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The aim of the didactic and educational activity of every university, especially the military one, is to prepare the graduate intellectually and professionally to live in society. When creating educational programs in a specific field of knowledge or subject of education, it is assumed that their implementation will ensure that the teachers acquire the necessary minimum of required competences. In such a case, the authors of didactic programs always have a number of doubts or dilemmas such as: To what extent do the assumed competences correlate with the requirements and needs of the social reality, especially the professional one, in which the graduate is prepared to act? To what extent do the content of the curricula and the organization of the didactic and educational process ensure the acquisition of the assumed team of competences by the teachers? Of course, there are many more dilemmas of this type. Not all of them can be unequivocally resolved, if only due to the complexity of social situations in which the accuracy and reliability of the competences acquired by students are verified. Curricular education of students of military universities in the fields of study: national security, is aimed at, among others, the best possible preparation of future officers to command a sub-unit as well as managers and managers to manage human teams in state and local government institutions dealing with the organization and protection of public safety. An important element of the process of commanding a military sub-unit as well as managing in a situation of a potential threat is the ability to make accurate decisions as well as efficiently act and motivate subordinates and co-workers. In situations of uncertainty and insufficient information, and at the same time not only a potential but also a real threat to health and life, this requires not only appropriate psychophysical predispositions but also specific professional competences, especially in the area of distinguishing competences. Bearing the above in mind, the content and purpose of the article will be to introduce theoretically into the issues of social competences, seen from the perspective of a manager - leader - manager, and also an attempt to show the conditions of the manager's functioning - in various social situations, his role, tasks and qualifications, ensuring efficient management of the organization, these include: priorities in the implementation of tasks, skills, creative attitude and preparation for conducting negotiations. Requirements for modern managers - organization leaders - are extremely high, and meeting them does not guarantee only success. They lead people who, above all, need to be taught and prepared: to work in their position, to live in society, as well as to bring each other closer and focus around each other. Employees are different, they are strong and weak, full of pride and quite humble, curious about the world and, despite their different ages, overwhelmed by apathy. All of them, thanks to the work of managers and their competences, knowledge and skills, become good employees at various levels of the organization, and then managers. However, the basis of a manager's work is also, and perhaps above all, communication skills, the basis of which are negotiations.
Content available Security threats in cyberspace
The article is an attempt to highlight the main types of security threats in cyberspace. As literature provides a multitude of different approaches, standards, methodologies, and proposals for the classification of threats, the article focuses on threats to privacy and national ICT security. Cyberspace is subject to increasingly sophisticated and targeted threats, while our growing reliance on cyberspace exposes our privacy to risks, giving rise to new and significant security gaps. Due to its specific characteristics, it generates serious threats to individuals as well as to national and international security. Depending on the research perspective we adopt, these threats are variable, multidimensional, and multifaceted in nature. Therefore, they require systematic analysis and response.
W artykule podjęto próbę naświetlenia głównych kategorii zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa w cyberprzestrzeni. Z uwagi na fakt, iż w literaturze istnieje mnogość różnych ujęć, standardów, metodyk i propozycji klasyfikacji zagrożeń, skoncentrowano się na zagrożeniach prywatności oraz bezpieczeństwa teleinformatycznego państwa. Cyberprzestrzeń podlega w coraz większym stopniu wyrafinowanym i ukierunkowanym zagrożeniom; rosnące uzależnienie od cyberprzestrzeni naraża naszą prywatność, stwarza nowe i znaczące luki w zabezpieczeniach. Z uwagi na swoje specyficzne właściwości generuje w jednakowym stopniu poważne zagrożenia dla jednostki, bezpieczeństwa narodowego i międzynarodowego. Zagrożenia te, w zależności od przyjętej perspektywy badawczej, mają charakter zmienny, wielowymiarowy i wielopłaszczyznowy. Wymagają systematycznej analizy i reakcji.
Content available Activities for protection of young cyberspace users
The study indicates actions taken to ensure the safety of minor network users. Prophylactic activity and methods of reacting in the case of identification of perpetrators of prohibited acts are described. It was assumed that in the area of cybersecurity, avoiding threats concerns the educational space, hence information, education and social campaigns play an important role in contemporary social functioning. The study presents the formal and legal framework for the protection of cyberspace users, the functioning of which is determined, among others, by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Penal Code, the International Convention on Cybercrime, the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction, Internet Management Forum, Safer Internet Centers, Scientific and Academic Computer Network. (NASK), Empowering Children Foundation and others. Examples of assumptions of selected social programs building a safe environment for the exchange of information on the Internet are presented.
The aim of the article is to indicate the importance of the role of the professional environment in shaping social competences. Thus, the research problem refers to the question: what is the role of the professional environment in shaping the social competences of the commanding staff of officers of the Polish Armed Forces? The publication is a continuation of the article Fri "Social competence of the commanding staff of officers of the Polish Armed Forces in the military security system of Poland". In the dynamically changing reality, due to the continuous development of science and technology, the process of professional improvement and updating knowledge is the basis for the effective performance of duties by employees. The level of social competence has a decisive impact on the level of human specialisation, its responsibility to perform various social roles and, therefore, is important in the professional life of every human being.
The aim of the article is to indicate the importance of the role of leadership in the professional career of the commanding staff of officers of the Polish Armed Forces in ensuring security. Thus, the research problem refers to the question of what is the role of leadership in the professional career of the commanding staff of officers of the Polish Armed Forces? The publication is a continuation of a series of articles titled "Social competence of the commanding staff of officers of the Polish Armed Forces in the military security system of Poland" and "The role of the professional environment in shaping social competences". Leadership in today's human resources management in strategic terms is the basic determinant of creating specific behaviours of employees in every organisation. The analysis in the conducted research process refers to many components of social competence of officers who perform command functions. However, for the purposes of this article, leadership has been characterised and described as one of the many components of social competence of officers commanders.
Content available remote Konflikt jako element zarządzania organizacją
W treści artykułu odniesiono się do źródeł i przejawów konfliktu w organizacji, traktowanego jako nieodzowny element relacji międzyludzkich. U jego podłoża zawsze znajduje się rozbieżność interesów danych podmiotów. Z uwagi na istotę oddziaływania konfliktów w organizacji w niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe strategie i metody oraz skutki zarządzania konfliktem w organizacji. Wskazano jednostkowy, grupowy i międzyorganizacyjny model występowania konfliktu. Odniesiono się również do wagi kontekstu i czynników osobowościowych w kształtowaniu sytuacji niepożądanych w organizacji. Jednocześnie wskazano obszary pozadysfunkcyjnego oddziaływania konfliktów, podkreślając ich mobilizujący i wzmacniający więzi charakter, uzależniony od poziomu występowania ogólnie rozumianych rozbieżności interesów na poziomie człowieka, grupy i organizacji.
The content of the article refers to the sources and manifestations of the conflict in the organization, which is treated as an indispensable element of human interpersonal relations, at whose bottom there is always a divergence of interests of the entities concerned. Due to the essence of conflicts in the organization, the study presents the basic strategies and methods as well as the effects of conflict management in the organization. The individual, group and inter-organizational conflict incidence model was indicated. It also refers to the importance of context and personality factors in shaping adverse events in the organization. At the same time, the areas of non-problematic conflict influence were pointed out, indicating their mobilizing and strengthening character relationship, depending on the level of occurrence of broadly understood differences of interests at the level of man, group and organization.
Content available remote Kapitał ludzki we współczesnej organizacji
W prezentowanym opracowaniu opisano zasady prowadzenia polityki personalnej (kadrowej), za którą uznano całokształt form i metod pracy przełożonego z podwładnym, z wykorzystaniem rozmaitych sił i środków. W takim ujęciu nieodzowne było zdefiniowanie pojęcia efektywnej pracy, którą można określić jako aktywność ludzką zmierzającą do realizacji podstawowych zadań i celów zakładu pracy. Treść artykułu zawiera teoretyczne i praktyczne odniesienia do tematyki budowania lojalnej, ustabilizowanej załogi, i dzięki temu efektywnej, przynoszącej zyski organizacji. Wskazane zostały elementy tworzące kapitał ludzki, ujmowany jako zbiorowa kompetencja firmy do wydobywania najlepszych rozwiązań za pomocą wiedzy pracowników. Podkreślono cechę zasobów ludzkich, którą jest ich odnawialność, związana z uczeniem się i doskonaleniem, co może być traktowane jako społeczna rezerwa organizacji. Autorzy zaznaczają jednocześnie różnicę jakościową pojęć „zasoby ludzkie” i „kapitał ludzki”, odnosząc się do pojawiających się różnorodnych typów zarządzania, np. za pomocą wiedzy, kompetencji, zasobów ludzkich, talentów itp. W tekście wskazano najbardziej popularne modele procesu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz rekrutacji.
The presented study describes the principles of personnel policy (HR), for which the overall forms and methods of work of the superior with the subordinate were recognized, using a variety of forces and resources. In this approach, it was indispensable to define the concept of effective work, which can be defined as the human activity aiming at the realization of the basic tasks and goals of the workplace. The content of the article contains theoretical and practical references to the topic of building a loyal, stabilized crew, and thus an effective, profitable organization. Elements creating human capital were indicated, recognized as a collective competence of the company to extract the best solutions by means of employees’ knowledge. It emphasizes the feature of human resources, which is their renewal, related to learning and improvement, which can be treated as a social reserve of the organization. At the same time, the authors point out the qualitative difference between human resources and human capital, referring to the diversity of emerging types of management, eg. knowledge, competences, human resources, talents, etc. The text indicates the most popular models of human resource management and recruitment.
Content available remote Generacyjne wyzwania w zakresie funkcjonowania współczesnych organizacji
W opracowaniu wskazano specyfikę czasu, w jakim na rynku pracy funkcjonują pokolenia sprzed rozwoju masowej cyfryzacji, i pokolenia, dla których wszechobecność sieci teleinformatycznych jest nie tylko normą, ale i warunkiem zachowania bezpieczeństwa. Autorzy artykułu, wskazując środowisko funkcjonowania organizacji, zarówno w rozumieniu jej dalszego i bliższego otoczenia, jak i w zakresie uwarunkowań wewnętrznych, nakreślają szanse i zagrożenia działań firm determinowanych przez udział wielu generacji wiekowych. Efektem tych aktywności jest świadoma i zorganizowana polityka budowania wizerunku firmy (employer branding), mająca odzwierciedlenie nie tylko w szeroko rozumianym public relations, ale i w polityce personalnej organizacji, zatem w procesie rekrutacji, adaptacji pracownika, jego motywowaniu oraz w realizacji systemu ocen pracowniczych.
The study identifies the specificity of time in which generations in the labor market exist before the development of mass digitization and generation, for whom the ubiquity of ICT networks is not only a norm, but also a condition for maintaining security. The authors of the article, indicating the environment of the organization’s functioning, both in terms of its further and closer environment, as well as in the area of internal conditions, outline the opportunities and threats for business operations determined by the participation of many age generations. The effect of these activities is the conscious and organized policy of building the company’s image (employer branding), reflected not only in public relations in a broad sense, but also in the personnel policy of the organization, in the process of recruitment, employee adaptation, motivation and implementation of the employee evaluation system.
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