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Yb3+/Er3+/GZO ceramics have been synthesized with high temperature solid-state method. The phase and structure of the Yb3+/Er3+/GZO ceramics were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD pattern that following ions Yb3+ , Er3+  and Ga3+  were well doped into the ZnO lattice. Efficient visible up-conversion (UC) red and green emission were observed under 980 nm excitation. The mechanism of the UC luminescence is investigated on the basis of the UC luminescence emission spectra, the power curve and energy level diagram. The infl uence of doping ions to the intensity ratio of red to green is analyzed and high purity of red light (red/green = 29.9) is finally obtained.
The raw coal was utilized as adsorbent based on its remarkable adsorption ability of coal slime to organic compounds in the flotation process. This paper mainly investigates adsorption behaviors of benzpyrole (BZP), pyrrole (PR) and benzoic acid (BA) on powdered coal (PC). In the monocomponent solution, the removal efficiencies of BZP, PR and BA reached 85.23%, 55.02% and 24.84% at PC dosage of 20 g/dm3. Adsorption behaviors of three pollutants fitted perfectly to the pseudo-second order kinetics model and liquid film diffusion occupied the largest proportion in rate-limiting step according to the diffusion rates. Furthermore, the influences of pH on adsorption behaviors and competitive adsorption mechanism of three pollutants were also reported.
Overseas mining investment generally faces considerable risk due to a variety of complex risk factors. Therefore, indexes are often based on conditions of uncertainty and cannot be fully quantified. Guided by set pair analysis (SPA) theory, this study constructs a risk evaluation index system based on an analysis of the risk factors of overseas mining investment and determines the weights of factors using entropy weighting methods. In addition, this study constructs an identity-discrepancy-contrary risk assessment model based on the 5-element connection number. Both the certainty and uncertainty of the various risks are treated uniformly in this model and it is possible to mathematically describe and quantitatively express complex system decisions to evaluate projects. Overseas mining investment risk and its changing trends are synthetically evaluated by calculating the adjacent connection number and analyzing the set pair potential. Using an actual overseas mining investment project as an example, the risk of overseas mining investment can be separated into five categories according to the risk field, and then the evaluation model is quantified and specific risk assessment results are obtained. Compared to the field investigation, the practicability and effectiveness of the evaluation method are illustrated. This new model combines static and dynamic factors and qualitative and quantitative information, which improves the reliability and accuracy of risk evaluation. Furthermore, this evaluation method can also be applied to other similar evaluations and has a certain scalability.
Zagraniczne inwestycje wydobywcze są narażone na znaczne ryzyko z powodu różnych czynników mających wpływ na taką działalność. Stosowane wskaźniki często zawierają elementy niepewności i nie można ich w pełni skwantyfikować. Kierując się teorią analizy par (set par analysis), badanie to tworzy system indeksu oceny ryzyka oparty na analizie czynników ryzyka zagranicznych inwestycji górniczych i określa wagi czynników z zastosowaniem entropii. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono model oceny ryzyka związanego z identyfikacją rozbieżności, oparty na powiązaniu pięciu elementów. Zarówno pewność, jak i niepewność różnych ryzyk są traktowane jednolicie w tym modelu i możliwe jest matematyczne opisanie i ilościowe wyrażenie złożonych decyzji systemowych w celu oceny projektów. Ryzyko inwestycji zagranicznych i ich zmieniające się trendy są oceniane syntetycznie poprzez obliczanie sąsiedniego elementu i analizowanie ustalonego potencjału dla tej pary. Przykładem może być faktyczny zagraniczny projekt inwestycyjny dotyczący górnictwa, gdzie ryzyko inwestycji zagranicznych można podzielić na pięć rodzajów zgodnie z rachunkiem ryzyka, a następnie dokonuje się oceny modelu i uzyskuje się konkretne wyniki oceny ryzyka. Na przykładzie przedstawiono aspekty praktyczne i skuteczność tej metody oceny. Ten nowy model łączy czynniki statyczne i dynamiczne oraz informacje jakościowe i ilościowe, co poprawia wiarygodność i dokładność oceny ryzyka. Co więcej, ta metoda oceny może być również zastosowana do innych podobnych zagadnień i ma pewną skalowalność.
At present, with the increase of production capacity and the promotion of production, the reserves of most mining enterprises under the original industrial indexes are rapidly consumed, and the full use of low-grade resources is getting more and more attention. If mining enterprises want to make full use of low-grade resources simultaneously and obtain good economic benefits to strengthening the analysis and management of costs is necessary. For metal underground mines, with the gradual implementation of exploration and mining projects, capital investment and labor consumption are dynamic and increase cumulatively in stages. Consequently, in the evaluation of ore value, we should proceed from a series of processes such as: exploration, mining, processing and the smelting of geological resources, and then study the resources increment in different stages of production and the processing. To achieve a phased assessment of the ore value and fine evaluation of the cost, based on the value chain theory and referring to the modeling method of computer integrated manufacturing open system architecture (CIMOSA), the analysis framework of gold mining enterprise value chain is established based on the value chain theory from the three dimensions of value-added activities, value subjects and value carriers. A value chain model using ore flow as the carrying body is built based on Petri nets. With the CPN Tools emulation tool, the cycle simulation of the model is carry out by the colored Petri nets, which contain a hierarchical structure. Taking a large-scale gold mining enterprise as an example, the value chain model is quantified to simulate the ore value formation, flow, transmission and implementation process. By analyzing the results of the simulation, the ore value at different production stages is evaluated dynamically, and the cost is similarly analyzed in stages, which can improve mining enterprise cost management, promote the application of computer modeling and simulation technology in mine engineering, more accurately evaluate the economic feasibility of ore utilization, and provide the basis for the value evaluation and effective utilization of low-grade ores.
Obecnie wraz ze wzrostem zapotrzebowania na surowce mineralne, zasoby większości tych surowców podlegają bardzo szybkiemu sczerpaniu, a wykorzystanie zasobów o niskiej jakości jest brane pod uwagę coraz powszechniej. Jeśli przedsiębiorstwa wydobywcze chcą w pełni wykorzystać zasoby surowców mineralnych niskiej jakości i jednocześnie uzyskać dobre wyniki ekonomiczne, niezbędna jest szeroka analiza i zarządzanie kosztami. W przypadku podziemnych kopalń rud metali, przy stopniowej realizacji projektów poszukiwawczo-wydobywczych, nakłady inwestycyjne i nakłady pracy są dynamiczne i wzrastają stopniowo w realizowanych procesach. W związku z tym, w ocenie wartości rudy powinno się uwzględniać szereg procesów, takich jak: poszukiwanie, wydobycie, przeróbkę i hutnictwo, a następnie rozpatrywać przyrosty wartości i kosztów na poszczególnych etapach produkcji i przetwarzania. Aby osiągnąć etapową ocenę wartości rudy i dokładną ocenę kosztów, w oparciu o teorię łańcucha wartości, należy zastosować metodę komputerowego modelowania zintegrowanej produkcji otwartej architektury systemu (CIMOSA). Ramy analizy łańcucha wartości przedsiębiorstwa wydobywczego złota są ustalane z trzech ocen: wartości dodanej, wartości podmiotów i wartości nośników. Model łańcucha wartości wykorzystujący przepływ rudy zbudowany jest w oparciu o sieci Petriego. Symulacja cyklu modelu jest realizowana przez kolorowe sieci Petriego, które zawierają hierarchiczną strukturę. Przykładem jest wielkoskalowe przedsiębiorstwo wydobywcze złota, w którym model łańcucha wartości jest określany ilościowo w celu symulacji procesów tworzenia, przepływu, przeniesienia i realizacji. Analizując wyniki symulacji, wartość rudy na poszczególnych etapach produkcji jest oceniana dynamicznie, a koszty są również analizowane etapami, co może: poprawić zarządzanie kosztami przedsiębiorstw górniczych, promować zastosowanie modelowania komputerowego i technologii symulacji w inżynierii górniczej, bardziej dokładnie ocenić ekonomiczną wykonalność wykorzystania rudy i zapewnić podstawę do oceny wartości i efektywnego wykorzystania rud niskiej jakości.
The technology for gob-side entry retaining in steep coal seams is still in the development stage. The analysis results of the caving structure of main roof, low influence of gateway’s stability because of long filling distance and weak dynamic effect of the gateway, and the low stress redistribution environment indicate that using this technology in steep coal seams has significant advantages. Moreover, to reinforce the waste rock and the soft floor and to better guard against the impact of the waste rock during natural filling, a rock blocking device and grouting reinforcement method were invented, and theoretical calculations result show that the blocking device has high safety factor. In addition, we also developed a set of hydraulic support devices for use in the strengthening support zone. Furthermore, because the retaining gateway was a systematic project, the selection of the size and shape of the gateway cross section and its support method during the initial driving stage is a key step. Thus, first, a section the size of bottom width and roof height of a new gateway was determined to meet any related requirements. Then, according to the cross sections of 75 statistical gateways and the support technique, it chosen a trapezoidal cross section when the dip of the coal seam is […], a special and an inclined arch cross section when […]. Eventually, a support system of bolts and cables combined with steel mesh and steel belts was provided. The support system used optimized material and improved parameters, can enhanced the self-bearing ability of the surrounding coal and rock masses.
Technologia utrzymywania chodników w obszarze zrobów w nachylonych pokładach węgla jest nadal rozwijana i udoskonalana. Jej zastosowanie prowadzi do zawału głównego stropu, który jednak w nieznacznym tylko stopniu wpływa na stabilność chodników z uwagi na odległość obszaru podsadzania, podczas gdy oddziaływania dynamiczne na chodniki przewozowe będą niewielkie. Powstały rozkład naprężeń wskazuje, że zastosowanie tej technologii w stromych pokładach przyniesie znaczne korzyści. Ponadto, w celu wzmocnienia warstw skał płonnych i miękkich warstw spągowych, a także dla lepszego zabezpieczenia przed skutkami ruchów skał płonnych w trakcie podsadzania, opracowano urządzenia blokujące ruch skał wraz ze wzmocnieniem cementowym. Obliczenia teoretyczne wskazują że zastosowana blokada ruchów skał charakteryzuje się wysokim wskaźnikiem bezpieczeństwa. Ponadto, opracowano także zestaw wsporników hydraulicznych dla dodatkowego wzmocnienia strefy podsadzania. Z uwagi na to, że zachowanie chodnika przewozowego jest działaniem stałym i systematycznym, dobór wymiarów i kształtu przekroju chodnika oraz metody jego stabilizacji jest sprawą kluczową już na etapie drążenia chodnika. W kroku pierwszym określono więc szerokość chodnika w jego dolnej części oraz wysokość stropu zgodnie z odpowiednimi wymogami. Następnie w oparciu o wymiary przekrojów 75 statystycznych chodników oraz uwzględniając dostępne techniki stabilizacji stropu wybrano przekrój trapezoidalny gdy nachylenie pokładu węgla mieści się w przedziale […], zaś dla kątów nachylenia w przedziale […] wybrano nachylony profil łukowy. W etapie końcowym zastosowano układ stabilizujący oparty na kotwach i kablach połączonych siatka stalową i stalowymi taśmami. W systemie stabilizującym wykorzystano zoptymalizowane materiały zapewniając lepsze parametry pracy, co korzystanie wpłynie na nośność warstw górotworu w otoczeniu pokładu węgla.
Based on the theory of heat transfer, the influence of expansion joints on the temperature and stress distribution of ladle lining is discussed. In view of the current expansion joint, the mathematical model of heat transfer and the three dimensional finite element model of ladle lining brick are established. By analyzing the temperature and stress distribution of ladle lining brick when the expansion joints are in different sizes, the thermal mechanical stress caused by the severe temperature difference can be reduced by the suitable expansion joint of the lining brick during the ladle baking and working process. The analysis results showed that the thermal mechanical stress which is caused by thermal expansion can be released through the 2 mm expansion joint, which is set in the building process. So we can effectively reduce the thermal mechanical stress of the ladle lining, and there is no risk of steel leakage, thus the service life of ladle can be effectively prolonged.
The combined effect of sulfur (S) and acid soluble aluminum (Als ) content on precipitates and microstructures in grain-oriented silicon steel were investigated. The results show that there are dominant AlN and a little amount of MnS-AlN composite in annealed hot-rolled band, and the amount of precipitates increases distinctly with increasing Als content, while S content plays a negligible role. The inhibitors that precipitate during hot band annealing can restrain the grain growth during hot band annealing and primary annealing, and the smaller grains of annealed hot-rolled band can contribute to the formation of {111} <112> texture during primary annealing. Lower S content is conducive to the formation of {111} <112> texture during primary annealing by promoting the formation of Goss texture during hot rolling.
This study aimed to show the flotation behavior of a nickel sulfide ore in a cyclonic flotation column. The flotation experiments were carried out using a sample of nickel sulfide ore obtained from a mineral processing plant of China. Representative samples collected from the feed, concentrate, tailing, and circulation middling were sieved using a cyclonic particle analyzer to collect different size fractions for analysis. The function of the column cyclonic zone of was evaluated by comparing the quality of tailing and circulation middling. The flotation results showed that the concentrate with Ni grade of 1.78% and recovery of 65.56% was obtained under given test conditions. The content of main sulfide minerals and coarse particles in the circulation middling was higher than that in the tailing. The results indicated that, unlike conventional cyclone classification, separation achieved in the cyclonic zone of the column was not dependent on the particle size and density. Sulfide minerals with good floatability were easily captured by bubbles and moved toward the center of the column, even if these particles were coarser and heavier.
Traditional Earth observation satellite cannot work well in terms of emergencies, environmental uncertainties and scientific events discovery. Therefore, it is of significance to study the new generation of autonomous Earth observation satellite. In order to develop an autonomous satellite system with distributed and coordinated functions, this paper proposes an autonomous satellite system based on distributed multi-agent blackboard model. Multiple agents including functions of pre-processing, planning, scheduling and execution are designed. Agents share information and communicate through a blackboard which stores the task sequence, the action sequence and the satellite status. An adaptive rule-based heuristic scheduling algorithm and a forward search planning algorithm are proposed. The simulation experiments and computational results prove that the system can deal with scientific events discovery, satellite faults, cloud obscuration and emergencies without human intervention, which can greatly enhance the efficiency and reliability of Earth observation satellites. The validity of the proposed model and algorithm is proved.
Tradycyjne satelity obserwacji Ziemi nie nadają się do pracy w sytuacjach kryzysowych, warunkach niepewności środowiskowej oraz w okolicznościach związanych z odkryciami naukowymi. Dlatego też istotne znaczenie ma badanie nowej generacji autonomicznych satelitów obserwacji Ziemi. W celu opracowania autonomicznego systemu satelitarnego o rozproszonych i skoordynowanych funkcjach, w niniejszej pracy zastosowano rozproszony wieloagentowy model tablicowy. Zaprojektowano agenty, w tym funkcje wstępnego przetwarzania, planowania, harmonogramowania i wykonania. Agenty te wymieniają między sobą informacje i komunikują się za pośrednictwem tablicy (ang. blackboard), na której przechowywane są informacje dotyczące sekwencji zadań i działań oraz stanu satelity. Zaproponowano adaptacyjny, regułowy, heurystyczny algorytm harmonogramowania oraz algorytm planowania metodą wyszukiwania w przód. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty symulacyjne oraz wyniki obliczeń dowodzą, że omawiany system sprawdza się w przypadkach odkryć naukowych, awarii satelitarnych, zachmurzenia oraz w sytuacjach kryzysowych nie wymagając interwencji człowieka, co może znacznie zwiększać wydajność i niezawodność satelitów obserwacji Ziemi. W pracy wykazano trafność proponowanego modelu i algorytmów.
This research focused on correlations between the macroscopic mechanical performance and microstructures of energetic binders. Initially a series of glycidyl azide polymer (GAP)/toluene diisocyanate (TDI) binders, catalyzed by a mixture of dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) and triphenyl bismuth (TPB), was prepared. Uniaxial tensile testing, and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy were then used to investigate the mechanical properties, curing networks, and hydrogen bonding (H-bonds) of these binders. Additionally, a novel method based on the molecular theory of elasticity and the statistical theory of rubber elasticity was used to analyze the integrity of the networks. The results showed that the curing parameter R strongly influences the mechanical properties and toughness of the binders, and that a tensile stress (σm) of 1.6 MPa and an elongation (εm) of 1041% was observed with an R value of 1.6. The cross-linking density increased sharply with the curing parameter, but only modestly with an R value ≥ 1.8. The proportion of H-bonds formed by the imino groups increased with the R value and reached 72.61% at an R value of 1.6, indicating a positive correlation between the H-bonds and σm. Molecular entanglement was demonstrated to increase with R and to contribute dramatically to the mechanical performance. The integrity of these networks, evaluated by a correction factor (A), varies with R, and a network of the GAP/TDI binder with an R value of 1.6 is desirable.
The lifetime of ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulated cables will decrease because of complex aging processes. From the safety perspective, insulation condition assessment of the cable is essential to maintain an efficient and reliable operation. As a nondestructive and online evaluation method, a hardness retention rate was used to estimate the lifetime of cable. First, accelerated thermal aging tests in the laboratory were performed to measure the elongation at break retention rate (EAB%) and a hardness retention rate at different temperatures. Second, the aging values were processed by the Arrhenius equation and time temperature superposition to assess aging lifetime of insulation at different temperatures and end levels. As the insulation condition assessment of the cable by hardness retention test has no approved standard, the EAB% data were correlated with hardness retention to provide an evaluation basis. The results show that when EAB% picks out the time corresponding to a certain amount of 50% degradation, 10% of hardness retention was chosen as the termination index.
Considering concrete nonlinearity, the wave height limit between small and large amplitude sloshing is defined based on the Bernoulli equation. Based on Navier-Stokes equations, the mathematical model of large amplitude sloshing is established for a Concrete Rectangle Liquid-Storage Structure (CRLSS). The results show that the seismic response of a CRLSS increases with the increase of seismic intensity. Under different seismic fortification intensities, the change in trend of wave height, wallboard displacement, and stress are the same, but the amplitudes are not. The areas of stress concentration appear mainly at the connections between the wallboards, and the connections between the wallboard and the bottom.
Gdy amplituda chlupotania cieczy jest zbliżona do częstotliwości drgań struktury magazynowania substancji ciekłych (CRLSS), wówczas osiągamy rezonans i możemy zaobserwować silne zjawisko nieliniowe. Szkoda jest znacznie większa niż chlupotanie o małej amplitudzie. Obecnie brak jest odpowiedniego raportu na temat badań dynamicznej odpowiedzi struktury magazynowania substancji ciekłych z wykorzystaniem betonu izolacyjnego (CRLSS) z chlupotaniem o dużej amplitudzie, a wpływ materiałów betonowych nie jest brany pod uwagę. W związku z tym, w niniejszej pracy, w oparciu o równanie Bernoulliego, otrzymano ograniczone wysokości fali o dużej amplitudzie chlupotania oraz małej amplitudzie chlupotania. Na podstawie równań Naviera-Stokesa ustanowiono matematyczny model chlupotania o dużej amplitudzie i zbadano odpowiedź sejsmiczną CRLSS podczas chlupotania o dużej amplitudzie. Rozważając równanie Bernoulliego i zadowalający stan, chlupotanie substancji ciekłej jest liniowe, a nieliniowy kwadratowy człon jest lekceważony. W stałym i płynnym interfejsie, struktura magazynowania substancji ciekłych spełnia warunki ciągłości przemieszczania i równowagi siły oddziaływań. Właściwość mechaniczna gumowego zabezpieczenia izolacyjnego została opisana w oparciu o konstytutywną relacje modelu Mooney-Rivlin.
The physical realizability is the primarily consideration in micro radial turbine design. The determination of realizability mainly depends on the physical size (wheel diameter) and operation condition (rotational speed). In the past design, the product value of wheel diameter (D) and rotational speed (N) was taken as design result, but this value would lead repeating works because it may not appropriate for the realizability of micro radial turbine. This paper takes DN value as a design parameter to help the micro radial turbine design directly. The analysis of matching relationship between stage velocity ratio and degree of reaction was studied firstly. The influence of matching effects was investigated secondly. Then the DN value was presented and the theoretical research for optimal value selection was conducted thirdly. Compared with the other design parameters, the DN value can reflect the effect of efficiency, wheel size, rotational speed and design working condition directly and the effect of wheel material, structure style, shafting and bearings type directly. So the DN value is a highly concentrated and useful parameter for micro radial turbines. Some aerodynamic and structure parameters of micro radial turbine will be facilitated and designed by using the method of this paper.
To compare the effects of typical Ag/AgCl electrodes and electrode gels on MR images and assess safety hazards for patients during the electroencephalogram (EEG) data simultaneously with functional MRI (fMRI) recordings. So the measurements were conducted to compare the effects of three electrodes, three electrode gels and their combinations on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of MR images at 3 T. Local temperature variation of the phantom for all conditions was also measured in the scanner. Results show that combination of silver-plated copper electrode and electrode gel (composed of carbomer as its main ingredient, with 85% moisture) is best for EEG-fMRI experiments. A sintered Ag/AgCl electrode could also be used as the material of EEG cap if infra-slow EEG-events need to be acquired in EEG-fMRI recording. Additionally, there is no significant heat induction detected. Overall, the methods and results of this study can be used for selecting appropriate EEG electrodes and electrode gels in EEG-fMRI experiments.
Body motion signals indicate several pathological features of the human body, and a wearable human motion monitoring system can respond to human joint motion signal in real time, thereby enabling the prevention and treatment of some diseases. Because conductive fabrics can be well integrated with the garment, they are ideal as a sensing element of wearable human motion monitoring systems. This study prepared polypyrrole conductive fabric by in situ polymerization, and the anisotropic property of the conductive fabric resistance, resistance–strain relationship, and the relationship between resistance and the human knee and elbow movements are discussed preliminarily.
Seed plant diversity is under threat due to human over-exploitation and changes in land use. There is a need to identify regions where seed plant diversity is most at risk and establish nature reserves to protect the most important species. This study collected province scale seed plant richness data and corresponding environmental, social and, economic data in China in order to assess the impact of environmental and socio-economic factors on seed plant diversity and to quantify the relative importance of climate, human disturbance, and habitat heterogeneity on the distribution of seed plant diversity. A downscaling model was established to map the spatial distribution of seed plant diversity at a 1-km resolution. The results showed that temperature and precipitation seasonality, potential evapotranspiration, humidity index, altitude range, and gross domestic product were important determinants of seed plant diversity. The relative contribution of temperature seasonality was the most important factor (explaining 29.9–36.2% of the variation). Climate, human disturbance, and habitat heterogeneity explained much of the seed plant richness and density variation (about 69.4–71.9%). A scale-down model explained 72% of seed plant richness variation and showed that the center of seed plant species diversity was mainly located in the southeast area of China in the Qing-Tibet Plateau, Yun-Gui Plateau, Hengduan Mountain region, middle of the Sichuan Basins, Taiwan island, and Hainan island. This study improves our understanding of biodiversity hotspot regions and is a useful tool for biodiversity conservation policy and nature reserve management in China.
Effects of marine aluminum (Al) on phytoplankton are controversial, making it important to elucidate the mechanisms underlying Al effects. This study was aimed at identifying the effects of Al on the growth, chlorophyll a (chl a) content and the antioxidant mechanism of cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. WH7803. The growth rate increased from 0.33 to 0.52 d-1 in media with the increasing Al concentration from 0.2 (control) to 20 μmol l-1 and almost saturated to 0.44 d-1 at ~ 0.5 μmol Al l-1. The higher growth resulted in the higher biomass in both stationary and decay phases in the conditions of higher Al content. Chl a per cell reached 10.19 μg cell-1 in the exponential phase at 20 μmol Al l-1, approximately 1.6 and 3.1 times higher than those in stationary and decay phases, respectively, and chl a per cell showed a similar pattern as a growth rate when plotted with Al content. Al addition increased the cellular methane dicarboxylic aldehyde (MDA) content in the exponential phase and decreased the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the decay phase. In particular, our results indicated a positive relationship between chl a per cell and the growth rate, suggesting the stimulation of increasing Al on the growth of Synechococcus is related to the enhancement of cellular chl a content.
Viscose/wool powder blended fibres with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% wool powder were produced with the method of wet spinning. SEM, FT-IR spectroscopy, WAXD and TG analysis were used to study the chemical composition and structure of viscose/wool powder blended fibre. The experimental results show that the macromolecule composition, aggregation structure, morphological structure and thermal properties of these viscose/wool powder blended fibres were similar, which mainly show the characteristics of viscose fibre. Absorption studies were carried out to investigate the protein characteristics of the blended fibre. The results showed that the affinity of the blended fibre to acid dye increased with the wool powder content.
Wyprodukowano włókna wiskozowe z dodatkiem sproszkowanej wełny w ilości 0,5, 10, 15 i 20% metodą mokrego przędzenia. Do badań składu chemicznego i struktury zastosowano SEM, FTIR, WAXD i analizę TG. Wyniki wykazały, że skład makromolekularny, struktura agregatowa i morfologiczna oraz właściwości termiczne włókien były podobne, z dominacją właściwości włókien wiskozowych. Przeprowadzono badania absorpcji dla zbadania oddziaływania proteiny w otrzymanych włóknach. Stwierdzono, że powinowactwo mieszanek włókien do kwaśnych barwników zwiększa się ze wzrostem zawartości proszku wełnianego.
Driven by the booming demands for healthy food, aquaculture industry has to deal with the problem of water pollution appropriately so as to achieve sustainable development. In this study, a combination of four stage CWs (three horizontal subsurface flows followed by one free water surface flow) was configured to treat low-strength aquaculture wastewater. For performance assessment, the wetlands were monitored over three years, during which artificial aeration was added to them. By the results, the organic matters and nutrients were mainly sequestered in the anterior subsurface flows, while the surface flow mainly contributed to DO improvement. These results probably implied no necessity of excessive subsurface flows connected in a staged manner. In addition, the artificial aeration improved the treatment performance on ammonium-N, TN and TP in the first-stage CW.
Content available remote Differential effects of grazing on plant functional traits in the desert grassland
Plant functional traits are linked with environmental factors, individuals and ecosystem structure and functions as plants respond and adapt to the environment. Here, the whole-plant traits (plant height and plant biomass), leaf morphological (leaf area, leaf dry mass and specific leaf area) and chemical traits (leaf carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus contents, C/N and N/P ratio) of six dominant species (Cynanchum komarovii Al, Euphorbia esula Linn, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, Lespedeza potaninii Vass, Agropyron mongolicum Keng and Stipa breviflora Griseb) were studied in the desert grassland of China, with a grazing experiment including four grazing intensity (0.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.50 sheep ha-1). The effect of grazing on leaf morphological traits were significant for the six dominant species, while the effects on whole-plant traits were highly significant for S. breviflora, A. mongolicum, G. uralensis, L. potaninii and C. komarovii. Three of the six species (S. breviflora, A. mongolicum and L. potaninii) decreased in plant height (PH) with increasing grazing intensity, while specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf N (Nmass) showed the opposite trend. The whole-plant traits were significantly positively correlated with leaf dry mass (LM), but significantly negatively correlated with leaf nitrogen and phosphorus contents. The first principal component analysis (PCA) axis corresponding to plant size (PH and PB) and leaf size (LA and LM), while the second axis of PCA to leaf chemical traits (Nmass, P, C and N/P). Variations of plant traits in response to grazing were mainly explained by size trait and chemical traits. The functional traits cannot be the only basis for predicting plant species in response to grazing, and a functional analysis of the trade-off between plant traits is also needed.
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