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Content available Zagrożenia geologiczne w Polsce w 2022 r.
The article details the identification and monitoring of various geological processes and geohazards in Poland, as conducted by the Polish Geological Survey in 2022. In 2022, landslide activity in Poland was lower than average due to less than typical precipitation levels, with the year recording only 534.4 mm of rainfall, about 87.4% of the norm. Due to this overall dryness, the notable landslides, with 14 incidents reported, were significantly fewer than in previous years, Furthermore, the PGI-NRI seismological network (PSG_Sejs_NET), recorded 305 events, mainly induced by mining activities. The strongest event of the year was an M4.7 earthquake with an epicentre in the LGOM region, recorded on April 7, illustrating the improvement in locating such phenomena thanks to new seismic stations. In 2022, residents of western Małopolska, especially in Trzebinia and the surrounding area, experienced an intensification of the problem of post-mining sinkholes, mainly related to the rising groundwater level after the liquidation of mines such as‘‘Siersza” and “Olkusz-Pomorzany”. The most serious incidents included: sinkholes in the cemetery in Trzebinia and in the town of Hutki. In 2022, there was a notable increase in the use of new technologies for recording and monitoring geohazards, including InSAR, drones or high-resolution digital terrain models. These advancements significantly enhanced the precision and scope of geohazard assessment and monitoring. One of the examples is the open European Ground Monitoring Service (EGMS) implemented by European Environment Agency, which helped identification of significant deformations in Poland with a total area of 4.4 thousand km2, mainly related to mining exploitation. In addition, an excellent example of the comprehensive use of various data sources was presented during the stage, completed in 2022, of the project "4D Cartography in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea”, which allowed for the accurate identification of geohazards on the section of the coast from Ustka to Dąbki, showing numerous threats, such as landslides, flooding and coastal erosion. The article discusses in detail this occurrence of various geological threats in 2022.
Over the recent years, post-mining terrain deformations have been increasingly frequent around Trzebinia. Sinkholes appearing closer and closer to buildings have become a significant geohazard. The research demonstrated that the problem of post-mining deformation in the area is much more extensive than previously estimated. Identification of the deformations involved analysis of historic aerial photographs, airborne laser scanning data, orthophotomaps and satellite radar data. Moreover, laser scanning of the selected areas using an unmanned aerial vehicle and a terrestrial laser scanner was carried out together with field mapping work. A comprehensive survey of sinkholes, including those previously unknown – located outside built-up areas – allowed an assumption to be made that areas where sinkholes had been remediated in the past were also at significant risk. A number of sinkholes are also located outside areas of shallow mining (up to 100 m below ground level). In the study area, 527 sinkholes and 254 linear-type deformations (post-mining faults) were identified. The use of satellite radar interferometry made it possible to state that continuous deformations also occur in the area of influence of the former "Siersza" Hard Coal Mine. In the past, this was the subsidence of the terrain, and currently an uplift is faced in this area which, in some places, reaches up to 20 mm per year.
Content available Zagrożenia geologiczne w Polsce w 2021 roku
Geological hazards caused by landslides, earthquakes, erosion, land surface deformation and collapse in 2021 in Poland were among the average compared to recent years. They did, however, affect material losses. The Polish Geological Survey (PGS) recorded 41 events related to sudden landslide activations, which damaged or destroyed 17 road sections. Through ongoing monitoring of 72 landslides, 33 were shown to be active. In 2021, more than 5,200 landslides were identified and inventoried in Poland. Geodynamic monitoring performed by PGS recorded 611 seismic events in Poland, whose magnitudes reached M4.2. In addition, using satellite radar interferometry, continuation of land surface deformations was found mainly in mining areas. In 2021, there was a number of collapses of various origins. The paper is a brief report on the ongoing tasks of the Polish Geological Survey in the field of geological hazards and presents events that took place in Poland in 2021.
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