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w słowach kluczowych:  Ti-based alloy
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The newly designed Ti-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) in which case of fracture behavior was observed 1990MPa to compressive strength with a wide plastic deformation around 7% after process of elastic deformation. This phenomenon can be compared with those of Ti-based alloys and other Ti-based BMGs and indicates high potential to be applied in use. It was evaluated the Ti-based BMG for thermal stability that the reduced glass parameters, ΔTx, Trg and γ, are 79K, 0.50 and 0.38, respectively. In addition, it reveals high activation energies for crystallization in which are estimated to Ex1 = 291.77 ±9.71 kJ/mol, Ex2 = 588.77 ±28.88 kJ/mol and Ex3 = 330.26 ±3.61 kJ/mol on kissinger plotting in this study.
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