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Parameter identification for stochastic burgers' flows via parabolic rescaling

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The paper presents a systematic study of classical statistical inference problems (parameter estimation and hypothesis testing) for random fields arising as solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equation with random initial data (the Burgers' turbulence problem). This nonlinear, hydrodynamic-type partial differential equation is an ubiquitous model in physics and engineering. This work can be seen as part of a larger program of developing statistical inference tools for complex stochastic flows governed by nontrivial, physically constrained dynamics.
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Bibliogr. 100 poz.
  • School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF2 4YH
  • Center for Stochastic and Chaotic Processes in Science and Technology, United Kingdom and Department of Statistics Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio 44106, U.S.A.
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