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Many techniques and algorithms are developed to enhance the security in the cloud environment. This helps the users to secure their server from malicious attacks. Hence the study and investigation of the performance enhanced security algorithms is a must demanded field in the research industry. When large number users using same server to store their information in cloud environment security is a must needed component to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of every individual user. This can be further strengthened by detecting the attacks in earlier stages and taking countermeasure to prevent the attack. Thus securing the data network without any leakage and loss of the information is a challenging task in the cloud environment. When the attacks or intrusion is detected after the occurrence there may be damage to the data in the form of data damage or theft. Hence it is necessary to predict and detect the attacks before the occurrence to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the user information.
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Bibliogr. 21 poz., fig., tab.
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