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The relation of primary production to respiration and dependence of both processes on various environmental factors were investigated in the surface waters of lakes of The Great Mazurian Lake System (GMLS) during summer seasons 2009-2011. Primary production and extracellular release was determined by 14C method, respiration (dark oxygen consumption) - by Winkler's method. Collected results allow to conclude that: (i) in all studied lakes primary production was primarily cyanobacterial, although in mesotrophic ones participation of eukaryotic phytoplankton in light CO2 fixation was more pronounced; (ii) in mesotrophic part of GMLS primary production was limited alternately by N and P availability and less dependent on N and P regeneration processes, whereas in southern, eutrophic lakes it was primarily fueled by regeneration of biogenic substances from organic compounds and strongly limited by N resources; (iii) although in photic zone of whole GMLS respiration was dominated by heterotrophic bacteria, in its mesotrophic part also participation of other plankton components in respiration processes was significant and, (iv) that in eutrophic lakes planktonic respiration was more dependent on low molecular weight products liberated enzymatically from organic substrates than on organic compounds released by primary producers. The mean production to respiration ratio, which varied from 2.11 to 2.60 in northern, and from 2.05 to 3.67 in southern lakes suggested that during period of investigations photic zones of lakes of both parts of GMLS were net autotrophic systems.
Although urea is the simplest N-containing organic compound ubiquitous in all aquatic environments, its role in N-nutrition of planktonic biota and relevance for eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems is still insufficiently defined and often bypassed. The dynamics of production of autochthonous urea as well as maximal potential net ureolytic activity (net URA Vmax) of phyto- and bacterioplakton were studied in mesocosm experiment and verified during the field studies conducted in the Great Mazurian Lake system (GMLS). Analysis of the obtained results revealed that the proteins were the main autochthonous urea precursors. Urea concentration in the studied mesocosms and in GMLS surface waters was positively correlated with flagellate, ciliate and crustacean biomass and, less evidently, with bacterial biomass (BB). In surface waters of GMLS net URA Vmax, similarly as urea concentrations, increased with their trophic status. Analysis of correlation of potential ureolytic activity with chlorophylla, (Chla) BB and L-leucine aminopeptidase activity (AMP) in lakes of different trophic status suggests that although both groups of planktonic microorganisms participated in urea decomposition processes, in eutrophic ones bacterial decomposition of urea is more evident. In highly eutrophic lakes excess of phosphorus induced higher nitrogen requirement resulting in the increase in protein decomposition rate. Intensified protein degradation resulted faster urea production, which finally induced higher ureolytic activity of planktonic microorganisms. In profundal waters of GMLS potential ureolytic activity was distinctly lower than in surface waters. This was caused by low temperature of hypolymnetic waters, inhibitory effect of hydrogen sulphide and lack of phytoplankton, which is known as a primary urea consumer.
Konieczność poprawienia przez Polskę do roku 2015 stanu jakości wód powierzchniowych, jak również coraz większa uwaga jaką społeczności lokalne przywiązują do poprawy walorów krajobrazowych, rekreacyjnych i użytkowych stawów, zalewów i jezior spowodowała w ostatnich kilku latach gwałtowny wzrost zainteresowania nic tylko ochroną lecz również rekultywacją zbiorników wodnych. Ponieważ główną przyczyną złej jakości ich wód jest przyspieszona eutrofizacja, działania rekultywacyjne skupiają się przede wszystkim na ograniczaniu i likwidowaniu uciążliwych skutków tego procesu. W artykule dedykowanym wszystkim zainteresowanym „leczeniem” chorych zbiorników wodnych, a zwłaszcza urzędnikom administracji lokalnej odpowiedzialnym za stan środowiska naturalnego gminy, powiatu czy województwa przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy dotyczącej teoretycznych podstaw różnorodnych technik rekultywacyjnych pozwalających na ograniczanie i czasowe cofnięcie procesów degradacji płytkich ekosystemów wodmrh. Skupiono się przy tym na stosunkowo przyjaznych dla środowiska technologiach, polegających na promowaniu i stymulowaniu zachodzących w nich, naturalnych procesów biologicznych i biogeochemicznych, będących, zdaniem autorów, przyszłością inżynierii środowiskowej w Polsce i na świecie. Zamysłem autorów było także uświadomienie czytelnikowi nie dysponującemu gruntowną wiedzą z dziedziny biologii, ekologii i fizyko-chemii wód, że skuteczne działania mające na celu odnowę ekosystemów wodnych są kosztowne, długotrwałe i ciągle obarczone znacznym ryzykiem niepowodzenia. Zróżnicowane parametry zlewni, morfometrii i limnologii konkretnego zbiornika wodnego jak również i złożoność procesów fizyko-chemicznych i biologicznych w nim zachodzących wykluczają bowiem stosowanie wtym celu, prostych i uniwersalnych rozwiązań pozwalających uzyskać znaczącą i trwałą poprawę jakości ich wód. Narzucają one również konieczność starannego zdiagnozowania stanu ekologicznego zbiornika pozwalającego dobrać do niego optymalny zestaw zabiegów mających na celu cofnięcie jego eutrofizacji, a także bieżącej kontroli i aktywnej korekty efektów prowadzonych w nim działań rekultywacyjnych przez przygotowanych do tego ekologów - specjalistów.
Up to year 2015 Poland was obliged to mend the ecological status of inland waters according to regulations of EU Water Directive. Moreover, during last decade increasing attention paid by European society to improvement of landscape, recreational social and economic values of ponds, lakes and reservoirs resulted in a rapid iinrease in an interest in, not only protection, but also restoration of various aquatic ecosystems. Bad quality of their waters is caused mainly by fast and uncontrolled cultural eutrophication. Therefore, restoration activities are focused primarily on reduction or elimination of negative consequences of this process. This article is addressed to all interested in the treatment of “sick” aquatic environments and dedicated especially to officials of local government responsible for the good state of the natural environment of municipalities, county or the region. It presents the current slate ol knowledge on the theoretical basis of selected remediation techniques allowing long time reduction or temporary withdrawal of degradation processes of aquatic ecosystems. The authors focused mainly on biological treatments, which are relatively friendly to the environment, due to promotion and stimulation of natural biological and biogeochemical processes occurring in them. These technologies termed in the article as hydrobiotechnolongies. according to the authors, are the future of environmental engineering of inland aquatic environments in Poland and world- wide. The intention of the authors was also to convince the readers, who have no deep knowledge of biology, ecology and physico-chemistry of various water environments that effective treatments aimed at their restoration and revitalization arc commonly long-term, costly and still carrying a significant risk of failure. Diversified catchment parameters, morphometry and limnology of particular water bodies as well and the complexity and biological processes occurring in them exclude use of simple and universal solutions to achieve significant and lasting improvement in their water quality. Moreover, they impose the necessity of careful preliminary diagnosis of the ecological conditions of each degraded ecosystem allowing to choose the optimal set of restoration procedures and later, need for permanent monitoring and active correction of potentially negative effects of their implementation by environmentalists-professionals.
The distribution, concentrations and origin of urea were studied in surface and profundal waters of meso-eutrophic and highly eutrophic parts of The Great Mazurian Lake System (GMLS) during spring – autumn period. Urea concentrations varied from 0.25 µM in surface layer to 3.36 µM in profundal zone of studied lakes and were in the range of concentrations noted in other non-polluted freshwater habitats. In the photic zone of lakes of GMLS Urea N made up to 10 % the total DON pool and often exceeded 2-3 times of NH4+-N concentrations. Pattern of changes in urea concentrations observed during three-years study excludes external urea input and suggests supplementation of lake waters with this compounds by phytoplankton decomposition processes. Generally, urea concentrations were negatively correlated with the trophic state index calculated from “algal” as well as from “bacterial” determinants. However, more detailed analysis showed that the relationships between production and assimilation of urea by various plankton components as well as the ecological role of this compound in meso- and eutrophic lakes could be different.
Wobec braku w regionie dużych i uciążliwych dla środowiska zakładów przemysłowych głównym zagrożeniem dla wód powierzchniowych środowiska przyrodniczego Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich (WJM) jest ich postępująca eutrofizacja. Choć wzrost żyzności (trofii) jest przejawem naturalnej ewolucji wszystkich zbiorników wodnych, to przyspieszona eutrofizacja południowej części systemu WJM obserwowana w drugiej połowie XX wieku była efektem szeroko pojętej aktywności człowieka. Tempo procesów eutrofizacyjnych jest funkcją ilości substancji biogennych zgromadzonych w ekosystemach wodnych. Analiza danych historycznych dokumentujących zmiany całkowitego stężenia fosforu (PT) w wodach południowej części systemu WJM pozwoliła wyodrębnić trzy wyraźnie zróżnicowane etapy ewolucji tworzących go jezior: (i) okres do roku 1995, charakteryzujący się szybką eutrofizacja i, zwłaszcza w jego schyłku, występującymi okresowo gwałtownymi zaburzeniami homeostazy wód jeziornych; (ii) lata 1995-2005, w których procesy eutrofizacyjne uległy gwałtownemu spowolnieniu, a nawet odwróceniu (de-eutrofizacja) oraz; (iii) lata 2005-2011, w których korzystne tendencje z lat 1995-2005 uległy wyhamowaniu. W artykule poddano analizie przyczyny, mechanizmy i skutki zmian trofii jezior południowej części systemu WJM. Określono punkty krytyczne systemu decydujące o dynamice tych zmian. Wskazano potencjalne zagrożenia dla jakości wód WJM, a także sformułowano szereg zaleceń dotyczących ochrony ich zasobów wodnych oraz zlewni.
Due to lack of heavy urbanized areas and large industrial plants exhausting the natural environment, eutrophication is the main threat to waters of the Great Masurian Lakes (GML). Although the increase in fertility (trophy) is a manifestation of the natural evolution of all freshwater ecosystems, accelerated degradation of southern part of GML system observed in second half of 20th century was caused by various aspects of human activity. The intensity of eutrophication processes depends on quantity and quality of biogenic substances stored in aquatic ecosystems. Analysis of historical data documenting changes in total phosphorus concentra¬tions in waters of lakes that belong to the southern part of GML system permitted to distinguish of three clearly different stages of their evolution: (i) period until 1995 characterized by fast eutrophication and, especially during its last phase, periodic rapid disturbances of homeostasis of lakę waters; (ii) years 1995-2005 when eutrophication processes or were even reversed (de-eutrophication) and; (iii) time from 2005 to 2011 when beneficial changes of water quality observed at the turn of the 20th and 21 st centuries diminished. In the article causes, mechanisms and consequences of anthropogenic impact on the southern part of Great Masurian Lakes system are discussed. The authors establish the critical points of the GML system that strongly affected evolutionary changes in its trophic status. Moreover, they indicate potential threats and solutions concerning management and protection of waters and drainage area of GML system.
Extracellular enzymes occurring in aquatic environment are heterogeneous in respect to their origin and function, place, where they are located and their activity. They can be divided into mainly ‘bacterial-origin’ enzymes produced by heterotrophic organisms in order to obtain organic carbon, and mostly ‘phytoplankton-bacterial-origin’ enzymes, which are produced by autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms, and are responsible mainly for obtaining inorganic compounds. Enzymes activity provides information about microorganisms present in given environment and about their physiological state. We hypothesize that the patterns (‘fingerprints’) calculated on the basis of activity of several enzymes both mainly ‘bacterial-origin’ and mainly ‘phytoplankton-bacterial-origin’ may be used to characterise lake ecosystems in terms of the physiological structure of aquatic microorganisms present in these lakes. For the study we selected four lakes from Mazurian Lakes District in north-eastern Poland. Three of them were clear-water (lakes: Kuc, Mikołajskie, Tałtowisko) and ranged from oligotrophy to eutrophy, the fourth (Lake Smolak Duży) was slightly acidic (pH 5.2), highly productive and polyhumic. Activity of phosphatase (PA), L-leucine-aminopeptidase (AMP), β-glucosidase (B-Glu), esterase (EST), glucosaminidase (Glu-ami), glucuronidase (Glu-uro) and cellobiohydrolase (Cellob) were measured fluorometrically. The results were normalised and analysis of agglomerative clustering was performed to create an enzyme activity patterns characteristic for lakes. We found out that the enzymatic pattern reflected trophic differences between studied lakes. The patterns (‘fingerprints’) of enzymes were similar for three clear-water lakes, with urease (U–ase), AMP and EST dominating the overall enzymatic activity, but differed substantially for polyhumic lake, in which considerably high PA and saccharolytic enzyme activities were observed. We conclude that the analysis of enzymatic ‘fingerprints’ can be a useful tool to characterise lakes with respect to their trophic status and physiological diversity of microbial assemblages associated with each particular lake.
Omówiono obszar stosowania i własności termodynamiczne popularnej,szczególnie w klimatyzacji mieszaniny zeotropowej R 407C.Zwrócono uwagę na problem przezbrajania (retrofitu )istniejących instalacji,pracujących dotychczas z R 22.Sporo uwagi poświęcono zgadnieniu stabilności czynnika R 407C,jako mieszaniu zeotropowej w aspekcie wpływu nieszczelności i dopełnień na wydajność chłodniczą urządzenia.Przybliżono aspekt ekologiczny stosowania tego czynnika w urządzeniach chłodniczych, klimatyzacyjnych i pompach ciepła.
The application as well as thermodynamic properties of commonly used in air-conditioning zeotropic blend R407C have been presented in the paper.A special attention has been paid to retrofit procedure of the existing devices working with refrigerant R22.The problem of stability of the refrigerant R407C in aspect of the possible effect of the system inleakage and refilling installation on refrigeration capacity.The ecological aspects of application of this refrigerant in refrigeration,air-conditioning devices and heat pumps have been discussed in the paper.
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