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Currently, the market is focused not only on the quality of services, but also on customer comfort, requiring service providers to constantly modernize their methods of operation. Due to the progressing digitization of various areas of business activity, it is necessary to implement current available technological aids in order to maintain competitiveness and build long-term relationships with the client. Delivering products to the point of consumption is a very important element in the supply chain, and transport companies act as both intermediaries and service providers. The article is a proposal of a methodological solution for companies dealing with transport services in the field of building long-term relationships with the client using modern technologies and methodologies. The results show the strategies and systems with which transport companies can strive to build a competitive offer in the supply chain. As a target solution, it was proposed to use solutions such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the process of developing a methodology for building relationships with customers in the area of transport services. The development and functioning of the global economy market is not possible without a net-work of transport connections-communication infrastructure, as well as a service provider-consumer relationship.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to understand the role of communication and building positive relations in the NGO project team and to answer the following questions: (1) what factors and behaviors influence positive relations in the NGO project team? and (2) to what extent direct and indirect communication affect the efficiency of information flow? Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted a case study in a selected project team operating in a non-governmental organization in Poland. Findings: The results of the study allow one to better understand the specific challenges the selected NGO project team was facing. Thus, they add new knowledge to the issues on effective communication and building positive relationships in NGO project teams. Moreover, the case study outcomes set the guidelines for further in-depth studies of a quantitative nature. Research limitations/implications: Being aware of the limitations resulting from the deliberate selection of the project team for the study, an analysis of the answers obtained was undertaken, the results of which allow one to present the issues of communication and building positive relationships within project teams in non-governmental organizations. In order to make generalizations, further in-depth research in this area should be carried out. Practical implications: In non-governmental organizations, authorities and project managers should increase their competences in the field of effective communication and building positive relationships in project teams in order to successfully implement projects. Social implications: Knowledge of the methods of effective communication and building positive relationships in project teams allows to increase awareness among members of non-governmental organizations of how the ways of working and team involvement affect the success of projects. Originality/value: A case study was conducted in a selected project team operating in an NGO on the importance of communication and building positive relationships. The article is addressed to people involved in NGO project management research and to third-sector entities.
Air pollution regards all chains of environmental prospective. As an actualized and future issue we concentrate our efforts to set a frame on major air pollutants and their relation. The period of study rely on 15 year time interval (2012-2016) and the geographical area is focused on data retrieved from the capital, Tirana. We canalize our investigation mainly on inhalable particle and their behavior toward other particles. The goal is to establish PM10 (Particulate Matter with a diameter < 10 μm) trend based on significant associations. We develop the analytical process due to air pollution numbers which turn to be of considerable concern in the country. PM10 and Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSPM) have different diameter but reflect the same trend line. They show strong positive correlation value with O3 and SO2 (r > 0.75). NO2 particles seem to be less (r < 0.25) involved in this interaction. AQI (Air Quality Index) is fully depended (r > 0.92) on PM10 behavior. We test also socioeconomic and meteorological parameters that produce interesting results. IDW (Inverse Distance Weight) interpolation maps resume the geographical dispersion of PM10 values. The reductive emission index retrieved from Euro standard transition for vehicle fleet develops a new situation. We generate potentially future values of PM10 emission. Predictive scenario is created, interpolation maps are the backbone of this methodology.
Content available remote Exploring the path from idea generation till knowledge creation
In the present era of Modernization and technology advancement, almost everything has evolved. But what we have witnessed is that something remains the same. One such thing is idea we are surrounded by ideas we may not realize but this modernization globalization is all due to some extra ordinary ideas.it can be a sword if we work hard for it or it can make you feeble . This is to strengthen over knowing about idea. How to use them, how to focus on them etc.
The relationships between atmospheric circulation patterns and water surface temperature along the coast of the southern Baltic Sea were studied. Seasonal water temperature values for Świnoujście, Międzyzdroje, Kołobrzeg, Władysławowo, Hel and Gdynia stations measured during the period of 1951-2010 were used. The methods of correlation and regression were applied to determine the relationships between water temperature and the number of days of atmospheric circulation patterns. It was demonstrated that the strongest relationships occur in winter, chiefly on account of intense atmospheric circulation activity and weaker effects of solar radiation. The relationships with western circulation are slightly stronger than that associated with the eastern circulation. During the remaining seasons, those dependencies are clearly weaker. Asynchronous relationships between water temperature and atmospheric circulation are less pronounced than the synchronous ones. Despite being weaker, the asynchronous relations are still statistically significant, mainly in the spring season and as such, they may have a prognostic significance.
Lean manufacturing is about eliminating waste including the seven traditional, this writing suggested an observation on no value added of seven wastes influencing the process of fresh water production. The relationship value among waste was statistically verified to create an approach for continuous improvement action. Thus, the main goal of this research is to develop a methodology of relationship among wastes and eliminate them. In relationship among wastes, it could be known that the high value indicating how often it happened in the production process gave direct cause in the system of fresh water treatment. A recommendation to reduce the highest value of waste is by doing improvement on parameter setting to obtain an optimum mixing model between water supply, alum and stroke pump with Taguchi method. The interaction of relationship among these seven types of waste can be portrayed using fishbone diagram and a relationship model among wastes using PLS smart (partial least squares). The final relationship model with the highest value of waste was analyzed using off-line quality control to upgrade the quality of fresh water used as the basis to eliminate waste and find out the optimal parameter of mixing process in accordance with the health standard.
Planktonic ciliate composition, abundance and its response to environmental change were investigated during four seasons (winter of 2013, spring, summer and autumn of 2014) in Daya Bay, the South China Sea. A total of 41 species belonging to eight orders were identified, 14 of which were dominant. Planktonic ciliate communities showed a distinct seasonal pattern in ciliate abundance and a clear seasonal shift in the taxonomic composition. The largest number of ciliate species occurred in summer, whereas the highest abundance peaked in spring, mainly due to oligotrichids. In terms of spatial distribution, ciliate species were abundant in the area of artificial reefs, and ciliate abundance was higher in the Dapeng Cove aquaculture area and lower at the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station. Clustering analysis demonstrated that the seasonal variations of the ciliate community structure were more obvious than spatial variations. Multivariate and univariate analyses illustrated that ciliate abundance was significantly correlated with the water nutrient level and chlorophyll-a concentration, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. Moreover, the dominant abiotic environmental factors affecting the spatial pattern of ciliate communities varied between seasons.
Problematyka prowadzonych tu rozważań skupia się wokół komunikacyjnych podstaw innowacji społecznych i ich roli w tworzeniu środowiska sprzyjającego inteligentnym specjalizacjom, które obecnie uznaje się za istotne narzędzie wspierające rozwój i warunkujące wypracowywanie potencjału konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw, regionu, kraju. W artykule przyjęto, że w procesach innowacyjnych, obok rozwiązań o charakterze technicznym, równie istotny jest klimat społeczny otwarty na te rozwiązania, a tworzenie takiego klimatu jest możliwe dzięki zastosowaniu określonych instrumentów komunikacyjnych.
The main subject of this considerations focus on the communications instruments of social innovation and their role in creating the social environment conducive to intelligent specializations, which are now regarded as a significant tool to support the development and competitiveness of the enterprises, regions and countries. The article assumes that in innovation processes important is not only technical solution, but also the social climate open to these solutions, and creating such a climate it is possible through the use of specific instruments of communication.
The paper presents the results of an empirical study of the impact of strategy and logistics on company performance and of the role of logistics in mediating the impact of strategy on performance. The research revealed that companies pursuing differentiation strategy demonstrate better performance and higher internal and external integration of the management of material and related to them flows. The results proved that logistics measured with definite practices plays a role in mediating the impact of differentiation strategy on competitiveness. In particular, the practices that reflect the positive influence of differentiation strategy on competitiveness are: developing technological capabilities for the management of logistics activities and for information sharing between supply chain members; practices related mainly to communication and relational issues; and achieving greater integration within the company and in the supply chain as well.
Innowacje są kluczowym czynnikiem sukcesu wielu firm, w tym operatorów logistycznych. Zarządzanie procesem ich kreowania i adaptacji może dostarczyć firmie przewagę konkurencyjną, która pozwoli najpierw pozyskać, następnie zatrzymać, a w końcu zwiększyć udział w wydatkach klienta na usługi logistyczne. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie zagadnienia innowacji logistycznych, w tym innowacyjnych usług logistycznych (tj. radykalnych innowacji), prześledzenie procesu tworzenia innowacji w relacjach operatorów logistycznych z klientami oraz zwrócenie uwagi na aspekty wzmacniające wskaźnik innowacji, zarówno radykalnych jak i przyrostowych. W artykule wykorzystane zostaną wyniki wstępnych etapów badań prowadzonych wśród operatorów logistycznych na rynku amerykańskim.
Innovations are a key success factor for many firms including logistics service providers (LSPs). The management process of innovation creation and adaptation can deliver LSP a competitive advantage which allows them to get, to keep and to grow a customer. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how logistics innovations in general and logistics service innovations in particular (i.e. radical innovations) occur in LSP outsourcing relationships and which aspects may enhance innovation performance, whether radical or incremental service improvements. Preliminary field research results’ conducted among US LSPs will be presented.
W artykule zaprezentowano teoretyczne oraz empiryczne podejścia do analizy wpływu rozwoju infrastruktury transportu na wzrost gospodarczy. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono wybrany dorobek teoretyczny z zakresu poruszanej problematyki, w drugiej powołano się na empiryczne modele, zaadaptowane do zbadania zależności między rozwojem infrastruktury a wzrostem PKB oraz dokonano próby analizy tej zależności na przykładzie 16 województw Polski, uwzględniając lata 2008-2011.
The paper presents a theoretical and empirical approach on the impact of the development of transport infrastructure on economic growth. In the first part of the article presents the main views transport of economists on that matter. In the second part of this paper empirical models were adapted to examine this relationship between transport infrastructure and economic growth. Analysis on the example of the 16 provinces of Poland (taking into account the years 2008-2011) was conducted.
Wizerunek (ang. image) to pojęcie posiadające w języku polskim kilka wyrazów bliskoznacznych. Zwykle są one zamiennie stosowane w zależności od kontekstu, w jakim wizerunek jest omawiany. Według Słownika Synonimów [3] oprócz pojęcia wizerunek można stosować takie określenia jak: podobizna, portret, obraz, wyobrażenie, przedstawienie oraz odbicie. W Słowniku Języka Polskiego PWN wizerunkiem określa się sposób przedstawiania i postrzegania danej rzeczy lub osoby [5]. Warto zauważyć, że angielskie określenie image pochodzi od łacińskiego słowa imago (obraz, symbol) lub imaginatio (wyobrażenie, marzenie) [1]. Zatem wizerunek można traktować jako zbiór przekonań i wrażeń określonej osoby (grupy osób) na temat konkretnego obiektu (m.in. produktu, miejsca czy osoby) [4]. Przekonania te mogą wynikać z własnych doświadczeń konkretnej osoby, a także mogą być wynikiem opinii innych osób. Zatem cechą charakterystyczną wizerunku jest jego subiektywność [6], wynikająca z odmiennego postrzegania przez różne osoby tego samego przedmiotu. Można stwierdzić, że wizerunek określonego przedmiotu nigdy nie jest jego dokładnym odwzorowaniem. Co więcej, sposób postrzegania konkretnego przedmiotu przez konkretną osobę uzależniony jest od wielu czynników (indywidualne doświadczenia, określone oczekiwania czy system wyznawanych wartości). Dodatkowo, wynik postrzegania uzależniony jest często od ilości, a także jakości posiadanych informacji przez konkretną osobę o konkretnym przedmiocie. Dlatego też, z punku widzenia oferenta, ważne jest ciągłe monitorowanie sposobu postrzegania (produktów, przedsiębiorstwa) przez różnych uczestników otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa, co pozwala na dysponowanie aktualną wiedzą na temat postrzegania i czynników wpływających na wizerunek. Ponadto, postrzeganie jest bardzo ważne w procesie budowania relacji [2] z różnymi uczestnikami rynku, co w efekcie przyczynia się do budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej. Przedsiębiorstwa, które nie zdają sobie sprawy ze znaczenia wizerunku w oczach klientów, mogą mieć poważne trudności z zaistnieniem na rynku (zwłaszcza międzynarodowym).
In this article was made subject of the image, elements that determine the image and impact of the image in making purchasing decisions by final buyers in the food market. There were presented definitions of image and identified the characteristics of perceptions. The image is defined as a set of beliefs and impressions given observer on a particular object, which can be a person, place or product. Attention was drawn to the subjective nature of this concept and its importance in the process of building a relationship with various market participants. In the empirical part analyzed the elements that determine both the image of food products, as well as elements that determine the purchase decisions on the product group. Application of factor analysis allowed identify the greatest factors that determine purchasing behavior of final buyers of food. Conducted factor analysis allowed identify six key factors that determine making purchase decisions of final buyers. Among these factors (sales, product, promotion, brand, ethnocentric and qualitative) the most important is the commercial (sales) factor, represented especially by such things as staff competencies retail outlets and service levels. The least impact in the context of buying behavior has quality factor (represented by the quality of the product). Furthermore, on the basis of the analysis, the average scores of elements that determine the purchase decisions and the image of the food product you can say that the major determinants of a certain image of the product is determined by the decisions of final buyers in the purchasing process. Therefore, the image of food products plays an important role as a decisive factor in the purchasing process.
Content available ARCH ’13 Mosty łukowe
4–6 października 2013 r. w chorwackich miastach Trogir i Split odbyła się 7. międzynarodowa konferencja ARCH ’13. Jej organizatorem było Croation Society of Structural Engineers. Pracami Komitetów Organizacyjnego i Naukowego konferencji kierował prof. Jure Radić z Uniwersytetu w Zagrzebiu.
On 4-6 October 2013 in Trogir and Split, croatia, the 7th Conference on Arch Bridges ARCH '13 was held. The conference was organised by the Croatian Society of Structural Engineers. The organisational and scientific committees of the conference were helmed by professor Jure Radić from the University of Zagreb.
Content available remote Complex Object-Based Multidimensional Modeling and Cube Construction
This paper presents a multidimensional model and a language to construct cubes for the purpose of on-line analytical processing. Both the multidimensional model and the cube model are based on the concept of complex object which models complex entities of real world. The multidimensional model is presented at two layers: the class diagram layer and the package layer. Both layers are used by a projection operation that aims at extracting cubes: at the package diagram layer, the projection dynamically assigns the roles of fact and dimensions to the complex objects of the multidimensional model whereas at the class diagram layer, it allows designing the measures. We also provide operations that optimize the construction of new cubes by using existing ones. The set of operations for cube construction are expressed by formal operators, thus forming a language. To show the feasibility of our multidimensional model and operators, we present implementation details of a real case study.
W niniejszym referacie przedstawiono wyniki dwóch kilkuetapowych eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na próbkach z betonu komórkowego o klasie gęstości 400 kg/m3. W obu eksperymentach próbki najpierw poddano intensywnemu działaniu ciekłej wody, następnie w pierwszym pomierzono parametry cieplne, zaś w drugim suszono próbki w warunkach laboratoryjnych, tj. w temperaturze ok. 200C i wilgotności względnej ok. 30%. Głównym celem badań było wyznaczenie współczynnika przewodności cieplnej λ dla próbek będących w różnym stanie zawilgocenia oraz określenie funkcji opisującej zależność λ od stopnia zawilgocenia materiału w. Następnie przy użyciu funkcji λ = f(w) odwzorowano zmiany zachodzące w parametrach cieplnych betonu komórkowego wysychającego z zawilgocenia powodziowego. Zmienne rozkłady wilgotności oraz przewodności cieplnej po grubości przegrody odtworzono w trzech punktach czasowych – po upływie 1, 2, a następnie 3 miesięcy trwania procesu wysychania. Stwierdzono silne zróżnicowanie w rozkładzie badanych wielkości fizycznych (λ oraz w) po miesięcznym, ale także i dwumiesięcznym okresie wysychania oraz powrót do stanu akceptowalnego pod względem wilgotnościowym i cieplnym po 3 miesiącach wysychania. Uzyskane rezultaty świadczą o bezdyskusyjnej konieczności uwzględniania – przy sporządzaniu bilansów energetycznych budynków – sytuacji związanych ze stanem wilgotnościowym przegród, gdyż procesy wilgotnościowe mogą bardzo silnie pogorszyć ich parametry cieplne na długi okres czasu, jako że wysychanie trwa miesiącami nawet przy sprzyjających warunkach zewnętrznych.
This paper presents the results of two multistage experiments which were conducted on the samples of aerated concrete of density class 400 kg/m3. In the both experiments the samples were initially exposed to a strong effect of liquid water. Next the first experiment, thermal parameters were measured and in the other, the samples were dried in laboratory conditions, i.e. at the temperature of approximately 20°C and at the relative humidity of approximately 30%. The main goal of the study was to determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ for the samples of various degree of moisture, and to establish a function that characterises the dependence of λ on a degree of the material moisture w. Next, the changes taking place in the thermal parameters of the aerated concrete that was drying out of post flood moisture were recreated by use of a function λ = f(w). The variables of moisture distribution and thermal conductivity across the width of wall were reconstructed at three time points − after 1, 2 and finally 3 months of drying process. A strong diversity of the tested physical quantities’ distribution (λ and w) was recognised after one month, and also after two months of drying period, as well as a return to acceptable moisture and thermal condition was noted after the third month of drying process. The achieved results confirm the unquestionable necessity of considering the circumstances related to moisture condition of the partitions during preparation of building’s energy rate balance sheets, as the capillary processes can deteriorate dramatically thermal parameters of the partitions for a long period of time due to the fact that drying process lasts for several months even at favourable external conditions.
Water vapor plays an important role in the global climate system. A clear relationship between water vapor and solar activity can explain some physical mechanisms of how solar activity influences terrestrial weather/climate changes. To gain insight of this possible relationship, the atmospheric precipitable water vapor (PWV) as the terrestrial climate response was observed by ground-based GPS receivers over the Antarctic stations. The PWV changes analyzed for the period from 2003 to 2008 coincided with the declining phase of solar cycle 23 exhibited following the solar variability trend. Their relationship showed moderate to strong correlation with 0.45 < R2 < 0.93 (p < 0.01), on a monthly basis. This possible relationship suggests that when the solar-coupled geomagnetic activity is stronger, the Earth’s surface will be warmer, as indicated by electrical connection between ionosphere and troposphere.
The paper concerns the basic methododlical issues of defining and measuring the impact of strategy and logistics on companies' performance. The literature review reveals a lack of empirical research on the relationship between generic strategies like cost leadership and differentiation, the extent of use of integrative logistics practices and performance. A conceptual framework is proposed for assessing the relationships between the three variables outlining their dimensions and content. It is concluded that the key to competitive success is to choose the appropriate strategy and develop the corresponding logistics capabilities including the management capability to consolidate knowledge and skills in the supply chain. Three hepotheses are raised and the models undelying them are discussed. Some recommendations are made in relation to the methods used for testing the hypotheses. The framework is a basis for conducting an empirical study on the role of logistics in mediating the impact of strategy on performance.
Leaf traits scaling relationships were compared in different months (May, June, July and August) in a temperate shrub species, Vitex negundo Linn. var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehd. Leaf traits variation and the impact of environment were also studied. Our results showed that specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (Nmass), leaf phosphorus content (Pmass) and leaf chlorophyll content (Chlmass) were positively correlated, and all of the pairwise relationships showed a common standardized major axis (SMA) slope in different months. The variation of SLA, chlorophyll a content (Chlmass a), chlorophyll b content (Chlmass b), Chlmass a/b and maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) were mainly habitat-dependent, while the variation of Pmass and Nmass/Pmass were mainly month-dependent. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to further explore the relationships between leaf traits and environmental factors. We found that plants under shade (the relative photosynthetic photon flux density was about 10%) developed light-capturing behavior at leaf level (higher SLA) and cellular level (higher Chlmass/Nmass and lower Chlmass a/b). The increased Nmass/Pmass with month was mainly resulted from the large absorption of soil nitrogen and the decrease of soil pH. In a word, our study indicates that species may not have fundamentally different carbon capture strategies in different months. Variation of different leaf traits are related to different environmental factors in the field.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie sposobu obliczania wielkość bufora projektu, gdy w harmonogramie jednopunktowym na relacjach typu ZR występują dodatnie, a zwłaszcza ujemne zwłoki czasowe. Rozważono możliwe sposoby eliminacji dodatniej i ujemnej zwłoki a następnie wytypowano trzy warianty prowadzenia obliczeń. W dalszej części podano dwa przykłady obliczeniowe oparte na konkretnych harmonogramach budowlanych, zinterpretowano sposób prowadzenia obliczeń i ich wyniki. Wskazano na konieczność weryfikacji na dalszych przykładach zaproponowanej metodyki obliczeń wielkości bufora projektu oraz opracowania ścisłego algorytmu przebudowy sieci zależności będącej elementem zaproponowanej metodyki.
The aim of the article was to present a method of calculating time of a Project Buffer when in PDM diagram in FS relationships time lags had occurred as positive and especially negative. Possible means of positive and negative lags elimination were considered, three ways of conducting calculations were chosen. In the next part, the author showed two examples of calculations based on particular constructional schedules. Methods of conducting calculations as well as its outcomes were interpreted. The author also pointed out the necessity to verify proposed method of calculating the size of project Buffet on further examples and to prepare accurate algorithm to rebuild relationship network which is one of the elements of proposed method.
The specific resistance of the plough body (a quotient of its working resistance and furrow cross section) depends on three factors: soil conditions, working speed and plough body shape. The last dependence has not been previously defined analytically. A novel method is being presented in this publication, which allows us to define and calculate the parameters of a plough body influencing its specific resistance, as well as the relationship between these parameters and specific resistance of different plough bodies. The proposed equation includes also soil conditions and working speed. The calculated parameters are based on the dimensions taken from drawing of a plough body working surface through the soil. The knowledge of such a relationship should be very useful in the design of new plough bodies and improvement of existing ones. The dependence between defined parameters and specific resistance has been calculated with statistical methods on the basis of field and laboratory investigations of plough bodies with different working surface shapes. The scope of this investigation covers the cylindroidal, semihelicoidal and helicoidal plough bodies, their working speeds in the range of 0.81 - 2.5 m/s, and soil compactness measured with a cone penetrometer in the range of 1.35 - 1.93 MPa (in field investigations). The introduced relationship has been verified for another 10 ploughs during field investigations, conducted in different soil conditions, at different working speeds.
Opór roboczy korpusu płużnego zależy od trzech parametrów: warunków glebowych, prędkości roboczej i kształtu powierzchni roboczej korpusu płużnego. Prezentowana zależność nie była dotychczas zdefiniowana analitycznie. Metoda prezentowana w tej publikacji pozwala określić i obliczyć parametry kształtu korpusu płużnego wpływające na opór jednostkowy, pokazuje także wpływ tych parametrów na opór dla różnych korpusów płużnych. Zaproponowane równie uwzględnia również warunki glebowe i prędkość roboczą. Wskaźniki charakteryzujące kształt korpusu płużnego wyznaczono z profilogramów. Prezentowana metoda i zależność może być przydatna przy projektowaniu nowych korpusów płużnych jak również przy poprawieniu kształtu już istniejących korpusów. Równanie charakteryzujące opór jednostkowy korpusów płużnych, uwzględniające parametry kształtu korpusów płużnych i parametry glebowe, zostało uzyskane przy zastosowaniu metod statystycznych w oparciu o badania polowe i laboratoryjne korpusów płużnych o różnym kształcie powierzchni roboczej. Zakres badań obejmował korpusy płużne cylindroidalne, półśrubowe i śrubowe, w badaniach stosowano prędkości robocze w zakresie 0,81 - 2,5 m/s przy zwięzłości gleby w przedziale 1,35 - 1,93 MPa mierzonej penetrometrem stożkowym (w badaniach polowych). Do weryfikacji zależności wykorzystano badania polowe 10 korpusów płużnych prowadzone w zróżnicowanych warunkach glebowych przy różnych prędkościach roboczych.
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