the current path electricity watt-hours meter.
In the paper, the basic function of an Automatic Train Operation (ATO) called target braking has been discussed. The most important assumptions of this function have been discussed in detail. The authors’ simulation model, which was developed to study the impact of the propulsion systems on the precision of train braking, has been described. The adopted model of movement of rail vehicles and the methodology of determining the braking precision of target metro trains have been described. Subsequently, simulation results of the investigation of influence of operating parameters on braking precision and braking time have been presented. The simulation model verification and the preliminary statistical elaboration of the measuring results have been presented.
Artykuł dotyczy modelowania zjawisk elektromechanicznych w turbozespołach wiatrowych. Zaprezentowano, opracowany w środowisku programu PSCAD, model turbozespołu z generatorem synchronicznym połączonym z siecią zasilającą poprzez inwertor ze starowaniem PWM. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych ilustrujące zmiany wielkości elektromechanicznych przy różnych zmiennościach prędkości wiatru. Otrzymane charakterystyki mechaniczne turbozespołu zostały zweryfikowane pomiarami wykonanymi dla obiektu rzeczywistego.
The article concerns the modeling of electromechanical phenomena in the wind turbine. Presented, developed using the program PSCAD, model of the wind turbine with synchronous generator connected to the grid via a PWM inverter. Paper presents the results of simulation studies showing changes in the electromechanical quantities at different variation of wind speed. Received electromechanical characteristics of turbine have been verified measurements made for the real object.
Stan transportu kolejowego w Polsce. Czynniki rozwoju transportu kolejowego, w tym kolei dużych prędkości. Syntetyczny opis programu wieloletniego : cele, struktura, zasady organizacyjne, warunki realizacji. Wyniki realizacji programu dla kraju i sektora transportowego.
Condition of railway transport in Poland. Determinants of railway transport development, including high-speed railways. Synthetic description of the multiannual program: objectives, structure, organizational principles, the conditions of implementation. The effects of implementation of the program for the country and the transport sector.
In the paper a method of target braking quality calculation and an evaluation of it has been discussed. The quality of target braking was featured and a quality indicator of target braking was dealt. Authors have attempted to define the braking quality and explained how to assess it. The Harrington`s desirability function as a method of quality assessment has been described. A certain technical parameters and subjective impressions of passengers affects on the quality of target braking. Therefore, the evaluation of kraking quality is more complex process.
In the paper, electric energy quality measurements for the modern Kamiensk Wind Power Plant are described. The obtained results prove that each of the wind turbine is a source of a reactive power, depending on the generated value of active power. Following the conducted measurement diagnostics, it has been note that the parameters of electric energy quality in the Common Connection Point (CCP) of the power plant electric network with the public power system are guaranteed.
The paper describes problems of railway connect between Warsaw, Łodź, Poznań and Wrocław. The article presents the actually times of journey by planes and trains between these agglomerations, and following projects: Y-line, new line Sieradz - Wieruszow, and so-called "Koniecpol prosthesis.
W referacie zaprezentowano możliwości sterowania produkcją energii elektrycznej farmy wiatrowej przyłączonej do sieci rozdzielczej 110 kV, na przykładzie elektrowni wiatrowej Kamieńsk o mocy zainstalowanej 30 MW. Na podstawie doświadczeń wynikających z trzyletniego okresu eksploatacji elektrowni przedstawiono szereg trudności ograniczających możliwości zarządzania produkcją i sprzedażą energii elektrycznej. Zaprezentowano systemy stosowane do monitorowania pracy elektrowni wiatrowych oraz systemy wykorzystywane do pomiaru ilości wytwarzanej energii "zielonej" i energii sprzedawanej Operatorowi Systemu Dystrybucyjnego (OSD). Omówiono wpływ rozmaitych czynników o charakterze technicznym na wskaźniki określające dyspozycyjność techniczną oraz produktywność poszczególnych turbin wiatrowych. Sprecyzowano warunki konieczne dla stworzenia możliwości zarządzania energią.
The paper presents the possibilities of controlling electric energy production in a wind power plant, on the example of Kamieńsk wind power plant of 30 MW installed power, connected to 100 kV network. Based on the experience of 3-year period of the power plant exploitation, the series of difficulties is presented, which limits possibilities for the management of energy production and sales. Systems are presented, that are used to monitor the wind power plant operation as well as to measure the amount of produced "green" energy and energy sold to the Distribution System Operator (OSD). The influence of various technical factors on indexes describing the technical availability and productivity of individual wind turbines is discussed. Necessary conditions are specified for creating the possibilities of energy management.
Content available remote Ocena parametrów elektrycznych wytwarzanej energii wybranej elektrowni wiatrowej
W pracy dokonano oceny parametrów elektrycznych produkowanej energii na przykładzie jednej z najnowocześniejszych elektrowni wiatrowych w kraju – Elektrowni Wiatrowej Kamieńsk. Badania obejmują wskaźniki jakościowe energii opisane w normie PN-EN 50160. W wyniku przeprowadzonych pomiarów stwierdzono, że parametry jakościowe produkowanej energii w złączu sieci elektrownianej 30 kV z siecią publiczną 110 kV są zagwarantowane.
The electric energy quality assessment is based on the case of the modern Kamiensk Wind Power Plant and takes into consideration the indices described in PN-EN 50160 standard. Following the conducted measurements, it has been note that the parameters of electric energy quality in the Common Connection Point (CCP) of the power plant electric network 30 kV with the public power system 110 kV are guaranteed.
In the paper target braking of underground trains as a function of an Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system has been described. Target braking relies on automatic train stopping at the stations, wherein braking process is fully controlled by a computer device and it is executed by a proper control of electric motors. Also functionality of the SOP-2 system used in the Warsaw underground is presented. The rolling stock powered by an AC and DC motor as an example of target braking has been taken into consideration. Finally, a direct braking simulation model created in the SIMULINK software has been discussed. The calculations of target braking performed for a Alstom Metropolis train are presented.
The current "Governmental Program of Construction and Operation of High Speed Railway in Poland" develops. Is analyzed for routing high-speed rail and widely understood aspects of power and infrastructure. Next steps include selection of stock for a new line (the line Y). Worldwide industry today has a wide range of high-speed trainsets. The article presents an analysis of traction characteristics of existing stock.
W artykule omówiono efekty własnych prac serwisowo-uruchomieniowych, dokonanych przeglądów i projektów w latach 2006-2010 na terenach kopalni górnictwa odkrywkowego KWB "Bełchatów" i KWB "Turów". Podczas ww. prac dokonano szeregu badań i analiz dotyczących zastosowanych rozwiązań zarówno w technice programistycznej, komunikacyjnej jak i systemach napędowych. Przedmiotem badań były wybrane maszyny systemu KTZ i ich warunki pracy. Bezpośrednio na tych obiektach przeprowadzono rozpoznania wstępne, analizę pomiarową oraz modyfikacje i opracowania nowych algorytmów. Analizy przeprowadzone w artykule obejmują głównie napędy elektryczne - falownikowe systemy napędowe i algorytmy sterowania silników napędów jazdy, obrotu i podnoszenia z wykorzystaniem czujnika prędkości oraz bezczujnikowe. Głównym celem prac było zapewnienie wysokiego poziomu niezawodności eksploatacyjnej zastosowanych rozwiązań poprzez ograniczenie drgań i wibracji powstających podczas pracy maszyn, a w konsekwencji poprawa zdolności ruchowej i bezpieczeństwa.
The article discusses the effects of our own service and start-up works, review and projects, carried out in years 2006-2010 in the areas of the of KWB "Bełchatów" quarry and KWB "Turów" quarry. While these work there were made several of studies and analysis of the solutions there were used in both the programming technique, communication and drive systems. Research was focused on the KTZ system machines and their working conditions. All this was supported by graphical verification. Studies carried out in the article consists mainly of inverter drive systems and drive motors control algorithms of the traverse, rotation and lift either using a speed sensor or sensorless. During the research, there was carried out several working tests at working mining machines, and modifications of control algorithms implemented for commercial inverter systems software, PLC and HMI systems responsible for the drive work of testing machine. The main purpose of all the work was reducing of jittering and vibration during machine operation and ensuring a high level of operational reliability of the solutions, improving of mobility and safety.
An optimization module was built on the basis of MATLAB and FEMM packages where the above-described objective function, searching the maximum starting torque in a shaded-pole induction motor, was implemented. In the process of optimization functions of genetic algorithms introduced in MATLAB [4], were implemented. Thus, an initial population in the form of six chromosomes was defined. The genetic algorithm enables to keep an equilibrium between wide research of the solution space and using the solutions found due to the previous generations of chromosomes. The objective function was defined so that good solutions meeting the pre-set limitations were reproduced and other solutions were rejected by means of a selection method in every subsequent generation. On completing calculations, the final population was the next initial population until the pre-set convergence of consecutive results was achieved.
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM), due to the simple structure and property are becoming more widely used in the traction drives. The paper contains a review of existing solutions ranging from mine engines, by trams, to high-speed trains. The domestic and foreign solutions has been analyzed. Additionally, the paper presents the results of research of PMSM drive conducted in the laboratory of Division of Transport and Energy Conversion, Technical University of Lodz. Mechanical and efficiency characteristics are the results of the researches.
The paper describes AC and DC drives used in underground trains and braking methods of underground trains cooperating with an Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system. A train drive with an AC motor and a drive with DC motor with impulse and resistance riot has been described. An ATO system ensures automatic train piloting such as acceleration and braking. A type of this system, used especially on underground lines implements a direct position breaking. The precision of train braking depends on the motor control, which is particularly important during electrodynamic braking. The type of used drive affects on preciseness and quality of duty braking process. The concept of an efficient regulation of the duty braking, the control- execution system and a breaking quality indicator has been described.
Analysed object is an induction micromotor with a short-circuited auxiliary phase (shaded-pole micromotor - SPM). The motor rating data are: output power 3 W, two poles, one short-circuited coil per pole. Due to flat – parallel distribution of the field and radial direction of flux in SPM, the computational analysis was limited to the cross section plane. Field calculations were done with OPERA 2d software, using finite element method. Basing of numerical simulations several models of the SPM motor have been defined. They were different in: topology of the magnetic shunt, the number of short-circuited coils per pole, also the number and shape of rotor’s rods. Taking into account the manufacture conditions of the SPM motor, the shunt set up and geometry were proposed. The optimal solution of motor’s magnetic circuit with the largest value of flux density in air gap and also the largest starting torque has been achieved basing on fixed overall dimensions.
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