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The work describes the use of VPL to optimize fundamental natural frequency of structures based on the example of steel lattice towers. For this purpose, a universal programming tool in Python using FEM was created, which allows the optimization of any bar structure in terms of its natural frequency. The capabilities of the tool are illustrated in several examples. It has been shown that by changing the tower geometry it is possible to obtain its higher spatial rigidity with a small increase in mass, it is possible to control the frequencies and forms of natural vibrations. Finally, the possibilities of further development of VPL applications in optimization of fundamental natural frequency of constructions and generative architecture were discussed.
Content available remote Investigation of forced frequency in a commercial vehicle suspension system
Vehicle suspension plays a vital role in maintaining the center of gravity to achieve perfect balancing of the vehicle to provide the comfortable ride. While designing the suspension system of automobile, vibration is the main aspect to be considered. This paper aims to analyze the automobile front and rear suspension for a four wheeler using analytical and numerical approach. Existing details of the suspension is collected using the concept of reverse engineering. Natural and forced frequency of the front and rear suspension system is calculated theoretically based on the collected data's. The natural frequency and forced frequency is numerically computed for front and rear suspension. The amplitude of vibration is reduced by replacing the spring material and its forced frequency is reduced by 1.18% and 1.56% for front and rear suspension system respectively. This result reveals that low carbon steel has ability to reduce the forcing frequency and can produce comfort ride.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono metodę oceny stanu technicznego belek żelbetowych na podstawie zmiany charakterystyk częstotliwościowych. Praca zawiera wyniki z przeprowadzonych badań statycznych oraz dynamicznych. Badania dynamiczne przeprowadzono dla różnych stanów zarysowania belki jak również dla belek pod obciążeniem i po odciążeniu. W analizowanym paśmie charakterystyki częstotliwościowej wybrano częstości skorelowane z uszkodzeniem elementów oraz częstości wzbudzone przez obciążający układ hydrauliczny.
The paper discusses methods of diagnosing the technical condition of reinforced concrete beams, based on changes in dynamic characteristics. The objects of research were reinforced concrete (RC) beams. Testing of RC beams included both static and dynamic tests. A series of step loaded static tests was aimed at producing successive damage to the beams. For each load step and after load step (at the moment of displacement and strain stabilization), dynamic testing followed. On the basis of the obtained results from loaded and unloaded beams an effort was made to correlate the data concerning the damage of the tested beams with the changes of the modal parameters.
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