In this work, a low cost EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility pre-compliance board, based on the conducted emission technique, is proposed as an option to analyze electronic devices used in telecommunications and smart grid network enviroments. In general, as the IC is the major responsible of unintentional emissions and coupling, some specific pre-compliance setup tests are employed to analyze these detrimental effects to the system as a whole. Therefore, an EMC Pre-Compliance Board was designed and built to operate from 150 KHz to 30 MHz. Simulated and experimental results are compared to validate the test setup.
W pracy przedstawiono prosty układ umożliwiający testowanie i poprawę elektrokompatybilności urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych I wyposażenia sieci smart grid. Układ pracuje w zakresie częstotliwości 150 kHz – 30 MHz.
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In this work, an ultra wide band antenna is modified with periodic structures in order to improve its performance, in terms of gain, bandwidth and resonance. Basically, three topologies are used (Jerusalem cross pair, fractal and tripolar array).The main idea is improve its performance without increase its dimensions which could compromise their application in telecommunications systems especially mobile devices.
W artykule zaprezentowano projekt ultra szerokopasmowej anteny z periodyczną strukturą w celu optymalizacji wzmocnienia, pasma I rezonansu. Testowano trzy topologie – para krzyży Jeruzalem, struktura fraktalna i układ trzybiegunowy.
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This paper proposes a Takagi-Sugeno neuro-fuzzy inference system for direct torque and stator reactive power control applied to a doubly fed induction motor. The control variables (d-axis and q-axis rotor voltages) are determined through a control system composed by a neuro-fuzzy inference system and a first order Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy logic controller. Experimental results are presented to validate the controller operation for variable speed under no-load and load conditions and stator reactive power variation under load condition. For this last validation, a PI controller is used to control the rotor speed, thereby its output is used to manipulate the torque in order to follow the demanded speed value.
W artykule opisano inferencyjny neuro-fuzzy system Takagi-Sugeno użyty do sterowania momentem i mocą bierną w podwójnie zasilanym silniku indukcyjnym. Przeprowadzono eksperymenty sterowania silnikiem obciążonym i nieobciążonym.
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This paper proposes a CMOS analog demultiplexer for Spatial Multiplexing of Local Elements scheme at baseband level. This technique is a front-end receiver architecture which uses only one RF channel, carrying multiplexed information from multiple antennas into one RF single channel. The described circuit has four channels, in which each channel has a differential switch pair and an OTA for amplification and differential to single-ended signal conversion. The specifications and simulation performance are in close agreement, which validate the proposed compact design.
W artykule zaprezentowano analogowy demultiplekser CMOS do przestrzennego multipleksowania (Spatial multiplexing). Ta technika jest stosowana w odbiornikach używających tylko jeden kanał RF i umożliwia multipleksowanie informacji z wielu anten. Opisany układ ma cztery kanały i każdy z kanałów ma różną parę kluczy.
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In this work, a broadband quasi-Yagi antenna is presented and its shape design is changed to analyse new characteristics and properties for wireless communications. This microstrip-fed antenna is designed in five different shape versions: dipole driver, patch driver, meander driver, log-periodic director array, and multi-director array. Details of the proposed designs and measured results of input return loss and radiation pattern are presented and discussed. In addition, a technique using a microwave link to measure the radiation pattern is explored, showing good radiation characteristic of the elements in a real environment.
Przedstawiono analizę i projekt nowej anteny szerokopasmowej typu Yagi przeznaczonej do komunikacji bezprzewodowej. Antenę zaprojektowano w pięciu różnych wersjach kształtu. Przedstawiono wyniki badań tych propozycji.
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