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w słowach kluczowych:  saturation control
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A review of selected nonlinear phenomena which may occur in fixed or rotating structures has been presented in the paper. At first, a self, parametrically and externally exited oscillator with added time delay control has been studied. It has been shown that the interaction between different vibration types may produce an untypical resonance curve, with five solutions occurring, observed by an internal resonance loop. The existence of the loop may be controlled by adding a time delay input signal. A proper selection of the time delay may reduce the loop or eliminate it totally. In the second problem a rotating hub-beam structure has been studied. The blade, apart from passive layers, has been composed of two active PZT layers which enabled active vibration control. A nonlinear coupling of the structure (plant) and the controller resulted in the so called saturation phenomenon which has been effectively used for the vibration reduction.
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