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The Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds between Saaremaa and Gotland, Baltic Sea, based on high resolution seismic data

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New seismic profiles have been used to revise earlier interpretations of the Ordovician-Silurian bound ary beds be tween Saaremaa and Gotland. Atrans-Baltic reflector with erosional fea ures (S2) above the erosional Ordo vician-Silurian boundary reflector (S1) correlates with the bound ary between the Raikküla and Adavere stages. The sporadic reflector or2 below the S1 reflector off shore from Gotland represents the erosional boundary between the Pirgu and Porkuni stages. Three stratigraphic gaps occur in the Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds off shore from Gotland. The amount of eroded rocks between the Pirgu and Porkuni stages, the Ordovician and Silurian systems and the Raikküla and Adavere stages can change rapidly. Consequently, the thick ness and stratigraphy of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds around Gotland can change considerably across short distances. The O4-5-S1 unit off shore from Gotland, including carbonate build ups and erosional incisions infilled with Porkuni strata, belongs facially to the transi ional belt between the Estonian Shelf and the Livonian Tongue. The thick ness changes in the S1-S2 unit (Juuru and Raikküla stages) indicate an extensive subma rine erosional channel, streching from north of Estonia across the Baltic Sea and central Gotland, which developed in the Baltic Basin along a shelf to deep-basin transect dur ng Llandovery time.
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bibliogr. 46 poz., wykr.
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