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Mając na uwadze poważne problemy ze zbilansowaniem krajowego zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną w sierpniu 2015 r., wydaje się, że dalszy rozwój mikroinstalacji prosumenckich może być jednym z pożądanych kierunków rozwoju sektora energetycznego, który będzie minimalizować w przyszłości wystąpienie sytuacji kryzysowych.
Content available remote Zgodnie z INSPIRE
Assuring coordination among entities providing spatial information for the needs of the policy of the European Community in the area of environment protection by creating metadata for spatial data collections and services is the basic assumption of the INSPIRE Directive establishing Spatial Information Infrastructure in the European Community based of infrastructures of member states. The construction and exploration of the technical part of SDI should be based on ISO and CEN standards and OGC and W3C technical specifications in order to obtain interoperability required by the Directive. Spatial Information Infrastructure (SDI) should contain three elementary functions: publication of metadata for spatial data collections and services according to the application profile ISO 19115/19119 and the national profile by means of interoperative metadata catalogues, search of published spatial data services, authorized access to spatial data services irrespective of the application environment of the user by means of both web and desktop applications. A possibility of adaptation of spatial information systems (GIS) functioning so far to their working together in internet or intranet is very important from the point of view of cost of implementation of the SDI. The implementation of such a solution makes it possible to apply appropriate service oriented architecture (SOA), and in particular web services, where the conformity of interfaces of services with OGC and W3C technical specifications is a condition of effective integration and working together of already existing systems. An additional benefit resulting from the ifrastructure based on SOA is the possibility of integrating web services created on independent technological platforms. This makes it possible to use both free and open and commercial software, which may have an effective impact on the cost of construction of the infrastructure. The experience of the EU countries shows that economic benefits result first of all from integration of free and open software with legally restricted software. The use of public license does not have to be an alternative for the software legally restricted by its manufacturer, but a substitute having influence on efficiency and functionality of Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Content available remote Trzy poziomy ASG-EUPOS
Recently, there is growing interest in geoinformation, which allows for coordination and support of the activities of rescue services. In order to precisely determine the needs in the area of crisis management in the Małopolskie Voivodeship several consultations were held with the rescue services involved. According to the collected data, the most important for rescue teams application of geoinformation is to define exact localization of the event, monitoring and navigation of the groups operating in the area, to specify available resources and technical means and to determine technical infrastructure of the object and other elements which could be a potential threat to health and life. When analysing gathered data it is possible to determine the range of spatial information, which enables coordination and support of rescue services. This range includes topographic and thematic database with selected information range, with the level of detail corresponding to maps at scales 1:10 000 and 1: 50 000, and even larger for water-pipes, gas pipes and power grid. At present, geodetic resources of Voivodship do notcontain data meeting all expectations of rescue services. The Voivodeship only has complete spatial databases with the level of details corresponding to maps in the scale 1: 50 000 such as VMAP Level2 and computer-based atlas of Małopolskie Voivodeship and thematic products: sozologic and hydrographic database. A complementary product is orthophotomap from 2002.2003, in scale 1 : 5000. The activities planned by Malopolskie Voivodeship for the coming years should gradually improve the situation. These activities include: m making of the Topographical Database (level of detail 1:10 000) for the whole Voivodeship with the most important information layers, m participation in the project .Methodology and procedures of integration, visualization, generalization and standardization reference database available in geodetic and cartographic resources and their use to create thematic database., m building and implementing a pilot monitoring system for TOPR (Tatra Voluntee Rescur Service) cooperation with rescue services in monitoring and control systems which use GPS.
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