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w słowach kluczowych:  adaptive materials
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The analysis of scientific publications for rotor systems on the elastic supports made it possible to develop a basic version of the design scheme of active elastic support with controlled quasi-zero stiffness based on adaptive piezoceramic elements. The main components of the mathematical model of the functioning of active elastic supports with controlled quasi-zero stiffness based on adaptive piezoceramic elements are substantiated, which will help create the foundations of a theory for solving the problem of effective vibration protection. Numerical results show the possibility of effective applying of the proposed solution to the problem of rotor vibration damping.
The paper presents a study of a possible application of structure embedded piezoelectric actuators to enhance the performance of a rotating composite beam exhibiting the coupled flexural-flexural vibrations. The discussed transversal and lateral bending modal coupling results from the directional properties of the beam’s laminate and ply stacking distribution. The mathematical model of the beam is based on an assumption of cross-sectional non-deformability and it incorporates a number of non-classical effects. The final 1-D governing equations of an active composite beam include both orthotropic properties of the laminate and transversely isotropic properties of piezoelectric layers. The system’s control capabilities resulting from embedded Macro Fiber Composite piezoelectric actuators are represented by the boundary bending moment. To enhance the dynamic properties of the composite specimen under consideration a combination of linear proportional control strategies has been used. Comparison studies have been performed, including the impact on modal coupling magnitude and cross-over frequency shift.
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