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w słowach kluczowych:  delay factor
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Irrigation and hydropower are among the most important sectors in the construction industry that propel the economic needs of a developing country like Vietnam. The construction of these projects often suffers from severe delays, leading to financial losses and other negative impacts on the economy. This paper aims to determine delay factors in the construction of these projects. Among many, 39 most important candidates of delay causes were identified from the literature review. Further surveys on project participants were conducted for the severity of these causes. An exploratory factor analysis was utilized to identify latent factors that cause delays in construction projects. The analysis result categorized a few groups of factors such as abnormal factors on the construction site (e.g., labor accidents, hydrology, water flow, extreme weather) and technical factors related to the construction contractor (e.g., unsuitable schedule, outdated construction technology, unprofessional workers) that have the greatest impact on the delay in construction of irrigation and hydropower projects in Vietnam. These findings contribute to the body of knowledge of project management and risk management, hence an improvement in the efficiency of the project sectors’ performance.
Content available remote Faktory opóźnień [w procesie budowy]
Identification and rank of delay factors in construction projects depending on the project delivery system. The implementation of construction projects depends on many unpredictable factors, which can cause delays in construction works. The article proposes classification of the validity of delay depending on the project delivery system. Two of them were considered: the traditional system (Design – Bid – Build), where the design stage is separated from the construction stage and the design and build (Design & Build), which consists in entrusting design works and carrying out works to one contractor. The order of validity is based on results of research carried out among participants of the construction project.
Any construction project, even one that is excellently planned and organized, is prone to the risk of unforeseen events and problems, which in effect can cause late completion of works. The paper presents the results of the research conducted among Polish and Slovakian building contractors. One attempt was to identify and assess the potential causes of delays in the construction works resulting from the provisions of the contract. The knowledge of these factors can help contractors to take protective measures, reducing the risk of delays during the implementation of construction works.
During implementation of construction projects, durations of activities are affected by various factors. Because of this, both during the planning phase of the project as well as the construction phase, managers try to estimate, or predict, the length of any delays that may occur. Such estimates allow for the ability to take appropriate action in terms of planning and management during the execution of construction works. This paper presents the use of the non-deterministic concept for describing the uncertainty of estimating works duration. The concept uses the theory of fuzzy sets. The author describes a method for fuzzy estimations of construction works duration based on the fact that uncertain data is an inherent factor in the conditions of construction projects. An example application of the method is presented. The author shows a fuzzy estimation for the duration of an activity, taking into consideration the distorting influence caused by malfunctioning construction equipment and delivery delays of construction materials.
W czasie realizacji obiektów budowlanych, procesy wykonawcze są narażone na wpływ różnych czynników zakłócających (warunki atmosferyczne, nieterminowość dostaw materiałów, awarie sprzętu, kwalifikacje robotników, zła organizacja robót na budowie itp.). Czynniki te, pomimo świadomości planistów o ich istnieniu, nie zawsze są uwzględniane podczas szacowania czasów wykonania robót na etapie projektowania budowy. Powoduje to różnice pomiędzy oszacowaniami czasów wykonania robót a rzeczywistymi czasami wykonania robót, uzyskanymi podczas realizacji budowy. Trzeba mieć na uwadze, że wiedza planisty (eksperta) na temat czynników zakłócających oraz ich konsekwencjach ma charakter przybliżony i niepewny. Kiedy próbuje się oszacować czasy wykonania robót budowlanych, powstaje problem niemożności wykorzystania metod statystycznych i miary probabilistycznej dla oceny skutków realizacji różnych scenariuszy jednoczesnego oddziaływania różnych czynników na przebieg budowy. Warte rozpatrzenia jest w tym przypadku również wykorzystanie logiki rozmytej i teorii zbiorów rozmytych. W artykule przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania teorię zbiorów rozmytych dla oszacowania rozmytego czasu wykonania roboty budowlanej biorąc pod uwagę wpływy zakłócające spowodowane w skutek awarii sprzętu budowlanego oraz opóźnienia w dostawach materiałów budowlanych.
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