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Content available remote Wypas koni huculskich jako forma zrównoważonego rolnictwa w rejonie Bieszczadów
Celem badań była ocena prowadzenia wypasu koni huculskich jako elementu zrównoważonego rolnictwa na terenach objętych ochroną w ramach NATURA 2000. Oceniono kondycję koni i obciążenie pastwisk oraz liczbę występujących i żerujących ptaków. Obciążenie do 10 DPJ, wynikające z realizacji programów rolno-środowiskowych, wydaje się być adekwatne zarówno jeśli chodzi o przeciwdziałanie sukcesji, jak i ochronę przed degradacją. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają pozytywny wpływ prowadzenia wypasu na różnorodność gatunkową siedlisk, przyczyniając się do zachowania miejsc gniazdowania i żerowania ptaków.
The aim of the study was to analyze the grazing of Hucul horses as an element of sustainable agriculture in NATURA 2000-protected areas. The condition of the horses and the grazing load were assessed, as well as the number of birds present and foraging. A load of up to 10 DPJ, resulting from the implementation of agri-environmental programs, appears to be adequate both in terms of counteracting succession and protecting against degradation. The results confirm the positive impact of grazing on habitat species diversity, contributing to the preservation of nesting and foraging sites for birds.
The montane glades in the Polish Carpathians were created centuries ago and have lasted mainly as a result of mowing and grazing. The observed abandonment of traditional methods of tillage in the last century led to adverse changes in vegetation cover, including a decrease in floristic diversity and the disappearance of many plant species and associations. One of a rare mountain taxa in Poland is the alpine globeflower Trollius altissimus Crantz. The investigations were carried out between June and September 2014 in the Hala Długa glade (Gorce Mts.) at two 36 m2 plots: extensively grazed (P1) and unmanaged (P2). Light intensity, abundance and density of individuals and ramet clusters were significantly greater in the extensively grazed plot, whereas height of plant canopy, length of basal leaf petioles, width of leaf lamina, number and length of generative stems, number of flowers and follicles achieved higher values in the unmanaged plot. The structure of developmental stages and number of basal leaves did not differ remarkably between the studied sites. Also, the soil properties in both plots were very similar. The studies show that extensive sheep grazing has a positive influence on Trollius altissimus. In the studied locality such management contributes to the gradual spreading of this species. However, too intensive pasturage might eliminate this species as it has never been observed in any of the permanently grazed patches in the vicinity.
Since the contribution of total belowground bud bank and different bud types to community regeneration has rarely been explored, the vegetative offspring recruited from different belowground bud types was investigated in four plant communities along a grassland degradation gradient in northeastern China (Inner Mongolia). This gradient, between 1000 and 1500 m a.s.l., has been caused by overgrazing. It is a Leymus chinensis steppe which occupies about 3.0×105 ha. Recruitment from tiller buds was dominant (>80%) in determining the total vegetative offspring density along the whole grassland degradation gradient. However, the proportional contribution of tiller-ramets to total ramet recruitment was significantly greater (P <0.05) during earlier than later stages of grassland degradation, while that of rhizome-ramets showed an opposite pattern. While the percentage contribution and density of root-derived ramets to total ramet density increased significantly (P <0.05) during the late stages of grassland degradation, those of bulb-ramets kept relatively constant along the whole grassland degradation gradient. The relative contribution of hemicryptophytes [i.e., Achnatherum sibiricum, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Festuca ovina, Koeoleria cristata, Poa annua, Stipa grandis] to total plant species richness decreased, while that of geophytes [i.e., Agropyron cristatum, Carex korshinskyi. Leymus chinensis, Allium anisopodium, A. bidentatum, A. tenuissimum, Astragalus galactites, Cymbaria dahurica, Iris tenuifolin, Potentilla acaulis, P. bifurca, Pulsatilla turczaninovii, Serratula chinensis, Thalictrum aquilegifolium] increased with the increases of grassland degradation. Our results showed that as grassland degradation increased, changes in the proportion of tiller-, rhizome- and root-derived ramets with respect to total ramet density determined in turn changes in the proportion of hemicryptophytes and geophytes in the study plant communities.
The dry Puna is the widest pastoral ecosystem of the tropical alpine Andes, characterized by harsh environmental conditions (long and intense drought stress periods and unfertile soils) and grazed by wild and domestic camelids. In these conditions, facilitation is of key importance in plant diversity conservation. Indeed, facilitation is a positive plant-plant interaction by which the so called nurse species provide environmental amelioration of harsh conditions and/or refuge to other plants (beneficiary species), which otherwise might fail to establish. The research aims were to understand which ecological variables affect the distribution of the potential nurse cushion species Pycnophyllum molle J. Rémy and P. weberbaueri Muschl., and if these species are affected by grazing disturbance. The study area (4000–4900 m a.s.l.) is located in the southern Peruvian Andes. Data of species cover, topographic and soil features, besides type of disturbance were collected along transects. We used canonical redundancy analysis to understand the relations between the cover of the two Pycnophyllum species and the above mentioned constraining variables. Results indicate that both the Pycnophyllum species grow on sandy loam, moderately acid soils, with low organic matter and very poor nitrogen content, and avoid high disturbance intensities. P. molle is more sensitive than P. weberbaueri to disturbance, and grows on relatively more fertile soils, also at higher altitudes and on steeper slopes characterized by greater rockiness.
Content available remote Differential effects of grazing on plant functional traits in the desert grassland
Plant functional traits are linked with environmental factors, individuals and ecosystem structure and functions as plants respond and adapt to the environment. Here, the whole-plant traits (plant height and plant biomass), leaf morphological (leaf area, leaf dry mass and specific leaf area) and chemical traits (leaf carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus contents, C/N and N/P ratio) of six dominant species (Cynanchum komarovii Al, Euphorbia esula Linn, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, Lespedeza potaninii Vass, Agropyron mongolicum Keng and Stipa breviflora Griseb) were studied in the desert grassland of China, with a grazing experiment including four grazing intensity (0.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.50 sheep ha-1). The effect of grazing on leaf morphological traits were significant for the six dominant species, while the effects on whole-plant traits were highly significant for S. breviflora, A. mongolicum, G. uralensis, L. potaninii and C. komarovii. Three of the six species (S. breviflora, A. mongolicum and L. potaninii) decreased in plant height (PH) with increasing grazing intensity, while specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf N (Nmass) showed the opposite trend. The whole-plant traits were significantly positively correlated with leaf dry mass (LM), but significantly negatively correlated with leaf nitrogen and phosphorus contents. The first principal component analysis (PCA) axis corresponding to plant size (PH and PB) and leaf size (LA and LM), while the second axis of PCA to leaf chemical traits (Nmass, P, C and N/P). Variations of plant traits in response to grazing were mainly explained by size trait and chemical traits. The functional traits cannot be the only basis for predicting plant species in response to grazing, and a functional analysis of the trade-off between plant traits is also needed.
The aim of the study carried out on an organically farmed field was to estimate the impact of pasture management that included cutting of ungrazed plants on the feeding value of a mixed legume-grass sward. The feeding value of the mixture was assessed in a single-factor experiment which comprised 4 dates on which ungrazed plants were cut (left uncut, cut after the 1st grazing event, cut after the last grazing event, cut after each grazing event). Failure to mow ungrazed plants was found to have a negative impact on forage quality, to lower its energy content and protein value, decrease digestibility, increase filling value and fiber content of fodder. It also promoted weed infestation of the sward and increased the percentage of aged vegetation which is of little use in cattle feeding. In order to obtain a good quality sward of a legume-grass mixture it is necessary to cut the uneaten plants at least once during the grazing season.
Celem badań zrealizowanych na polu ekologicznym była ocena wpływu pielęgnacji pastwiska polegająca na koszeniu niedojadów na wartość pokarmową runi bobowatych drobnonasiennych z trawami. Wartość pokarmową mieszanki oceniono w doświadczeniu dwuczynnikowym, gdzie pierwszym czynnikiem były 4 terminy koszenia niedojadów (bez koszenia niedojadów; koszenie niedojadów po 1 wypasie; koszenie niedojadów po ostatnim wypasie; koszenie niedojadów po każdym wypasie a drugim wypasy runi). Stwierdzono, że zaniechanie koszenia niedojadów niekorzystnie wpływa na jakości paszy, obniża wartość energetyczną, białkową i strawność paszy, zwiększa wartość wypełnieniową i zawartość włókna w paszy. Ponadto prowadzi do nadmiernego zachwaszczenia runi oraz nagromadzenia w niej pozostałości starej roślinności mało przydatnej w żywieniu krów. Uzyskanie dobrej jakości runi pastwiskowej z bobowatych drobnonasiennych z trawami zapewnia co najmniej jednorazowe w sezonie wegetacyjnym koszenie niedojadów.
Understanding composition, structure and spatial heterogeneity in soil seed banks is important for the management of grassland ecosystem. Although the effect of fencing and grazing on vegetation composition is widely known, information on species composition, seed density and spatial heterogeneity of soil seed banks in sandy grasslands under fencing and grazing is still lacking. We measured the species composition and seed density of soil seed banks in fenced grassland, grazed grassland and grazed shrubby grassland in Horqin Sand Land, Northern China. By applying the geostatistical methods, we assessed how fencing and grazing affected spatial heterogeneity of soil seed banks in sandy grasslands. Total seed density and species richness in soil seed banks were lower in fenced grassland than in either grazed grassland or grazed shrubby grassland. Seed density and species richness of annual species in soil seed banks were also lower in fenced grassland than in either grazed grassland or grazed shrubby grassland, while those of perennial species showed a reverse trend. The analysis of spatial autocorrelation ranges, fractal dimensions and distribution pattern maps from geostatistical methods showed that spatial heterogeneity of seed density and species richness in soil seed banks were also lower in fenced grassland than in either grazed grassland or grazed shrubby grassland. Continuous fencing increases the seed density and species richness of perennial species in soil seed banks, as well as results in a decrease in spatial heterogeneity of seed density and species richness in soil seed banks. So, continuous fencing should be considered to restore the degraded sandy grasslands in management of semiarid grassland ecosystems.
Semi-natural dry grasslands host some of the most valuable habitats in Europe, due to their biodiversity heritage. Nevertheless, a strong decline in their extension, due to the cessation of traditional management, has been observed in the last decades. The aim of the study was to assess plant community changes due to abandonment and the effect of spring grazing in sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands, focusing on the plant functional traits involved in this turnover. The study area is located in the central Apennines (Italy), where grasslands were grazed by sheep in late winter and spring until 1980 and are nowadays abandoned. Relevés sampled (using the Braun-Blanquet method) in different years, namely in 1976–1980 (grazed pasture) and again in 2010 (abandoned pasture) were compared. Results indicated that abandonment leads to the increase of species richness. Traits and strategies indicator sets were: therophyte for the grazed pasture; geophytes, flower palatability, early flowering strategy, clonal ability and presence of storage organs for the abandoned ones. Traits related to low levels of stress (tolerance strategies) are heavily reduced in grazed systems, and thus the functional composition of plant community is mostly characterised by traits promoting avoidance strategies. In abandoned conditions a higher number of species can co-exist thanks to the micro-scale variation of soil features and niche diversification. The research findings also revealed grazing timing as a key factor for understanding changes of plant functional trait patterns and spring grazing as a threat for orchid species.
The objective of the study was to assess the changes in vegetation and turf cover of psammophilous grasslands in the Kózki Nature Reserve under grazing and non-grazing conditions. The investigations were conducted in the years 2010–2013 in southern part of the Kózki Nature Reserve, in the Podlaski Przełom Bugu (the Podlasie Bug Gorge) Landscape Park where sheep of the native breed Świniarka graze as part of the agrienvironmental project “Preservation of endangered genetic animal resources in agriculture”. The pasture area is a mosaic of sandy grasslands of the Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis class and meadow communities of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. The turf cover of the study areas varied depending on the type of phytocoenoses and on grazing the sward by sheep or the cessation of its use. Significantly greatest turf cover was determined for communities with species ChAll. Vicio lathyroidis-Potentillion argenteae involving species ChCl. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and dominated by species ChCl. Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis involving species ChCl. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, community with Calamagrostis epigejos and with Poa pratensis. Significantly smallest turf cover was observed for the Spergulo-Corynephoretum association where grazing by the Świniarka sheep led to successive reduction of the vegetation cover in the study period. Monitoring of the number of trees and shrubs indicated that all species of this group of plants, up to the height of 100 cm, were nibbled or damaged by sheep during the grazing. Therefore, sheep of the Świniarka breed can be used in the protection of psammophilous grasslands because they hinder the secondary succession of tree and shrub vegetation.
Celem badań była ocena zmian szaty roślinnej i zadarnienia powierzchni muraw w rezerwacie przyrody „Kózki” w warunkach prowadzenia i zaniechania wypasu. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2010–2013, w południowej części rezerwatu, w granicach Parku Krajobrazowego „Podlaski Przełom Bugu”. Na tym obszarze prowadzony jest wypas owiec rodzimej rasy świniarka w ramach realizacji 7. pakietu programu rolnośrodowiskowego „Zachowanie zagrożonych zasobów genetycznych zwierząt w rolnictwie”. Teren objęty wypasem stanowi mozaikę muraw napiaskowych klasy Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis i zbiorowisk łąkowych klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Zadarnienie badanych powierzchni było zróżnicowane w zależności od typu porastających je fitocenoz oraz spasania runi przez owce lub pozostawienia jej bez użytkowania. Istotnie największym zadarnieniem charakteryzowały się murawy związku Vicio lathyroidis-Potentillion argenteae, z klasy Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis oraz zbiorowisko z Calamagrostis epigejos i zbiorowisko z Poa pratensis. Natomiast istotnie najmniejszym pokryciem powierzchni odznaczał się zespół Spergulo-Corynephoretum, gdzie prowadzony wypas owiec rasy świniarka wpływał na sukcesywne zmniejszanie się pokrycia powierzchni przez roślinność w latach badań. Monitoring liczebności drzew i krzewów wykazał, że wszystkie gatunki tej grupy roślin o wysokości do 100 cm były przygryzane lub niszczone przez owce podczas wypasu. Świadczy to o możliwości wykorzystywania owiec rasy świniarka do czynnej ochrony muraw napiaskowych z uwagi na hamowanie sukcesji wtórnej roślinności drzewiasto-krzewiastej.
In arid and semi-arid areas, heavy grazing combined with climate change cause land degradation (e.g., desertification). Grazing management is essential for ecosystem recovery and desertification control in these areas, including Northern China.s Horqin Sandy Land. However, the recovery of soil faunal community during grazing exclusion is unknown. We examined plant and soil macro-invertebrate community structure together with soil properties in three treatments in a representative degraded Horqin sandy grassland: exclosure for 15 and 10 years (15EX and 10EX) and long-term continuous grazing (CG). The vegetation cover and height increased significantly and soil bulk density decreased significantly along the gradient from CG to 15EX, but there were no significant differences in soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon and total nitrogen. Soil macro-invertebrate abundance, group richness and diversity increased along the gradient from CG to 15EX, with significant differences in invertebrate abundance and group richness between CG and 15EX; there was no significant differences between CG and 10EX. There were no significant differences in soil macro-invertebrate diversity and evenness between these three treatments. These results suggested that grazing exclusion for at least 15 years might be necessary for the recovery of these fauna. The vegetation height and the soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon, and total nitrogen determined the distribution and community structure of soil macro-invertebrates. Some faunal groups lived in specific habitats due to strong adaptation to different management practices. For example, the Thomisidae, Philodromidae, Salticidae, and Rhopalidae tended to live in habitats with tall vegetation. The Lygaeidae, Miridae, Teneberionidae, and Linyphiidae adapted to live in soil with low soil organic carbon and nitrogen (ungrazed grassland).
W pracy przedstawiono część wyników badań pastwiskowych, prowadzonych od 2005 r. na Łąkach Skoszewskich. Dotyczy ona obserwacji i pomiarów wypasu koników polskich na zbiorowisku zdominowanym przez śmiałka darniowego (Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.). Na podstawie stopnia wykształcenia, kępy śmiałka podzielono na niskie i wysokie. Wiosną, latem i jesienią dokonywano, metodą transektów, oceny plonowania, wysokości, gęstości i stopnia przygryzania kęp oraz runi występującej między nimi. Za pomocą herbometru każdorazowo wykonywano 100 pomiarów wysokości roślin. Na tej podstawie wyliczono równanie regresji, pozwalające na określenie plonu masy nadziemnej runi w każdym punkcie pomiarowym. Niskie rośliny śmiałka były zawsze słabiej przygryzane przez pasące się konie. W zależności od terminu badań, stopień defoliacji kęp niskich utrzymywał się w przedziale 27-39%, a kęp wysokich 41-56%. Wyniki badań wskazują, że śmiałek darniowy, mimo że jest uważany za gatunek niepożądany na pastwiskach, w warunkach ekstensywnego wypasu koni, może być komponentem ich diety. Niemniej jednak, w takich przypadkach ważną rolę pokarmową odgrywają także pozostałe gatunki roślin występujące w runi.
This paper presents part of the results of a study carried out in Łąki Skoszewskie (Skoszewo Meadows) since 2005. It covers observations and measurements of Polish Konik horses grazing in a community dominated by the tufted hair-grass. Tussocks of the tufted hair-grass were divided into short and tall ones based on the degree of their development. Plant productivity, tussock height and density, and the degree of grazing the tussocks and plants among them were determined with the transect method in spring, summer and autumn. By means of a herbometer, the height of 100 plants was measured each time. Based on these measurements, a regression equation was calculated that allowed for determining the above-ground plant biomass in every measurement point. Low plants of the tufted hair-grass were always cut less intensively grazing horses. Depending on the term of study, the defoliation of low tussocks was 27-39%, whereas that of the tall ones was 41 to 56%. The obtained results show that the tufted hair-grass can be a component of horse diet under extensive horse grazing conditions, despite the fact that the plant is considered undesirable in pastures. Nevertheless, other plant species being found in plant cover also play an important part in such cases.
Badania terenowe prowadzono w latach 2009 i 2010 na terenie łąk spasanych konikami polskimi w Biebrzańskim Parku Narodowym. Przez 6 dni w kwietniu, czerwcu i sierpniu prowadzono obserwacje bezpośrednie pasących się zwierząt w dwóch przedziałach czasowych: po 3 godziny rano i wieczorem. Każdego dnia obserwowano jedną losowo wybraną klacz, odnotowując miejsce pasienia się zwierzęcia oraz liczbę poszczególnych zjadanych przez nią gatunków. Zebrane dane posłużyły do obliczenia średniego udziału poszczególnych gatunków spośród roślin zgryzanych przez zwierzęta oraz współczynnika selektywności. W opracowaniu oparto się na zbiorowisku z klasy Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae. W sezonie wegetacyjnym największy udział wśród zgryzanych przez zwierzęta gatunków miały turzyce, szczególnie turzyca prosowata (Carex panicea L.) oraz w mniejszym stopniu turzyca żółta (Carex flava L.). Były to gatunki preferowane we wczesnej fazie wzrostu. Spośród traw szczególnie chętnie wybierane były trzęślica modra (Molinia caeruela L. Moench) oraz mietlica psia (Agrostis canina L.), przy czym ich udział wśród gatunków zgryzanych był największy w czerwcu. Wartości współczynnika selektywności wskazują na to, że trzęślica modra (Molinia caeruela L. Moench) jest najbardziej preferowanym gatunkiem w czerwcu, turzyca prosowata (Carex panicea L.) jest gatunkiem preferowanym jedynie w kwietniu i sierpniu, natomiast mietlica psia (Agrostis canina L.) - w czerwcu. W 2010 r., w którym poziom wód gruntowych był wyjątkowo wysoki, istotnie większy udział wśród gatunków wybieranych przez koniki miały charakterystyczne dla terenów podmokłych.
The aim of the study was to evaluate food preferences of free-ranging Konik horses grazing on wet meadows in the Biebrza National Park. Direct visual observation of grazing animals was performed in April, June and August (6 days in each month) in two times of the day: three hours in the morning and evening. One randomly chosen mare was observed every day. At 5-minutes intervals its first 10 bites per plant species were noted. Plants belonged to a community from Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae class dominated by Carex panicea L. On each term of observations the community was described by noting plant species and visually estimating their relative cover in vegetation. During vegetative season the most frequently grazed by horses were four most abundant species. The grasslike sedge (Carex panicea L.) and Carex flava L. were preferred at early stage of their growth (April and August). From among grasses Koniks chose Molinia caerulea L. Moench and Agrostis canina L. which had a higher share in grazed species in June. Values of selectivity ratio showed that these species were most preferred in June whereas the grasslike sedge (Carex panicea L.) - in April and August. Weather conditions affected Koniks' diet. In 2010 (the year with extremely high water level) species connected with wet areas were grazed by horses more often.
This research dealt to two grasslands potentially developing the same vegetation type because sited in the same environmental contest (bioclimate, substratum, soil, slope, altitude) but under diverse management regimes (grazing and mowing) for many decades. The evidenced differentiation between the two pastoral vegetations can be attributed to disturbance type and the statistical functional analysis performed through seven plant traits (prostrate form, early flowering, storage organs, clonal ability, basal meristems, chemical defences and hairs), revealed the distinguishing patterns. Discriminant analysis pointed out typical biological attributes for each disturbance conditions, while from correlation analysis emerged different possible traits combinations which do not follow the previous traits separation. Such outcomes are explainable because both grazing and mowing provoke aboveground phytomass removal, although grazing is a selective pressure, while mowing gives to all the species the same development chances. It is reasonable to conclude that convergent strategies within the two systems are possible and frequent.
The impact of grazing has been discussed in many organisms, and it has been shown that it has considerable influence on the structural variation of vegetation, resulting in its tussocky appearance. Such spatial heterogeneity results in plants formations that facilitate other species by providing safe sites against predation and physical stress. On the Trnovski gozd plateau in western Slovenia, a secondary habitat of the rare, monotypic endemic umbelliferous species, Hladnikia pastinacifolia, was colonized by a relatively isolated population of the wide spread opilionid species, Phalangium opilio. We hypothesized that in this stony pasture, the impact of the structurally heterogenous vegetation that results from low-intensity grazing benefits both species on hot summer days. For this purpose, we classified vegetation formation types (VFT) and measured temperature and relative humidity in places settled by Ph. opilio individuals during their daily rest. According to the predominant species, we recognized six VFTs: Carlina acaulis, Ruta divaricata, Koeleria pyramidata, Juniperus communis, understory vegetation and grazed turf. Only the spiny C. acaulis and unpalatable R. divaricata facilitated H. pastinacifolia, while also acting as nurse plants. On the other hand, Ph. opilio preferred the understory, but also settled on the other VFts, except Ruta. During the highest daily temperature of about 38[degrees]C, Ph. opilio avoided the grazed turf. Temperature preferences refer to frequencies of individuals rather than to absolute temperature values. The frequencies were independent of sex and the VFTs. Females were more frequently found in tussocks showing higher temperature profiles (Juniperus, Koeleria). During the hot daytime, Ph. opilio was most sensitive to relative humidity, and less so to temperature, whilst the height of settlement varied in adjusting these two environmental factors. The distribution of males significantly differed between the subsequent morning, midday and evening series, but not between the morning and evening ones, while in females it differed between all the three time series. In habitats, such as stony dry pastures, low grazing intensity can maintain persistent populations of H. pastinacifolia and Ph. opilio even in extremely hot weather. Such grazing is the most convenient measure for protecting both species, especially the highly endangered Hladnikia. The major threat to such habitats is afforestation by Pinus nigra, which deserves additional management. We found that in stony pastures, low grazing intensity assures the structural heterogeneity of vegetation required to maintain persistent populations, of both H. pastinacifolia and Ph. opilio.
The Vel'ká Fatra National Park (declared on 1 April 2002) is extending on an area of 40,371 ha and was established to protect well-preserved ecosystems. The Vel'ká Fatra (Greater Fatra) with the highest peak Ostredok (1592 m altitude) is a typical mountain territory and ranks among the highest mountain ranges in Slovakia. Grassland areas above the forest line ("hole" in Slovak) and highland relief are typical for Vel'ká Fatra where forests cover is 85% of the area. Large areas of grassland located on gently modelled ridges resulted from deforestation many centuries ago. The alpine meadows which are rich in rare plant communities cover the area of 2000 ha. In the past, these grasslands were used by cutting and grazing. Nowadays, the meadows are not mowed at all. The reasons are low numbers of ruminants in nearby farms, high cost and poor access roads that are eroded very much. Grazing with young cattle has been banned and consequently tall grasses expanded, swards thinned as well as avalanche risk increased. Currently, it is allowed to graze young cattle again, but farmers do not exploit this option very much. About 200 heifers and 2,500 sheep graze there, but only at the lowest areas of the mountains and for short periods of time. The grassland is dominated by Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. and also by very rapidly expanding Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth, Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv. and Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. indicating a prolonged period of abandonment.
Park Narodowy Vel'ká Fatra ustanowiony 1 kwietnia 2002 r. dla ochrony dobrze zachowanych ekosystemów zajmuje powierzchnię 40 371 ha. Vel'ká Fatra (Większa Fatra) z najwyższym szczytem Ostredok (1592 m n.p.m.) jest typowym obszarem górskim i zalicza się do najwyższych grzbietów górskich Słowacji. Charakterystyczne dla parku są ekosystemy trawiaste położone powyżej linii lasów ("hole" w języku słowackim), porastających 85% obszaru i wysokogórskie ukształtowanie terenu. Rozległe obszary trawiaste, usytuowane na łagodnie uformowanych grzbietach, są wynikiem wylesiania, które miało miejsce wiele wieków temu. Alpejskie łąki, bogate w zespoły rzadkich roślin, pokrywają powierzchnię 2000 ha. W przeszłości były wykorzystywane jako użytki zielone. Obecnie łąki nie są koszone. Powodem jest niewielka liczba przeżuwaczy w okolicznych gospodarstwach, wysoki koszt i uciążliwy transport na silnie zerodowanych drogach. Zakazano wypasu młodego bydła. W konsekwencji rozwinęły się zespoły wysokich traw, ruń została przerzedzona i zwiększyło się ryzyko lawinowe. Obecnie zezwala się ponownie na wypas młodego bydła, ale rolnicy nie korzystają powszechnie z tej możliwości. Wypasa się tam jedynie 200 jałówek i 2500 owiec jedynie w najniżej położonych terenach górskich przez krótki okres. Zespoły trawiaste są zdominowane przez Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. i przez bardzo ekspansywne Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth, Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv. and Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., co wskazuje na wydłużony okres zaniechania użytkowania.
Grazing can change plant community composition and structure, which may alter the functions of the shrub meadow ecosystem. Grazing effects on Potentilla fruticosa shrub community in the headwater region of the Yellow River, which is in core area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, are studied to provide adequate protection decision-making. We investigated continuous grazing and seasonal enclosure effects on P. fruticosa shrub communities. Three sites of P. fruticosa shrub comprising both continuous grazing and seasonal enclosure treatments were selected. The size of each fenced plot of P. fruticosa shrub was about 3000 m2, the stocking rate was about 5 heads per 100 m2 in continuous grazing treatment. Three samplings were made in each growing season of 2003 and 2004. Cover of vegetation, plant species composition and vegetation height were investigated in seven 1 x 1 m quadrates in each treatment. Above-ground biomass was measured in five 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrates. Shrub, forb, graminoid and sedge plant materials were clipped at ground level and oven-dried at 85[degrees] C to a constant mass. Plant composition was affected by long term continuous grazing and changes were caused by forb species shifting. No apparent difference in species richness between the grazed and ungrazed communities over the growing months were found but the Shannon's diversity indices of the grazed communities in June and July were higher than that of the ungrazed but lower in the late August and September. Live vegetation cover was reduced by 6.7%, 7.3% and 11.5%, respectively, owing to grazing in July, August and September, but not in June (P> 0.05). Forbs took up more than 50% cover of the vegetation in both grazed and ungrazed treatments. Relative cover of sedges and forbs in ungrazed treatment decreased in July, August and September, while that of graminoids increased more than 70% in the same period. Live vegetation height was reduced by 27% (2004) and 23% (2003) in late August and early September, but not in early growing season. Grazing reduced total above-ground biomass by 35%, 37% and 36% in July, August and early September, respectively, and the reduction was mainly in forb biomass. Continuous grazing affects plant composition and species diversity. The quantitative characteristics of P. fruticosa communities were influenced by grazing over growing months, but the effects were offset by non-growing season grazing.
This study was conducted to examine the seasonal dynamics of biomass and plant nitrogen (N) content under three grazing intensities (light grazing - LG: 1.2, moderate grazing - MG: 2.0, and heavy grazing - HG: 2.9 yaks ha[^-1]) in representative alpine meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Differentiation in grazing intensity in the study area started since 1997 and has continued to the present time. Plant samples were collected in the middle of June, August and September. The highest aboveground biomass occurred at the MG site for both August and September. Over the growing season, belowground biomass (0.30 cm) increased as grazing intensity increased. The total belowground biomass averaged over all sampling dates was 1226, 1908 and 2244 g m[^-2] for LG site, MG site and HG site, which accounted for 75, 81 and 88% of total biomass, respectively. The results suggested that grazing intensity changed biomass allocation pattern between aboveground and belowground parts of plants. Higher grazing intensity resulted in higher N concentration in both live and dead aboveground biomass over the study period. Increased grazing intensity tended to increase plant N content averaged over all sampling dates, which were 17.9 g m[^-2], 23.8 g m[^-2] and 27.6 g m[^-2] in LG site, MG site and HG site. The results indicated that higher grazing intensity had a potential to increase the ecosystem pool of plant N.
Łąki i pastwiska stanowią cenny i ważny składnik użytków rolnych oraz obszarów wiejskich, w tym zwłaszcza terenów ekologicznych. O ich szczególnej wartości decydują zarówno aspekty gospodarcze, jak i przyrodnicze. Są to wartościowe paszowiska oraz siedliska bogatej flory i fauny. Najtańszym, efektywnym i naturalnym sposobem użytkowania użytków zielonych jest wypas zwierząt, zwłaszcza bydła. Z badań prowadzonych w latach 2002-2004 wynika, że bydło może się paść na użytkach zielonych położonych w skrajnie różniących się siedliskach, nawet mokrych (siedliska łęgowe). Górną graniczną wilgotność gleb w badanych siedliskach łęgowych, tj. mułowej właściwej, torfowo-mułowej i madzie właściwej, w warunkach której zwierzęta mogą się dość swobodnie poruszać, określono na 50% objętości. Jakość żywieniowa spasanej runi w tych siedliskach łęgowych była bardzo mała i zdecydowanie gorsza niż w siedliskach grądowych czy pobagiennych.
Meadows and pastures are valuable components of croplands and rural areas including the areas of ecological importance. Their importance is determined by both economic and biological aspects. They are abundant sources of fodder and habitats for rich flora and fauna. The cheapest, most effective and natural way of grassland utilisation is grazing, mainly by cattle. Studies carried out in the years 2002-2004 showed that cattle might graze in extremely different habitats, even in wet (riparian) sites. An upper limit of soil moisture in studied riparian habitats (that included proper mud, peat-mud and proper alluvial soils) allowing for free animal movements was adopted at 50% of volume.
Programy rolnośrodowiskowe wprowadzone w 1992 na mocy rozporządzenia Rady 2078/92/WE są obecnie jednym z najważniejszych instrumentów pośrodowiskowych, jakimi dysponuje Wspólna Polityka Rolna (WPR) Unii Europejskiej (UE). Zasadniczym ich celem jest promocja systemów produkcji rolniczej przyjaznej dla środowiska oraz ochrona walorów przyrodniczych i kulturowych obszarów wiejskich. W krajach UE do połowy 1998 r. podpisano z rolnikami ok. 7 mln umów rolnośrodowiskowych, obejmując 13,4% wszystkich gospodarstw rolnych, co oznacza, że co 7 gospodarstwo rolne realizowało powyższe działania. Część z tych programów obejmuje rekompensaty finansowe za prowadzenie ekstensywnego wypasu, głównie lokalnych ras zwierząt, na terenach zagrożonych sukcesją. W programach W programach rolnośrodowiskowych wypas zwierząt ma służyć przede wszystkim aktywnej ochronie ekosystemów otwartych i utrzymaniu różnorodności flory i fauny, a zwłaszcza ornitofauny. Ma on zatem podstawowe znaczenie w pielęgnacji, kształtowaniu i ochronie środowiska. Sprzyja bowiem wzrostowi biomasy, urozmaiceniu i wzbogaceniu składu gatunkowego oraz odtwarzaniu zbiorowisk roślinnych, będących miejscem rozrodu i żerowania dla wielu gatunków bezkręgowców, ptaków i małych ssaków. Dzięki wypasowi utrzymana jest zatem duża różnorodność gatunkowa w glebie i na jej powierzchni. Programy rolnośrodowiskowe mają ogromne znaczenie jako instrument wdrażania europejskiej sieci ekologicznej „Natura 2000” z uwagi na działania związane z ochroną siedlisk, zwłaszcza na użytkach zielonych.
In the year 1992 “The Agrienvironmental Programme” was introduced by instruction CAP 2078/92. The main goal of the programme is promotion of agricultural production friendly for environment as well as protection of natural and cultural values of rural areas. In 1998, about 7 mln agrienvironment contracts were subscribed with farmers, included13.4% of total number of farms. Every 7th farm was implemented on those activities. The part of these programs included subsidies for extensive grazing, mainly regional breeds, on the areas threatened of succession. The grazing has fundamental importance in form and protection of environment. The grazing is the factor which increase biomass growth, variety and enrichment of species composition. The regeneration of vegetal assemblages which are places of the reproduction and ravening form many species of birds, invertebrates as well as small mammals is influence too. The high diversity of species is maintained in and under the soil owing to grazing. Also the agrienvironmen schemes are very important as a tool of introducing of the European ecology net “Nature 2000”. The biomass growth, variety and diversity of species are increased by grazing.
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