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Purpose: The aim of the article was identification and analysis of factors influencing students' career planning and development in Poland and Italy. Design/methodology/approach: The first stage of the research involved an analysis of the source literature and a review of the activities undertaken by universities in order to support students in career planning. This was followed by an analysis of reports on the situation of young people on the labour market in Poland and Italy. The final research method was a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire, which was addressed to students of selected universities in both countries. Findings: Polish and Italian students are aware of their needs regarding their future careers, they are able to formulate career goals and to select a strategy needed to achieve them. However, there are noticeable differences in the implementation of their career plans. These discrepancies may be due to the socio-economic situation of students’ countries of origin. Practical implications: The article is a source of information for both students embarking on their professional careers and employers who will be able to meet the expectations of young employees, as well as universities seeking to create competitive activities in order to support professional development of their students and graduates. Originality/value: The article presents an interesting, comprehensive and comparative study of students in two EU countries, taking into account not only labour market data, but also direct opinions of students and an analysis of the career support activities offered by universities.
Artykuł porusza kwestię zapotrzebowania rynku pracy na wykwalifikowanych pracowników budowlanych w kontekście realizacji Długoterminowej Strategii Renowacji Budynków. Autorzy przeprowadzają wyliczenia dotyczące potrzebnych specjalistów na polskim rynku budowlanym oraz przedstawiają propozycje umożliwiające pozyskanie niezbędnej liczby pracowników budowlanych do realizacji głębokiej termomodernizacji budynków w Polsce w perspektywie 2030 r.
The article raises the issue of the labour market demand for qualified construction workers in the context of the implementation of the Long-Term Building Renovation Strategy. The authors make calculations regarding the specialists needed on the Polish construction market and present proposals enabling the acquisition of the necessary number of construction workers to implement deep thermal modernization of buildings in Poland in the 2030 perspective.
The world’s labour markets were significantly affected by the coronavirus spread and lockdowns and deaths caused by it. Policy-makers tried to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market by imposing different measures and aid packages. Having in mind all activities for combating the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the labour market in 2020 and 2021, the question arose how resilient are labour markets to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the year before the pandemic? Therefore, this study attempts to answer this question by creating a composite index of ten labour market indicators using the MOORA ranking method. The research sample is made up of 27 European Union (EU) countries. In the first step, countries’ composite indexes were compared on a year-to-year basis (2019-2020, 2019-2021 and 2020-2021) and no significant discrepancies were observed. In the second step, differences in geographical clusters of countries were captured while comparing their composite indexes for 2020 and 2021. The study results indicate that aid packages restricted the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on the EU labour markets and strengthened their sustainability. The downturn in EU labour market indicators was retained thus making divergence between geographical clusters inherited from the previous periods. The research results indicate the importance of joint EU policies in crisis periods for encouraging the sustainability of the EU labour markets and the need to make a balance among EU labour markets under normal conditions.
Na światowe rynki pracy znaczący wpływ miało rozprzestrzenianie się koronawirusa oraz spowodowane przez niego lockdowny i zgony. Politycy starali się złagodzić skutki pandemii COVID-19 na rynku pracy, narzucając różne środki i pakiety pomocowe. Mając na uwadze wszelkie działania na rzecz zwalczania wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na rynek pracy w latach 2020 i 2021, pojawiło się pytanie, na ile rynki pracy są odporne na skutki pandemii COVID-19 w porównaniu z rokiem poprzedzającym pandemię? Dlatego w niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie poprzez stworzenie złożonego indeksu dziesięciu wskaźników rynku pracy z wykorzystaniem metody rankingowej MOORA. Próba badawcza składa się z 27 krajów Unii Europejskiej (UE). W pierwszym kroku porównano złożone indeksy krajów w ujęciu rok do roku (2019-2020, 2019-2021 oraz 2020-2021) i nie zaobserwowano znaczących rozbieżności. W drugim kroku uchwycono różnice w klastrach geograficznych krajów, porównując ich złożone wskaźniki na lata 2020 i 2021. Wyniki badania wskazują, że pakiety pomocowe ograniczyły skutki pandemii COVID-19 na rynkach pracy UE i wzmocniły ich zrównoważoność. Utrzymała się dekoniunktura wskaźników rynku pracy w UE, tworząc dywergencję między klastrami geograficznymi odziedziczoną po poprzednich okresach. Wyniki badań wskazują na znaczenie wspólnych polityk UE w okresach kryzysowych dla wspierania stabilności unijnych rynków pracy oraz na potrzebę zachowania równowagi między unijnymi rynkami pracy w normalnych warunkach.
The study objective is to analyse scientific literature relating to the labour market in sustainability transitions and identify emerging research directions and implemented research methods. A bibliometric analysis method was used to review the literature from the SCOPUS database. Moreover, an in-depth review of selected publications that fall into the field of social sciences was made. In literature, it is recognised that there is a scarcity of research linking the labour market and sustainability. However, in the analysed period of 1997-2023, a gradual growth was noticed in the number of publications. Four thematic clusters were identified in relation to green growth, twin transition, green employment and sustainable European labour market policy issues. The majority of authors based their study results on a critical analysis of literature, case study and database analysis. Even though qualitative research is popular among researchers studying the labour market in sustainability transitions, foresight methodology has not been used so far. The topics researched to an insufficient extent include, among others, career ecosystem, precarious employment, digital transformation, just transition, artificial intelligence or the future of work.
Celem badania jest analiza literatury dotyczącej rynku pracy w zrównoważonej transformacji oraz identyfikacja pojawiających się kierunków badań i stosowanych metod badawczych. Do przeglądu literatury wykorzystano metodę analizy bibliometrycznej publikacji z bazy SCOPUS. Ponadto, dokonano pogłębionego przeglądu wybranych publikacji, które wpisują się w dziedzinę nauk społecznych. W przeanalizowanych zasobach literatury występuje niewiele badań łączących rynek pracy ze zrównoważoną transformacją. Jednakże w analizowanym okresie 1997-2023 można było zauważyć stopniowy wzrost liczby publikacji o tej tematyce. Zidentyfikowano cztery obszary badawcze, które odnoszą się do zielonego wzrostu gospodarczego, transformacji bliźniaczej, zielonego zatrudnienia i zagadnień zrównoważonej europejskiej polityki rynku pracy. Większość autorów swoje wyniki oparła na krytycznej analizie literatury, studium przypadku i analizie baz danych. Mimo, że badania jakościowe cieszą się dużą popularnością wśród badaczy zajmujących się tematyką rynku pracy w zrównoważonej transformacji, metodyka foresight niebyła dotychczas stosowana. Obszary badawcze, które były eksplorowane w niewystarczającym stopniu, obejmują m.in. ekosystem kariery, niepewne zatrudnienie, transformację cyfrową, sprawiedliwą transformację, sztuczną inteligencję czy przyszłość pracy.
Purpose: the main aim of the article is to determine whether demographic changes and automation threaten the development of the labor market. Design/methodology/approach: theses and research questions presented in the article were verified by means of qualitative research conducted among representatives of national trade union organizations. Findings: the conducted research and analyses show that breaking the mental barriers to demographic changes and automation in order to strengthen their acceptance may play a decisive role in creating the development of the labour market. Originality/value: As evidenced by numerous sources cited in the text, the pursuit of development – in the phase of demographic change and the dynamic growth of automation – directly leads to economic growth in the dimension of both the state and local communities – favoring the social dimension of the individual and strengthening the human feeling of fullness of life.
The situation in the labour market was beneficial for the job seekers during the period before the disruptions associated with the closure of the economy due to the threats posed by the global pandemic. According to Statistics Poland, in 2018 and 2019, unemployment in Poland fell to the lowest level observed since 1990, so it can be assumed that employees were in charge of the labour market. However, the changes in the labour market occur in real time and their pace and scope are comparable to the greatest economic crises in the history of not only Poland but also the whole world. What is interesting, in such conditions, economy 4.0 sectors are developing dynamically – which, as it turns out, can be a huge opportunity for employees who will lose their jobs. A question needs to be asked: how should the competencies of employees change to meet the current requirements? Will there be a wave of individual restructuring in the market and, consequently, new opportunities for training companies? The article aims to present the changes forced by the external environment of an organisation in terms of employee competencies, taking into account the post-COVID changes towards economy 4.0.
Sytuacja na rynku pracy w okresie poprzedzającym zakłócenia związane z zamykaniem gospodarki z powodu zagrożeń wywołanych ogólnoświatową pandemią, rozwijała się z korzyścią dla poszukujących pracy. Według danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego w latach 2018-2019 bezrobocie w Polsce spadło do najniższego poziomu od 1990 roku, można więc przyjąć, że rynek pracy należał do pracownika. Jednak zmiany na rynku pracy zachodzą w czasie rzeczywistym i mają tempo oraz zakres porównywany do największych kryzysów gospodarczych w historii nie tylko Polski, ale i całego świata. Co ciekawe, w takich uwarunkowaniach dynamicznie rozwijają się sektory gospodarki 4.0 – która jak się okazuje – może być ogromnym źródłem szans dla pracowników, którzy utracą swoje dotychczasowe miejsca pracy. Należy zatem zadać pytanie: w jakim kierunku powinny zmieniać się kompetencje pracowników, by sprostać aktualnym wymaganiom? Czy rynek czeka fala indywidualnych restrukturyzacji, a co z tym związane pojawią się nowe szanse dla firm szkoleniowych? Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zmian wymuszonych przez otoczenie organizacji w zakresie kompetencji pracowników, z uwzględnieniem zmian pocovidowych oraz w kierunku gospodarki 4.0.
Content available remote Contribution of Adam Smith into management thought
Adam Smith was the first person to identify specialization and the division of labour as the main drivers of productivity. He also conceptualized the “invisible hand principle” which explains how, under the proper set of incentives, self-interested individuals are directed to pursue activities that benefit the whole of society. Both ideas are of utmost importance in the field of management. Specifically, successful managers are those who are able to create good “rules of the game” which align the incentives of labour with the goals of the firm. Smith’s contributions provide a foundation for the division of labour and demonstrate the importance of establishing the right “institutions” within a firm, calling it a fair reward system. The paper arrives at practical implications for managers from the paper of an eighteenth-century economist. The major goal of the paper is to reflect over the decision-making process which requires vast time consumption.
Adam Smith był pierwszą osobą, która zidentyfikowała specjalizację i podział pracy jako główne siły napędowe produktywności. Opracował koncepcję „niewidzialnej ręki”, która wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób, przy odpowiednim zestawie bodźców, pojedyncze jednostki nastawione na osiąganie własnych celów są kierowane do wykonywania działań przynoszących korzyści całemu społeczeństwu. Obie idee mają ogromne znaczenie w dziedzinie zarządzania. W szczególności odnoszący sukcesy menedżerowie to ci, którzy są w stanie stworzyć dobre „zasady gry”, dostosowując zachęty do pracy do celów firmy. Wkład Smitha stanowi podstawę podziału pracy i pokazuje znaczenie ustanowienia właściwych „instytucji” w firmie, nazywając to sprawiedliwym systemem wynagradzania. Artykuł nawiązuje do praktycznych implikacji dla menedżerów nawiązując do wkładu osiemnastowiecznego ekonomisty. Głównym celem artykułu jest podjęcie próby zastosowania teorii z dziedziny ekonomii do dziedziny zarządzania.
The analysis of labour market participation of the working-age population is a complex issue due to the multitude of factors determining this phenomenon, e.g. age, material status, availability of labour market offers to meet individual employee’s needs. People with disabilities are undoubtedly among those most at risk of social exclusion, which is clearly indicated and underlined by the issues addressed in this article. The current economic situation in Poland makes it possible for people with disabilities to undertake professional activity, especially in so-called sheltered employment conditions – in sheltered workshops, as well as in open employment conditions – in commercial enterprises. The results of research presented in this article are intended to present the economic situation of people with disabilities in Poland in comparison with other EU countries. Based on the results of own research, carried out in cooperation with a non-profit organisation – one of the most recognisable student associations in Polandand on statistics from individual EU countries collected by government institutions, a model was created to forecast the demand for jobs in both market environments. The need of people with disabilities both to integrate with non-disabled people and their reluctance to work in closed environments of people with disabilities and the resulting social conditions were recognized.
Analiza aktywności zawodowej ludności w wieku produkcyjnym jest zagadnieniem złożonym ze względu na mnogość czynników determinujących to zjawisko, takich jak np. wiek, status materialny, dostępność ofert na rynku pracy dostosowanych do indywidualnych potrzeb pracownika. Osoby z niepełnosprawnościami są niewątpliwie jednymi z najbardziej narażonych na ryzyko wykluczenia społecznego, co wyraźnie wskazuje i podkreśla problematyka podjęta w artykule. Obecna sytuacja gospodarcza w Polsce pozwala osobom z niepełnosprawnościami na podjęcie działalności zawodowej, zwłaszcza w tzw. warunkach pracy chronionej – zakładach pracy chronionej, a także w warunkach pracy otwartej – w przedsiębiorstwach komercyjnych. Wyniki badań prezentowane w artykule mają na celu przybliżenie sytuacji gospodarczej osób z niepełnosprawnościami w Polsce na tle innych krajów UE. Na podstawie wyników badań własnych, przeprowadzonych przy współpracy z organizacją non profit – jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych stowarzyszeń studenckich w Polsce – i dzięki statystykom z poszczególnych krajów UE kolekcjonowanym przez instytucje rządowe, stworzono model umożliwiający prognozowanie zapotrzebowania na miejsca pracy w obu środowiskach rynkowych. Dostrzeżono bowiem potrzebę osób z niepełnosprawnością zarówno do integracji z osobami pełnosprawnymi, jak i ich niechęć do aktywności zawodowej w zamkniętych środowiskach osób tylko z niepełnosprawnościami i wynikających z tego uwarunkowań społecznych.
The world is changing really fast. This speed is caused by urbanization, technological development and the increasing demand for energy. Such changes have a direct impact on enterprises which function in the world of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) with numerous surprises in the form of “black swans”, i.e. rare and unpredictable events. The modern history has not seen such a lockdown as the one caused by the coronavirus. Hairdressers, cosmeticians, restaurants, transportation and tourism are particularly affected by the negative effects of the pandemic. But while some lose, others profit: growth can be observed in the areas of e-commerce, courier shipping and parcel lockers. The article analyzes the labor market in covid times. The image of enterprises and employees of the future was discussed. The paper is an introduction part of an international research conducted as part of cooperation between Universities from Poland, Pakistan, Iraq and the Philippines.
Content available remote Zasoby pracy w budownictwie
Objective: The purpose of this article is to justify the need for interdisciplinary research on demographic change due to the need to prepare for the challenges arising from many public policies, such as family, labour market, education and social security. The identified challenges and areas imply a broad reflection, which should focus on a holistic approach to active social policy and the labour market. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article were verified using a: literature review, statistical research and comparative analysis. Findings: The changes, processes and forecasts presented in the article indicate that in order to reduce mismatches in the labour market in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, measures should be taken to build the future shape of urban policies – especially in the phase of aging of the society. Not taking this type of action may delay preparation of Jastrzębie-Zdrój for changes in the age structure of inhabitants, whichseems inevitable. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of dynamically developing demographic changes. Based on the conclusions presented in the article, it seems that the biggest contemporary challenge for the community, institutions and people creating Jastrzębie-Zdrój’s future may be maintaining the longest possible professional activity of the aging population of Jastrzębie-Zdrój while building a modern active social policy and labour market corresponding to the economic structure of cities.
Content available Social welfare organisation in Poland
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze social welfare system in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and Polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: At the municipal level, the unit providing social assistance nearest to the citizen is the municipal or municipal social assistance centre. It is also the basic institution to which people in need come for help. Regional Social Policy Centres operate at the regional level, which are focused on creating social policy and promoting innovation in this area, as well as providing appropriate qualifications to social assistance staff. They are subject to Voivodship marshals. At the level of government administration, issues of social assistance belong to the Ministry of the Family, Labour and Social Policy. The scope of tasks of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy is extremely wide, therefore, some of the tasks in the field of social assistance have been delegated to local government units. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to creating and managing social welfare policy in Poland.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to show what factors contribute to women’s reluctance to work part-time and to what extent. Part-time employment is a characteristic feature of the labour market in many Western European countries. In Poland, this form of employment is much less popular, also among women whom it mainly concerns, even though from the employer’s point of view part-time employment along with other forms of flexible work could result in a greater flexibility of an organization. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the analysis of the source literature, other research and the authors own studies among women (conducted with the use of questionnaires from 71 female respondents), the text explores why this form of employment is not popular in Poland. Findings: The results of the analysis point to unsatisfactory levels of income as the main reason; however, the income factor was not the only disadvantage of part-time employment identified by the respondents. Research limitations/implications: Due to the size of the research sample, the results cannot be generalized for the whole population. This study provides a basis for further research. Practical implications: The results constitute an important contribution to this debate, both in terms of the state economy and decisions taken by entrepreneurs themselves related to part-time employment. In the light of the current problems with recruiting qualified employees, learning more about their concerns and factors that have an impact on their decisions may help employers be more effective in taking action. Originality/value: The authors’ contribution in this paper is to provide empirical insights into factors contributing to reluctance to work part-time. This paper corrects an identified lack of research into these factors in Poland.
Purpose: The main purpose of the article is to justify the need for interdisciplinary professional training of employees for challenges related to the growing importance of dynamically developing digitalization, which is closely related to the development of civilization. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. Findings: Based on the content of this article, a future emerges in which man, industry and the surrounding reality will be shaped by digitalization developing with hitherto unknown dynamics. This phenomenon may lead to disappearance of world characteristic for industrial age and the transition to a new era determined by technologies based on data flow and its analysis. In digitalized economies, knowledge that is exemplified by a knowledge society that creates innovative solutions has become a key capital resource. It seems that digitalization in the context of economies’ competitiveness will determine the need to raise the level of education and competences and to create and control new knowledge. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of dynamically developing digitalization. Thanks to the knowledge presented in the article, it can be concluded that the decisive role in creating the development of a labour market and education can be overcome by breaking social and professional barriers to digitalization processes – which may favour the social dimension of individuals and strengthen the sense of fullness in human life1.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie nowego sposobu badania podstaw podejmowania decyzji i zachowań młodych (pokoleń Y i Z). Kryterium różnicującym jest fakt wychowywania się w globalizującym się świecie, opartym na dynamicznym rozwoju technologii komunikacyjnych (przede wszystkim internetowych). Na podstawie badań z obszaru neuronauk przyjęto, że sposoby działania aktywizujące odpowiednie obszary mózgu i połączenia myślowe w rezultacie kształtują też mózg, co w konsekwencji skutkuje zmianą sposobów postrzegania świata, myślenia i działania. Na podstawie rozważań teoretycznych, opartych na krytycznej analizie literatury przedmiotu, głównie angielskojęzycznej, oraz na badaniach empirycznych opisanych w raportach dotyczących pokoleń Y i Z, w pierwszej części artykułu omówiono problemy charakterystyki młodych na rynku pracy. Część druga została poświęcona interpretacji z perspektywy neuronauk wybranych sposobów myślenia i zachowań osób młodych, stanowiących istotne determinanty posiadanych przez nich, a cenionych przez pracodawców, kompetencji transferowalnych oraz będących predyktorami ich zachowań na rynku pracy. Efektem przeprowadzonego wywodu jest wskazanie na istotny potencjał interpretacyjny analiz postaw młodych wobec pracy i życia kryjący się w neuronaukach.
The aim of the article is to indicate a new, different way to research the foundation of decision making and behaviour of young people (generations Y and Z) on the labour market. The differentiating criterion of younger people is the fact that they are raised and educated in a globalizing world of dynamie development of information and communication technologies. Based on research in the area of neuroscience, it is assumed that the way people function activates the appropriate regions of the brain and mental connections which in consequence shape minds and, as a result, changes the way they perceive the world, think and act. The article deliberately confronts findings from various areas of knowledge related to the characterization of generations Y and Z, and is based on subject literature and empirical data presented in adequate reports. The first part of the article focuses on the challenges of young people on labour market characterizations. The aim of the second part is to interpret from the neurosciences perspective chosen modes of thinking and behaving of young people as determinants of their transferrable competencies, valued by employers, and predictors of (future) behaviours on the labour market.
The aim of the article is to present and discuss the results of pilot studies conducted among students of three faculties of Silesian University of Technology: Faculty of Organization and Management; Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The paper presents a thesis assuming that temporary work is a frequently chosen form of employment among students. The aim of the pilot studies was to analyse the preferred employment types among students and to indicate the factors and conditions that influence the choice of temporary work.
Content available Social innovations as support for Industry 4.0
The main subject for consideration concentrates on the social innovation defined as a tool to support the change related to Industry 4.0. It seems obvious that the Fourth Industrial Revolution transforms social life, the Internet of things (IoT), cloud data, big data, autonomous robots, additive manufacturing, augmented reality, etc., which are listed as basic elements of Industry 4.0. It also transforms the economic sphere, especially work organisation and the labour market. Current prognoses of the possible economic and social impact of digital technology often highlight positive aspects, but we also need to predict and study possible negative consequences. In order to design a 'more satisfactory' social environment that takes into account the needs of the present, we need new ways of social functioning. It is assumed that social innovations can be treated as instruments useful for overcoming challenges posed by Industry 4.0. The analysis will be theoretical, hence such notions as social innovations, Industry 4.0 and others will be defined. This discussion will help to understand and solve future social problems.
The paper presents results of the nationwide questionnaire survey of trade unions on the five leading megatrends: automation, decarbonisation, demography, digitisation, globalization. The aim was to investigate and complete analysis of the labour market participants' competences and the attitudes to the key problems of the contemporary world.
Content available Dual education system in a knowledge-based economy
The article focuses on the subject of training qualified staff and profiling of vocational training fields. As researchers note, there is currently no doubt that for the effectiveness of the vocational training system to be as high as possible, it is necessary to bring the vocational school closer to the world of work, the labour market and businesses to school. In the 21st century, an employee must be a well-educated expert. In today's economies, where knowledge is a key resource, there is a characteristic pattern. Finding a job is determined 70% by professional knowledge (hard competences) and 30% by soft skills (social competences). However, 70% of work is lost due to a lack of soft skills and 30% due to a lack of professional expertise. Against this background, the author of the article - analysing the dual education system - indicates that coordinating vocational training with the needs of the labour market is an extremely effective method.
This article focuses on presenting the opinion of Generation Z, in terms of attributes of uniformed services as employers on the Polish labour market. The article was prepared on the basis of the results of empirical research carried out by means of a diagnostic survey method using the questionnaire technique, and was conducted in January 2019 on a sample of 100 people.
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