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This work presents the results of a study on the effect of electrical current density (53, 105, 158 and 210 mA/m2), type of the external source of carbon (citric acid, potassium bicarbonate), and C/NNO3 ratio (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5) on the effectiveness of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from synthetic wastewater with physicochemical parameters typical of municipal sewage subjected to bio-treatment in the highly efficient system for organic compounds removal ensuring efficient course of the nitrification process. The denitrification efficiency was found to depend on the type and dose of carbon and on the electrical current density. Higher values of this parameter were determined in the reactor with citric acid than in one with potassium bicarbonate used as carbon sources. Total phosphorus was removed in the processes of electrocoagulation and biomass growth. Higher efficiency of dephosphatation was achieved in the reactor with electrical current passage than in the reactor without it. The type of carbon source had little effect on the dephosphatation efficiency. The use of electrical current density of 210 mA/m2 and citric acid as a carbon source with C/N=1.5 allowed achieving 87.61(±1.6)% efficiency of denitrification and 97.69(±2.1)% efficiency of dephosphatation.
This work presents the results of an experiment on the effect of electrical current density (53, 105, 158 and 210 mA/m2), the type of an external source of carbon (citric acid, potassium bicarbonate) and C/NNO3 ratio (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5) on the quantity and quality of formed sludge. The experiment was conducted in sequencing batch biofilm reactors (SBBRs), under anaerobic conditions, with and without the passage of electrical current, under controlled pH of 7.5–8.0. The study demonstrated that in the reactors with electrical current passage and external source of carbon, the volume of sludge increased along with the current density increase from 53 to 158 mA/m2. At its highest density (210 mA/m2), the concentration of sludge was insignificantly lower. For all densities of electrical current and C/NNO3 values, the concentrations of sludge formed in the reactors with potassium bicarbonate (1.00 to 1.26 g d. m./L) were lower than in the reactors with citric acid (1.26 to 1.30 g d. m./L). The concentration of organic matter was higher in the sludge from the reactors with electrical current passage and potassium bicarbonate, compared to the sludge from the reactors with citric acid. In the reactors with electrical current passage and external source of carbon, the total nitrogen content in the sludge decreased along with the C/NNO3 ratio increase for current densities of 53 and 105 mA/m2. For a higher electrical current density, the nitrogen content in the sludge was similar. Irrespectively of the current density, the nitrogen content in the sludge from the reactors with citric acid was higher than in the sludge from the reactors with potassium bicarbonate. For higher current densities (158 and 210 mA/m2) the increase in the C/NNO3 value caused an increase in the P content in the sludge. The electrical current density increase contributed to increasing the content of phosphorus in the sludge. The phosphorus content in the sludge from the reactors with citric acid was lower than in the sludge from the reactors with potassium bicarbonate. The CST values prove that the sludge formed during the wastewater treatment in electrobiological SBBR was characterized by very high dewaterability. The capillary suction time decreased along with increasing the electrical current density but was not significantly affected by the type of carbon source.
This study investigates the feasibility of using an organic substrate in the form of acetic acid to enable wastewater denitrification in a Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor (SBBR). The impact of nitrates presence on the yield of biological dephosphatation was determined as well. The experiment included 296 cycles and was divided into 4 series differing in the load of nitrates. The N:(C and P) ratios were: 7:(140 and 7); 35:(140 and 7); 70:(140 and 7) and 140:(140 and 7). The hydraulic retention time in the reactor was 12h (6h of mixing – dissolved oxygen concentration below 0.1 and 6h of aeration – concentration of dissolved oxygen 3.0±0.8 mgO2·dm-3). The study demonstrated that the 30-day adaptation period (60 cycles) was sufficient for the development of a stable biofilm. The C:N ratio of 2 ensured the total nitrogen concentration in the effluent below 1 mgN·dm-3. The mean efficiency of biological dephosphatation reached 7.0, 17.4, 18.7, and 30.3% in series 1–4, respectively. In the case of series 2 and 3, no significant differences were demonstrated in the total phosphorus concentration in the effluent. In the other series, the differences turned out to be significant.
In this study, wastewater originating from a post-slaughter waste management plant, the main activity of which is the recovery of other than hazardous wastes of animal origin and wastes from the agri-food processing, were analyzed. The main substrates processed in the installation include post-slaughter wastes and wastes from the agri-food processing, like e.g.: waste animal tissue, raw materials and products unsuitable for consumption and processing originating from the food, dairy, bakery and confectionery industries, sludge from the onsite wastewater treatment plant, unusable dietary fats, cooking oils and fats, and biodegradable kitchen waste. The above-mentioned wastes are recovered and processed into meat-bone meal, blood meal, feather meal as well as technical fat. The wastewater was characterized by a high concentration of organic matter (COD from 20 345 to 66 260 mg O2/dm3), total suspended solids (from 1068 to 4336 mg/dm3), and fats (from 1186 to 2244 mg/dm3). Phosphorus concentration in raw wastewater ranged from 75 to 230 mg P/dm3, that of total nitrogen from 496 to 910 mg N/dm3, and that of ammonia nitrogen from 450 to 846 mg N/dm3. The process line of the onsite wastewater treatment plant included: rotary screen, floatation-flocculation station (agents and procedures aiding the process: PIX coagulant, pH adjustment with soda lye, polyelectrolyte), aerobic bioreactor, and ultrafiltration station. The excess sludge from the bioreactor is dewatered on a filtration press and collected by an external company as a waste product. Removal effectiveness reached 99.7% for organic matter, 98.5% for total phosphorus, 95.2% for total nitrogen, 98.5% for ammonia nitrogen, and 98.9% for suspended solids. The total effectiveness of the first two stages of the treatment process (screening on rotary screens and wastewater treatment via floatation and flocculation) exceeded 50% in the case of most of the contaminants (except for total nitrogen with effectiveness accounting for 46%). The highest total effectiveness of the first two stages of the treatment process, reaching over 90%, was noted in the case of fats. Concentrations of contaminants in the treated wastewater did not exceed the permissible values, stipulated in the integrated permit.
Celem pracy była charakterystyka ścieków pochodzących z zakładu utylizacji odpadów poubojowych oraz ścieków po kolejnych etapach oczyszczania. W skład ciągu technologicznego oczyszczalni wchodzi sito obrotowe, stacja flotacyjno-flokulacyjna, tlenowy reaktor biologiczny i stacja ultrafiltracji. Badania wykonano w latach 2015-2016. Próbki pobrano siedmiokrotnie - trzy w roku 2015 i cztery w 2016 (maj, czerwiec). Ścieki charakteryzowały się wysokim stężeniem związków organicznych wyrażonych ChZT (od 20 345 do 66 260 mg O2/dm3), zawiesin ogólnych (od 1068 do 4336 mg/dm3), tłuszczów (od 1186 do 2244 mg/dm3). Równocześnie stężenie fosforu ogólnego w ściekach surowych wynosiło od 75 do 230 mg P/dm3, azotu ogólnego od 496 do 910 mg N/dm3, a stężenie azotu amonowego od 450 do 846 mg N/dm3. Związki organiczne usuwane były ze sprawnością 99,7%, fosfor ogólny - 98,5%, azot ogólny - 95,2%, azot amonowy - 98,5% i zawiesiny - 98,9%. Sumaryczna efektywność w dwóch pierwszych etapach oczyszczania na sitach obrotowych oraz w procesie flotacji i flokulacji w większości przypadków była wyższa od 50% (wyjątek stanowił azot ogólny). Stężenia wskaźników zanieczyszczeń w ściekach oczyszczonych nie przekraczały wartości dopuszczalnych, określonych w pozwoleniu zintegrowanym.
Celem badań było określenie stopnia wykorzystania substratu organicznego w procesie denitryfikacji z udziałem błony biologicznej w laboratoryjnym modelu czterostopniowego biologicznego złoża obrotowego. Zanurzenie tarcz wynosiło 40%. Jako substrat organiczny zastosowano kwas octowy, wprowadzany do czwartego (ostatniego) stopnia złoża. Obserwowano wykorzystanie substratu dla 2 i 24h. Dla krótszego czasu zanotowano usunięcie 37,9±1,8 mgN·m-2 przy jednoczesnym wykorzystaniu 499,9±33,2 mgO2·m-2 związków organicznych. Wydłużenie czasu gwarantowało wyższą efektywność denitryfikacji. Stosunek wykorzystanego substratu organicznego do ilości usuniętego azotu wynosił 13:1 i 21:1 odpowiednio dla 2 i 24h.
The aim of the study was to determine the degree of an organic substrate consumption in the denitrification process involving a biofilm in four-stages laboratory scale rotating biological contactor (RBC). The discs submergence was 40% of their diameter. Acetic acid, used as external carbon source, was fed to the fourth stage of RBC. Consumption of substrate was observed for 2 and 24 hours. For a shorter period there was the removal of 37.9 ± 1.8 mgN · m-2, while using 499,9 ± 33.2 mg O2 · m-2 of organic compounds. The prolongation of the experiment duration guaranteed higher efficiency of denitrification. The ratio of organic substrate used to the amount of nitrogen removed was 13: 1 and 21: 1 for 2 and 24 hours respectively.
Operatorzy oczyszczalni w Polsce od kilkunastu lat obserwują wzrost stężenia zanieczyszczeń ścieków surowych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do substancji organicznych. To efekt ograniczenia zużycia wody, renowacji sieci, wzrostu zamożności społeczeństwa, powszechnego marnotrawstwa żywności. Najpoważniejszym działaniem wpływającym na skład ścieków miejskich jest stosowanie w obiektach gastronomicznych młynków koloidalnych i odprowadzanie do kanalizacji rozdrobnionych odpadów żywnościowych. To nagminne zachowanie zostało zauważone i zanegowane w 2010 roku we wspólnym stanowisku GIS i MŚ. Zdecydowanie za późno, co potwierdza sytuacja zaobserwowana w olsztyńskiej oczyszczalni ścieków, gdzie największy skok wartości ChZT zaobserwowano w latach 2008–2010. Średnie stężenie ChZT ścieków w latach 2011–2014 było prawie dwukrotnie wyższe niż w roku 1996 a RLM rzeczywiste jest bliskie wartości projektowej, pomimo tego, że obciążenie hydrauliczne obiektu nieznacznie przekroczyło 50% wartości obliczeniowej. Usuwanie tak dużych ładunków zanieczyszczeń organicznych generuje wysokie koszty, których można by uniknąć zagospodarowując racjonalnie odpady gastronomiczne.
The operators of wastewater treatment plants in Poland have been observing an increase in the concentration of raw sewage for several years. In particular for organic substances. This is the effect of water consumption reduction, restoration of the sewerage networks, growing wealth, widespread waste of food. The most serious adverse, influencing on the municipal wastewater composition is colloid mills application in gastronomical objects and the discharge of shredded food waste to sewer. That widespread behavior has been noticed and negated, in 2010 year, by the common position of GIS and the ME. Far too late, which confirms the situation observed at the Olsztyn wastewater treatment plant, where the biggest increase of COD values was observed in 2008–2010. The average concentration of COD of sewage in the period 2011–2014 was almost twice higher than in 1996, real PE is close to the design value, despite the fact that the hydraulic load of the object slightly exceeded 50% of design value. Removing such large organic pollutant loads generates high costs, that could be avoided by reasonable food waste management.
Celem badań było określenie efektywności usuwania fosforu ze ścieków na filtrach pionowych wypełnionych żwirem oraz granulatem przygotowanym z popiołów powstających podczas procesu spalania osadów ściekowych (FASSTT LWA). Syntetyczne ścieki zawierające 7,36 mg/L fosforu wprowadzano do kolumn filtracyjnych wypełnionych żwirem i FASSTT LWA (dolną warstwę wypełnienia stanowił żwir, podczas gdy górna warstwa z FASSTT LWA zajmowała odpowiednio 0, 12, 25, 50, i 100% wypełnienia kolumny). Badania prowadzono dla obciążeń hydraulicznych równych 0,003, 0,005 i 0,007 m/d. Wykazano, że efektywność usuwania fosforu ze ścieków na filtrach z wypełnieniem zawierającym granulat zależała od proporcji między żwirem i granulatem. Usuwanie fosforu odbywało się głównie wskutek procesu adsorpcji na powierzchni wypełnienia filtru. Najwyższą efektywność usuwania fosforu, niezależnie od zastosowanego obciążenia hydraulicznego, uzyskano dla filtru o 50% zawartości granulatu typu LECA i 50% zawartości żwiru. Potwierdzono możliwość wykorzystania popiołów z procesu spalania osadów ściekowych do produkcji granulatu i zastosowania wypełnienia z granulatu w filtrach do oczyszczania ścieków zanieczyszczonych związkami fosforu.
The effectiveness of phosphorus removal in vertical-flow filters with double-layer filling composed of light weight aggregate made of fly ashes from sewage sludge thermal treatment (FASSTT LWA) and gravel was determined. Synthetic wastewaters containing 7.36 mg/L of phosphorus were fed into filter columns filled with gravel and FASSTT LWA (gravel was the bed’s lower layer, whereas the top layer of the FASSTT LWA constituted 0, 12, 25, 50, and 100% of the depth of the column) at hydraulic loads from 0.003, to 0.007 m/d. The study demonstrated that the efficiency of phosphorus removal depends on the ratio between the gravel and FASSTT LWA. Phosphorus removal is mainly due to adsorption on the surface of the filter filling. The highest phosphorus removal rate was achieved in the filter column with 50% FASSTT LWA and 50% gravel content, irrespective of the hydraulic load applied. The study confirmed the possibility of using FASSTT LWA to produce granular filling and application as the filling of filter columns used for the treatment of wastewaters containing significant concentration of phosphorus.
Utrzymanie czystości i porządku należy do podstawowych obowiązków gmin, co zostało uregulowane prawnie. W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z funkcjonowaniem systemów oczyszczania miast będących poważnym wyzwaniem logistycznym. Omówiono zbiórkę i transport odpadów komunalnych, letnie oczyszczanie ulic i placów, zimowe utrzymanie ulic i placów. Poruszono zagadnienia bezpośrednio wpływające na organizację prac oraz koszty ich wykonania. Zwrócono uwagę na sposoby ich optymalizacji.
Cleanliness and order maintenance is one of the basic tasks of municipalities, which is regulated by law. The work presents the issues related to functioning of urban cleaning systems, which pose a major logistic challenge. Municipal waste collection and transport, summer street and square cleaning and winter street and square maintenance have been discussed. The issues that affect directly work organization and the work performance costs have been raised. The ways of their optimization have been analyzed.
W pracy przedstawiono wpływ dwutlenku węgla (C02) i wodorowęglanu potasu (KHC03), jako źródeł węgla nieorganicznego, na efektywność procesu denitryfikacji hydrogenotroficznej i jakość oczyszczanych ścieków w reaktorze wielokatodowym z unieruchomioną błoną biologiczną i anodą węglową. Eksperyment prowadzono w warunkach anaerobowych, przy gęstości prądu elektrycznego 79 mA-m i stosunku C/N = 0,75. Przeprowadzone badania pokazały, iż wspomaganie denitryfikacji hydrogenotroficznej dwutlenkiem węgla wydzielanym w procesie utleniania anody węglowej oraz wodorowęglanem potasu, istotnie wpłynęło na uzyskanie wyższej sprawności usuwania azotanów(V) - 83,97 ±1,7% (8,05 ±0,8 mg NN03-dm'3). Ponadto, elektroda węglowa pełniła rolę akceptora elektronów, w procesie zewnętrznego utlenienia związków organicznych. Oba źródła węgla zapewniały utrzymanie parametrów fizyko-chemicznych oczyszczanych ścieków korzystniejszych dla procesu denitryfikacji, tj. pH, ORP i przewodności elektrolitycznej. Większa dostępność węgla nieorganicznego nie wpłynęła istotnie na zwiększenie koncentracji biomasy w formie zawieszonej.
The paper discusses the effect of carbon dioxide (C02) and potassium hydrocarbonate (KHC03) as sources of inorganic carbon, on the efficiency of hydrogenotrophic denitrification and quality of treated wastewater in a multicatode reactor with an immobilized biofilm and carbon anode. The experiment was conducted under anaerobic conditions, at the electric current density of 79 mA-m'2 and the C/N ratio = 0.75. The results showed that by stimulating hydrogenotrophic denitrification with carbon dioxide released from oxygenation of a carbon anode and with potassium hydrocarbonate, a significantly better efficiency of the removal of nitrates (V) - 83.9711.7% (8.05±0.8 mgNN03-dm_3) was attainable. Besides, the carbon anode played a role of an acceptor of electrons during the endogenous oxygenation of organic compounds. Both sources of carbon ensured maintaining the physicochemical parameters of treated wastewater, such as pH, ORP and electrolytic conductivity on a level better for the course of denitrification. An improved availability of inorganic carbon did not have a significant effect on the increase of suspended biomass concentration.
W wyniku wprowadzenia przepisów unijnych zostało bezwzględnie zakazane żywienie zwierząt gospodarskich odpadami gastronomicznymi. Odpady żywnościowe muszą być składowane w odpowiednio utrzymywanych pojemnikach, a następnie przekazywane przedsiębiorcy działającemu na podstawie ustawy o odpadach. Ale tego typu działania są bardziej pracochłonne niż powszechnie stosowane w Polsce rozdrabnianie odpadów za pomocą młynków koloidalnych, a następnie odprowadzanie ich do kanalizacji. Tak „zagospodarowywane” odpady gastronomiczne stwarzają problemy w eksploatacji sieci kanalizacyjnej i oczyszczalni ścieków, generując poważne koszty. W pracy scharakteryzowano odpady gastronomiczne pod względem zawartości substancji organicznych i biogennych. Przedstawiono efekty wytwarzania z odpadów lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych i zastosowania ich w oczyszczalni w procesach denitryfikacji i defosfatacji. Zaproponowano sposób zagospodarowania odpadów, który wykorzysta tkwiący w nich potencjał i nie będzie stwarzał problemów eksploatacji systemu kanalizacyjnego.
As a result of the introduction of EU legislation feeding food waste to livestock is strictly prohibited. Food waste must be stored in containers properly maintained and then forwarded to the entrepreneur acting on the basis of the Waste Act. But such activities are more labor-intensive than the more commonly used in Poland shredding food waste using colloid mills and discharge them to sewage system. Shredded food waste create problems in the operation of the sewerage network and sewage treatment plants and generate substantial costs. Food waste were characterized in terms of waste organic matter and nutrients content. The effects of volatile fatty acids generation from food waste and their application in denitrification and phosphorus removal processes were presented. Authors proposed a method of food waste management, which will use their poten¬tial and will not cause operating problems of sewerage system.
The processes of nitrification and denitrification are the most common and well-known methods of biological nitrogen removal from wastewater. Nitrifying bacteria are characterized by a low growth rate, a tendency to wash out from the reactors, which means that nitrification is the limiting factor in the course of the nitrogen compounds removal process. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a large amount of nitrifying biomass in reactors in order to ensure the proper level of nitrification efficiency. Previously performed researches have shown that the magnetic field can affect the growth of microorganisms and their ability to biodegrade contaminants. Application of a magnetic field enhances microbial activity, accelerates degradation of organic compounds and increases nitrification rate. Otherwise the magnetic field is beneficial for biomass biodiversity and abundance. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of magnetic field on the efficiency of organic compounds removal and nitrogen compounds transformations taking place in the biomass of rotating biological contactor. Investigations were carried out in a rotating biological contactor (RBC) working in a bench scale. Each section containedpackets of disks with a diameter of 0.22 m submerged in a semi-circular tank with a capacity of 2 L. Submergence of the disks was 40%. Disks rotated with speed of 60 rpm. The study was carried out using four RBCs – the first one was called the control unit, next three were under the influence of the magnetic field of 60 mT, 120 mT and 180 mT induction. Studies have shown that the efficiency of nitrification increased with growth ofmagnetic field induction. The magnetic field of 180 mT intensity increased nitrification efficiency significantly different, when compared with other systems, and was equal to 92%. Denitrification efficiency was the highest in the system, where the biomass was exposed to the magnetic field of 60 mT induction. Process efficiency decreased with increasing magnetic induction. Exposure of wastewaters and biofilm biomass in the magnetic field did not affect the statistical efficiency of the organic compounds removal. The highest percentage of COD biodegradation, on average 89.51%, was observed in a rotating biological contactor exposed to magnetic field of the highest tested induction.
Nowadays, high effective carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal based on activated sludge is the most popular method of dairy wastewater treatment. In activated sludge systems efficient nutrient compounds removal is determined by the quantity and quality of easily available forms of organic carbon. For both biological phosphorus removal and biological nitrogen removal to occur, an easily biodegradable carbon source must be present in the treating wastewater. The organic compounds used in the processes of denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) usually are presented in treating wastewater, what is called an internal source of carbon. However, many industrial wastewater, including dairy wastewater, very often do not have sufficient amounts of carbon, in relation to the concentration of nitrate and phosphates, to ensure efficient both denitrification and biological dephosphatation processes. When biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal is limited by the availability of easily biodegradable forms of organic carbon a supplemental carbon source must be add to the wastewater, hence so-called external source of carbon should be applied to provide energy necessary for the nutrient removing bacteria to grow and perform their work. One of the most popular sources of organic carbon is acetic acid, which is one of the best available forms of carbon by denitrifying bacteria and those accumulating polyphosphates (PAO). Apart from acetic acid and acetates use is made of a number of the volatile fatty acids (VFA), including propionic acid, butyric acid, valeric acid, and such substrates as: glucose, methanol or ethanol. Since the use of chemical compounds in the form of technical products (e.g. acetic acid, citric acid) is generally expensive, cost-saving solutions are sought. According to literature data, wastewater with high COD/(N + P) ratio after acidogenic fermentation can be used as an external source of VFA in wastewater with low concentrations of easily available organic compounds treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the filtration process on the content of organic compounds (measured as COD) in relation to the concentration of nutrients (measured as the sum of TKN and TP) in process dairy wastewater, in terms of the possibility of effective VFA production. It was observed, that filtration process ensures improvement of the COD/(N + P) ratio only in wastewater from the selected sections of dairy production. The best result, if percentage increase of the COD/(N + P) ratio is considered, was obtained for the wastewater from butter production. Densification of wastewater from butter production resulted in 95% increase of the COD/(N + P) ratio without a significant increased nutrient concentration. Filtration process provided the highest COD/(N + P) ratio (219,18 mg O2/(mg N + mg P)) and reduced both nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the permeate from the apparatus room. The results obtained suggest, that acidogenic fermentation of wastewater from the apparatus room and butter production with high COD/(N + P) ratio can serve as an external source of VFA in biological wastewater treatment process of wastewater with low concentrations of easily available organic compounds, which ensures effective nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
Municipal and industrial wastewaters discharged to water reservoirs should be characterized by a low load of nutrients. Nitrogen and phosphorus are responsible for eutrophication, is therefore necessary to find the effective solutions for their removal. The experiment has been carried in order to determine the impact of the electric current density on the course of simultaneous electrocoagulation and hydrogenotrophic denitrification in the rotating electro-biological contactor (REBC).The study was conducted in the laboratory scale, parallely in three anaerobic reactors, in conditions of the flow electric current. In the REBC unit, rotating disks made of stainless steel with immobilized biofilm were the cathode. Hydrogen donor produced on the surface of cathode, in water electrolysis process, was used by denitrifying bacteria for nitrates reduction. As the anode an aluminum electrode mounted in the reactors was used. As a result of the anode electrolytic dissolution releasing Al3+ ions combined with the hydroxyl ions emitted on the cathode, formed metal hydroxides, which functioned as a coagulant in the binding of phosphate ions. In crude wastewaters inflowing to the bioreactors the concentration of orthophosphates was 8.1 mgPO4×dm-3 and total nitrogen 81.36 mg Nog×dm-3 and the concentration of organic compounds was equal 40.52 mg O2×dm-3 . The study showed that regardless the operating parameter of the electrolysis process, effluent concentration of orthophosphate below 1 mg PO4×dm-3 was obtained. However, the lowest concentration were observed at a density 0.05 mA×cm-2 . The efficiency of 97.27% corresponded to the phosphate concentration equal 0.22 mg PO4×dm-3. The increase of electric current density resulted in a higher concentration of orthophosphate in the effluent from the reactors, because of more intensive dissolution of aluminum hydroxide with the increase of wastewater alkalinity and a limited amount of secreted Al3+ ions, as a result of aluminum oxide accumulation on the anode surface. In the same time, electrolytically-aided denitrification process affected the reducing concentration of total nitrogen in the wastewaters with the increase of electric current density, as a result of intensive use a hydrogen donor by denitrifying bacteria. The lowest concentration of total nitrogen in the treated wastewaters was achieved at the highest current density 0.1 mA cm-2 – 16.15 mgNog dm-3 , which corresponded to 80.15% effectiveness. The research has shown that bio-electrochemical reactor may be an alternative solution for reactors with suspended biomass designed for nutrients removal.
Beer is the fifth most popular drink all over the world. Annual consumption reaches 23 L per capita. In Poland, the brewery industry has been the subject of intensive transformations in the last 20 years as a result of, most of all, an increase in beer consumption and brewery wastewater quantity increase are observed. Two main cycles may be distinguished in the beer production process: production of malt and production of beer. Wastewaters are generated at all production stages: soaking and transport of grain (malt house), spent grain anddraff (brewhouse), yeast washing and waste yeast pressing (fermentation house), and mainly from processes of production appliances, rooms and packages cleaning. Hence, the quantity of generated wastewaters is significantly affected by the washing technology of appliances and installations. The study presents the physicochemical characteristics of wastewaters originated from the brewery plant production departments. Wastewater samples were taken from two brewery plants (BP) 1 and 2. They produce lager type beer. The mean water consumption in the breweries in the study period reached 0.30 and 0.45 m3 hL-1 of produced beer respectively for BP1 and for BP2. Wastewaters originated from: brewhouse, the process of spinning (centrifuge), fermentation house (fermentation tanks, horizontal unitanksUT), storage facilities (with facilities for filtration, storage in the pressurized tanks BBT type) and racking house – BP1 and frommalt house, brewhouse, fermentation house and racking house at BP2. In addition, analyses were conducted on a mixture of wastewaters originating from the whole brewery plant that, apart from the above-mentioned production wastewaters, contained wastewaters from social facilities and administrative buildings.Physicochemical analysesincluded: pH, suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, COD and BOD. Results of the study demonstrate a correlation between the site of wastewaters generation, specific character of a unitary technological process and the quality of wastewaters discharged to a sewage system, including their potential biodegradability. The highest average concentration of organic compounds (COD and BOD) (28161 mg O2 ∙ L-1 and 13595 mg O2 ∙ L-1) and total phosphorus (75,2 mg P ∙ L-1 )were observed in the effluents produced during the centrifuge process at the brew house. Wastewater from brewhouse located at BP1 characterized by the highest suspended solids concentration (924 mg d.m. L-1). The maximum values of total nitrogen (132,9 mg N ∙ L-1)were reported in the effluent from the fermentation process (BP2).Despite significant differences in the quality of wastewaters, they were characterized by the C:N:P ratio beneficial for the biological treatment, irrespective of the source of their origin.Ratios of BOD : (TKN + TP) (>25)in brewery wastewaters indicate the potential for highly-effective process of biological N and P removal. These ratios show that the processes of denitrification and biological phosphorus removal should not be limited by the availability of the organic substrate. Moreover, most examined brewery wastewater streams can be applied as external carbon source in biological processes removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater containing insufficient amounts of biodegradable organic matter.
W pracy przedstawiono wpływ pogłębionego utleniania z wykorzystaniem odczynnika Fentona (Fe2+/H202) oraz fal ultradźwiękowych na proces stabilizacji i kondycjonowania osadów pochodzących z hodowli karpi. Osady poddawano oddziaływaniu pola ultradźwiękowego w czasie 5, 15 i 30 min, a następnie wprowadzano dawki jonów żelaza. Po 20 minutach, dodawano nadtlenek wodoru - przy stosunku wagowym żelaza do nadtlenku wodoru wynoszącym 1:4. Dawki te wynosiły od 0,5 g L-1Fe2+; 2,0 g H202) L-1 do 2,0 g L-1 Fe2+; 8,0 g H202) L-1. Stwierdzono, że proces kondycjonowania i stabilizacji osadów przebiegał najefektywniej przy wykorzystaniu metody łączonej - wstępnego 15 minutowego nadźwiękawiania oraz dawki odczynnika Fentona równej 1,5 Fe2+ L-1; 6,0 g H202) L-1. Badania pokazały, iż połączenie obu metod może zapewnić odpowiedni, zgodny z obowiązującymi przepisami, stopień higienizacji i ustabilizowania osadów, przy mniejszych dawkach reagentów chemicznych. Zanotowano także, wpływ fal ultradźwiękowych na zmianę właściwości nawozowych osadów, ilość substancji organicznych w filtracie oraz na podatność osadów do odwadniania.
The effect of advanced oxidation using Fenton’s reagent (Fe2+/H202), and ultrasonic waves on the process of stabilization and conditioning of sludge from the breeding carp was presented. Sediments were effected by ultrasonic at 5, 15 and 30 min, and then fed with doses of iron ions. After 20 minutes, hydrogen peroxide was added - at a weight ratio of iron to hydrogen peroxide equal 1:4. The doses ranged from 0,5 g L-1Fe2+; 2,0 g H202) L-1 to 2,0 g L-1 Fe2+; 8,0 g H202) L-1. It was found that the process of stabilization and sediments conditioning was the most efficient with the use of a 15-minute pre-ultrasonic waves application and Fenton reagent dose equal 1,5 Fe2+ L-1; 6,0 g H202) L-1. Studies have shown that the combination of both methods can provide appropriate, consistent with applicable law, the degree of hygienization and stabilization of sediments, with lower doses of chemical reagents. The ultrasonic waves influence on the fertilizer sediment properties, the amount of organic matter in the filtrate, and the susceptibility of bottom sediments to dewatering was also noted
Związki azotu negatywnie wpływają na odbiorniki, do których są odprowadzane. Zużywają tlen w procesach utleniania azotu amonowego, co toksycznie wpływa na ryby. Poza tym azot, podobnie jak fosfor, jest czynnikiem powodującym eutrofizację zbiorników wodnych, dlatego redukcja jego zawartości w ściekach jest konieczna. Azot wprowadzany do odbiorników, pochodzi nie tylko ze ścieków komunalnych, ale również z takich gałęzi gospodarki jak przemysł czy rolnictwo. Duże zagrożenie dla wód powierzchniowych stanowi intensywny chów ryb, w szczególności prowadzony w naturalnych akwenach jezior. Z uwagi na ochronę środowiska intensywną hodowlę ryb w zbiornikach naturalnych zastępuje się hodowlą z zamkniętym obiegiem wody, co prowadzi między innymi do zmniejszenia wodochłonności produkcji .
This manuscript describes a study conducted in the fractional-technical scale on a rotating electro-biological contactor operating under conditions of electric current flow with a density of: 4.75 mA/m2. Stainless-steel disks with immobilized biomass served as a cathode, whereas an aluminum electrode mounted in the flow tank of the contactor - as an anode. The study was aimed at determining the feasibility of applying electrolytically-aided denitrification in the treatment process of waters from intensive fish breeding. The waters used in the experiment originated from the culture of barramundi fish conducted in a closed system. They were characterized by a high concentration of nitrogen compounds - 79.98 mgN/dm3 and a relatively low concentration of organic compounds expressed as COD - 110.82 mg/dm3, which made the application of the classical denitrification process impossible. The technological design of the study assumed that nitrogen compounds would be subject to reduction during electric current flow. In turn, in the process of water electrolysis, gaseous hydrogen would be produced on the cathode's surface, that would be further utilized as a source of electron donor by autotrophic microorganisms in the denitrification process, owing to the formation of anoxic areas in the deeper layers of the biofilm due to restricted penetration of oxygen. The study resulted in nearly 30% effectiveness of nitrogen compounds removal and over 40% effectiveness of organic compounds removal.
Celem pracy jest określenie wpływu lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych na szybkość uwalniania i wiązania fosforanów w reaktorze SBR oczyszczającym ścieki charakteryzujące się porównywalnymi stężeniami fosforanów i azotanów (V). Celem pracy jest także ustalenie, czy na przebieg i sprawność procesów defosfatacji i denitryfikacji ma wpływ obecność w biomasie osadu czynnego mikroorganizmów zaadaptowanych wcześniej do określonych źródeł węgla. Zakres pracy obejmował określenie: szybkości uwalniania i wiązania fosforanów w obecności kwasów octowego, propionowego, masłowego, walerianowego, izowalerianowego i kapronowego, wpływu rodzaju kwasu na efektywność usuwania fosforanów szybkości procesu denitryfikacji w fazie mieszania i napowietrzania oraz sprawności procesu denitryfikacji w zależności o rodzaju kwasu z grupy LKT.
Determinations were made for the effect of volatile fatty acids (VFA) on the rate of release and absorption of phosphates and on the rate of nitrates removal in the stirring and aeration phases in an SBR type reactor. The effectiveness of phosphates and nitrates removal, influenced by the fatty acid applied, was determined as well. The experiment was conducted in SBR type reactors in one working cycle (stirring - 3 h, aeration - 4 h and sedimentation - 1 h) in the presence of acetic, propionic, butyric, isobutyric, valeric, isovaleric and caproic acids. The initial concentrations of phosphates and nitrates were: 13.4 mg PPO4?dm-3 and 15.2 mg NNO3?dm-3, respectively. The study demonstrated that phosphates were released with the highest rate in the reactors containing acetic acid (3.35 mg PPO4?dm-3?h-1), whereas with the lowest rate - in these containing butyric acid (1.25 mg PPO4?dm-3?h-1). Also the process of phosphates absorption proceeded with the highest rate in the reactor with acetic acid (4.19 mg PPO4?dm-3?h-1), and with the lowest rate - in the presence of isobutyric acid (2.13 mg PPO4?dm-3?h-1). In the case of acetic acid, the highest rates of both processes corresponded with the most effective dephosphatation process (50.0%). Such an explicit dependency was not, however, noted in the case of other fatty acids. In the stirring phase, the denitrification process proceeded with the highest rate (3.95 mg NNO3?dm-3?h-1) in the reactor containing caproic acid, and with the lowest rate - in the presence of isobutyric acid (3.42 mg NNO3?dm-3? h-1). During aeration, the rate of nitrates concentration decrease was the highest in the presence of butyric acid (0.91 mg NNO3?dm-3?h-1) and the lowest - in the presence of caproic acid (0.52 mg NNO3?dm-3?h-1). The highest rates of denitrification recorded in both phases in the reactor with caproic acid were not tantamount to the highest effectiveness of nitrates removal. It was the acetic acid that turned out to be the most effective source of carbon in the denitrification process (92.6%) The highest efficiency of both examined processes was observed in the presence of acetic acid. Negligibly lower efficiencies were noted in the reactor with butyric acid. In view of the fact that propionic acid was only slightly less effective both in the denitrification as well as dephosphatation process, it may be speculated that the presence of microorganisms, adapted earlier to specified carbon sources, in the biomass of activated sludge is likely to affect the course and effectiveness of both processes in reactors with an external source of carbon.
Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie efektywności adsorpcji barwników anionowych i kationowych z roztworów wodnych na popiołach pochodzących, z dwóch różnych źródeł: ze spalania osadów ściekowych w Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków "Dębogórze" w Gdyni i ze spalania węgla kamiennego w Olsztyńskiej Elektrowni Ciepłowniczej (OZOS). Jako adsorbaty zastosowane zostały barwniki rozpuszczalne w wodzie: z wytworzeniem barwnego kationu - Basic Green 4 (barwnik zasadowy) oraz z wytworzeniem barwnego anionu - Reactive Black 5 (barwnik helaktynowy winylosulfonylowy.
This study was conducted with water-soluble dyes used as sorbates: with the formation of color cation - Basic Green 4 (basic dye) and with the formation of color anion - Reactive Black 5 (helactine vinyl sulfone dye). Its objective was to investigate possibilities of dyes adsorption from aqueous solutions on ashes. The scope of the study included a comparison of adsorption effective-ness of two dyes originating from the textile industry: Reactive Black 5 (RB5) and Basic Green 4 (BG4) by fly ashes of two different origins: from coal combustion at the Olsztyn Thermal Power Station (OZOS), from combustion of sewage sludge originating from Group Wastewater Treatment Plant "Dębogórze" in Gdynia. Results achieved in the study demonstrated that the effectiveness of the adsorption process was determined by the type of dye and adsorbent as well as by pH value of the aqueous solution. In the case of the anionic dye RB 5, the increase in pH was accompanied by diminishing adsorption effectiveness, whereas an opposite tendency was observed in the case of the cationic dye BG4 when the increase in pH value resulted in enhanced dye removal. The fly ashes applied in the research, both from the Thermal Power Station OZOS and from combustion of activated sludge, were characterized by a high effectiveness of cationic dye removal. In the case of the cationic dye BG 4, the highest adsorption capacity (b) accounting for 500.5 mg/g was achieved on fly ashes from the Thermal Power Station at pH = 9.0. In turn, the effectiveness of anionic dye RB 5 removal on both sorbents was at a similar, considerably lower level (0.6÷4%). In the case of this dye, the highest adsorption capacity (b) reaching 6 mg/g d.m. was achieved on ashes from the sludge at pH 3.0, whereas the lowest one ? 0.1 mg/g d.m. - at pH 9.0 on fly ashes from the Thermal Power Station.
Konieczność zwiększania skuteczności procesów usuwania związków azotu ze ścieków prowadzi do opracowywania nowych metod biologicznych lub poprawy efektywności już stosowanych rozwiązań technicznych. Proces ten dotyczy także biologicznych złóż obrotowych, które w ostatnich latach zaczęły odgrywać znaczącą rolę w małych i średnich oczyszczalniach do oczyszczania ścieków przemysłowych i bytowo-gospodarczych. Kierunek zmian dotyczy wprowadzania nowych konstrukcji wypełnień, stosowania różnych napędów wprawiających materiał wypełniający w ruch obrotowy, wydłużania czasu retencji ścieków w komorze, różnych technik dostarczania ścieków do reaktora, prowadzenia biodegradacji zanieczyszczeń z procesami elektrochemicznymi oraz współpracy złóż biologicznych z metodą osadu czynnego. W niniejszej pracy przedstawione zostały badania prowadzone w skali ułamkowo-technicznej na elektro-biologicznym złożu tarczowym pracującym w układzie czterostopniowym w warunkach przepływu prądu elektrycznego o gęstości: 4,2 mAm-2. Katodą były tarcze ze stali nierdzewnej z unieruchomioną błoną biologiczną, natomiast anodą - elektroda aluminiowa zamontowana w zbiorniku przepływowym złoża. Równolegle prowadzone były badania na czterostopniowym złożu tarczowym w warunkach konwencjonalnych (gdy nie przepływał prąd elektryczny), w którym czwarty stopień, w celu prowadzenia procesu denitryfikacji, był hermetycznie przykryty. Badania nie wykazały wpływu przepływu prądu elektrycznego na sprawność utleniania związków azotu. Na elektro-biologicznym złożu tarczowym uzyskano ponad 97% sprawność nitryfikacji i niewiele niższą w warunkach konwencjonalnych - około 96%. Stwierdzono natomiast, na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy wariancji, przy użyciu testu nieparametrycznego Friedmana, wpływ przepływu prądu elektrycznego na efektywność denitryfikacji. W warunkach przepływu prądu elektrycznego obserwowano ponad 41% sprawność procesu redukcji związków azotu utlenionych w procesie nitryfikacji. W warunkach konwencjonalnych obserwowano 35% efektywność denitry-fikacji.
The necessity of enhancing the effectiveness of nitrogen compounds removal from wastewaters leads to the elaboration of novel biological methods or to the improvement of effectiveness of the already exploited technical solutions. This refers also to rotating biological contactors (RBCs) which in recent years have begun to play a key role in small- and medium-size treatment plants for the treatment of industrial and domestic sewages. Changes proceeding in this respect involve: introduction of new constructions of fillings, application of different drivers putting the filling material into rotary motion, extension of the time of sewages retention in the reactor, application of different technologies of wastewater discharge to the reactor, electrochemically-aided biodegradation of contaminants, and cooperation of biofilters with the method of activated sludge. This work presents a study conducted in a fractional-technical scale on a rotating electro-biological contactor operating in a four-stage system under conditions of the flow of electric current with a density of 4.2 mAm-2. In the RBC unit, stainless steel disks with immobilized biofilm served as a cathode, whereas an aluminum electrode fixed in the flow tank of the contactor - as an anode. Parallel experiment was conducted on the four-stage RBC under conventional conditions (without the flow of electric current), in which the fourth stage was hermetically closed to enable the denitri-fication process.The study did not demonstrate the electric current flow to affect the effectiveness of nitrogen compounds oxidation. The effectiveness of denitrification achieved on the rotating electro-biological contractor accounted for 97%, whereas that obtained under conventional conditions was only negligibly lower and reached ca. 96%. In turn, the analysis of variance conducted with the Friedman's non-parametric test demonstrated the effectiveness of denitrification to be affected by electric current flow. Under conditions of electric current flow, the effectiveness of the reduction of nitrogen compounds oxidised during nitrification reached over 41%, as compared to 34% achieved under conventional conditions.
Przebadano wpływ lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych (LKT) na szybkość uwalniania i wiązania fosforanów w czasie fazy mieszania i napowietrzania w reaktorze SBR. Określono także sprawności procesów usuwania fosforanów i azotanów (V) w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanego kwasu. Badania przeprowadzono w ramach jednego cyklu pracy SBR (mieszanie - 3 h, napowietrzanie - 4 h i sedymentacja - 1 h) w obecności kwasów: octowego, propionowego, masłowego, izomasłowego, walerianowego, izowalerianowego i kapronowego. Stężenia fosforanów i azotanów na początku cyklu wynosiły odpowiednio 14,1 mg PPO4źdm-3 i 1,22 mg NNO3 dm-3. Stwierdzono, że fosforany uwalniane są z najwyższą szybkością w reaktorach z kwasem octowym (3,85 mg PPO4źdm-3źh-1`) i z najniższą (0,85 mg PPO4źdm-3źh-1) w obecności kwasów izowalerianowego i kapronowego. Również wiązanie fosforanów przebiegało najszybciej w reaktorze z kwasem octowym (5,19 mg PPO4źdm-3źh-1), podczas, gdy najwolniej (2,86 mg PPO4źdm-3źh-1) w obecności kwasu izowalerianowego. Najwyższe szybkości uwalniania i wiązania fosforanów w obecności kwasu octowego były równoznaczne z najefektywniejszym procesem defosfatacji (65,25%). Nie było takiej jednoznacznej zależności w odniesieniu do pozostałych kwasów. Najniższą sprawność usuwania fosforanów, zanotowano w reaktorach dla których zewnętrznym źródłem węgla były kwas izomasłowy (51,06%). Kwas octowy był także najbardziej efektywnym źródłem węgla w odniesieniu do procesu denitryfikacji (57,38%), a najmniej efektywnym był kwas izomasłowy (29,51%). Stwierdzono, że w obecności kwasu octowego zarówno proces defosfatacji jak i proces denitryfikacji przebiegały z najwyższą sprawnością. Najmniej sprzyjającym obu procesom był kwas izomasłowy.
The effect of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) on the rate of phosphates release and uptake during stirring and aeration phases in an SBR type reactor was examined in the study. Additional determinations were carried out for the effectiveness of phosphates and nitrates removal as affected by the type of fatty acid applied.The study was conducted within one working cycle of the SBR (stirring - 3 h, aeration - 4 h and sedimentation - 1 h) in the presence of the following fatty acids: acetic, propionic, butyric, isobutyric, valeric, isovaleric and caproic. Initial concentrations of phosphates and nitrates at the beginning of the cycle accounted for: 14.1 mg PPO4/dm3 and 1.22 mg NNO3/dm3, respectively. Analyses showed that phosphates were released with the highest rate in the reactors with acetic acid (3.85 mg PPO4/dm3.h) and with the lowest rate (0.85 mg PPO4/dm3.h) in the presence of isovaleric and caproic fatty acids. Also the uptake of phosphates proceeded with the highest rate in the reactor with acetic acid (5.19 mg PPO4/dm3.h), and with the lowest rate (2.86 mg PPO4/dm3.h) in the presence of isovaleric acid. The highest rates of phosphates release and uptake in the presence of acetic acid were tantamount with the most effective dephosphatation process (65.25%). Such an explicit dependency was not, however, observed in the case of the other fatty acids. The lowest effectiveness of phosphates removal was noted in the reactors in which isobutyric acid was the external source of carbon (51.06%). Acetic acid was also the most effective source of carbon in the denitrification process (57.38%), whereas isobutyric acid turned out to be the least effective in this respect (29.51%).The study demonstrated that in the presence of acetic acid both dephosphatation and denitrification process were proceeding with the highest effectiveness. The least facilitating both these processes appeared to be isobutyric acid.
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