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w słowach kluczowych:  inteligentne sterowanie
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District heating, which accounts for half of the EU's energy consumption, still relies heavily on fossil fuels. This causes emissions of dust and greenhouse gases and into the atmosphere and leads to negative climate changes. For this reason, European Union countries have been implementing a climate and energy policy for many years, which in the area of heating is aimed at making it more efficient and sustainable. This requires the introduction of low-carbon technologies and the reduction of fossil fuel consumption by increasing the share of renewable energy sources. Modern, efficient and smart heating systems should guarantee reliable heat supply while reducing the environmental impact. The article discusses the direction of change and development of district heating systems through the introduction of innovative technologies. The new generations of 4GDH and 5 GDH district heating systems are described and the benefits of their use are indicated. The concept of smart district heating networks, their structure and the advantages of their implementation are discussed. The possibilities of creating smart energy systems using renewable energy sources and heat storage technologies were also indicated. The activities of Polish district heating companies in the introduction of smart heat networks are presented, based on research conducted.
This scientific work is devoted to the processes of creating technologies, as well as the use of their mathematical representation in the form of models in the context of the formation and development of the intellectual capital of an enterprise. To select a goal, a vision was formed to prove or refute any possibility of using Markov's theory in practice, namely the creation of a stochastic model of the intellectual capital of an enterprise in monetary terms, which manifests itself in investments in intangible assets. As an initial model hypothesis, the statement is accepted that investments in the enterprise's intangible assets are a factor in the transformation of intellectual capital into the company's value. Based on the results of applying the stochastic Markov chain model, the potential profit of the company's intangible assets was estimated, the main elements of which were intellectual capital assets during the study. A matrix of transition probabilities has been formed and modeling of the limiting probabilities of the system states has been implemented. The necessary conditions and boundaries of the scope of the mathematical model are also determined. The mathematical method of modeling the company's intellectual capital proposed in the article allows determining the contribution of each of the structural components to the formation of the value of the enterprises intellectual capital, thereby making it possible to establish a current balance between all its elements, which contributes to a comprehensive study of the company's intellectual assets.
A smart control based on neural networks for multicellular converters has been developed and implemented. The approach is based on a behavioral description of the different converter operating modes. Each operating mode represents a well-defined configuration for which an operating zone satisfying given invariance conditions, depending on the capacitors’ voltages and the load current of the converter, is assigned. A control vector, whose components are the control signals to be applied to the converter switches is generated for each mode. Therefore, generating the control signals becomes a classification task of the different operating zones. For this purpose, a neural approach has been developed and implemented to control a 2-cell converter then extended to a 3-cell converter. The developed approach has been compared to super-twisting sliding mode algorithm. The obtained results demonstrate the approach effectiveness to provide an efficient and robust control of the load current and ensure the balancing of the capacitors voltages.
The algorithm of control for the regime of artificial supplementary lighting of plants can secure the light regime, according to their kind and phase of vegetation growth. A peculiarity of the proposed algorithm suggests use of the information about a short-term weather forecast, which supplies the maximum employment of solar radiation energy in the technological process of artificial lighting of plants.
Algorytm sterowania dla systemu sztucznego doświetlania roślin można zastosować w systemie oświetlenia, w zależności od fazy wzrostu roślinności i ich rodzaju. Specyfika proponowanego algorytmu sugeruje wykorzystanie informacji o krótkoterminowej prognozie pogody, która zapewnia maksymalne wykorzystanie energii promieniowania słonecznego w procesie technologicznym sztucznego oświetlenia roślin. System hybrydowy z inteligentnym sterowaniem procesami zaopatrzenia w energię kompleksu szklarniowego z zastosowaniem odnawialnych źródeł energii.
Content available Inteligentne sterowanie ogrzewaniem podłogowym
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów numerycznych związanych z aktywnym wykorzystaniem masy termicznej budynku jako magazynu energii cieplnej, pochodzącej z tańszej taryfy nocnej. Element grzejny umieszczono w masywnej podłodze a do jego sterowania wykorzystano zaawansowane techniki sztucznej inteligencji. Uzyskano kilkuprocentowe obniżenie kosztów ogrzewania w stosunku do obecnie stosowanych systemów sterowania.
The results of the investigation of energy performance of massive building envelope with a heating element placed in the massive floor has been shown in the paper. The proposed control approach of floor heating system is based on the advanced artificial intelligent methods. The results show that the floor heating system has good thermal storage performance, which can be used to a night-running model to obtain energy-saving benefits efficient and economic running cost. Investigated algorithm shows a few percent potential to decrease energy cost, in comparison to typical used control systems.
Purpose: The research objective is to maintain a desired process outlet temperature. Firstly, communication between the control system and the process field devices by means of Profibus-PA and Profibus-DP is established. Secondly the process flow rate and level in the supply vessel must be controlled in the same system. The final manipulated variable, an air-to-open control valve is regulated to achieve the research objective [2]. The paper will discuss introductory aspects of Profibus and simulated results on the knowledge based controller as the research is on-going. Design/methodology/approach: The research project comprises the design, engineering and analysis of a multi input/output rule-based process control system on the Profibus communication platform. A programmable logic controller is configured to control the plant and a Profibus system is used to communicate input and output signals between the field instrumentation and the process control system. Findings: The plant and control knowledge derived for the design of the decision-making control algorithm in the research was obtained from available data in the open-loop mode as the plant is still to be commissioned. The designed algorithm will be tested on the process plant in comparison with the simulated results in order to evaluate its feasibility in a networked control system for temperature, level and flow on a Profibus-DP and Profibus-PA network. A mathematically-based control strategy will contribute to increasing the settling time tremendously thereby impacting negatively on factors like production time and quality. Practical implications: The process control system will monitor and control measured variables such as flow, temperature and level on a typical industrial plant. The plant will be used to transfer technology education and training to industry and practitioners alike. Originality/value: The control strategy emerging from this research may be applied to similar process plants in industry.
Content available remote Inteligentne sterowanie wybranej klasy środkami transportu
W artykule przedstawiona została sprzętowa i programowa realizacja układu sterowania ruchem mostu suwnicy pomostowej, w którym algorytm sterowania oparty na regulatorze rozmytym z wnioskowaniem typu Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) został zaimplementowany na sterowniku programowalnym PLC.
The paper presents software and hardware solution of an overhead crane's bridge movement control system in which control algorithm was based on fuzzy controller with Talagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) inference system and implemented on programmable logic controller PLC.
A problem of dynamical properties improvement for an UAV is considered. This problem is suggested to solve by means of intelligent control tools, in particular, with tools based on artificial neural networks. An approach is offered to evaluate UAV dynamical properties by using a reference model described some desired behavior for the UAV. A controller structure is built to force UAV motion lead to the behavior prescribed.
Osoby spędzające wiele czasu w nowoczesnych biurowcach zgodzą się ze stwierdzeniem, że najlepsze warunki do życia i pracy zapewniają naturalne oświetlenie i naturalna wymiana powietrza. Dzisiaj już wiadomo, że sztuczne oświetlenie, w pełni klimatyzowane i jednolicie zacienione pomieszczenia prowadzą do negatywnych reakcji organizmu ludzkiego. Do najczęstszych objawów choroby zwanej syndromem SBS (Sick-Building-Syndrom) należą częste bóle głowy, uczucie znużenia i zapalenie śluzówek.
Content available remote Nowe produktowe podejście do reaktywności systemu
W pracy opisano aktualnie prowadzone badania w dziedzinie holonicznych systemów wytwarzania. Przedstawione badania opierają się na oryginalnej koncepcji, według której procesem mogą sterować nie tylko urządzenia, ale również produkty niosące informacje o sobie, i zarządzające tymi informacjami. W celu rozmieszczenia systemu informacyjnego na każdym produkcie zautomatyzowane systemy i operatorzy muszą zostać wyposażeni w narzędzia oraz metody udostępniania informacji związanych z produktem, a także, zarządzania tymi informacjami. Wektorowa technika automatycznej identyfikacji, wykorzystująca nośniki elektroniczne, czyni to możliwym. Do sprecyzowania wspomaganych komputerowo narzędzi służących do strukturalizacji danych i zarządzania wiedzą o produkcie, ulokowaną na ruchomych węzłach bazy danych, krążących w środowisku produkcyjnym, wykorzystano technikę STEP.
This paper describes research currently being carried out in the area of holonic Manufacturing Systems. The originality of the presented work deals with the idea that process control may be achieved by machines, but also by the product carrying and managing its own information. Distribution of the information system onto each individual product requires tools and methods to manage and provide access to product related information for both automated systems and human operators. Automatic identification technology using electronic data carriers can provide such functionality and act as product information vectors. Our approach is based on STEP technology to define computer-aided tools for data structuring and management of product knowledge implemented on mobile database nodes circulating in a manufacturing environment.
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