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W artykule opisano projekt układu elektronicznego przeznaczonego do badania reakcji GSR (ang. Galvanic Skin Response) z uwzględnieniem trudności związanych z charakterem pomiaru. Omówiono w nim biologiczny mechanizm powstawania reakcji skórno-galwanicznej, budowę zaprojektowanego urządzenia pomiarowego oraz metodykę badań przeprowadzonych w celu sprawdzenia użyteczności urządzenia.
The article describes the project of GSR measurement system, taking into account all difficulties related to the type of the measurement. It discusses the biological mechanism of the skin-galvanic reaction, the construction of the designed device for measuring this reaction, and the methodology of tests carried out to check the usefulness of the device.
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd stosowanych rozwiązań oprogramowania układowego (firmware) obsługującego interfejs Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ze wskazaniem ich zalet i wad. Bliżej opisano zestaw narzędzi deweloperskich Nordic nRF SDK przeznaczonych do rozwoju własnej aplikacji wykorzystującej prekompilowany stos BLE SoftDevices.
The article presents an overview of the used firmware solutions supporting the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface, indicating their advantages and disadvantages. The Nordic nRF SDK development toolkit for developing your own application using the Nordic SoftDevices precompiled BLE stack is described in more detail.
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is commonly used for assessing arterial stiffness and it is a useful and accurate cardiovascular mortality predictor. Currently, many techniques and devices for PWV measurement are known, but they are usually expensive and require operator experience. One possible solution for PWV measurement is photoplethysmography (PPG), which is convenient, inexpensive and provides continuous PWV results. The aim of this paper is validation of a new device for PPG sensor-based measurement of multisite arterial PWV using a SphygmoCor XCEL (as the reference device) according to the recommendations of the Artery Society Guidelines (ASG). In this study, 108 subjects (56 men and 52 women, 20–91 years in 3 required age groups) were enrolled. The multi-site PWV was simultaneous measured by 7 PPG sensors commonly used in pulse oximetry in clinical settings. These sensors were placed on the forehead, and right and left earlobes, fingers and toes. Pulse transit time (PTT) was measured offline as the difference of time delay between two onsets of the pulse wave determined by the intersecting tangent method. The PWV was calculated by dividing the distance between PPG sensors by PTT. During PPG signals measurement, reference carotid to femoral PWV (cfPWV) was performed with a SphygmoCor XCEL system. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the obtained PWV results was calculated. The Bland-Altman method was used to establish the level of agreement between the two devices. Mean difference (md) and standard deviation (SD) were also calculated. The multi-site PWV was highly correlated with accuracy at the ASG-defined level of ‘‘Acceptable” (md < 1.0 m/s and SD ≤ 1.5 m/s) with cfPWV: forehead - right toe (r = 0.75, md = 0.20, SD = 0.97), forehead - left toe (r = 0.79, md = 0.18, SD = 0.91), right ear - right toe (r = 0.79, md = 0.11, SD = 0.96), left ear - left toe (r = 0.75, md = 0.43, SD = 0.99), right ear - left toe (r = 0.78, md = 0.40, SD = 0.93), left ear - right toe (r = 0.78, md = 0.11, SD = 0.96), right finger - right toe (r = 0.66, md = 0.95, SD = 1.29), left finger - lefttoe (r = 0.67, md = 0.68, SD = 1.35). This study showed that PWV measured with the multisite PPG system, in relation to the obtained numerical values, correlated very well with that measured using the commonly known applanation tonometry method. However, it should be noted, that the measured PWV concerns the central and muscular part of the arterial tree while the cfPWV is only for the central one. The best results were obtained when the proximal PPG sensor was placed on the head (ear or forehead) and the distal PPG sensor on the toe. PPG sensors can be placed in many sites at the same time, which provides greater freedom of their configuration. Multi-site photoplethysmography is an alternative method for PWV measurement and creates new possibilities for the diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases.
W artykule przedstawiono działanie i badania trzech, niskokosztowych metod przetwarzania sygnałów cyfrowych na sygnały analogowe (DAC) tj.: wewnętrzny przetwornik DAC mikrokontrolerów rodziny STM32, zewnętrzny DAC typu MCP4726 firmy Microchip Technology oraz przetwornik DAC zrealizowany przy użyciu dwóch wyjść PWM (modulacja szerokości impulsu). Porównano sposób obsługi tych przetworników, ich zniekształcenia oraz współczynnik zawartości harmonicznych THD (ang. Total Harmonic Distortion). Przedstawione metody posiadały zbliżoną dokładność, natomiast współczynnik THD dla częstotliwości 1 kHz, wynosił 10,34% dla metody PWM oraz < 1% dla pozostałych dwóch metod.
The article presents the operation and tests of three low-cost methods of digital to analog (D/A) converting i.e. an internal D/A converter of the STM32 microcontroller, an external MCP4726 converter from Microchip Technology and a converter implemented using two PWM outputs (Pulse Width Modulation). The handling of these converters, their distortions and the THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) content were compared. The presented methods had similar accuracy, while the THD coefficient for the frequency of 1 kHz was 10.34% for the PWM method and <1% for the other two methods.
W artykule przedstawiono oprogramowanie komputerowe, przeznaczone do zobrazowania danych z portu szeregowego COM w postaci tekstowej i graficznej oraz z zachowaniem wymagań czasu rzeczywistego. Dane przesyłane są w postaci znaków ASCII w kolejnych linijkach o określonej organizacji. Oprogramowanie umożliwia jednoczesne rysowanie do szesnastu okien z wykresami i w każdym z nich może być 16 sygnałów. Każde okno może mieć różną częstotliwość aktualizacji danych. Optymalna częstotliwość odbioru danymi wynosi 100 Hz. Zwiększenie tej częstotliwości powoduje zauważalne opóźnienia w rysowaniu wykresów, co spowodowane jest ograniczeniem standardowych bibliotek systemowych, odpowiedzialnych za funkcje graficzne.
The article presents computer software for real-time, text and graphic form data visualization from the COM serial port. The data is received in the ASCII form on subsequent lines of the specified organization. The software allows to simultaneously draw up to sixteen windows with charts and each of them can contain 16 signals. Each window may have a different frequency of data updates. The optimal frequency of data reception is 100 Hz. Increasing this frequency causes noticeable delays in drawing charts, which is caused by the limitation of standard system graphic libraries.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt mikroprocesorowej, niskokosztowej stacji lutowniczej, wykorzystującej grot kompozytowy T-12. Sterowanie stacją realizowane jest za pomocą mikrokontrolera ATmega328 w którym zaimplementowano funkcje kontrolno-pomiarowe oraz regulator PID (proporcjonalno-całkująco-różniczkujący). Wykonana stacja może być zasilana napięciem z zakresu od +12 V do +24 V. Czas nagrzewania grotu do temperatury +350°C wynosi tylko 60 s.
The article presents the design of a microprocessor-based, lowcost soldering station, using the T-12 composite tip. The station is supervised by the ATmega328 microcontroller in which the control and measurement functions and the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller have been implemented. The station can be supplied with voltage from +12 V to +24 V. The heating time of the tip to +350°C is only 60 s.
Content available remote Wyznaczanie czasu propagacji Fali tętna w oparciu o sygnały EKG i PPG
W artykule przedstawiono nowatorską metodę pozwalającą na wyznaczanie czasów propagacji fali tętna, która bazuje na jednoczesnym pomiarze sygnałów EKG i PPG. Kluczowa dla proponowanego algorytmu dokładność wyznaczenia początkowego i końcowego punktu pomiarowego danego sygnału, silnie zależy od procedur wstępnego przetwarzania. Proponowane rozwiązanie opiera się na rozwijanej przez autorów metodzie korelacji aktualizowanego na bieżąco wzorca sygnału z aktualnie analizowanym fragmentem sygnału.
In this article was presented a novel method for determining a pulse transit time, which is based on simultaneous measurement of ECG and PPG signals. The key to the proposed algorithm, the accuracy of determining the starting and ending measuring point of a given signal, strongly depends on the pre-processing procedures. The proposed solution is based on the method of correlation of the currently updated signal pattern with the currently analyzed fragment of signal, developed by the authors.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób konfiguracji i wyniki badań interfejsu Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) do transparentnej transmisji danych w trybie portu szeregowego (UART). Określono najważniejsze czynniki wpływające na szybkość transmisji danych. Opisano przykładowe łącze bezprzewodowe, zawierające dwa moduły BLE i pracujące w trybie transparentnego interfejsu UART. Przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne w celu pomiaru rzeczywistej przepływności dla przesyłanych danych. Dla najkorzystniejszych ustawień, uzyskano dużą przepływność o wartości około 500 kb/s.
The article presents the configuration and test results of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface for transparent data transmission in the serial port (UART) mode. The most important factors affecting the data transmission rate are determined. An example of a wireless link consisting of two BLE modules and working in the transparent UART interface mode is described. Experimental research was carried out to measure the real bandwidth for the data transfer. The throughput of almost 500 kbps was obtained for the most advantageous settings.
Content available remote Simultaneous multi-site measurement system for the assessment of pulse wave delays
A precise, multi-track system for the simultaneous, real-time measurement of electrocardiographic (ECG) and many photopletysmographic (PPG) signals is described. This system allows the calculation of pulse wave delay parameters such as pulse arrival time (PAT) and pulse transit time (PTT). The measurement system was built on a custom, real-time embedded system with multiple specific analogue-front-end devices. Signals were recorded on-line and data were processed off-line in the Matlab software. Testing of human subjects was carried out on a group of 16 volunteers. The system was capable of taking a measurement of one 24-bit ECG and eight 22-bit PPG tracks with high precision (input-referred noise 1.4 mV for ECG and about 20 pA for PPG). All signals are sampled simultaneously (phase shift between ECG and PPG is only 1.5 ms for 250 Hz frequency sampling). Significant differences in pulse wave delays were found for the 16 subjects studied (e.g. about 100 ms for PAT on a right toe, 40 ms for differential PAT on left-right toes and about 100 ms for PTT calculated for forehead-right toe pulse wave). The proposed system provides a simultaneous and continuous evaluation of pulse wave delays for the entire arterial bed. The proposed measurement methods are comfortable and can be used for a long time. Simultaneous measurements of pulse wave delays at various sites increase the reliability of measurement and create new possibilities for medical diagnosis.
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