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Fault diagnosis techniques of electrical motors can prevent unplanned downtime and loss of money, production, and health. Various parts of the induction motor can be diagnosed: rotor, stator, rolling bearings, fan, insulation damage, and shaft. Acoustic analysis is non-invasive. Acoustic sensors are low-cost. Changes in the acoustic signal are often observed for faults in induction motors. In this paper, the authors present a fault diagnosis technique for three-phase induction motors (TPIM) using acoustic analysis. The authors analyzed acoustic signals for three conditions of the TPIM: healthy TPIM, TPIM with two broken bars, and TPIM with a faulty ring of the squirrel cage. Acoustic analysis was performed using fast Fourier transform (FFT), a new feature extraction method called MoD-7 (maxima of differences between the conditions), and deep neural networks: GoogLeNet, and ResNet-50. The results of the analysis of acoustic signals were equal to 100% for the three analyzed conditions. The proposed technique is excellent for acoustic signals. The described technique can be used for electric motor fault diagnosis applications.
W artykule zamieszczono wyniki badań dotyczące identyfikacji wybranych czynników i oceny ich wpływu na jakość budynków mieszkalnych. Badania i analizy czynników wpływu ograniczono do fazy realizacji, którą poprzedzała szczegółowa analiza kompletności dokumentacji projektowej, przyjętych rozwiązań, zastosowanych materiałów oraz możliwości zrealizowania obiektu. Jako miarę jakości budynków mieszkalnych przyjęto liczbę i rodzaj wad stwierdzonych podczas przeprowadzanych odbiorów technicznych. Obliczono wartości współczynników korelacji rho Spearmana oraz określono wpływ zidentyfikowanych czynników na jakość.
The article presents the results of research on the identification of selected factors and the assessment of their impact on the quality of residential buildings. Research and analyzes of the impact factors were limited to the implementation phase, which was preceded by a detailed analysis of the completeness of the design documentation, the solutions adopted, the materials used and the possibility of building the facility. The number and type of defects found during technical acceptance tests were adopted as a measure of the quality of residential buildings. The values of Spearman's rho correlation coefficients were calculated and the influence of the identified factors on the quality was determined.
Powstawanie wad budowlanych jest problemem występującym w każdym procesie inwestycyjnym. Celem przedstawionych w artykule badań jest identyfikacja wad w oddawanych do użytkowania budynkach mieszkalnych oraz ocena stopnia ich istotności. Do oceny stopnia istotności wad zaproponowano analizę Pareto-Lorenza oraz tzw. klasyfikację ABC. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że istotnymi dla jakości budynku są wady zidentyfikowane w następujących elementach budynku: tynki, okna, posadzki, instalacje elektryczne, części wspólne, instalacje wodno-kanalizacyjne, niewłaściwe oczyszczenie elementów, drzwi i szyby.
The formation of construction defects is a problem that occurs in every investment process. The aim of the research presented in the article is to identify defects in residential buildings handed over for use and to assess their degree of significance. To assess the significance of defects, the Pareto-Lorenz analysis and the called ABC classification. Based on the research, it was found that the defects identified in the following building elements are significant for the quality of the building: plasters, windows, floors, electrical installations, common parts, plumbing, improper cleaning of elements, doors and glass.
W artykule omówiono podstawowe wymagania oraz najczęstsze wady podłóg przemysłowych z wierzchnią warstwą z jastrychów poliuretanowych. Do istotnych wad zaliczono między innymi niezgodną z zaprojektowaną grubość warstwy jastrychu poliuretanowego, za niskie w stosunku do wymaganych parametry wytrzymałościowe, a także podatność na powstawanie na powierzchni jastrychu miejscowych przetarć, schropowaceń i miejscowych wgłębnych uszkodzeń sięgających podkładu betonowego. Podano również przyczyny powstawania tych wad, zilustrowano przykładami i rezultatami badań własnych oraz wskazano przyczyny ich powstawania.
The article discusses the basic requirements as well as the most common defects of industrial floors with a top layer of polyurethane screeds. Significant defects include, among others, the thickness of the polyurethane screed layer inconsistent with the designed one, strength parameters that are too low in relation to the required ones, susceptibility to the formation of local abrasions on the screed surface, roughness and local deep damage reaching the concrete foundation. The article also gives the reasons for the formation of these defects and iIIustrated with examples and results of own research and indicated the causes of their formation.
The main insulation layer is the most important layer of the high-voltage cable, and the quality of this material directly affects the life of the cable. It is also known that contamination, porosity and associated partial discharges in the insulation can affect the service life of cables. In this paper, we use the COMSOL Multiphysics software, which is based on the finite element method in AC/DC, 2D electrostatic. Our study shows the effect of heterogeneous cavities on the functioning of electrical cables. This work contains the study of electric field distribution and potential of a model of high voltage cable; we took into account the absence and the presence of heterogeneous cavities. The study was conducted using numerical results with mathematical validation. The obtained results are considered satisfactory, favorable and very promising.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza prawna przepisów dotyczących wad stwierdzonych w trakcie odbioru lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego, ale przed przeniesieniem prawa własności na nabywcę, wprowadzonych na mocy ustawy z dnia 20 maja 2021 r. o ochronie praw nabywcy lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego oraz Deweloperskim Funduszu Gwarancyjnym (t.j. Dz.U. z 2021 r. poz. 1177). W artykule uwzględniono najnowszą literaturę przedmiotu, a rozważania dopełniają dotychczasowe poglądy doktryny i orzecznictwo.
The subject of the article is a legal analysis of the provisions regarding defects found during the acceptance of a residential premises or a single-family house, but before the transfer of ownership to the buyer, introduced under the Act of May 20, 2021 on the protection of the rights of the buyer of a residential premises or a single-family house and the Developer Guarantee Fund. (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1177). The article takes into account the latest literature on the subject, and the considerations are complemented by current views of the doctrine and case law.
An interpretation of aeromagnetic data was conducted in the Pitoa–Figuil area (Northern Cameroon). The aim of this investigation was the first to emphasise lineaments hidden under geological formations and secondly to propose two 2.75D models of the subsurface structures. Different magnetic data processing techniques were used, notably horizontal gradient magnitude, analytic signal and Euler deconvolution. The application of these techniques made it possible to map a certain number of lineaments representing discontinuities of magnetic susceptibility, mainly oriented NE–SW, NW–SE, E–W and ENE–WSW. The predominant direction for major lineaments is NE–SW and NW–SE. The major NE–SW trends have been attributed to the consequences of the Benue trough set-up due to the Atlantic opening. The lineaments map associated with the Euler solutions permits us to highlight and characterise 18 faults and some intrusive bodies. Euler solutions indicate depths down to 5.3 km for anomaly sources. The 2.75D modelling from the aeromagnetic anomaly reduced to the equator permits to understand the stratification of the deep and near-surface structures, which are sources of the observed anomalies. The sediment thickness values (3.5–4 km) combined with the presence of numerous deep faults make this area a potential site for hydrocarbon accumulations.
Historia stosowania w Polsce dachowych dźwigarów kablobetonowych trwała od roku 1953 do 1976. Do dzisiaj użytkowane są setki obiektów z dachami na takich dźwigarach. Jednymi z podstawowych elementów zapewniających bezpieczeństwo tych konstrukcji są zakotwienia kabli sprężających systemu Freyssineta (bloki i stożki kotwiące), a te ewoluowały w okresie projektowania i wykonawstwa kolejnych typów dźwigarów. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd stosowanych rozwiązań wraz z przykładami praktycznymi, a także pokrótce ustosunkowano się do zasad oceny stanu zakotwień oraz sposobu postępowania w przypadku ich wad lub uszkodzeń.
The history of the use of post-tensioned concrete roof girders in Poland lasted from 1953 to 1976. Until today, hundreds of structures with roofs on such post-tensioned girders are in use. One of the basic elements ensuring the safety of these structures are the anchors of the Freyssinet cables (anchoring blocks and conical plugs). They evolved during the design and construction of subsequent types of girders. The article presents an overview of the applied anchor solutions together with practical examples. In addition, the principles of assessing the condition of anchorages and the procedure in case of their defects or damage is also discussed.
Podczas realizacji robót budowlanych często pojawiają się różne wady fizyczne, które wpływają na jakość, a także na stan techniczny wykonywanego obiektu budowlanego. Nieprawidłowości mogą warunkować odbiór prac bądź wpływać znacząco na wydłużenie czasu trwania procedury odbiorowej, generując opóźnienia. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę wskazania najczęściej występujących usterek budowlanych, pojawiających się podczas budowy zasadniczych elementów konstrukcyjnych nawierzchni kolejowej.
During the implementation of construction works, various physical defects often appear, which affect the quality and technical condition of the building object. Irregularities may condition the acceptance of works or significantly extend the duration of the acceptance procedure, generating delays. This article attempts to identify the most common construction faults that appear during the construction of the main structural elements of the railway track.
Purpose: To establish the dependence of the change in the values of the twisting angle of the flexible pipeline on the internal water pressure and the defect length, which is directed along and across the axis of the sleeve. Design/methodology/approach: Experimental studies were conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the methodology and plan of the experiment were developed, the factors and their values were determined, and experimental studies were conducted. The limits of variation in the area of factor spaces were established based on the basic analysis of a priori information. The length of the defect was 0, 50 and 100 mm. The pressure values in the sleeve were 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 MPa. Adequacy of the obtained regression equations was checked using Fisher's test. At the second stage, the analysis of the research results was carried out and the numerical values of the factors that most affect the change in the value of the twisting angle of the sleeve were established. Findings: According to the results of experimental studies, the dependences of the change in the twisting angle of the flexible pipeline on the internal water pressure and the length of the defect were obtained. It was established that the dependence of the previously mentioned factors is close to linear. The largest discrepancy in the maximum sleeve twist angle – 21% was observed at pressure values of 0.4 MPa. Research limitations/implications: The research was limited to only two factors: the defect length and the pressure in the middle of the sleeve. Such factors as the degree of wear of the sleeve, the type of sleeve and the number of defects on the test sample were not taken into account. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used during the development of a new method of testing flexible pipelines, which will allow to establish hidden defects in them. Originality/value: For the first time, the dependence of the influence of the size and direction of the defect on the reinforcing frame of the pressure fire hose on the value of its twist angle at constant internal pressure indicators was established.
Content available remote Wady formowania wtryskowego. Jak im zapobiegać?
Content available remote Ocena jakości okien i drzwi po ich wbudowaniu
Content available remote Domy ze sklepu, czyli budynki jednorodzinne prefabrykowane
Nieprawidłowo zaprojektowane lub wykonane połączenia balustrad prowadzą do degradacji warstw wykończeniowych, powstawania nadmiernych przemieszczeń, zmniejszenia poczucia bezpieczeństwa mieszkańców, a nawet awarii budowlanych. W artykule wskazano na genezę wad, a także zbadano stan degradacji połączeń balustrad i wykończenia płyt balkonowych w budynku OWT po 21 latach eksploatacji. Ponadto przeanalizowano szereg współcześnie wykonywanych projektów balustrad oraz zweryfikowano obliczeniowo nośność połączeń w różnorodnych wariantach. Brak w aktualnych normach jednoznacznej wartości obciążeń przekazywanych na balustrady może powodować przekroczenie stanów granicznych w stalowych elementach kotwiących i prowadzić do ich degradacji lub awarii. Konsekwencją tych wad jest konieczność licznych napraw oraz pogorszenie komfortu mieszkańców. Istotne jest jednoznaczne określenie dopuszczalnych obciążeń działających na balustrady i opracowanie wytycznych sposobu ich montażu.
Incorrectly designed or constructed balustrade connections lead to finish degradation, excessive displacement, reduced occupant safety and failure. The article points out the genesis of the faults, investigates the degradation state of the balustrade connections and balcony slab finishes in the OWT building after 21 years of operation. In addition, a number of modern balustrade designs were analysed and the load-bearing capacity of the connections in different variants was verified computationally. The lack of a clear value in the current standards for loads transferred to balustrade elements can cause limit states to be exceeded in steel anchoring elements and lead to degradation or failure. The consequence of failure is repairs and reduced comfort for residents. It is important to clearly define the permissible loads for balustrades and their installation guides.
Difficult understanding of gravity effects on the 2D vertical and inclined faults for the delineation of subsurface structure for gravity exploration is slow and cumbersome. Hence, a fast and efficient algorithm is established for the interpretation of gravity anomaly over 2D inclined and vertical fault. The method can simultaneously determine all parameters such as the depth to the top (z) and base (h), dip angle (α), amplitude coefficient (k), and location of the fault plane on the surface (x0) of a hidden thin faulted slab from the observed gravity data. The developed algorithm can effectively interpret all parameters for dipping and vertical fault even though there is no subsurface drilling information. Interpretation of all the parameters suggests that there is no uncertainty for 2D inclined and vertical fault. However, if the detachment tip of the fault is at a larger depth, then the dip of the fault shows some uncertainty. The present code has been applied to non-noisy synthetic anomaly data and Gaussian noisy anomaly. Furthermore, the algorithm was also verified on three field examples from Egypt, and the USA for exploration. The appraised value of all the parameters is found to be in decent agreement with earlier published works and borehole information wherever available.
In contrast to traditional systems for monitoring fault of the running gear of the rolling stock, this paper proposes a technology of noise control at the onset of defects. The authors consider the possibility of creating an intelligent system that can perform noise diagnostics with the indication of the beginning of the latent period of the initiation of typical defects preceding faults. To this end, using the noise technology, sets of reference informative attributes are created in the training process. The reference sets, in turn, are used to determine the condition of the object at the beginning of the development of defects by comparing them with current noise estimates. It also allows controlling the dynamics of the development of defects.
A system approach to the determination of the operation parameters of electric machines with long time between failures is substantiated It allows taking into account the specific features of the change of the state of their basic structural units. The high efficiency and reliability of the proposed approach from the point of view of the assessment of the nameplate data, energy components, vibration and thermal parameters of such electric machines are experimentally confirmed.
W artykule wskazano na zasadność systemowego podejścia do wyznaczania parametrów pracy maszyn elektrycznych z długim czasem między awariami. Pozwala to uwzględnić specyficzne cechy zmiany stanu ich podstawowych jednostek konstrukcyjnych. Wysoka wydajność i niezawodność proponowanego podejścia z punktu widzenia oceny danych z tabliczki znamionowej, składników energii, wibracji i parametrów termicznych takich maszyn elektrycznych jest eksperymentalnie potwierdzona.
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