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Along with the development of modern design technology and the increasing complication of modern engineering systems, component dependency has become a universal phenomenon during the failure analysis of systems. Ignoring the dependency among the failure behaviors of system components may lead to a huge error or even yield faulty results. In this paper, three types of models and two kinds of modeling methods are introduced for solving the common cause failure issues. The fault tree model of the train rear-end collision accident has been proposed based on the explicit modeling method. The probability of occurrence of the train rear-end collision accident is calculated using the square root model. The result shows that common cause failure has significant influences on the system reliability.
Wraz z rozwojem nowoczesnych technologii projektowania i rosnącej komplikacji nowoczesnych systemów inżynierskich, zależność między komponentami stała się zjawiskiem powszechnym w analizie uszkodzeń systemów. Ignorowanie zależności między zachowaniami uszkodzeniowymi komponentów systemu może doprowadzić do ogromnego błędu, a nawet dać całkowicie błędne wyniki. W niniejszej pracy, przedstawiono trzy typy modeli i dwa rodzaje metod modelowania służących do rozwiązywania typowych problemów związanych z uszkodzeniami spowodowanymi wspólną przyczyną. Zaproponowano model drzewa uszkodzeń dla kolizji tylnej części składu pociągu w oparciu o metodę modelowania bezpośredniego. Prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia kolizji tylnej części składu pociągu obliczono przy użyciu modelu pierwiastka kwadratowego. Wynik pokazuje, że uszkodzenie spowodowane wspólną przyczyną ma znaczący wpływ na niezawodność systemu.
Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel., a perennial grass, is a dominant species from arid to semi-arid steppes in northern China and eastern Mongolia. Phragmites communis Trin. is also a perennial grass, and is distributed widely in the world. In the natural grasslands of northeastern China, both species always co-exist as co-dominating species due to their common characteristics such as propagation both by seeds and vegetative reproduction. Replacement series experiments were used to test the effects of nutrient availability and competitive interaction on the growth performance of two clonal plant species. The experimental treatments included five nutrient levels (3.6, 7.2, 10.8, 14.4 and 18.0 kg organic matter per pot, 20 cm diameter and 15 cm deep) and five species proportions (20:0, 16:4, 10:10, 4:16 and 0:20 for L. chinensis and P. communis, respectively) with twenty tillers in total per pot. Each treatment had 10 replications. Growth characteristics including tiller height, tiller number, plant biomass, rhizome length and bud number of plants in monoculture and mixture culture were recorded and compared to examine the effects of nutrient and competitive interaction on the plant performance. The growth of L. chinensis and P. communis in mixture was influenced by the nutrient availability and competition, which depended on the combination between nutrient level and species proportion. The results implied that the intensity of competition should be lower in nutrient-poor habitats when the co-existing species demanded on the same limiting resource. P. communis benefited from coexisting with L. chinensis, especially under nutrient-rich conditions. The aboveground relative yield (RY[above]) expressed in units of tiller height, dry biomass and daughter tiller number was recommended as an effective and simple index to predict the relative competitive ability for clonal plants. It was based on the regression for (RY[above] and RY[above] (the belowground relative yield) against RY (relative yield), measured as yield in mixture divided by that in monoculture.
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