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w słowach kluczowych:  metoda Lagrange’a-Eulera
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In this Paper, a parametric study on pipes buried in soil was performed illustrating the results of blast loading. Effects of various parameters such as the physical properties of water, oil, gas, air, soil, pipes, and TNT have been investigated. The arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method was employed using LS-DYNA software. The maximum pressure in a buried pipe explosive was observed at an angle of about 0° to 45° and the minimum pressure occurred at an angle of about 45° to 90°. Therefore, all figures in this study illustrate that fluid pressure levels in buried pipes can help in their stabilization. In generally, by increasing the 1.23 times of liquid density under the explosion, the pressure levels in the soil decreased by 1.3 percent. The gas pressure has been increasing more than oil and water pipes 39.73 and 40.52 percent, respectively.
In this paper, a CFD tool – Ansys Fluent 17.2 was applied to obtain a 3-D operational model of a 200 td-1 pilot-scale gasifier that was tested in Japan. The gasifier is an up-flow co-current reactor comprising combustor and reductor separated by a throat. For the modelling procedure, the Eulerian-Lagrangian method has been used. Euler approach describes the gas phase processes, whereas Lagrange describes the solid phase. The aim of this paper is at first to compare simulation results of two turbulence-chemistry interaction procedures available in Ansys Fluent and their impact on coal gasification and secondly to compare obtained results with the experiment.
W tej pracy zastosowano program CFD – Ansys Fluent 17.2, aby otrzymać model 3D pilotażowej zgazowarki MHI 200 t/d, która była testowana w Japonii. Jest to reaktor współprądowy typu up-flow zawierający komorę spalania oraz reduktor oddzielone od siebie przez gardziel. Do otrzymania modelu zastosowano podejście Lagrange’a-Eulera. Faza dyspersyjna opisywana jest metodą Lagrange’a, natomiast faza ciągła – gazowa metodą Eulera. Celem tego badania było porównanie dwóch modeli opisujących wzajemne interakcje między kinetyką reakcji a turbulencją pod kątem całego procesu zgazowania oraz zestawienie uzyskanych wyników z wynikami eksperymentalnymi.
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