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To dylemat prawie jak z dramatu Szekspira. Kwestię tę musiały rozstrzygnąć władze Warszawy w drugiej połowie XIX w. Dotyczyła ona rzeczy przyziemnej i to dosłownie – zwykłego ulicznego bruku.
The article presents the problems of building and maintaining urban transport infrastructure in Warsaw at the turn of the 20th century. The text concerns Kajetan Mościcki (1855-1933), engineer, who was appointed by the acting Mayor of Warsaw, General Sokrates Starynkiewicz, to the position of senior city engineer and head of the municipal construction department, where he worked from 1889 to 1909. During this period, he paved the streets which were worn or damaged by sewerage works with wooden blocks and covered the sidewalks with concrete slabs. He designed the first slip road in the Kingdom of Poland in the form of a spiral, and he also participated in the construction of the oldest road engineering structures made of reinforced concrete, located in Ujazdowski Park and on Karowa street in Warsaw, the first Warsaw power plant and the second city bridge across the Vistula. In addition to his professional activity, Kajetan Mościcki was an inventor in the fields of mechanics and electrical engineering. At the end of his life, he founded an award that the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences was to grant to Polish scientists for outstanding achievements.
Content available Z historii stosowania bruku drewnianego
W artykule przedstawiono zarys historii stosowania od początku XIX w. nietypowego materiału do brukowania ulic – drewna. Opisano sposoby układania bruku drewnianego i przykładowe rozwiązania stosowane w różnych krajach. Podano także zalety i wady tego sposobu oraz wielkość zabrukowanej powierzchni w różnych okresach i krajach.
The article presents an outline of the history of the use of unusual material for paving streets - wood - since the beginning of the 19th century. The ways of laying wooden paving and examples of solutions used in different countries are described. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are also given, as well as the size of wooden pavement in different periods and countries.
Content available Historia bruku drewnianego w Warszawie
W artykule przedstawiono historię stosowania bruku drewnianego w Warszawie w XIX i na początku XX w. Opisano pierwsze próby bruku, a także zastosowanie go na szerszą skalę od końca XIX w. Podano również przyczyny rezygnacji z jego stosowania.
The article presents the history of the use of wooden paving in Warsaw in nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The first attempts at wooden elements were described, as well as their wider use since the end of the 19th century. The reasons for not using it later are also given.
Przedstawiono wyniki obserwacji reakcji krów w odniesieniu do prototypowych legowisk, wyłożonych brukiem drewnianym. Krowy słabo akceptują nowe legowiska i bardzo wolno przyzwyczajają się do nich. Użyty bruk drewniany jest materiałem trwałym i w okresie obserwacji nie stwierdzono żadnych jego uszkodzeń. Zastosowanie bruku drewnianego na legowiska dla krów jest opłacalne ekonomicznie i stanowi około połowy kosztów utrzymywania zwierząt na stanowiskach z trocinami.
The results of the observation of cows' behaviour were presented with reference to two prototype stands which were tiled with the wooden pavement. Cows adapt themselves to the new stands poorly and they are getting used to them very slowly. The wooden pavement that was applied to the stands is a durable material and in the period of observation was not found any damage. The application of the wooden pavement for cows' stands is economically profitable and it is around halves of expenses of the technology of keeping animals on stands with sawdust.
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