Purpose: Identification of infrastructure attributes that are crucial for achieving patient satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: Based on a literature review, an initial set of infrastructure elements (attributes) determining the level of patient satisfaction with hospitalization was identified. In the empirical part, these attributes were verified in two ways: through surveys conducted in a selected hospital and through research based on the Kano methodology (CAWI method). Findings: It was found that the availability and cleanliness of sanitary rooms, markings of hospital units and communication routes, and facilities for people with disabilities significantly influence the level of satisfaction with hospitalization. There were indicated some areas in which the managers of the studied hospital could make some improvements. For example, an attribute where changes could be recommended is I5 - facilities for people with disabilities. Research limitations/implications: The publication presents the results of the literature review, which can be expanded in further research on the topic discussed. However, this study is limited to the relatively small group of patients and respondents who participated in surveys. These limitations concern also the geographical area and the number of hospital facilities, which suggest possible directions for future research. Practical implications: The results of the study may have practical applications in the area of hospital management. Satisfaction surveys completed by patients from various hospitals will identify the infrastructure elements with the lowest patient satisfaction. Therefore, they may constitute the basis for developing guidelines to improve satisfaction with hospitalization. Additionally, the Kano methodology indicates which attributes are most important to patients. Social implications: Introducing changes in the areas of infrastructure elements indicated in the study may result not only in increased patient satisfaction with the hospitalization process, but also in a real improvement in the conditions in which patients stay. This may be important for their well-being and could influence the recovery process. Originality/value: The article presents two-track research conducted among the public and actual patients of a provincial public hospital. The methodology prepared in this way can be helpful for hospital managers because it provides insight into social expectations and the actual assessment of the examined infrastructure attributes.
Purpose: Improving the quality of medical services is one of the key focus areas of hospital management. The search for opportunities for improvement, addressing real problems and meeting the needs of customers becomes particularly important in the face of such challenges as technological, especially the development of digitization and e-medicine, demographic changes, including, among others, aging societies, political and financial. The study was conducted to identify and analyze staff attributes that determine the achievement of a level of patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services. Design/methodology/approach: Based on desk research and interviews with patients of a sample hospital, six key staff attributes important for achieving satisfaction with the quality of hospital services were identified. These attributes were subjected to empirical studies conducted in accordance with the methodology of the Kano model (first stage) and the survey method (second stage). The results of the studies made it possible to identify gaps between the highest desired degree of satisfaction and the level resulting from the patients' actual evaluation. Subsequently, the authors formulated their own recommendations for strengthening human capital for increasing the quality of hospital services. Findings: Based on the research, the map of key staff attributes affecting patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services was developed. The attributes with the greatest importance and strength of influence on the quality of services, characteristic of the three professional groups studied, were then identified. Among them were: professionalism, kindness and politeness towards the patient and his family members, individualized approach to the patient. Recognizing the opinions of patients of a particular hospital, the attributes that were important but at the same time rated lowest were identified. On this basis, gaps between the expected and actual state were identified, and suggestions were made for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations were recognized in the research process, primarily due to the size of the research sample and the scope and scale of empirical research. It seems desirable to expand the research field to include the international environment. Conclusions made against the background of other cultural or systemic conditions of health care in a given country could enrich the conducted comparative analysis with interesting insights. In addition, the study of correlations between an expanded set of factors influencing the quality of hospital services and the level of patient satisfaction could provide a direction for further research. Practical implications: The results of the study may be of interest to stakeholders in the health care industry. Identifying the key personnel attributes of greatest importance and power to influence service quality seems important for designing changes that strengthen a hospital's human capital. The presented suggestions for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation based on the results of patient satisfaction surveys of a specific hospital have application value. Social implications: Implementation of changes designed on the basis of the research results presented and suggestions for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation can realistically improve patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services. In addition, hospitals' interest in improving the quality of services in response to patients' needs and expectations demonstrates social responsibility. Originality/value: The paper identifies key staff attributes important for achieving patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services. It also provides practical recommendations for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation. The article is dedicated to academic and healthcare professionals, including hospital managers, as well as local government administration.
The aim of the article is to determine the direction in which changes should be introduced in the management of healthcare units to increase patient satisfaction with the organization of services in the examined unit. It is emphasized that hospital management is a comprehensive process that includes planning, organization, coordination, and control of activities. These subprocesses are aimed at the efficient provision of medical services and the management of material and human resources. Based on the literature, the authors have identified factors influencing effective hospital management. Special attention is paid to the quality of medical care and accreditation as tools for raising quality standards. In the empirical part, the results of research conducted in a group of hospitals are presented, in which respondents assessed the level of satisfaction in selected areas. The Kano methodology was then used to understand patient expectations and classify attributes of hospital services. The results of the analysis indicated that some attributes have a neutral classification, while others are attractive to patients and generate a high level of satisfaction. The final part of the study includes recommendations for directions of changes in the management of healthcare units identified based on the conducted research.
Celem artykułu jest określenie w jakim kierunku powinny być wprowadzane zmiany w zarządzaniu jednostkami opieki zdrowotnej, aby podnieść satysfakcję pacjentów z organizacji usług w badanej jednostki. Podkreśla się, iż zarządzanie szpitalami jest kompleksowym procesem, obejmującym: planowanie, organizację, koordynację i kontrolę działań, niniejsze subprocesy mają na celu efektywne świadczenie usług medycznych, zarządzanie zasobami materialnymi oraz zasobami ludzkimi. W oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu autorki zidentyfikowały czynniki wpływające na efektywne zarządzanie szpitalami. W sposób szczególny odniesiono się do jakości w opiece medycznej oraz akredytacji jako narzędzia podnoszenia standardów jakości. W części empirycznej zawarto wyniki badań zrealizowanych w zespole szpitali, w których respondenci określili poziom satysfakcji w wybranych obszarach następnie wykorzystano metodologię Kano do zrozumienia oczekiwań pacjentów i klasyfikacji atrybutów usług szpitalnych. Wyniki analizy wskazały, iż niektóre atrybuty mają klasyfikację obojętną, podczas gdy inne są atrakcyjne dla pacjentów i generują wysoki stopień zadowolenia. Końcowym elementem opracowania są rekomendacje kierunków zmian w zarządzaniu jednostkami opieki zdrowotnej zidentyfikowane w oparciu o przeprowadzone badania.
In the article there were presented issues related to the improvement of the occupational health and safety (OHS) management system in a selected energy industry company. The research entity belongs to the leading producers of electricity and heat in Poland. In the paper there were analyzed data on accidents in the research period covering the years 2012-2017. There was also made a short description of the company's activities regarding internal health and safety inspections carried out periodically. Furthermore, there were analyzed the activities improving the occupational health and safety management system in a selected research entity. In the paper there were also presented the sizes and types of activities (projects), that were aimed at improving the health and safety area and included in the company's business strategy. On the basis of the data and the analyzes carried out, it was possible to make a comprehensive assessment of the health and safety management system of the company and to indicate that corrective actions are continuous.
In this paper there were presented some issues connected with Lean concept in improving of production processes. The research was conducted on the example of production enterprises that function in metal industry. The enterprises for the research were chosen purposefully, because of two reasons - the possibility to obtain information on the researched area and the assumption that these enterprises use the lean concept instruments. The questionnaire was the research tool. The goal of the research was to examine, what are the most expected advantages from implementing of lean concept methods, and what were the real advantages, that occurred in production system of researched enterprises. The authors presented the quantitative results of the study and carried out an analysis of the response in the form of a matrix. The developed matrix extended the knowledge about the distribution of observed benefits. It enables to indicate which advantages occurred in the enterprises expecting and not expecting some benefits.
In the paper there was presented the role and importance of choosing appropriate quality management methods in making decisions on implementing corrective actions on the example of a selected metallurgical company. There was presented application of the results of production process improving methods, such as 5 Why and FMEA, to indicate corrective actions. Moreover, it was analyzed whether, after introducing these activities, it was possible to eliminate or limit defects in the production process. For this purpose, the level of the RPN index was recalculated - after the changes were introduced. Furthermore, the costs of defects before and after the introduction of corrective actions were estimated.
Ciągły postęp w zakresie technologii magazynowania i konieczność doskonalenia procesów magazynowych powoduje konieczność wprowadzania usprawnień i nowych rozwiązań w tym zakresie. Istniejące opracowania naukowe dostarczają wiedzy na temat metod umożliwiających poprawę funkcjonowania gospodarki magazynowej, jednak w większości są to metody czasochłonne i wymagające doświadczenia w ich stosowaniu. Dlatego celem niniejszego artykułu było opracowanie jednej z prostszych możliwych ścieżek doskonalenia zarządzania magazynem wyrobów gotowych. Realizacja tego celu przebiegała kilku etapowo i wymagała przeprowadzenia badań ankietowych wstępnych i rozszerzonych.
Continuous progress in the field of storage technology and the need to improve warehouse processes makes it necessary to introduce improvements in this area. Scientific studies provide knowledge about warehouse management improving, however, most of these methods are timeconsuming and require experience in their application. The purpose of this article was to develop one of the possible paths to improve warehouse management. The implementation of this objective took several stages and required preliminary and extended surveys to be carried out.
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