W pracy przedstawiono opis wsi Buczyna, która została założona jako osiedle górnicze. Podano zarys historii jednego z większych przedsiębiorstw górniczych na terenie obecnej Ziemi Lubuskiej. Początki tej kopalni sięgają roku 1867, a zakończenie wydobycia to rok 1927. Eksploatacja odbywała się metodą podziemną w kilku szybach, a także w dwóch odkrywkach. Pokazano dość bogaty materiał zdjęciowy archiwalny oraz współczesny.
The paper presents a description of the village of Buczyna, which was founded as a mining estate. An outline of the history of one of the largest mining enterprises in the area of today’s Lubuskie Region is provided. The beginnings of its activity back to 1867, and the end of mining was in 1927. Exploitation was carried out underground in several shafts, as well as in two open-pit mines. A fairly extensive photographic material, both archival and contemporary, was shown.
The article describes the application of the artificial ground freezing method for sinking the shafts of the now-defunct Bach lignite mine in Cybinka (Lubusz Province). It was probably the only instance of such a procedure in lignite mining in Poland. The text presents the origins of this method, patented in 1863 by F.H. Poetsch, and the examples of mines where this technique was implemented, with particular emphasis on the Polish lands. The course of freezing the Bach V and Bach VI shafts and the problems that occurred at the very beginning of their exploitation are described in detail. As a result of errors made during the drilling of freezing holes, both shafts were completely flooded with groundwater. The paper also aims to analyse the causes of this mining disaster.
Zawodnione warstwy górotworu często uniemożliwiały drążenie wyrobisk podziemnych, szybów, sztolni i tuneli. Problem z którym górnictwo i budownictwo podziemne nie mogło sobie skutecznie poradzić został rozwiązany dopiero dzięki nowatorskiej metodzie opracowanej przez niemieckiego inżyniera górnika F.H. Poetsch’a. Dzięki zamrożeniu zawodnionych warstw można było bezpiecznie i efektywnie drążyć wyrobiska. W artykule przedstawiono sylwetkę twórcy metody zamrażania skał zawodnionych, jego dorobek naukowy i podstawowe patenty dzięki którym na trwałe zapisał się w historii górnictwa i budownictwa podziemnego.
Submerged layers of rock mass often made it impossible to drill underground excavations, shafts, adits and tunnels. This problem which mining and underground construction could not deal with effectively, was successfully solved only thanks to an innovative method developed by the German miner and engineer, F. H. Poetsch. Thanks to the freezing of the submerged layers it was possible to safely and effectively drill the excavations. The article presents the creator of the rock mass freezing method, his scientific achievements and basic patents thanks to which he entered the history of mining and underground construction for good.
This paper presents organic sediments age analysis in Odra river valley in Słubice, western Poland. In this middle reach of Odra valley reach the uppermost fluvial deposits contain several alternate layers of organic sediments. These deposits have been mostly interpreted as the Holocene fluvial (floodplain) sediments, even if visible admixture of organic matter is not observed. However, there is also another hypothesis. Geotechnical studies conducted in several locations in Słubice, have questioned this interpretation. The main argument was the values of preconsolidation ratio in the range of 0.8 to 5.4, which may suggest, that the analysed sediments were covered by an ice sheet. Also, based on the presence of a clay layer devoid of organic matter impurities in the top of organic deposits, the second one presumes an interglacial (possibly Eemian) age of the discussed fluvial/organic sediments (peats and silts). To verify these hypotheses, six samples from six different boreholes drilled in the Odra river valley, in the centre of Słubice were collected. The results of 14C dating and its interpretation allowed to determine the age of the tested material. All analysed samples from Słubice (Odra river valley) were formed within the last 10,000 years - in Preboreal, Atlantic and Subboreal. Such a result contradicts the earlier stratigraphic interpretations.
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