Значительные ресурсы углеводородов сосредоточены на длительно замерзающих акваториях арктических морей, причём, по прогнозам большинства геологов, большая часть этих ресурсов составляет природный газ, транспортировка которого в северных условиях морскими газопроводами технически очень сложно выполнима, а с позиций рентабельности просто сомнительна. Современные технологии морской добычи углеводородов успешно выполняют необходимые операции на незамерзающих морях, а в условиях ледовых воздействий и с возрастанием глубин практически невыполнимы. И в этих условиях только подводные технологии могут справиться со всеми возникающими проблемами. Мы по этой проблеме уже неоднократно выступали [1–3]. Однако до сих пор мы не касались проблемы транспорта природного газа. В условиях Арктики газ может доставляться потребителю только в сжиженном виде, но современные технологии его сжижения рассчитаны только на наземные (суша) условия; значительно реже используются заводы сжижения в плавучем (надводном) исполнении. Естественно, эти заводы очень сложно (а, может, и невозможно) адаптировать к подводным условиям. В связи с этим нами разработано новое техническое решение, которое отличается простотой его исполнения, достаточно приемлемыми для подводных условий габаритами, и низкими энергетическими затратами. Суть этого решения заключается в использовании многокаскадного противоточного теплообменника, в котором природный газ сжижается в противотоке жидким азотом, привозимым танкером/газовозом, с использованием которого (после слива жидкого азота, т.е.после опорожнения танкера) вывозится сжиженный природный газ (СПГ).
Interest in the hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic Ocean increases. It focuses on the largest offshore fields of Russia regarding expected hydrocarbon reserves. Active works are conducted for exploration the shelf of the Kara Sea. There two perspective areas are here: Yamalshelf and waters of the Gulf of the Ob and the Taz. Assimilation of resources in these areas using offshore oil and gas constructions become complicated by difficult meteorological and hydrological conditions, and by the presence of weak silty ground. A new technical solution of offshore oil and gas construction for assimilation shallow shelf of these waters is being proposed. A base of the platform is a ballasted buoyant bottom plate with very wide surface, and solidly coupled with a supporting block perpendicularly fixed to the base. The supporting block of the platform is acylindrical pillar with diameter of 20 m. This form is for little touch with ice and for providing necessary solidity and rigidity of the platform, and this form provides unblocked passing of ice fields around the construction. A topside is right-angled and has a U-type cut on one side for providing of docking and undocking of three decks with the supporting block. Each deck has its own functional destination: building and installation, drilling and operational. The field development is operated by work and consistent changing of these decks.
Russia has the largest transit zone. Areas with depths of 0-20 m are characterized as significant oil and gas resources, the relative availability of development, specificity of administrative status, and relatively short terms of realization with lower capital costs than during the development of deepwater fields. It's clear that, the coastal shallow water is a promising development target. For the exploration and development drilling in the Arctic shallow-water jack-Mobile proposed the construction of ice-resistant drilling platform telescopic type. The proposed solution is decorated patent application RU 2011126812 from 29.06.2011. The platform consists of a bottom ballastable plate with a built-in reference block and the upper structure. The design of the platform provides: — simplification of transport, reduction of construction works in the harsh climatic conditions at depths of 3 to 24 m with weak soils; — accelerating field commissioning by providing year-round drilling platforms in the Arctic.
The development of the Arctic shallow waters, freezing for a long period (up to 10 months), during the navigation period is practically impossible by traditional jack-up drilling rigs (jack-up). In this regard, a new generation of jack-up rig that could drill year-round production wells is suggested, thus accelerating the timing of development of these deposits. It is proposed to create a somewhat altered modification of dumb jack-up with U-shaped deck and mining hole in the center under ice-bearing of 15-20 m diameter support block (SB) designed for drilling 7-8 wells and that during transportation of the vessel to the drilling point is set on the deck. The very deck has a round cut hole of SB size for at the drilling point it could sink to the seabed and consolidate at the bottom with the piles, after which the jack-up would rise above the water level to a safe altitude with traditional lifting devices (PM); and these mechanisms (detachable type) can be installed around the SB, and at the corners of the platform, then they can be dismantled to free up the deck for manufacturing operations. After fixing SB and lifting jack-up the drilling process begins, to be completed by the beginning of navigation, so that, down to the water, with the help of the tug to remove from the vessel the floating gate, and then also with the help of tugboats to get rid of SB by moving in the opposite direction from the tug. After the floating gate is installed in its place and jack-up rig is towed to the dock for the next SB, and the drilling operation may be repeated. The area of SB itself is sufficient for the drill holes and, if conditions permit, plast products can be delivered ashore for further technological operations or to the nearest technology platform. In addition, in the case of technological necessity drilling platform place can be taken by technological to conduct all operations necessary to complete the cycle — extraction, processing, production and transportation.
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