Extensive environmental protection activities include the promotion of alternative drive systems for motor vehicles. An important role in this field is played by hybrid vehicles, with their low operation costs being a strong marketing argument. Can such economies be conducive to the intensity of use of hybrid vehicles compared with vehicles with conventional drive systems? To answer this question, the intensity of use of hybrid vehicles was observed in a few different countries. The attention was focused on the occurrence of extreme (very low and very high) mileage values within comparable vehicle groups. The survey carried out has revealed distinct differences in the intensity of use of hybrid vehicles compared with motor vehicles with conventional drive systems (IC). The average mileage values for hybrid vehicles are higher than those recorded for conventional ones during the same period, but this difference can only be seen in the initial period of vehicle use, rapidly decreasing with vehicle operation years. The share of vehicles with extreme mileage values recorded during the period under observation, presented in the paper in several ways, declines with the years of vehicle use. In spite of that, however, the percentage of vehicles with extreme mileage values is high in HVs group against IC.
The efficiency of operation of motor vehicles with a DMC (Permissible Laden Mass) <3.5 tonnes is considered. These are vehicles belonging motor vehicles of category N1, usually referred to as delivery vehicles. The results of observations on the implementation of transport orders in 7 transport companies from the MŚP (Small and Middle-size Companies) sector were used to conduct the effectiveness analysis. The research group covered 24 vehicles that implementation transport orders in the urban zone and in the immediate vicinity of the city. Information was collected on a monthly basis.During the analysis of economic efficiency the income measures (absolute and relative) were used. The calculations were carried out using the model of the vehicle operation process in the form of a neural network, in which a set of 12 input variables and 3 output variables were taken into account. Using the Statistica 13.3 computer program and defining the group and factors describing the process of implementation of individual transport tasks, the developed neural network model enabled searching for the impact of selected operational factors on the economic efficiency of N1 category cars.The calculations showed a significant impact of the number of vehicle days in a month, the weight of the load, as well as the time of year. The obtained calculation results showed the specific features of the impact of the number of working days on revenue in a transport company. The increase in the number of working days favors the increase in income in a limited way, and this restriction depends, among others since the time of year.
Rozważa się efektywność eksploatacji samochodów ciężarowych o DMC < 3,5 tony. Są to pojazdy należące do kategorii N1 (według Dyrektywy 2007/46/WE) zwykle nazywane samochodami dostawczymi. Do prowadzonej analizy efektywności wykorzystano wyniki obserwacji z realizacji zleceń przewozowych w 7 firmach transportowych z sektora MŚP. Grupa badawcza objęła 24 pojazdy, które wykonywały zadania transportowe w strefie miejskiej i w najbliższym otoczeniu miasta. Informacje gromadzono w cyklach miesięcznych. Podczas analizy efektywności ekonomicznej zastosowano kilka miar przychodu (bezwzględny i względny). Obliczenia prowadzono przy wykorzystaniu modelu procesu eksploatacji pojazdów w postaci sieci neuronowej, w której brano pod uwagę zbiór 12 zmiennych wejściowych i 3 zmienne wyjściowe. Stosując program komputerowy Statistica 13.3 oraz zdefiniowanie grupy i czynniki opisujące proces realizacji poszczególnych zadań transportowych, opracowany model sieci neuronowej umożliwił poszukiwanie wpływu wybranych czynników eksploatacyjnych na efektywność ekonomiczną samochodów kategorii N1. Przeprowadzone obliczenia pokazały istotny wpływ liczby dni pracy pojazdów w miesiącu, masę ładunku, a także porę roku. Uzyskane wyniki obliczeń pokazały specyficzne cechy wpływu liczby dni pracy na przychód w firmie transportowej. Wzrost liczby dni pracy sprzyja wzrostowi przychodu w sposób ograniczony, a to ograniczenie zależy m.in. od pory roku.
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