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w słowach kluczowych:  coordinate measuring systems
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The area of application of contactless measuring systems has been rapidly growing over the past two decades. Development of contactless measuring methods can also be observed in Coordinate Metrology. Due to the growing number of contactless systems found in industry, there is also a growing interest in the issue of their accuracy among research centres. The interesting new solution which can be applied in contactless measurements is the usage of fiducial markers in dimensional metrology. In this paper, the authors present a simple and cheap optical system and try to assess its accuracy. A calibration process of a reference plate is described as well. Research was conducted for basic measuring tasks met in Coordinate Measuring Technique. Markers are attached to the z-axis ram of Coordinate Measuring Machine which is used as a reference system. The article presents the results obtained for basic measuring tasks, which can be a basis for further research aimed at improving the accuracy of measurements performed using fiducial markers.
The measurements of solids of revolution are one of the most common task in industrial practice. Therefore it is not surprising, that new solutions dedicated to improve accuracy and acceleration of measurements of rotational components are emerging. In this group, the new generation of articulating probing systems (with ability of continuous indexation) is worth mentioning. These probing devices combined with standard CMM forms the five-axis coordinate system. Such solution results in measurements acceleration and also improve measurement repeatability. Studies on this type of probing systems proved that their accuracy depends strongly on the angular orientation of probing system used during measurement. Therefore authors developed model that allows simulation of probing system errors for any orientation. This article describes an attempt to use the model to find the configuration of the probing system that would provide the highest accuracy for rotational elements measurements. The simulation results are compared to the real measurements of standard elements performed on five axis measuring system. Described prediction method could have a beneficial effect on improving the accuracy of measurements and, as a result, on reducing production costs by minimizing the risk of erroneous decision on the conformity of products with their geometric specifications.
Coordinate metrology determines nowadays the relevant directions of development in automated measuring systems and quality management in the field of machine industry. The essential problem of coordinate measuring technique application is the issue of accuracy assessment of performed measurements. This paper describes the development of coordinate systems modelling as a new field of assessing the accuracy of measurements carried out in a quasi-real time. The practical solutions of the so-called virtual machines and virtual measuring systems were described along with the results of their evaluation and validation methodology based on a comparison of obtained results with the results produced by the typical methods of coordinate measurements accuracy assessment.
The present article analyzes the specific measurement strategies (techniques) of contact measurement that are used to determine the position deviation of the threaded holes using 3D coordinate measuring system. Furthermore, there are analyzed direct and indirect (location gages) measurement techniques to determine position of the threaded holes and results of the measurements.
Content available Tomografia komputerowa w pomiarach geometrycznych 3D
Istota pomiarów tomograficznych opartych na promieniowaniu rentgenowskim X. Budowa tomografów - główne zespoły i ich funkcje. Kalibracja tomografów. Prezentacja modelu tomografu opracowanego w Instytucie Metrologii i Inżynierii Biomedycznej.
Computed tomography (CT), after its dynamical development for medical requirements recently starts to appear in an area of industrial applications. It enables not only to determine dimensions of objects made of metal, plastics and different kinds of composed materials but also to defect internal defects of the material. This paper describes concepts of CT measurements. The main construction units of tomographs are characterized and the examples of tomographs of different firms and their applications are given. The accuracy and calibration problems are also shortly discussed. At the and the concepts of home - made computed tomograph for industrial applications are also presented.
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