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Mapę Podziału Hydrograficznego Polski w skali 1:10 000 (MPHP10) opracowano w ramach projektu Informatyczny System Osłony Kraju przed Nadzwyczajnymi Zagrożeniami (ISOK). MPHP10 to jednolita, ciągła baza danych hydrograficznych obejmująca obszar całego kraju łącznie z częściami dorzecza Wisły i Odry położonymi poza jej granicami. Mapa ta zawiera charakterystykę geometryczną i opisową sieci rzecznej oraz zlewni. MPHP jest jedynym źródłem danych o granicach zlewni. MPHP jest podstawą do tworzenia różnych map tematycznych związanych z gospodarką wodną. Może być pomocna w bilansowaniu wodno gospodarczym, ocenie zasobów wodnych, ocenie przepływów i w konsekwencji symulowaniu ich zmian spowodowanych zmianami klimatu lub działaniami z zakresu gospodarki wodnej. Analizy takie można przeprowadzać w zadanych obszarach takich jak jednolite części wód, zlewnie. regiony wodne oraz dorzecza. Podstawą do utworzenia MPHP10 były warstwy zasobów Bazy Danych Obiektów Topograficznych. Materiał ten został zweryfikowany przez hydrografów. Dzięki temu utworzona mapa numeryczna jest materiałem, który może uzupełnić bądź poprawić zasób geodezyjny w zakresie nazewnictwa cieków i zbiorników wodnych oraz przebiegu, lokalizacji źródeł i ujść cieków. Wymagać to będzie konsultacji między odpowiedzialnymi instytucjami oraz zmiany obowiązujących przepisów. MPHP jest jednym z referencyjnych zbiorów danych tworzących krajową infrastrukturę informacji przestrzennej. Dzięki dostosowaniu MPHP do standardów INSPIRE produkt ten ma taką samą strukturę jak zbiory danych hydrograficznych innych państw Unii Europejskiej. Zharmonizowany zbiór danych MPHP stanie się częścią europejskiej infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej. Pozwoli to dane pochodzące z MPHP10 łączyć z danymi z innych państw i tworzyć opracowania kartograficzne oraz prowadzić analizy przestrzenne o charakterze transgranicznym i paneuropejskim.
Hydrographic Map of Poland at a scale of 1:10 000 (MPHP10) was developed under the project “IT System of the Country's Protection Against Extreme Hazards (ISOK)”. MPHP10 is a uniform, continuous hydrographic database covering the whole country, including the river basin of the Vistula and the Oder located outside the borders of Poland. MPHP10 comprises geometrical and descriptive characteristics of river systems and their catchments. It is the only source of data on catchment boundaries for Poland. MPHP10 is a proper basis for creating a variety of thematic maps related to water management. It can assist in carrying out analyses such as economic water balance, water resources assessment, assessment of river flow and, in consequence, simulate changes in the foregoing, caused by climate change or activities in the area of water management. Such an analysis can be performed in selected areas such as water bodies, catchments, water regions and river basins. Geometric basis of MPHP10 provide data sets adopted from the Database of Topographic Objects (BDOT). This material has been analyzed, reviewed and transformed by hydrographers. Therefore MPHP10 is a proper reference to be used for complementing or improving the geodetic data in the following areas: geographic names of rivers, lakes and artificial reservoirs, courses of streams and rivers, location of springs and estuaries. In such cases, additional consultations between responsible bodies and changes in existing law will be required. MPHP10 is one of the reference data sets creating the Spatial Information Infrastructure in Poland. By adopting INSPIRE standards, this product has been structured in the same way as hydrographic data sets of other countries in the European Union. A harmonized set of MPHP data will become a part of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe. This will allow the data from MPHP10 to be combined with data from other countries to create cartographic products and to conduct cross-border and pan-European spatial analysis.
Content available remote Użycie technik GIS do szacowania zasobów wód powierzchniowych w skali kraju
Polska z zasobami odnawialnymi wód na poziomie ok. 1600 m3/mieszkańca/rok i wskaźnikiem wykorzystania zasobów wodnych bliskim 20% jest, na tle Europy, krajem stosunkowo ubogim w wodę (por. EEA, 2007). Dwudziestoprocentowy wskaźnik wykorzystania zasobów wodnych jest granicą od której kraj jest klasyfikowany jako zagrożony deficytem, a zatem zasoby wodne w Polsce powinny być traktowane jako zasób wrażliwy, zwłaszcza w perspektywie zmian klimatu mogących skutkować zmianami ilościowymi oraz zmianami rozkładu przestrzennego i czasowego zasobów wodnych. Stąd zrównoważone gospodarowanie zasobami wodnymi zostało włączone jako jeden z wątków do projektu .Wpływ zmian klimatu na środowisko, gospodarkę i społeczeństwo (zmiany, skutki i sposoby ich ograniczania, wnioski dla nauki, praktyki inżynierskiej i planowania gospodarczego)., projekt o akronimie KLIMAT, umowa nr POIG.01.03.01-14-011/08-00. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac w tym projekcie.
The article presents the experience in the assessment of Polish surface water resources. The described results are based on the project entitled .The influence of climate changes on environment, economy and society. with the acronym KLIMAT (Project No. POIG.01.03.01-14-011/08-00). The main problem considered in the paper is the preparation of spatial representation of surface water resources adequate for analysis allowing classification of the area of Poland according to water shortage hazards. Data about water resources should be easily transformable into different spatial representations. The calculation of Poland.s surface water resources is based on data on water flows at water gauges and it was chosen in this project to present them in the form of unit runoff coefficients. The paper describes the main problems related to the calculation of unit runoff coefficients, such as lack of measurements in some areas of Poland and lack of data about the water use affecting hydrological regime of rivers. An example of possible use of the unit runoff coefficient for the assessment of water resources in the selected area was also presented. Water resources were assessed separately as internal resources coming from precipitation in the selected area, and resources coming from the inflow from adjacent areas. Possibilities of the use of GIS supported by ESRI ArcGIS software 9.3 version are presented. The areas of GIS use concern mainly changes in spatial representation of the analysed phenomenon, including recalculation of water resources characteristics and the use of hydrological modeling procedures.
Content available remote Local flood mitigation plan for a village: the role of GIS
Article describes the work related to development of the local flood mitigation plan for Gorzanów, village located in the Kłodzko Valley south-west of Poland. Problems of flash flood warning and response are particularly considered. Work carried out is described focusing on the role of the GIS tools in the process of planning activity. Use of GIS in collection, organization and exchange of information between different institutions and within working team is noted. An advantages of using such tools for interactive communication with non professionals in participatory planning is described as a key result. Finally the examples of informational materials used in process of dissemination of information related to flood hazard and response are showed.
Artykuł opisuje przebieg prac związanych z przygotowaniem lokalnego planu ograniczania skutków powodzi dla Gorzanowa, małej miejscowości położonej w Kotlinie Kłodzkiej w płd.-zach. Polsce. Rozważane są problemy dotyczące ostrzeżeń przed szybkimi powodziami oraz reakcji na nie. Artykuł opisuje rolę narzędzi GIS w procesie planowania. Podkreślono rolę GIS w zbieraniu, przetwarzaniu i wymianie informacji pomiędzy różnymi instytucjami i osobami a zespołem planistycznym. Za kluczową zaletę użycia tej technologii uznano możliwość interaktywnej komunikacji z nieprofesjonalistami w trakcie procesu planowania partycypacyjnego. Pokazano również przykłady materiałów informacyjnych użytych w procesie rozpowszechniania informacji dotyczących zagrożenia powodziowego i planów reagowania na powódź.
The paper discusses problems in water management planning, referring especially to the spatial data needed in this process. Data collected during implementation of the Water Framework Directive are mentioned, which are the basis for assessment of aquatic environment status, as well as for preparation of programs of measures and, consequently, of river basin water management plan. On the other hand, the Directive on the assessment and management of flood risk in force since 2007 requires preparation of flood hazard maps, flood risk maps and flood risk management plans. These documents can be included in the river basin water management plan, and the deadlines for preparation and updating them can be synchronized.
The paper discusses the use of GIS tools and spatial information for defining significant anthropogenic impact and its effect on the waters of Polish rivers. In the EU the basic legal act regulating the issues of protecting water resources and ecosystems dependent on water resources is the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/WE (WFD). According to the requirements of the above Directive, EU member countries will have to achieve good status of surface waters by the end of 2015. Evaluating the effects of anthropogenic pressure on water environment is the first step conditioning future remedial actions. The identification of significant impacts was carried out with the use of GIS technology, which was in accordance with the guidelines for implementing RDW in EU member countries. The paper presents recommendations of the Water Framework Directive as regards the analysis of anthropogenic pressure. In order to carry out this analysis geospatial information was necessary. Some of the data were prepared within the framework of previous stages of RDW implementation, while the remaining data were obtained especially for the purposes of the above mentioned analysis. The paper presents this data as well as the methodology adopted for identifying significant anthropogenic impacts. The basic spatial unit for which the analysis was carried out was so called .aggregated part of surface waters. (SCWP). This term stands for the area that encompasses several adjoining sub-basin areas of similar character, identified for the purposes of water management planning. Also, examples of results of GIS analyses are provided, performed with the use of data from Regional Data Bank that was created and is managed by the Central Statistical Office (GUS). Additionally, the paper describes indicators used for the assessment of morphological changes as well as methods to calculate selected examples of indicators. The result of spatial analyses is final assessment of possible obstacles to achieving good status of waters by the end of 2015, prepared on the basis of information on hydrology and morphology of watercourses as well as on causative factors.
Content available remote Zastosowanie GIS w procesie wdrażania Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej Unii Europejskiej
After accession to the European Union, Poland commenced to implement the Community water policy. The main objective of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to achieve a good ecological status of surface and ground waters by 2015. The achievement of such status requires realization of investments as well as planning activities covering such spheres as planning of land use and utilization of natural resources. Including a lot of issues within one directive, so-called framework directive, requires application of modern tools, including GIS-tools enabling evaluation of the status and effects of planned programs. These tools allow current implementation of changes and conducting of spatial analysis of mutual impact of environmental components. The role of GIS-techniques in implementation of the WFD is double, on one side they are utilized for preparation of information layers e.g. river basin characteristics, chemical and ecological status of water bodies, reference conditions etc., and on the other side, preparation and delivery of GIS shapes needed for reporting. Up till now, the following information layers result from WFD implementation: responsible administrative bodies, water balance areas, protection areas, surface water categories, types and bodies, including transitional and coastal waters, ground water bodies and man-made pressures. Inventory of waters in accordance with EU guidelines covers the whole territory of Poland and is harmonized with the activities of neighboring countries. Additional value of the numerical data is the possibility of their utilization by institutions and social parties involved. Public participation is obligatory for the institutions which are involved in the implementation of the programs covering measures within the river basins.
Content available remote Wykorzystanie GIS w meteorologii, klimatologii i hydrologii
GIS is a widely used tool in environmental issues. However, the operational use of GIS in meteorology is not yet very popular. This results from historical reasons as well as from the fact that the classic GIS packages are not well adapted to the needs of the atmospheric sciences. In the paper, problems of hydro-meteorological and geographic data integration are presented. Examples illustrate the possibilities of using GIS in meteorology, climatology and hydrology.
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