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The present paper aims at describing a source designed and constructed to generate an organic molecular beam under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The presented construction solution of the evaporation source allows for independent deposition of three different kinds of molecules. The probability of molecules fragmentation is minimized by using a thermocouple being in contact with a molecular crucible, which enables precise temperature control. In addition, cleanness and molecular beam density are monitored using a quadrupole mass spectrometer and quartz microbalance, respectively. The operational parameters of the molecular source are optimized and deposition rates are measured for the coronene molecule in the sublimation temperature range between 430 K and 460 K. The analysis of scanning tunneling microscope images of the Si(1 1 1) 7 × 7 substrate covered with the sub-monolayer of coronene molecules and comparison with previously published data has been used for verification of the molecular source operation.
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