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W analizie zdjęć rentgenowskich częstym problemem jest wykrycie zmian guzkowych. Celem badań jest taka modyfikacja obrazu, aby uwidocznić zmiany patologiczne na obrazie RTG. Pierwszym etapem było wykorzystanie operacji otwarcia na danym obrazie rentgenowskim. Następnie obraz poddano operacji wyrównania histogramu o wartości skalarnej 0,5. Histogram to wykres liczby występowania danych punktów szarości w obrazie. Odpowiednia modyfikacja tych punktów pozwala na poprawienie jakości obrazu. Kolejny etap to zastosowanie segmentacji na danym fragmencie płuca oraz utworzenie przestrzeni trójwymiarowej na obrazie. Badania przeprowadzono we współpracy z lekarzem radiologiem specjalizującym się w chorobach płuc. Uzyskane zbiory danych były oceniane pod względem wielkości zmian i ich liczności oraz umiejscowienia.
Detection of nodular changes is a common problem in X-ray imaging analysis. The research aims to modify the images in order to visualize pathological changes on the X-ray image. The first stage of the research was applying the opening operation on given X-ray image. Subsequently, the even operation which regarded the histogram with scalar value of 0.5, was performed. Histogram can be defined as graph informing how frequently given points of given gray level, occur in the image. A proper modification of these points enables to improve the image quality. Another stage included segmentation and the creation of three-dimensional space of the image. Research was conducted in cooperation with radiologist, specialist in the field of lung diseases. Obtained dataset was assessed in terms of size of pathological spots and their locations.
The paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer is responsible for the modification of the model's parameters and the generation of the results of the respiratory impedance measurements using forced oscillation method. The application is a solution that provides a lot of flexibility in the education of students studying courses related to biomedical engineering and health sciences, and can easily be implemented to work as a problem-oriented e-learning solution.
W publikacji zaprezentowano działanie platformy wspomagającej edukację w zakresie wykrywania chorób obturacyjnych układu oddechowego. Rolę badanego pacjenta pełni 16-elementowy model układu oddechowego, symulowany w środowisku MATLAB/Simulink. Został on połączony z warstwą sterowania, wykonaną w środowisku LabVIEW, przy pomocy biblioteki SIT (Simulation Interface Toolkit). Warstwa ta odpowiada za modyfikację parametrów modelu oraz generowanie wyników pomiaru impedancji układu oddechowego za pomocą oscylacji wymuszonych. Wykonana aplikacja jest rozwiązaniem zapewniającym dużą elastyczność w kształceniu studentów związanych inżynierią biomedyczną i naukami o zdrowiu i bardzo łatwo może być wdrożona do pracy jako rozwiązanie e-learningowe, zorientowane problemowo.
The lunge is the most common attack in fencing, however there is currently a paucity of published research investigating the kinematics of this movement. The aim of this study was to investigate if kinematics measured during the épée fencing lunge had a significant effect on sword velocity at touch and whether there were any key movement tactics that produced the maximum velocity. Lower extremity kinematic data were obtained from fourteen right handed club épée fencers using a 3D motion capture system as they completed simulated lunges. A forward stepwise multiple linear regression was performed on the data. The overall regression model yielded an Adj R2 of 0.74, p ≤ 0.01. The results show that the rear lower extremity’s knee range of motion, peak hip flexion and the fore lower extremity’s peak hip flexion all in the sagittal plane were significant predictors of sword velocity. The results indicate that flexion of the rear extremity’s knee is an important predictor, suggesting that the fencer sits low in their stance to produce power during the lunge. Furthermore it would appear that the magnitude of peak flexion of the fore extremity’s hip was a significant indicator of sword velocity suggesting movement of fore limbs should also be considered in lunge performance.
Content available remote Application of short-term tests in assessment of atmospheric air pollution
Results of analyses of airborne particulates collected in winter and summer seasons from two locations of Wroclaw (city centre and the outskirts area) have been presented. Samples of particulate matter were collected on sintered-glass filters, using a high performance air aspirator Staplex-PMIO. Extraction with dichloromethane was carried out in a Soxhlet apparatus. Mutagenicity of dichloromethane extracts was studied based on a conventional Salmonella assay. Two Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and YG1041 were employed in the assay. Genotoxicity of organic air pollutants was detected using a miniaturized SOS chromotest obtained from EBPI (Brampton, Ontario, Canada). Bacterial assays were carried out with and without metabolic activation by the S9 microsomal fraction. Cytotoxicity of the particulate extracts was studied by the method of their direct contact with onelayer culture of human lung carcinoma epithelial cells - A549.
The aim of research were studies on heavy metal distribution in bodies of hares, roe deer and foxes. Contents of cadmium, chromium, lead and zinc were determined in the samples of kidneys, livers, lungs, musc1es and bones of the tested animals originating from the vicinity of Kraków. A majority of the analysed material samples contained on average largest quantities of zinc, then lead and chromium and the least of cadmium. Only in the kidneys and livers of hares and roe deer cadmium concentrations were much higher than lead and chromium content in these organs. It was also noticed that more cadmium, chromium and zinc, in comparison with this metal in fox organs, accumulated in the internal organs and tissues of hares and roe deer than in the analogous fox organs. The dependency concerns particularly cadmium content in the kidneys and livers of tested herbivorous where between 20 and 30 and 3-5 times more of this metal was found, respectively in comparison with its concentrations in the same organs of rex. Lead most easily accumulated in tissues and internal organs of rex, particularly in its bones (mean 10.8 mg . kg-1 d.m.) and in the lungs (7.76 mg . kg-1 d.m.).
Celem niniejszych badań było prześledzenie rozmieszczenia metali ciężkich w ciele zajęcy, saren i lisów. W próbkach nerek, wątroby, płuc, mięśni i kości osobników pochodzących z okolic Krakowa określono zawartość kadmu, chromu, ołowiu i cynku. W większości próbek analizowanych materiałów średnio najwięcej oznaczono cynku, następnie ołowiu, chromu i kadmu. Jedynie w nerkach i wątrobie zajęcy i saren koncentracja kadmu była znacznie większa od zawartości ołowiu i chromu w tych organach. Stwierdzono również, że w narządach i tkankach zajęcy i saren nagromadzało się więcej kadmu, chromu i cynku w porównaniu do analogicznych organów lisa. Zależność ta szczególnie dotyczy zawartości kadmu w nerkach i wątrobie badanych roślinożerców, gdzie oznaczono odpowiednio 20-30 i 3-5 razy więcej tego metalu w porównaniu do jego koncentracją w tych samych narządach lisa. W przypadku ołowiu najwięcej odkładało się go w organach lisa, szczególnie w jego kościach (10,8 mg) i płucach (7,76 mg . kg-I s.m.).
Content available remote The respirator as a user of virtual lungs
The virtual respiratory system (VRS) is proposed for testing physical respirators, new methods of ventilatory support, and scientific hypotheses. VRS may be also helpful in students education and staff training. Method: VRS simulates the relationship between the air flow and the pressure. The main features of the model are: separation of the lungs and the chest, division of the lungs into five lobes, closing bronchi, gravity influence. Real-to-virtual converter is based on the gas flow source, which is controlled by the calculated value of the air flow that should exist, for the measured pressure being the VRS input. Results: several phenomena are discussed, e.g. the influence of compliance nonlinearity and resistance changeability on ventilation, the CPAP efficiency, differences in lobes ventilation, breathing frequency determination.
In the paper influence of different artificial ventilation modes (pressure-controlled, volume-controlled with constant and with decelerating flow, and power-controlled, i.e. adaptive) on chosen respiratory parameters (peak and mean pressure in lungs, peak gas flow, distribution of lungs ventilation) were analyzed in cases of permanent and sudden obstruction. The comparison has proved that the adaptive mode generally has some advantages over routinely used ventilatory modes, if influence on all the respiratory parameters together is taken into account: all the parameters achieve moderate values for the adaptive mode, while at least one parameter achieves a big value for each other mode. Thus, the adaptive mode causes the smallest total health hazard.
Content available remote Haemodynamic variations during independent lung ventilation in paediatrics
Independent lung ventilation (ILV) has been suggested in order to reduce volutrauma and barotrauma in the treatment of lung pathology with unilateral prevalence. The application of different PEEP levels to each lung can allow an increase in gas exange and reduce haemodynamic variations connected with high transpulmonary pressure. Application of synchronized ILV with ZEEP or 5 cm H2O PEEP did not in itself cause haemodynamic changes any different from those that occur with intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) and continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPPV) with 5 cm H2O of positive end-espiratory pressure (PEEP). Maintaining 5 cm H2O of PEEP in the less affected lung and increasing progressively PEEP from 5 to 15 cm H2O in the more pathologic lung, central venous pressure (CVP), cardiac rate and mean arterial pressure (MAP) remained stable. The application of progressive PEEP levels in the less damaged lung while maintaining a stable value in the more damaged lung showed an increase in CVP and cardiac rate and reduction in MAP: Applying synchronised ILV (sILV) an improvement in PaO2 was noted compared to volume controlled ventilation with 10 cm H2O of PEEP. The improvement in PaO2 appears more evident when the "best" PEEP for each lung has been applied.
Narzędzia charakterystyczne dla inżynierii chemicznej w podejściu do modelowania złożonych zjawisk przyrody, zostały wykorzystane dla modelowania procesów transportowych w płucach. Przedstawiono mechanikę oddychania, strukturę przepływu powietrza w układzie oddechowym oraz depozycję cząstek aerozolowych, celem oceny skuteczności dostarczania leku inhalacyjnego. Omówiono również mechanizmy obronne układu oddechowego (usuwanie depozytów z układu oddechowego) oraz przedstawiono ilościowy opis procesu. W końcowej części pracy opisano proces transportu tlenu z zewnętrznej atmosfery do układu krwionośnego.
The tools characteristic for chemical engineering approach for modelling of complex phenomena of nature, were used for analysis of transport processes in the human lungs. Mechanics of breathing, air flow structure in the respiratory system and aerosol particle deposition for drug delivery via inhalation is presented. The defence mechanism for removal of deposits from the respiratory system and their quantitative analysis is formulated. Finally, transport of oxygen from the external atmosphere into the blood system is described.
Płuca w czasie natężonego wydechu opisane mogą być nieliniowym dyskretnym modelem z dwunastoma parametrami. Identyfikacja tego modelu na podstawie zarejestrowanej krzywej natężonego wydechu jest żle uwarunkowana numerycznie. W referacie przeanalizowano zregularyzowaną estymację parametrów za pomocą regresji grzbietowej. Wyniki badań symulacyjnych pokazują, że przy odpowiednim doborze macierzy regularyzacji można spodziewać się zadowalająco dokładnej estymacji pola przekroju dróg oddechowych warunkującego ich opór oraz mniej dokładnego oszacowania podatności płuc i objętości zalegającej.
Lungs during forced expiration can be described by a non-linear discrete model with twelve parameters. Identification of this model on the basis of a forced expiration curve is numerically ill-conditioned. Regularised estimation of parameters by means of the ridge regression has been analysed in the paper. Results of simulation studies show that, while matching the regularisation matrix properly, one can expect satisfying precision of estimation of the airway cross-sectional area which determines the airway resistance and less accurate assessment of the lung compliance and the residual volume.
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