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Artykuł omawia transformację polskiego handlu detalicznego w latach 19892017. W artykule zostały przedstawione liczne innowacje, które zostały wprowadzone w tym sektorze, a także przemiany w strukturze własności i powierzchni punktów handlowych. W dalszej części artykułu autor koncentruje się na problematyce stresu i wypalenia zawodowego na polskim rynku pracy w kontekście przeprowadzonych badań dotyczących wypalenia zawodowego pracowników hipermarketu w Rybniku (woj. śląskie).
The article discusses the transformation of the Polish retail sector in the years 1989-2017. Numerous innovations were presented in the article, which were introduced in the retail sector, as well as changes in the ownership structure and in the shopping areas. Later in the article the author focuses on the problems of professional burnout in the Polish labour market. The article also presents researche connected with the professional burnout of employees in the hypermarket in Rybnik (Silesia Region, Poland, European Union).
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań zrealizowanych na potrzeby oceny stanu chemicznego wód podziemnych na terenie zlewni potoku Łukowica, położonego w gminie Łukowica. Badania te obejmowały pobór próbek wód podziemnych i analizę fizykochemiczną. Analizy chemiczne zostały zweryfikowane poprzez obliczenie błędu analizy na podstawie bilansu jonowego. Oceny stanu chemicznego dokonano na podstawie tych danych, zgodnie z polskimi uregulowaniami prawnymi (RMŚ 2015), zarówno w ujęciu punktowym, jak i obszarowym. Wyniki badań wskazują, iż stan chemiczny wód podziemnych zlewni potoku Łukowica można uznać za dobry w ujęciu obszarowym. Ocena stanu chemicznego w ujęciu punktowym wykazała przekroczenie wartości progowych dla dobrego stanu w jednym punkcie pomiarowym.
This paper presents the result of a field investigation carried out for assessing the chemical status of groundwater in the Łukowica catchment area, located in the municipality of Łukowica. These investigations included collecting groundwater samples and physicochemical analysis. Chemical analyzes were verified by the calculation of errors based on the ionic balance. An assesment of the chemical status was carried on the basis of this data, in accordance with Polish legislation (RMŚ 2015), both in a point and area configuration. The results indicate that the chemical status of the groundwater of the Łukowica catchment area may be considered as good in area configuration. The estimation of the chemical status in a point configuration showed that one measuring point exceeded the limit values for good chemical status.
The Sztoła River crosses Lesser Poland and Silesia voivodships in the region of Olkusz zinc and lead ores mining and sands extraction. It is one of the left-bank tributary of Biała Przemsza. Its sources are located southwest of Olkusz. In the geological structure of Sztoła water catchment area, on the basis of conducted drillings, the following deposits can be distinguished: Paleozoic, represented by Permian deposits, Mezozoic-Triassic deposits, and Cenozoic-Quaternary deposits (Buła 2000, Motyka 2010). Hydrodynamic conditions in the region of Sztoła have been strongly interrupted by the development of zinc and lead ores mining and a sand pit, which required an application of drainage. The first system of drainage was adits built in 16 th century, which resulted in a decrease of the groundwater table level from few to over a dozen meters (Żukowski 1946, Górnisiewicz 1975, Molenda 1977, Kosiński 1882). The intensive development of mining in this region began in the first half of 19 th century, along with appearance of new drainage techniques. The Sztoła River changed its character from draining to infiltrating on its the whole length as the effect of development of vast zinc and lead ores mine depression cone, related to the exploitation of the „Pomorzany” mine, and later with a gravitational drainage of sandpit „Szczakowa” (Witczak & Motyka 1975, Haładus et al. 2007). In the upper part of the river it resulted with a partial dry out of the riverbed. Water flowing in the river originated from the drainage of Olkusz zinc and lead ores mines and is directed there through Baba channel. A research conducted in the summer of 2014 examined the upper part of the Sztoła River. Groundwater taken from springs, as well as surface water, was collected, and the areas of critical riverbed dry out were identified. A complete physicochemical analysis was carried out in the AGH hydrogeochemical laboratory in Cracow. On the basis of the received data, the characteristics of chemical composition of groundwater and surface water were prepared. Their hydrochemical type, pH values, electrolytical conductivity was determined. Chemical composition was also presented in the selected graphical forms (Piper, Collins, Pie Chart). Based on analysis, the statistical parameters of composition of water from the research region were calculated. Furthermore, the quality of underground and surface water was evaluated according to the existing standards, and suitability to consumption by people was determined. The Obtained data were also compared with archival results of samples collected within the investigated area.
The main objective of this thesis is the assessment of the quantitative and chemical groundwater and surface water status of the Łukowica river catchment area. This area is located within the Magura Nappe of Outer Carpathians that are built of flysch, which is a series of alternating layers of sandstone and shale (Oszczypko & Wójcik 1989a, 1989b). The reason for making hydrological characteristics of the catchment area is i.e. to determine the status and causes of hydrological changes occurring within it, using the surface and groundwater, management, the degree of anthropogenic impact on the water, quantitative and chemical balance of water and the size of disposable and renewable resources of analyzed area. Hydrological investigations are necessary to know the process of water circulation in the catchment area. Then these investigations were the basis for further works focused on the factors affecting features of the river regime. The work is based on my own field researches carried out in September 2015. In order to assess the quantitative and chemical waters status, hydrogeological mappings of the field were performed, including measurements of the depth of groundwater table in dug wells by hydrogeological whistle. The discharge of sources and the volume flow of the river in the upper, middle and lower section, and two inflows was also examined. Flow measurements for the river were made on the 10 meter-section by float method. For the inflows, the volumetric method was applied (Banach 2005). At the end, the literature and cartographic elaborations were collected. Prepared materials enabled to make the hydrogeological map of the quaternary multiaquifer formation and to illustrate the circulation of groundwater. On these basis the groundwater’s renewable and disposable resources of the catchment basin were calculated (Chełmicki 2001) and they are 3086 m 3 /d and 1543 m 3 /d respectively. To determine the amount of reserves of groundwater resources it is necessary to compare obtained results with an average annual extraction from groundwater intakes ( Rozporządzenie..., 2008). For the purpose of the work the water samples were collected in 7 dug wells and in 4 points alongside the river – in the upper, middle and lower section. The samples were analyzed in the Accredited Hydrogeochemical Laboratory of the Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Department AGH (Accreditation Certificate AB 1050). The test results were the basis for assessing the chemical status of water. They are developed in accordance with applicable laws, which are based on the Water Framework Directive of the European Parliament ( Commission Directive..., 2009) and Regulation of the Minister of the Environment for the criteria and method of evaluation of groundwater status ( Rozporządzenie..., 2015). The mineralization of the surface water of Łukowica River is more or less constant at the entire length and it is 430–450 mg/dm 3, whereas the mineralization of groundwater for the catchment is more diverse and ranges from 325 mg/dm 3 to 553 mg/dm 3. According to the Shchukarev–Priklonskiy classification, both surface water and groundwater are HCO 3 -Ca-Mg type. On the basis of the results of chemical analyzes, the chemical status of groundwater was considered as good, since they were classified as class II of groundwater quality ( Rozporządzenie..., 2015). The limit values for class I have been exceeded for the following cations: Zn 2+, Cu 2+, Mo 6+, Ag +, Ca 2+ and anions: NO 2 − and HCO 3 −. The chemical status of surface water was considered as good, since it was classified as class II of surface water quality ( Rozporządzenie..., 2011). The limit values for I class have been exceeded only for anion HCO 3 −. All European Union countries, including Poland, are obliged to respect the Water Framework Directive, established by the European Parliament in 2000 and updated in 2009 ( Commission Directive..., 2009). It obliges member states to perform i.e. assessment of quantitative and chemical status in an area of separated bodies of groundwater. Result of the assessment of the quantitative and chemical groundwater status is the basis for the development of action programs. These programs lead to protection of groundwater bodies and to achieve good groundwater status at the latest by 2015. Many catchments of small streams have not been covered by such tests so far, hence the appropriateness of conducting the studies mentioned above. Summing up, both surface water and groundwater of the Łukowica River catchment area were classified into class II of water quality, what means that they are characterized by a good chemical status. Mineralization of surface water is similar on the entire length of the river and is 430–450 mg/dm 3. In contrast, mineralization of groundwater is in the range from 325 mg/dm 3 to 553 mg/dm 3. The amount of renewable resources for this catchment is 3086 m 3 /d and the value of disposable resources is 1543 m 3 /d.
W artykule opisano uwarunkowania jakości i pozyskiwania oraz możliwości wykorzystania MDOM w przemyśle drobiarskim. Mięso to, z uwagi na sposób otrzymywania, zmieniony skład chemiczny, mazistą, pastowatą konsystencje, gorsze właściwości technologiczne i niską trwałość nie może w pełni zastąpić tkanki mięśniowej.
Factors affecting quality production methods and utilization of mechani-cally deboned poultry meat (MDPM) were described in this article. The discussed raw materiał could not fully replace hand deboned meat because of specific conditions of production, changed chemical composition, poor technolog ical properties, greasy consistency and short shelf life.
Celem zaprezentowanej w artykule pracy było określenie wpływu czasu sterylizacji na jakość modelowych konserw mięsnych o różnej zawartości tłuszczu i różnym stopniu rozdrobnienia farszu. Niezależnie od stopnia rozdrobnienia farszu konserwy z farszu „chudego" osiągały wartość sterylizacyjną F>3 min już po 30 min, a konserwy z farszu „tłustego" po 40 min sterylizacji w temperaturze 121°C. Wydłużenie procesu sterylizacji powodowało zmniejszenie siły penetracji i zwiększenie ilości wycieku termicznego. Ilość wycieku termicznego była większa w konserwach średnio rozdrobnionych niż w kutrowanych.
The aim of study was to estimate influence of fat content, comminution, time of sterilization on quality of model canned meat product The results of the analyses indicated that preserves with content of fat 10% achieved sterilize value F0 3 min after 30 min and preserves with content of fat 30% after 40 min of sterilization at 121°C. Penetration force and thermal drip depends on time of sterilization. It has been proved that extension of sterilization process caused decrease of penetration force and increase of thermal drip. The thermal drip was higher in medium ground preserves than in finely ground.
The aim of conducted survey was to assess the customs connected with bringing the pets into gastronomic and hotel institutions. In the publication, the assessment of awareness of legal rules connected with presence of pets in those institutions recognized by the owners or the institution management was presented. The test results showed no dependence between hotel class and the consent to the presence of the pets in those institutions, but they emphasized the influence of size and type of gastronomic institution on this behaviour. Moreover, from conducted serveys it results that most of the managers of hotel-gastronomic institutions are not aware of rules of law connected with this issue.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania wysokich ciśnień w celu poprawy jakości i trwałości gotowanych szynek wieprzowych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że zastosowanie UHP (500 MPa. 30 min, 40 C) pozwala przedłużyć okres przechowywania gotowanej szynki wieprzowej do 8 tygodni, przy zachowaniu dobrej jakości mikrobiologicznej i pełnej akceptacji sen-sorycznej. Jednak ze względu na występujący wyciek w opakowaniu, metoda ta mogłaby być stosowana w procesie utrwalania wędzonek wieprzowych jako wspomaganie procesu obróbki termicznej, ale tylko do wyrobów tradycyjnych, tj. niskowydajnych.
The possibilities of using high pressure treatment for improving quality and shelf life of cooked pork ham were presented in this article. Results showed that ultra high pressure (500 MPa. 30 ruin, 40°C) prolonged shelf life of the product up to 8 weeks. However, due to drip loss in the package, this method could be used in combination with heat treatment only for preservation of traditional low-yield pork ham.
Wśród nowoczesnych sposobów utrwalania żywności, których głównym celem jest ograniczenie rozwoju bądź eliminacja drobnoustrojów, coraz większym powodzeniem cieszy się metoda wysokociśnieniowa określana w skrócie jako UHP (Ultra High Pressure). W ostatnich latach prowadzone są intensywne badania nad praktycznym zastosowaniem wysokich ciśnień w celu poprawy jakości i trwałości przetworów rybnych, mięsnych, mlecznych, owocowych i warzywnych. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania wysokich ciśnień w przemyśle mięsnym oraz ich wpływ na jakość gotowych produktów.
Ultra high pressure processing (UHP) in one of new very promising technologies for the preservation of meat products (the inactivation or reducing the number of microorganisms). Nowadays this technology is getting more and more popular. In the last years many experiments were carried out considering the UHP industrial application (e.g. in the meat, fish, dairy and juice sector). The aim of all the studies was to improve the quality of the product. In this paper the results of the studies on the effect of UHP on quality of meat products and the possible applications of that technology in meat industry were reviewed.
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