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This study analysed the effects of microwave radiation and sodium hydroxide on the destruction of lignocellulosic plant biomass (maize silage) and determined the susceptibility of a pre-treated substrate on anaerobic decomposition in the methane fermentation process. The effects of microwave heating-based disintegration were compared to conventional heating. The highest effectiveness of biogas production was obtained during the fermentation of a substrate conditioned using microwave radiation with the addition of NaOH in an amount of 0.2 g/gd.m., and the obtained result was 11.3% higher than a sample heated conventionally and was 29.4% higher than a sample subjected to no chemical treatment.
Celem opisanych badań była analiza oddziaływania promieniowania mikrofalowego oraz wodorotlenku sodu na destrukcję lignocelulozowej biomasy roślinnej (kiszonka kukurydzy) oraz określenie podatności wstępnie przygotowanego substratu na beztlenowy rozkład w procesie fermentacji metanowej. W toku prac porównano efekty dezintegracji w oparciu o ogrzewanie mikrofalowe z wynikami uzyskanymi podczas ogrzewania konwencjonalnego. Najwyższą efektywność produkcji biogazu uzyskano podczas fermentacji substratu kondycjonowanego przy pomocy promieniowania mikrofalowego z dodatkiem NaOH w ilości 0,2 g/gs.m., otrzymany wynik był o 11,3% większy od próby ogrzewanej konwencjonalnie i o 29,4% większy od próby nie poddanej obróbce chemicznej.
Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie możliwości zastosowania ścieków mleczarskich po wstępnym oczyszczaniu beztlenowym do produkcji biomasy mikroglonów z gatunku Platymonas subcordiformis. Proces hodowli i namnażania testowanej kultury glonów prowadzono w fotobioreaktorach rurowych o orientacji pionowej. Badania podzielono na serie w zależności od ilość ścieków wprowadzanej do układu technologicznego. W trakcie hodowli prowadzono analizy koncentracji biomasy mikroglnów w bioreaktorach oraz zmian zawartości głównych komponentów medium hodowlanego. Określono potencjał produkcji biomasy Platymonas subcordiformis w oparciu o medium hodowlane sporządzone na bazie ścieków beztlenowo oczyszczonych.
The study aimed to determine the possibility of using dairy sewage after the initial treatment anaerobic biomass production of microalgae species Platymonas subcordiformis. The process of growing and propagation of algae culture test was carried out in fotobioreaktorach piping vertical orientation. The study was divided into a series of depending on the amount of waste water introduced into the process system. During the breeding carried out the analysis of concentration of biomass mikroglnów in bioreactors and changes the contents of the main components of the growth medium. We identified the potential of biomass production Platymonas subcordiformis based on a culture medium prepared on the basis of wastewater anaerobically treated.
Przeprowadzenie obróbki wstępnej jest kluczowe szczególnie w przypadku wykorzystywania biomasy trudno-rozkładalnej, której podatność na biochemiczny rozkład na przykład w procesie fermentacji alkoholowej jest ograniczona. Procesy dezintegracji biomasy prowadzą do zniszczenia zwartych struktur i uwolnienia substancji organicznej do fazy rozpuszczonej w wyniku czego następuje wzrost stężenia rozpuszczonych, łatwo rozkładalnych substancji organicznych. Efektywna obróbka wstępna powinna spełniać kilka kryteriów, w tym zapewnić rozdział ligniny od celulozy, zwiększać udział celulozy amorficznej, zapewnić większą porowatość substratów, eliminować straty cukrów, ograniczać powstawanie inhibitorów, minimalizować koszty energii. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie możliwości wykorzystania elektromagnetycznego promieniowania mikrofalowego do wstępnego przygotowania biomasy roślinnej przed procesem fermentacji alkoholowej i porównanie efektywności opisywanej metody z innymi powszechnie wykorzystywanymi technikami obróbki wstępnej. Substrat poddany obróbce mikrofalowej wykazuje się szybkim tempem hydrolizy i wysoką zawartością glukozy w hydrolizacie, co powoduje zwiększenie wydajności procesu produkcji bioetanolu.
Perform pretreatment is crucial particularly in the case of the use of hard-degradable biomass, the biochemical susceptibility to degradation, for example, alcoholic fermentation is limited. Biomass disintegration processes lead to the destruction of compact structures and release of the organic substance to the phase dissolved in a resultant increase in the concentration of dissolved easily degradable organic substances. Effective pretreatment should meet several criteria, including ensuring the separation of lignin from cellulose, to increase the share of amorphous cellulose, provide a higher porosity substrates, eliminate waste sugars limit formation of inhibitors, minimize energy costs. The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities of using electromagnetic microwave radiation for pre-treatment plant biomass before the fermentation process of alcohol and comparison of the effectiveness of the described method with other commonly used techniques of pre-treatment. The substrate subjected to microwave treatment has a fast rate of hydrolysis and a high content of glucose in the hydrolyzate, which increases the efficiency of the production of bioethanol.
W artykule zaprezentowano krótki rys historyczny dotyczący prac geologicznych na obszarze Gorzysław – Dargosław – Petrykozy, wyniki odwiertu Dargosław-1 oraz planowane nowe prace mające na celu dalszą eksplorację rejonu.
The article presents some brief historical information about the exploration works in the area of Gorzysław – Dargosław – Petrykozy, the results of Dargosław-1 well and the direction of further research works.
Celem opisanych badań było zaproponowanie metody pozwalającej wyeliminować bądź ograniczyć występowanie uciążliwości zapachowej kanalizacji komunalnej obserwowanej przy jednej z ulic w Mławie. W celu eliminacji uciążliwości zapachowej wykorzystano proces pogłębionego utleniania za pomocą odczynnika Fentona. Badania zmierzające do określenia niezbędnej dawki reagentów: PIX oraz perhydrolu wykazały, że zastosowanie najmniejszej testowanej dawki 0,1 g Fe2+/dm3 oraz 0,5 g H2O2/dm3 spowodowało zahamowanie podatności ścieków na zagniwanie.
The aim of this study was to propose a method to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of odor nuisance municipal sewage system located at one of the streets in Mława. In order to eliminate odor nuisance uses advanced oxidation processes. Studies aimed at determining the dose required reagents: PIX and hydrogen peroxide showed that the use of the lowest dose tested of 0,1 g of Fe2+/dm3 and 0,5 g H2O2/dm3 resulted in inhibition susceptibility wastewater rotting.
Celem prac badawczych było określenie możliwości zastosowania ścieków mleczarskich oczyszczanych w zintegrowanym układzie osadu czynnego i systemu hydrofitowego w procesie namnażania biomasy mikroglonów Platymonas subcordiformis. Prace badawcze nad produkcją biomasy mikroglonów przeprowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych z wykorzystaniem fotobioreaktorów kolumnowych. Kryterium podziału doświadczeń na warianty była ilość ścieków stosowanych do sporządzenia medium hodowlanego. Wykazano, iż testowane ścieki mogą zostać wykorzystane w procesie intensywnej hodowli biomasy mikroglonów z gatunku Platymonas subcordiformis. Najwyższe efekty technologiczne związane z przyrostem biomasy glonów uzyskano w próbie kontrolnej gdzie koncentracja komórek glonów na zakończenie procesu namnażania wyniosła prawie 3500 mgs.m.o./dm3. W wariantach z zastosowaniem ścieków jako komponentu medium hodowlanego uzyskano przyrost mikroglonów powyżej 2000 mgs.m.o./dm3.
The aim of the research was to determine the possibility of treated dairy wastewater using in the process of microalgae Platymonas subcordiformis biomass production. Researches were conducted in the laboratory scale with vertical photobioreactors using. Experiment was divided on the three variants based on the amount of wastewater introduced to culture medium. The researches proved the tested wastewater can be used in the intensive culture biomass of microalgae Platymonas subcordiformis. The highest technological effects associated with the increase in algal biomass obtained in the control sample where the concentration of algae cells at the end of the expansion process was nearly 3500 mgs.m.o./dm3. In embodiments using waste water as a component of the culture medium obtained microalgae increase over 2000 mgs.m.o./dm3.
Content available remote Wpływ rodzaju cementu i kruszywa drobnoziarnistego na właściwości zapraw
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań zapraw cementowych na bazie kruszywa drobnoziarnistego naturalnego i kruszyw lekkich oraz dwóch rodzajów cementu. Celem badań było wykazanie wpływu tych składników na właściwości zarówno mieszanki, jak i stwardniałej zaprawy, a ich rezultat pozwolił ocenić właściwości fizykomechaniczne, w tym także termoizolacyjne. W badaniach potwierdzono, że specyficzna tekstura powierzchni i budowa wewnętrzna ziaren kruszywa drobnoziarnistego wyraźnie różnicują właściwości zapraw, a rodzaj zastosowanego cementu, mimo tej samej klasy wytrzymałości na ściskanie, także nie jest bez znaczenia.
The article presents the results of the study on cement mortars with the usage of fine natural aggregates and lightweight aggregates and two types of cement. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the influence of these components on the properties of the mixture as well as hardened mortar.The results allowed to evaluate the physico-mechanical properties, including also heat-insulating ones. The studies confirmed that the specific texture of the surface and internal structure of grains of fine aggregate clearly differentiate the properties of mortars. Moreover, also the type of cement used, although of the same class of compressive strength, is not without significance.
Schiff bases are compounds with a functional group that contains a carbon- -nitrogen double bond with the nitrogen atom connected to an aryl or alkyl group. Schiff bases are condensation products of primary amines with carbonyl compound. Several studies showed that the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom of the azomethine determine biological and chemical properties of imines. Schiff bases are generally excellent chelating agents, because of the special properties of C=N bond. Their metal complexes have been widely studied because they possess anticancer in vitro and herbicidal applications. Imines also have biological importance. Schiff bases are common enzymatic intermediates where an amine reacts with an aldehyde or ketone of a cofactor or a substrate. Imines have been reported for their biological properties such as antibacterial (E. coli, S. aureus), antifungal (C. albicans) activities. A large number of different Schiff bases are active against a wide range of protozoan (T. gypseum, P. viticola).
The Mannich reaction is a three-component condensation reaction involving an active hydrogen containing compound, formaldehyde and a primary or a secondary amine. The Mannich reaction is one of the most important basic reaction types in organic chemistry. This kind of aminoalkylation is important for the synthesis and modification of biologically active compounds. Many studies have shown that Mannich bases possesses potent biological activities: antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antimalarial properties. Mannich bases – substituted products containing different heterocyclic moiety in their structures seem to be suitable candidates for further chemical modifications and might be of interest as pharmacologically active compounds. The main goal of this article is to present synthesis and antimicrobial activity of selected Mannich bases. The Mannich reaction is known to be very useful for the synthesis of antibacterial compounds. The Mannich bases, containing various heterocyclic systems were identified as potent antimicrobial agents. Obtained in Mannich reaction derivatives of antibacterial drugs: ciprofloxacine, norfloxacine demonstrate higher antibacterial activity than used drugs, while derivatives of drugs: ibuporofen or phenytoine changed the profile of action of new synthesized compounds.
The Mannich reaction is important for the synthesis and modification of biologically active compounds. Mannich bases – substituted products containing different heterocyclic system in their structures seem to be suitable candidates for further chemical modifications and might be of interest as pharmacologically active compounds. The main goal of this article is to present synthesis and biological activity of selected Mannich bases. Based on a review of the chemical literature, Mannich bases showed a multipharmacological effects. The Mannich bases, containing various heterocyclic systems were identified as potent anticancer agents. Presented compounds exhibit cytotoxic, antiproliferate in vitro, anticonvulsant, antioxidative, antiinflaminatory and analgesic activity. Some of them can be used in a treatment of diabetes and hypertension.
For many years all six isomers of pyridopyridazines have been an interesting class of heterocyclic compounds because of their biological and chemical properties. Endralazine is a hypotensive drug, which contain pyrido[4,3-c]pyridazine structure. Presented in this paper selected compounds exhibit antiviral [20] and antibacterial [21, 22] activity. Based on review of the chemical literature, derivatives of pyridopyridazine showed a multipharmacological effects such as analgesic [23–29] and diuretic [33–38] activity. Some chemical compounds, containing pyridopyridazine moiety showed anticancer activity in vitro with different mechanism of action [12, 15, 18, 19]. Novel pyrazolopyridopyridazine derivatives have been identified as more potent and selective phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors than sildenafil [41]. Pyrido[2,3-d] pyridazine derivatives were synthesized as selective PDE4 inhibitors [44–46], with good selectivity profile and less undesiderable side effects. 2,3,8-Trisubstituted pyrido[ 2,3-d]pyridazines were novel classes of GABA-A receptor benzodiazepine binding site ligands [30, 31]. While pyrido[2,3-c]pyridazine derivatives were selective agonists for the benzodiazepine site of GABA-A receptor [32]. Some of new substituted pyrido[3,2-c]pyridazine derivatives possess molluscicidal activity [54] and can be used as biodegradable agrochemicals.
Content available Wybrane Metody syntezy 2-amino-1H-benzimidazolu
2-Amino-1H-benzimidazoles have attracted much attention due to their varied biological activities toward numerous diseases. 2-Amino-1H-benzimidazole core structures can be found in commercial drugs such as astemizole, mizolastine or carbendazime [1, 2]. 2-(N-substituted)-aminobenzimidazoles are widely used chemical substances in medicinal chemistry. Several compounds from this class have been used as anticancer, antihistamine and antiviral agents [3–5]. An efficient practical method for the synthesis of a diverse collection of 2-aminobenzimidazoles would be of great value for drug discovery. Several synthetic methods have been reported in the literature for the synthesis of 2-aminobenzimidazoles [11]. The synthesis of 2-aminobenzimidazole may be carried out in several ways. The most popular and economical method involves the treatment of various 2-substituted anilines with different cyclising agents to yield 2-aminobenzimidazoles. The cyclocondensation of an appropriate o-phenylenediamine with cyanogen bromide affords high yields of 2-aminobenzimidazoles [12]. Hydrogenation of o-cyanaminonitrobenzene over Raney nickel catalyst gives 2-aminobenzimidazole [34, 35]. Substituted 2-aminobenimidazoles have also been prepared by oxidation of the corresponding substituted thioureas with isothiocyanates using desulfurizing agents such as mercury-(II) oxide or methyl iodide [18–21].
Many 2-amino-1H-benzimidazole drugs such as antihistaminic mizolastine and norastemizole or antiparasitic mebendazole, albendazole and thiabendazole have been used in clinic [1, 2]. Benomyl and its metabolite Carbendazim are both antifungal and anticancer drugs [4]. Recently, a lot of literature has revealed that 2-amino-1H-benzimidazole derivatives could effectively inhibit the growth of various microorganisms, what suggests that 2-aminobenzimidazole compounds should have large potential as a new type of antibacterial [15] and antifungal [18] agents. A number of 2-aminobenzimidazoles have exhibited antiproliferative in vitro properties [11]. Some new compounds, containing in theirs structures 2-aminobenzimidazole, show interesting and diverse cytotoxic mechanism of action, e.g. induce apoptosis of cancer cells [13]. Some of 2-aminobenzimidazole analogues are histamine and serotonin receptors antagonists [32]. 2-Aminobenzimidazoles derivatives have been frequently found to display a variety of biological activities like anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticoagulant [32] properties.
2-Amino-1H-benzimidazole fragment occurs in broad spectrum of drugs with anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anthelmintic and antihistamine properties. There are 30 drugs, 2-amino-1H-benzimidazole derivatives, registered in the world. Mebendazole, Albendazole and another derivatives are antihelmintic drugs which are believed to work by selectively inhibiting the synthesis of microtubules in parasitic worms, and by destroying extant cytoplasmic microtubes in their intestinal [9, 12, 14]. Astemizole was a second-generation antihistamine drug that has a long duration of action. It has been withdrawn from the market in most countries because of rare but potentially fatal side effects [19]. Mizolastine is non-sedating antihistamine drug [21]. It blocks H1 receptors and doesn’t prevent the actual release of histamine from mast cells, but just prevents it binding to receptors. Enviroksim and its isomer Zinviroksim and Enviraden are antivirial drugs [26, 27]. They inhibit multiplication of 15 different serotypes of rhinovirus. Benomyl is a systemic fungicide that is selectively toxic to microorganisms [29]. Benomyl binds to microtubules, interfering with cell functions, such as meiosis and intracellular transportation. Carbendazim is a widely used, broad-spectrum fungicide and a metabolite of Benomyl [29]. It’s also shown an anticancer activity. Oncodazole shows antifungal, antineoplastic and antihelmintic activities, which exerts its effect in cells by binding to tubulin and interfering with the polymerization of microtubules [33].
The main goal of this article is to present selected syntheses, structures and a various biological activity of imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine derivatives. During the past 20 years the biological activity of imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine have been intensively studied. Based on the review of the chemical literature, it was shown that derivatives of imidazole[4,5-b]pyridine showed a multipharmacological effects such as antibacterial effect [20–22] and antituberculotic activity [25–33], nonsteroidal antiinflammatory activity [35–43] and analgesic [44, 45] effect. Among compounds of this class antagonists of angiotensin II receptors that exhibit hypotensive activity are also known [9–11]. Compounds containing imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine moiety can be synthesized from different substrates. The most useful starting compounds for the synthesis of imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine are derivatives of 2,3-diaminopyridine [1–3].
This review presents most of the literature data about imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine derivatives and their biological activity. The main goal of this paper is to present various methods for the preparation of imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine analogues. There are some drugs, imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine derivatives, registered in the world, which exhibit diverse pharmacological activities. Noberastine [4] represent antihistaminic II generation drug with selective activity to H1 receptors. Tenatoprazole [5] is a novel proton pump inhibitor with a prolonged plasma half-life which possesses antiulcer activity. Sulmazole [3] is a new cardiotonic agent, an A1 adenosine receptor antagonist. Based on the review of the chemical literature, derivatives of imidazole[4,5-b] pyridine showed a multipharmacological effects. Presented compounds exhibit anticancer [14, 17, 19], antidepressant [44, 45], cardiotonic, anticoagulant [37] activities. Some of them can be used in the treatment of heart diseases [3]. There were also described derivatives of imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine with the potential use in the treatment of diabetes [48], hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Some chemical compounds which contain in their structure the imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine system inhibit neurodegeneration [34, 38] and can be used in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders eg. Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease or multiple sclerosis. In addition, some of the imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine possess antivirial [40–42], antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities.
The main goal of this article is to present a various biological activity of 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives. During the past 20 years the biological activity of 2-aminobenzimidazole have been studied. 2-Aminobenzimidazole occurs in a broad spectrum of drugs and pharmacological agents with anticancer [21], antibacterial [14], antiviral [10], analgesic or antiaggregatory properties. There are 30 drugs, 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives, registered in the world. Mebendazole represents a big group of antiparasitic drugs [25]. Antihistaminic II-nd generation drug with selective activity towards H1 receptors represents Astemizol [2]. Antiviral drugs are: Enviroksym and its isomer Zinviroksym and Enviraden [3–5]. Synthesized 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives are active against HCV [7], HIV [8, 9] or HCHV [11]. Selected compounds exhibit antiviral [3–5], antifungal [22–24] and antiparasitic [26–28] activity. Some of them can be used in the treatment of bacterial infections [12–14]. Many of 2-aminobenzimidazole analogues are histamine H1, H2, H3 and also H4 receptor antagonists [30, 33, 35, 39].
2-Aminobenzimidazole occur in a broad spectrum of drugs and pharmacological agents with hypotensive [26], antihistaminic, immunotropic [16], antiarrhythmic [25], analgesic [21, 22] or antiaggregatory properties [27]. There are 30 drugs, 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives, registered in the world which exhibit diverse pharmacological activities. Carbendazim is an antifungal drug, but in 2003 it has been registered as anticancer [1]. They are also voltage sensitive calcium channel blockers [33], inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor [12]. The main goal of this article is to present a various biological activity of 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives. During the past 20 years the biological activity of 2-aminobenzimidazole have been studied. Based on a review of the chemical literature, derivatives of 2-aminobenzimidazole showed a multipharmacological effects such as hypotensive effect [28], antiinflammatory effect [20] or antibacterial activity. Some chemical compounds, which contain in their structure 2-aminobenzimidazole system inhibit neurodegeneration and in the future they may be used in a treatment of Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease [32]. Some of described derivatives of 2-aminobenimidazole can be used in a treatment of metabolic syndrome and diabetes [38]. Synthesis of new 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives with anticancer activity is now one of the most important direction of research conducted on this group of compounds. Present compounds exhibit anticancer, antiproliferate, neuroprotetic and antiinflaminatory activity. Some of them can be used in a treatment of diabetes and hypertension.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań procesu polimeryzacji inicjowanej promieniowaniem UV mieszaniny akrylanu 2-hydroxyetylu (HEA) zawierającego zdyspergowany nanonapełniacz w postaci hydrofobizowanej krzemionki Aerosil ® R7200. W badaniach wykorzystano metody spektroskopii rozproszeniowej: Brillouina i Ramana. Spektroskopia Brillouiona pozwoliła na określenie zmian właściwości sprężystych w trakcie procesu polimeryzacji dla różnej zawartości krzemionki (nanonapełniacza). Spektroskopia Ramana pozwoliła na monitorowanie procesu fotopolimeryzacji badanych układów. Została ona również wykorzystana do zbadania wpływu tlenu na proces polimeryzacji.
This paper presents the results of the investigation of UV-initiated polymerization of 2-hydroxyetyl acrylate (HEA) containing a nanofiller (modified hydrophilic silica Aerosil ® R7200). The study was performed using scattering spectroscopy methods. Brillouin spectroscopy has been used to estimate changes in elastic properties occurring during the photopolymerization process of formulation containing different nanosilica contents. Raman scattering method was used to follow the photopolymerization process and to study the oxygen effect.
Ocena zasobów gazu ziemnego GIP (Gas-in-Place) oraz ropy naftowej OIP (Oil-in-Place) w łupkach polega na zastosowaniu odpowiednich przeliczeń określających ilość wygenerowanych węglowodorów, jak również wykorzystaniu parametrów charakteryzujących własności fizykochemiczne skał i mediów naftowych. Z zakresu geochemii naftowej najważniejszymi parametrami są: zasobność skał macierzystych w substancję organiczną (określana para- metrem TOC), zmiany składu substancji organicznej w procesie jej termicznego przeobrażenia (konwersja kerogenu w węglowodory i niegeneratywny węgiel organiczny), znajomość specyfiki generacyjnej II typu kerogenu i dystrybucji tworzących się produktów, a także rezydualny potencjał węglowodorowy. Przy ocenie zasobów bardzo istotna jest rekonstrukcja początkowych warunków generowania, wyrażona za pomocą zespołu parametrów bazujących na wynikach badań pirolitycznych Rock-Eval: TOCo, S2o, HIo. Innym istotnym elementem jest występowanie mieszaniny różnych typów kerogenu. Podstawowa formuła określająca zasoby złóż niekonwencjonalnych obejmuje ilości gazu ziemnego w stanie wolnym oraz zaadsorbowanym. Metodyka uwzględnia także procesy ekspulsji/retencji oraz krakingu powstałej ropy do fazy gazowej, a także ilościowo określa zasoby wolnej ropy naftowej w skale łupkowej.
Resources evaluation of natural gas GIP (Gas-in-Place) and crude oil OIP (Oil-in- -Place) in shales depends on application of appropriate calculations determining amount of gene- rated hydrocarbon as well as using parameters characterizing physicochemical properties of rocks and petroleum media. The most important components of petroleum geochemistry scope are source rock richness of organic matter (determined by TOC parameter), organic matter composition changes with thermal maturity processes (kerogen is converted into hydrocarbons and non- -generative organic carbon), knowledge of II type kerogen specific generation and distribution of products formed, and also residual hydrocarbon potential. For resources evaluation very important is reconstruction of original generation conditions performed by parameter set basing on results of pyrolytic Rock-Eval investigations (TOCo, SZo, HIo). The other essential component is occurrence of various kerogen type mixture. Basic formula describing unconventional deposit resources includes free and adsorbed gas amounts. Methodology makes also use of expulsion/ retention processes and cracking of oil formed to gas phase, as well as quantitative determination of free oil resources in shale deposit.
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