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The risk of human exposure to finely-dispersed aerosol particles being airborne indoors is determined by the size and the number concentration of particles, the intensity of an aerosol emission source, the air filtration and ventilation efficiency, etc. The emphasis in this article is on behaviour patterns of aerosol particles when exposed to ultrasonic and electrostatic fields in different conditions of air temperature and relative humidity. Wood flour having sizes of interest (characteristic particle diameter about 10 μm) is chosen as a model aerosol. The article considers a physical and mathematical model presenting the evolution of aerosol particles in external fields, taking into account the moisture content and the temperature of a dispersive medium. The efficiency of ultrasonic and electrostatic precipitation in different relative humidity and temperature conditions in an enclosed space was studied using optical measurement methods of particle size and concentration.
Ultrasonic processing in the cavitation mode is used to produce the composite materials based on the metal matrix and reinforcing particles of micro- and nano-sizes. In such a case, the deagglomeration of aggregates and the uniform distribution of particles are the expected effects. Although the particles can not only fragment in the acoustic field, they also can coagulate, coarsen and precipitate. In this paper, a theoretical study of processes of deagglomeration and coagulation of particles in the liquid metal under ultrasonic treatment is made. The influence of various parameters of ultrasound and dispersion medium on the dynamics of particles in the acoustic field is considered on the basis of the proposed mathematical model. The criterion of leading process (coagulation or deagglomeration) has been proposed. The calculated results are compared with the experimental ones known from the scientific literature.
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