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The implementation of defence activities requires the allocation of specific financial resources for this purpose. The scope and quality of these activities often depends on the amount of the allocated funds. The vast majority of them come from the national budget. There are also specific organisational and legal solutions allowing for the possibility of financing defence expenditures, including financing of the Armed Forces from other sources off-budget. One of such solutions is the Armed Forces Modernisation Fund, which functions as a special purpose fund. This fund is a national special purpose fund, which has no legal personality and is one of the sources of financing of the Armed Forces Development Programme. Its main advantage is the fact that it is not subject to rigid budgetary discipline, which makes it possible to continue financing certain public services over the next few financial years. Such a solution allows for the intended accumulation of public resources which have not been used by the fund before the end of the calendar year. The aim of this study is to analyze the financial economy, i.e. the analysis of revenues and costs as well as effects of tangible property expenses incurred by the Armed Forces Modernization Fund. The analysis covers the period of the years 2016-2018.
Realizacja zadań obronnych wymaga przeznaczania na ten cel określonych zasobów finansowych. Rozmiar i jakość tych zadań uzależniona jest często od wielkości asygnowanych środków pieniężnych. Zdecydowana ich większość pochodzi z budżetu państwa. Istnieją także określone rozwiązania organizacyjno-prawne dopuszczające możliwość finansowania wydatków obronnych, w tym finansowania Sił Zbrojnych z innych, pozabudżetowych źródeł. Jednym z takich rozwiązań jest funkcjonujący w formie funduszu celowego Fundusz Modernizacji Sił Zbrojnych. Fundusz ten jest państwowym funduszem celowym, który nie posiada osobowości prawnej i jest jednym ze źródeł finansowania programu rozwoju Sił Zbrojnych. Zaletą funduszu jest przede wszystkim to, iż nie obowiązują tu sztywne rygory gospodarki budżetowej, co stwarza możliwość ciągłości finansowania oznaczonych zadań publicznych na przestrzeni kolejnych lat budżetowych. Takie rozwiązanie pozwala na zamierzoną kumulację środków publicznych, które nie zostały zużyte przez fundusz przed końcem roku kalendarzowego. Celem tego opracowania jest analiza gospodarki finansowej, tj. analiza przychodów i kosztów oraz efektów rzeczowych wydatków majątkowych poniesionych przez Fundusz Modernizacji Sił Zbrojnych. Analiza dotyczy okresu lat 2016-2018.
Content available remote Gospodarka obronna jako obiekt badawczy ekonomiki obrony
The aim of the article is to define the essence and characteristics of the defence economics’ fundamental area i.e. defence economics. In order to reach this goal, the author includes information that allows the reader to explore different ways of defence economy’s definitions, its specific features, basic tasks, the structure of defence economy system and consequently characteristics that result from it, as well as the idea how to command and control the defence economy.
Content available remote Współtwórcy niemieckiej myśli ekonomiczno-wojskowej i ekonomiczno-obronnej
The considerations presented in the article are focused on showing leading forerunners of German economic – military and economic – defence thought. Then the main problems of German military microeconomics in the views of Johanes Gerber and Gunter Kirchhoff are outlined. Furthermore, the issues concerning military macroeconomics in the both economists’ approach are presented. In addition, the relations of defence economics and security economics are shown.
The aim of the article is to present the review of research studies in the defence - economic thought in Poland in the last decade. This thought includes the part of research opinions that illustrate and generalise ties that appear between defence phenomena of the state and national economy in order to shape a rational defence - economic policy at present and in the future. All in all, the article analyses 32 positions of defence - military thought of the 90s. The defence economics of the 90s in Poland noted many achievements, which is a significant contribution of this small group of people dealing with these problems. The changes in contemporary research programme conducted by defence economics are clearly visible. Less and less is written on economic processes in wartime, heading for considerations concerning peacetime, armed conflicts' prevention and peacekeeping. In result, the author concludes that a new defence economics handbook should be developed which would include a larger spectrum of issues and refer to the new reality.
Content available remote Perspektywy rozwoju brytyjskiej myśli obronno-ekonomicznej
The author of the article attempts to show development directions of the British defence economics and on this example - European defence economics. In order to achieve this, the analysis of defence - economic thought development conditions has been carried out. There have been shown changes that the British and international politics undergoes, how the British Armed Forces transform, what new challenges they have to face and what transformations the defence economy, that is the economic basis for the British defence system, undergoes. The mentioned above conditions have caused that the development of British, and also European, defence-economic thought will be conducted in two directions. The first direction is the continuation of defence-economic thought. There will be still developed research problems such as: the division of alliance defence costs, the influence of the way of contracting on defence orders effectiveness, the effects of defence expenditures on economic growth and development, alocation consequences of disarmament treaties, the influence of economic policy on defence industry sector, employment changes due to industry conversion, the role of economy in military conflicts and uprisings, and weapon trade control. The second direction covers the area of new defence economics such as studies on organised national and international crime, terrorism as its particularly dangerous form , examining environmental (ecological) effects of defence system functioning and their economic dimension. Economic thought will stress defence problems more strongly in the alliance and nonmilitary dimension transforming defence economics in Euro-Atlantic security economics.
Content available remote Europejska ekonomika obrony : dylematy rozwoju
In current political- economic and military reality in Europe, it is necessary to conduct a continuous verification of approaching the state and nation security problem. Economists dealing with defence should notice the need of a larger perception of security, that means, viewing national security as a European security element. Scientific generalisation of political and economic - defence reality should be the consequence of the European Union enlargement that, at the same time, forces to change an approach to the present perception of the defence economics area and dimension, in effect, to perceive it not only in the coalition but also continental dimension with a simultaneous evolution of its area towards security economics.
Content available remote Powojenna brytyjska myśl obronno-ekonomiczna : 1945-1978 : wybrane problemy
This article is the first of three to present modern British defence economy. This article discusses the post war defence-economic thought, since the end of the Second World War to 1978. On the background of political, military and economic conditions, there have been characterised works of David Greenwood, Mary Kaldor and Gavin Kennedy, the most distinguished British economists of that time dealing with defence problems. The scope of respective authors’ research is different. Greenwood was interested in problems of the military priorities role in shaping the amount of military expenditures. Kaldor dealt with the relations between factors shaping defence industry potential and problems which the weapon trade creates for the importing and exporting countries economy. Kennedy analysed the defence-economic problems the most widely. The topic of his research were the considerations on the notion, scope and comparison of defence expenditures, social-economic consequences of defence expenditures, the defence industry notions and specific character, advantages from weapon trade and the division of burdens due to common alliance defence.
Content available remote Bułgarska ekonomika obrony : refleksje nad obiektem i treścią badań
Bulgarian defence economics, after gaining independence in 1878 and until World War II, was based on agriculture and weak processing industry. A rapid industrialisation and agriculture collectivisation was conducted in 1946-1989. Arms factories were developed basing on the heavy industry. The defence production structure resulted from the Warsaw Pact settlements and close tights with the USSR. The political system transformation that took place after 1989 brought defence reductions and approaching European defence structures. The reflection of defence-economic practice was Bulgarian defence economics, developed mainly as a didactic discipline. Handbooks of the following lecturers: S. Danew, W. Wasilew and J. Kosaszka were entitled, at first, as „war economics” and, at present, as „defence economics”. Prof. T. Iwanow is a leader of Bulgarian specialists. His works include contemporary theory of security economics and the practice of Bulgarian defence-economic policy.
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