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w słowach kluczowych:  hot water preparation
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The subject of this research study consisted in 15 multi-family buildings, 8 out of which were supplied with heat for heating and hot water preparation purposes from the thermal node used for the group of buildings, and 7 buildings were equipped with two-functional individual thermal nodes. The analysed multi-family buildings had hot water metres installed and had useful surfaces close to themselves. The temperature of hot water was within the range 55-60°C. Research was made within the period of 5 years. Measurements were executed at the beginning of each month by the use of existing measuring equipments (water meters and calorimeters), with valid legalization certificates. On the basis of the research it was noticed that the manner of the hot water preparation had a great influence on the value of individual heat consumption used for hot water preparation and on costs borne by recipients. It was ascertained that the hot water preparation in the thermal node, which provides hot water for group of multi-family buildings, requires about 27% heat more than required in the case of the hot water preparation in the individual thermal node. Besides, it was noticed that the individual heat consumption used for hot water preparation increased, as the hot water consumption dropped. In turn, the use of thermostatic valves in the hot water installation causes the decrease of heat consumption used for hot water preparation by 12% on average, which is caused by the limitation of circulation flow in pipes and minimizing of heat losses in transportation of hot water.
In consideration of limited fossil fuel resources and the prevention of pollutant emissions heating installations are preferred which use renewable energy sources. One such solution involves hot water preparation for large buildings using solar collectors. In this work, the results of a six year experimental investigation of a large-scale system of solar flat collectors are introduced. These collectors are located on the roof of a Cloister of Redemptorists in Tuchow, Poland. On average, the installed collectors covered 37 % of the annual thermal requirement for hot water; for the winter half-year 15.9 % and for the summer half-year 56.5 %. The costs of the hot water preparation in the installation with and without collectors were analysed. The Simple Pay Back Time of investment cost was calculated. Special attention was paid to factors which influence the coverage of thermal needs by the solar installation. The reduction in pollutant emissions from combustion of natural gas resulting from the use of solar collectors, was also calculated.
W obecnych czasach preferuje się rozwiązania instalacji grzewczych wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii, z uwagi na ograniczone zasoby paliw kopalnych oraz zapobieganie emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery. Jednym z takich rozwiązań są instalacje przygotowania ciepłej wody w dużych budynkach wspomagane kolektorami słonecznymi. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki 6-letnich badań eksploatacyjnych wielkoskalowej instalacji kolektorów słonecznych płaskich zlokalizowanych na dachu klasztoru redemptorystów w Tuchowie w Polsce. Kolektory słoneczne pokrywały średnio 37 % potrzeb cieplnych instalacji ciepłej wody w skali roku, w półroczu zimowym 15.9 %, a w półroczu letnim 56.5 %. Przeanalizowano koszty przygotowania ciepłej wody w instalacji z kolektorami i bez, oraz obliczono czas zwrotu nakładów inwestycyjnych. Zwrócono uwagę na czynniki mogące wpływać na stopień pokrycia potrzeb cieplnych przez instalację słoneczną oraz obliczono redukcję ilość zanieczyszczeń powstających przy spalaniu gazu ziemnego, dzięki zastosowaniu kolektorów słonecznych.
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