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Ze względu na trudności związane z rozwojem produkcji energii z ogniw fotowoltaicznych proponuje się obecnie przekierowanie wsparcia na rozwój energetyki wiatrowej i magazynowanie energii, również w instalacjach prosumenckich. Szerokie rozpowszechnienie produkcji energii z wiatru wykorzystujących instalacje małej mocy, wymaga dokładniejszych analiz opłacalności jak i zrozumienia charakterystyk i ograniczeń turbin wiatrowych. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości produkcji energii elektrycznej wynikające z rozkładu gęstości prawdopodobieństwa prędkości wiatru w dwóch lokalizacjach. Uwagę zwrócono na zależność ilości energii uzyskiwanej w poszczególnych przedziałach prędkości, która prowadzi do wniosków dotyczących proporcji pomiędzy mocą turbiny wiatrowej i mocą maksymalną jej generatora W pracy również analizowano wpływ proporcji pomiędzy wielkością turbiny wiatrowej i generatora na bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji pod względem obciążenia termicznego. Poruszono również tematykę maksymalizacji produkcji energii poprzez odpowiedni sposób sterowania, porównując pracę turbiny wiatrowej pracującej z maksymalną mocą mechaniczną dla danej prędkości wiatru i maksymalną mocą elektryczną wynikającą ze zmiennej sprawności generatora.
Due to the challenges associated With the development of energy production from photovoltaic cells, it is currently proposed to redirect support towards the development of wind energy and energy storage, including in prosumer installations. The widespread production of energy from wind using small-scale installations requires more detailed profitability analyses as well as an understanding of the characteristics and limitations of small-scale wind turbines. The article presents the possibilities of electricity production based on the probability density distribution of wind speed in two locations. Attention is drawn to the relationship between the amount of energy obtained in specific speed ranges, which leads to conclusions regarding the proportion between the power of the wind turbine and the maximum power of its generator. The study also analyzes the impact of the proportion between the size of ‘ the Wind turbine and the generator on operational safety in terms of thermal load. The topic of maximizing energy production through appropriate control methods is also discussed, comparing the operation of a wind turbine working at maximum mechanical power for a given Wind speed and maximum electrical power resulting from the vari- able efficiency of the generator.
Content available remote Experimental studies of packed-bed Thermal Energy Storage system performance
This paper contains an experimental analysis of a heat storage tank's heat loss and exergy efficiency using a basalt porous bed as a storage material. The basic parameters of the laboratory bench with measuring equipment are presented and the experimental procedure is discussed. The methodology for evaluating the energy potential of the heat storage process for large-scale energy storage systems is described. The main novelty of the presented system is the application of the slenderness of the heat accumulator, which corresponds to the development of the system in a post-mining shaft. Based on the analysis of the experiment, the exergy cycle efficiency of the heat storage unit was determined to equal 52.3%, and the energy efficiency equal to 96.6%.
The utilization of solar radiation to obtain high-temperature heat can be realized by multiplying it on the illuminated surface with solar concentrating technologies. High-temperature heat with significant energy potential can be used for many technological purposes, e.g. the production of heat, cold or electricity. The following paper presents the results of the experimental study, on the operation of the parabolic linear absorber in the parabolic concentrator solar system. The parabolic mirror with an aperture of 1 m and a focal length of 0.25 m focuses the simulated radiation onto a tubular absorber with a diameter of 33.7 mm, which is placed in a vacuum tube. The length of the absorber is 1 m. The installation is illuminated by the solar simulator, which allows to carry out tests under constant and repeatable conditions. The simulator consists of 18 metal halide lamps, with a nominal power of 575 W each with a dimming possibility of up to 60%. The paper presents preliminary results of heat absorption by the analysed absorber, temperature increment, collected heat flux, and the pressure drop crucial for the optimization of the absorber geometry.
Content available remote Thermal energy storage in rock bed - CFD analysis
This article reports on an analysis of the possibility of storing thermal energy in a rock bed. The calculations were made in Ansys CFX 18.0 CFD. The analysis determined the charging time of a packed bed of granite rocks in variable flow conditions for the assumed geometry of the energy storage system. The model was 2-dimensional, consisting of two domains connected by an interface. The packed bed was modelled using a porous model approach. The inlet velocity was varied in the range 0.25-4 m/s. The total charging time was 70 to 1100 min, depending on inlet velocity.
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