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Experimental activities carried out in laboratories usually produce complex wastewater. Due to practicum and research activities in educational laboratories, the wastewater generating from these laboratories contains organic and inorganic compounds which are dangerous for the environment if disposed of without prior treatment. Apart from high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) values, laboratory wastewater also often contains heavy metals such as zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), and iron (Fe) which are included in the hazardous waste category and can pollute the ground water. Therefore, this wastewater must be treated properly. The objective of this study is to reduce the pollutant load contained in laboratory wastewater by using combination methods of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), and chemical-physical treatment namely coagulation and adsorption processes. The photo-Fenton process was selected as one of AOPs applied in this treatment. The effect of molar ratio variation and irradiation time in the Photo-Fenton process on the pollution load in the form of pH, COD, BOD, TSS, and heavy metals of Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Fe was studied in this research. The results of the analysis of untreated laboratory wastewater samples showed that laboratory wastewater did not meet the wastewater quality standards regulated by the government of Republic of Indonesia. In this study, laboratory wastewater was treated using the pretreatment method of coagulation with alum and adsorption with activated carbon. The best results in this study were obtained in the final adsorption results after treatment with the photo-Fenton method using a molar ratio of 1: 300 for 60 minutes in which several parameters such as pH, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Fe had met environmental quality standards with the value of each parameter of 7; 0.01 mg/L; 2.9 mg/L; 0.03 mg/L; and 3.15 mg/L respectively. Meanwhile, the percentage reduction of COD, BOD, and TSS parameters was 87.49%, 87.02%, and 72.45% respectively.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących możliwości wykorzystania technik mikroskopowych do oceny przebiegu procesu koagulacji. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie zautomatyzowanego analizatora wielkości i kształtu ziaren Morphologi 4. Próbki zawiesiny rzecznej zostały poddane analizie, zarówno bez, jak i z dodatkiem koagulantu PAX 16. Przeprowadzono pomiary mikroskopowe za pomocą komórki wet-cell dla obu próbek. Ocena przebiegu procesu koagulacji została przeprowadzona przez porównanie obrazów zawiesiny bez i z dodatkiem koagulantu. Porównanie tych obrazów pozwoliło na ocenę skuteczności procesu koagulacji i zrozumienie wpływu koagulantu na morfologię cząstek. Wyniki tego badania mogą mieć zastosowanie w optymalizacji procesów koagulacji oraz w ocenie jakości wody w różnych zastosowaniach, takich jak uzdatnianie wody pitnej i oczyszczanie ścieków.
Suspended river water samples were coagulated with PAX 16 and then morphol. analyzed using wet-cell microscopic measurements. The effectiveness of the coagulation process was evaluated by comparing images of the suspension without and with the addn. of coagulant. This method can be successfully used to evaluate the optimization of the coagulation process and the selection of coagulant dose.
Przedstawiono zagadnienie związane z oczyszczaniem zawiesiny pochodzącej z zakładu wzbogacania rudy miedzi. W celu efektywnego przetworzenia wydobywanej rudy stosuje się procesy jej wzbogacenia, a rezultatem działania tych procesów jest otrzymywanie koncentratu oraz odpadu poflotacyjnego. Znaczna część odpadów poflotacyjnych zawiera istotną ilość pożytecznego kruszcu, który może być wykorzystany. W prowadzonych badaniach zwrócono szczególną uwagę na proces koagulacji odpadu poflotacyjnego. W tym celu spośród dostępnych na rynku koagulantów wybrano i przetestowano koagulanty glinowe oraz żelazowe. Ustalono dawkę referencyjną koagulantu oraz wykonano ocenę efektywności procesu oczyszczania (klarowania) badanej zawiesiny.
Model mixts. with known concns. of solid particles were prepared from the dewatered and dried post-flotation sludge from the Cu ore enrichment plant, their turbidity was detd. and the coagulation process was carried out using Fe and Al coagulants. The reference dose of the coagulant was detd. and the effectiveness of the purification (clarification) process of the tested suspension was assessed. The use of the Al coagulant required a higher dose compared to the Fe coagulant to achieve a similar level of suspension purification.
Microplastics are emerging pollutants, formed through weathering, with sizes equal to or smaller than 5 mm. They can reach surface and groundwater sources, as well as oceans and seas through natural pathways or from the discharge of liquid effluents, causing immeasurable effects on human beings. This study aimed to evaluate the optimal conditions for the removal of polyethylene (PE) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) microplastics through coagulation and flocculation processes using aluminum sulfate. To achieve this goal, two 22 full factorial designs were employed, including two replicates at the central points. The sizes of the microplastics were fixed at 0.6 mm and 0.9 mm for PE and EPS, respectively. The selected independent variables were Al2 (SO4)3 and pH. The experiments were conducted considering rapid mixing parameters (400 rpm for 1 min), slow mixing (100 rpm for 15 min), and sedimentation (30 min), with a velocity of 0.1 cm•min–1 in the Jar Test. Turbidity determination was applied to quantify the remaining microplastics. Consequently, it was observed that the highest efficiency occurred for PE microplastics at 4.25 mg•L–1 of Al2 (SO4)3 and pH 5, and for EPS microplastics at 6.00 mg•L–1 of Al2 (SO4)3 and pH 4, resulting in removal rates of 96.81% and 96.30% and turbidity levels of 0.38 and 0.50 NTU, respectively. The removal efficiencies of microplastics were similar, with a decrease at pH 6 for both, as low ionic strength prevents the release of H+ ions.
Content available Alternative Ways of Extracting Oil from Water Bodies
The article compares the use of sorption and sorption-coagulation methods for cleaning fresh and mineralized oil-containing waters. The sorbents used are thermally expanded graphite obtained by heat treatment of graphite bisulfate in a boiling layer, and activated carbon of BAU-A grade, which is widely used for purification of liquid media from oils and oil products. As an alternative to the sorption method, research was conducted on the application of the sorption-coagulation method with the simultaneous use of aluminum-containing coagulants: aluminum sulfate and aluminum hydroxochloride and activated carbon. It is shown that the advantages of using the sorption method using thermally expanded graphite are based on the high efficiency of oil extraction from water bodies and multiple regeneration of the spent sorbent.
Dezynfekcja jest jednym z głównych etapów uzdatniania wody, pozwalającym zachować bezpieczeństwo mikrobiologiczne. Niesie ona jednak za sobą ryzyko powstawania ubocznych produktów w wodzie, które w dłuższym okresie spożywania może stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzi. Istnieje wiele metod umożliwiających zmniejszenie poziomu powstawania ubocznych produktów dezynfekcji (UPD) w zależności od rodzaju i jakości ujmowanej wody, niemniej jednak procesu tego nie da się w pełni wyeliminować w systemach o dużym potencjale ich generowania. Zarówno konieczność zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa mikrobiologicznego wody jak i konieczność ograniczania powstawania ubocznych produktów stawia dezynfekcję jako proces technologiczny o szczególnym znaczeniu w procedurach zarządzania bezpieczeństwem dostaw wody do konsumenta. Na przykładzie Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Energetyki Cieplnej, Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Spółka z o.o. w Środzie Wielkopolskiej w artykule przedstawiono proces identyfikacji zagrożeń wynikających z powstawania UPD oraz działania zmierzające do zminimalizowania lub wyeliminowania tego zagrożenia. W związku z powyższym w Spółce przeprowadzono wstępne badania, które wykazały skuteczność zastosowania koagulacji celem ograniczenia potencjału tworzenia UPD w uzdatnianej wodzie. W działaniach tych wykorzystano systemowe podejście do bezpieczeństwa wody oparte na ocenie i zarządzaniu ryzykiem. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza potencjalnego zagrożenia występowania UPD w wodzie przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi oraz ocena efektywności technologicznej koagulacji jako skutecznej bariery ochronnej w zarządzaniu ryzykiem.
Disinfection is one of the main parts of water treatment processes, allowing to maintain microbiological safety. However, it carries the risk of the formation of by-products in the drinking water, which in the long term, may pose a threat to consumer health. There are many methods to reduce the level of disinfection by-products (DBP) formation, depending on the type and quality of water abstraction. However, this process cannot be fully eliminated in water supply systems with a high potential for their generation. Both the need to ensure the microbiological safety of tap water and the need to reduce the formation of DBP make disinfection a technological process of particular importance in the procedures of managing the safety of water delivered to consumers. On the example of Municipal Heat Energy, Water Supply and Sewage Company Ltd in Środa Wielkopolska city, the article presents the process of identifying threats resulting from the creation of UPD and actions aimed at minimizing or eliminating this threat. In connection with the above, preliminary studies were carried out at the Company, which showed the effectiveness of using coagulation to reduce the potential of UPD formation in the treated water. These activities used a systemic approach to water safety based on risk analysis and management. The aim of the study was to analyze the potential risk of UPD formation in water intended for human consumption and to assess the technological effectiveness of coagulation as an effective protective barrier in risk management.
This paper presents results of research on changes in morphological parameters and fractal dimensions of Monoraphidium contortum and Microcystis aeruginosa cell aggregates obtained from coagulation using FeCl3. The study used Morphologi G3 as microscopic image analyzer. Based on the microscopic image analysis, the aggregates specific morphological parameters were determined: equivalent diameter (de), „elongation”, „solidity” and aggregate fractal dimensions - D1 and D2. It was found that, size of phytoplankton cell aggregates was subordinated to log-normal distribution. The analysis of changes in aggregate size distribution indicated that along with the increase of coagulant doses (Dc) and flocculation time (tf), their mean equivalent diameter increased. The average diameter of aggregates, on the other hand, decreased with increasing velocity gradient (G). Along with the increase in the amount of energy introduced into the system during mixing (G), a tendency to elongate cell aggregates and reduce their solidity was observed. The morphological characteristics of phytoplankton aggregates based on morphological parameters and fractal geometry allowed to observe a significant relationship between D2 and „solidity”. An increase in the morphological parameter in the form of „solidity” was associated with an increase in the value of the second fractal dimension. Aggregate size evolution, at a constant velocity gradient, occurred in three stages: aggregate growth (I), aggregate break-up (II) and steady state (III). The size and spatial structure of aggregates influenced sedimentation properties of flocs. The reduction of the mean equivalent diameter and solidity of aggregates resulted in a slower sedimentation rate of aggregates.
W pracy poddano analizie zmiany parametrów morfologicznych i wymiarów fraktalnych agregatów komórek zielenicy Monoraphidium contortum oraz sinicy Microcystis aeruginosa ,,uzyskanych w wyniku koagulacji prowadzonej z wykorzystaniem chlorku żelaza (III). W badaniach wykorzystano analizator obrazu Morphologi G3. Zastosowana metoda cyfrowej analizy obrazu mikroskopowego pozwoliła na scharakteryzowanie zarejestrowanych cząstek za pomocą szeregu parametrów morfologicznych: średnica równoważna (dr), „wydłużenie”, „zwartość”. Ponadto, w oparciu o analizę obrazu mikroskopowego, wyznaczono wymiary fraktalne - D1 i D2. Stwierdzono, że wielkość agregatów komórek fitoplanktonu była podporządkowana rozkładowi log-normalnemu. Przeprowadzona analiza zmian rozkładów wielkości agregatów wskazała, że wraz ze wzrostem dawek koagulantu (Dk) i czasu flokulacji (tf) następował wzrost ich średniej średnicy równoważnej. Średnia średnica agregatów uległa natomiast zmniejszeniu wraz ze wzrostem gradientu prędkości (G). Zwiększanie ilości energii wprowadzanej do układu podczas mieszania (G), prowadziło do wydłużania się agregatów komórek oraz zmniejszania ich zwartości. Charakterystyka morfologiczna agregatów fitoplanktonu, oparta na parametrach morfologicznych i geometrii fraktalnej pozwoliła zaobserwować istotną zależność pomiędzy D2, a „zwartością”. Wzrost parametru morfologicznego w postaci „zwartości” związany był ze zwiększeniem wartości drugiego wymiaru fraktalnego. Zaobserwowano, że zmiana wielkości agregatów w czasie, przy stałym gradiencie prędkości zachodziła w trzech etapach: wzrost agregatów (I), rozpad agregatów (II) i ustalenie stanu równowagi (III). Wielkość i struktura przestrzenna agregatów wpływała na właściwości sedymentacyjne kłaczków. Zmniejszenie średniej średnicy równoważnej i zwartości agregatów decydowało o mniejszej prędkości sedymentacji agregatów.
Research activities carried out in the laboratory produce a complex wastewater which can damage the environmental system if it is directly disposed of without treatment. A laboratory wastewater treatment prototype was designed and constructed to process the wastewater based on the previous research. The prototype is needed in the laboratory to treat the wastewater before discharged into the environment, so it can meet the wastewater quality standards. The wastewater treatment aimed to reduce the pollutant level contained in laboratory wastewater. The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of the prototype. This test was conducted using a combination process of coagulation, adsorption, and photo-Fenton methods. The pollutant parameters were descripted in the form of pH, TSS, COD, BOD, heavy metals of Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium total, Lead, and Iron. The test of wastewater treatment prototype was carried out using the optimum conditions obtained in previous studies. The best results found from previous studies were attained at laboratory scale by means of ordinary glassware. The results of the initial analysis of laboratory wastewater sample showed that the laboratory wastewater did not meet the wastewater quality standards stipulated in the Minister of Environment regulations of the Republic of Indonesia No.5 of 2014 on Wastewater Quality Standards. In this study, the laboratory wastewater was treated by applied the pre-treatment method of coagulation and adsorption, using alum and activated carbon, separately. By using the wastewater treatment prototype, the removal percentage of COD, BOD, and TSS of 31.47%, 39.90%, and 90.24%, was reached, respectively. The heavy metals content was also reduced, with the removal percentage of Cadmium of 51.30%, Zinc of 33.51%, Copper of 38.43%, Chromium total of 32.61%, Lead of 61.64%, and Iron of 45.83%, were obtained.
Wastewater from the production of meat and bone meal, due to the high load of organic matter and suspended solids, is a significant problem in the process of its treatment. In this work, we examined the method of treating this wastewater using coagulation with hydrogen peroxide and the Fenton process. Treatment variants included the use of variable Fe2+/H2O2 ratios of 1:5–1:30, variable doses of 3–18.0 g/L H2O2, and 5–10 mL/L of coagulant PIX 113. The calculated reduction degrees showed that, regardless of the treatment variant used, the greatest reduction was obtained for turbidity (100%), phosphorus (99%), followed by color (97%), chemical oxygen demand (70%), and Kjeldahl nitrogen (48%). The proposed treatment options can be used as a preliminary stage in treating wastewater from the production of meat and bone meal.
W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z oczyszczaniem wód złożowych z substancji ropopochodnych i osadów. W prowadzonych badaniach szczególny nacisk położono na techniki koagulacji i flokulacji oraz stosowanie materiałów obciążeniowych w procesie oczyszczania wód. Materiałem badawczym były cztery rodzaje wód złożowych, które pobrano z separatorów odwiertów eksploatujących złoża gazu ziemnego. Wody te charakteryzowały się dużą rozpiętością zawartości substancji nierozpuszczonych (5–271 mg/dm3 ) i ropopochodnych (65,2–1368,5 mg/dm3 ), a także zróżnicowanym stopniem mineralizacji. Zawartość substancji rozpuszczonych oznaczono w granicach od 247 mg/dm3 do 119 839 mg/dm3 . Podczas laboratoryjnego procesu oczyszczania wód szczególną uwagę zwrócono na koagulację i flokulację zanieczyszczeń w nich zawartych. W tym celu spośród dostępnych na rynku koagulantów wytypowano i przetestowano koagulanty glinowe: Kemira PAX XL 10, Kemira PAX XL 19F oraz Flokor 1 ASW, natomiast flokulantem był Stabpol. Dla każdego koagulantu wykonano serię badań pozwalającą na ustalenie jego optymalnej dawki. Proces oczyszczania wód zawierających substancje ropopochodne i osady prowadzono również z zastosowaniem substancji balastującej, którą był preparat bentonitowy DuoBent 1. Oceny efektywności procesu oczyszczania wód dokonywano na podstawie porównania wyników pomiarów mętności, wskaźnika ChZT(Cr) oraz zawartości żelaza ogólnego w wodach zanieczyszczonych oraz po poszczególnych etapach ich oczyszczania. Przeprowadzone próby oczyszczania wód zawierających różnego rodzaju osady i substancje ropopochodne podsumowano wyborem optymalnych rodzajów i dawek koagulantów lub substancji balastującej. Ponadto w artykule wykazano, że usuwanie zawiesin z wód złożowych można przeprowadzić z zastosowaniem jedynie środka bentonitowego (DuoBent 1), bez wprowadzania dodatkowych chemikaliów. Preparat ten należy do grupy naturalnych minerałów ilastych. Jego wykorzystanie do oczyszczania wody jest obiecujące ze względu na powszechność występowania, niską cenę i możliwość adsorpcji wszelkiego rodzaju zanieczyszczeń, w tym metali ciężkich występujących w wodzie. Przedstawione w artykule wyniki prac laboratoryjnych sugerują korzystne efekty technologiczne związane z efektywnym usuwaniem substancji ropopochodnych i osadów z wód w kontekście przygotowania ich do nawadniania złóż (wtórne metody wydobycia ropy naftowej ze złóż węglowodorów) oraz możliwości wykorzystania jako wód użytkowych.
The article presents issues related to the purification of reservoir waters from petroleum substances and sediments. In the study, particular emphasis was placed on application of coagulation and flocculation and use of load materials in the purification of water. The research material consisted of four types of reservoir water, which were collected from the separators wells exploiting natural gas deposits. These waters were characterized by a large range of the content of undissolved substances (5–271 mg/dm3 ), petroleum substances (65.2–1368.5 mg/dm3 ) and a varied degree of mineralization. The content of dissolved substances was determined in the range from 247 to 119 839 mg/dm3 . In the process of water treatment by coagulation and flocculation, carried out in laboratory conditions, Kemira PAX XL 10, Kemira PAX XL 19F and Flokor 1 ASW were used as a coagulant, while Stabpol was used as a flocculant. For each coagulant, a series of tests was performed to determine its optimal dose. The process of water purification from petroleum substances and sediments was also carried out with the use of a ballast substance, which was the DuoBent 1 bentonite preparation. The effectiveness of the water treatment process was assessed by a comparison of the results of turbidity measurements, the COD (Cr) index and the total iron content in polluted water samples and after individual stages of their treatment. The effectiveness of the water treatment process was assessed by comparing the degree of turbidity of the solution above the sediment before and after adding a different amount of coagulant, flocculant and sedimentbalancing material. Research results presented in this paper show that the removal of suspended solids from formation waters can be carried out with the use of a properly prepared bentonite agent (DuoBent 1) with no addition of any other chemicals. This preparation belongs to the group of natural clay minerals, the use of which in water purification applications is promising due to the availability, low price and adsorption capacity of all kinds of organic and inorganic substances contamination, including heavy metals present in water. The results of laboratory work presented in the article suggest favourable technological effects related to the effective removal of petroleum substances and sediments from water in the context of their preparation for irrigation (methods for enhancing recovery of crude oil from hydrocarbon reservoirs) and the possibility of using them as utility waters.
Poniższe opracowanie przedstawia różne możliwości, w jakich może przebiegać redukcja zanieczyszczeń w ściekach kosmetycznych. Nie daje jednak odpowiedzi na pytanie, którą z tych dróg należy pójść. Do wyboru optymalnej technologii konieczne jest dokładne poznanie specyfiki oczyszczanych ścieków i charakterystyki używanych związków chemicznych w procesie produkcji. Każdy przedsiębiorca, przymierzając się do takiej inwestycji, powinien szczegółowo przeanalizować oczyszczane medium, aby wybrać drogę najbardziej odpowiednią dla swojego przedsiębiorstwa.
This paper presents various possibilities of the reduction of pollutants in cosmetic wastewater. It does not, however, answer the question which of these paths should be followed. In order to choose the optimal technology, it is necessary to know the specificity of the treated wastewater and the characteristics of chemical compounds used in the production process. When planning such an investment, each company owner should analyse in detail the treated medium in order to choose the most appropriate route for their company.
Laboratory wastewater contains organic and inorganic compounds that are harmful to the environment when disposed of without prior treatment. Besides the high COD and BOD values, the laboratory wastewater also contains metals such as iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb) which is categorized as dangerous waste material and can pollute the groundwater. Although the quantity of wastewater produced by the laboratory is relatively small, it has a real impact on the environment around the laboratory. However, the wastewater has to be treated properly before being discharged into the environment. The aim of the research was to study the laboratory wastewater treatment by using Fenton’s reagent with coagulation and adsorption pretreatment. In the pretreatment with coagulation, three types of coagulants are used, namely PAC (Poly Aluminum Chloride), ACH (Aluminum Chlorohydrate) and Aluminum Sulfate (AS) with their respective concentrations of 10–80 ppm. The highest percentage of average pollutant removal of 58.21% was found when 80 ppm of AS was applied. The pretreatment was continued by adsorption with activated carbon and zeolite adsorbents within 60–120 minutes of mixing time. It was detected that the most optimum adsorbent was activated carbon with average pollutant removal of 50.22% within 1 hour of mixing time. Processing was extended by utilized Fenton’s reagent using a variation of the molar ratio between 1:100 and 1:400. It was obtained that the best molar ratio to degrade the laboratory wastewater is 1:300 with an average removal of pollutant of 43.45%. As a result of laboratory wastewater treatment using combine Fenton’s reagent and coagulation-adsorption pretreatment, an average pollutant removal of 90.81% was obtained. The final content of COD, BOD, TSS, as well as Cu and Pb metal has met the environmental quality standard.
Tetracycline (TC), a commonly utilized drug for human and animal therapy, is one of the most widespread antibiotic residues existing in the environment. The lack of sophisticated techniques for the removal of residual tetracycline from wastewater indicates an actual environmental risk. In this study, three methods for tetracycline removal from synthetic wastewater were utilized. Pillared clay was used as adsorbent (alone) and with coagulant (alum) in a hybrid technique. Coagulation and flocculation technique was the first method. The best operation conditions were alum dose of 2.5 mg/L, pH 7 and tetracycline concentration of 10 mg/L. The second method was the adsorption on Al-Fe pillared clay, the optimum operating conditions were found to be pH 4.5, time 120 minutes, tetracycline dose 90 mg/L, and the amount of Al-Fe pillared clay adsorbent 400 mg/L. In the third method (hybrid method), the optimum conditions for the above methods were used. The highest removal efficiency of tetracycline by using coagulation and flocculation only as a coagulant reached 60%. In turn, by using Al-Fe pillared clay it was 90% and in the case of the hybrid method, it was 94%. Thus, the hybrid technique improves the removal of tetracycline from synthesized wastewater.
Stale perlityczne zawierające, od około 0,70 do 0,95% C, należą do grupy stali niestopowych, klasy jakościowej przeznaczonej do ciągnienia lub walcowania na zimno. Znalazły one zastosowanie głównie jako druty przeznaczone do produkcji stalowego kordu wzmacniającego opony samochodowe, gąsienice elastomerowe, taśmy przenośnikowe oraz węże ciśnieniowe. Niestety, jednym z poważnych problemów, szeroko opisywanych w literaturze, jest ich pękanie następujące podczas eksploatacji. Głównym celem badań prezentowanych w pracy było opracowanie zasad oraz weryfikacja eksperymentalna metody wytwarzania struktur sferoidalnych w stalach perlitycznych. Ideą wytworzenia tych struktur była możliwość uzyskania unikatowego zespołu wysokich właściwości mechanicznych oraz plastycznych tej grupy materiałów, a tym samym poprawa właściwości użytkowych, w szczególności odporności na pękanie. Te zalety mogą sprawić, że stale perlityczne mogłyby być wykorzystane w przemyśle maszynowym, lotniczym i zbrojeniowym, gdzie jednymi z ważniejszych parametrów są niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji.
The pearlitic steels containing from about 0,70 to 0,95% of C belong to the group of unalloyed steels of the quality class intended for cold drawing or rolling. They have found application mainly as wires for production of steel cord reinforcing car tires, elastomeric tracks, conveyor belts and pressure hoses. Unfortunately, one of the serious problems widely discussed in the subject literature is their cracking during operation. The main purpose of the research presented in the work was development of the principles and the experimental verification of the method of creating spheroid structures in pearlitic steels. The concept of creating the this structure was related to the possibility of obtaining the unique set of high mechanical and plastic properties of that material group, and thus the improvement of their performance, and the crack resistance in particular. These advantages can make the pearlitic steels could be used in the machine, aerospace and armaments industries, where one of the important parameters are the reliability and operation safety.
In order to verify the operation of the NSDC company’s industrial water treatment plant and to optimize the quality of the liquid discharges by coagulation and flocculation, we carried out the physico-chemical characterization of these liquid discharges and optimized the elimination of the organic matter. The results show that the abatement rate of the parameters SM, COD and BOD5 of the step are respectively 67%, 66% and 89% during November 79% 81% 89% during December and 69% 82% 89% during January. The treated wastewater showed that the WWTP is working properly, but in the coagulation flocculation treatment step instead of using a large amount of Dekfloc alone. We tried to optimize the dose of a plant powder as bio flocculant injected with Dekfloc as coagulant, which will increase the removal rate of organic matter. The tests of coagulation flocculation show that the application of the combination between Dekfloc and the powder of the cactus allows to increase the rate of abatement of COD to 54%, of BOD5 to 67%, of TSS to 80%, and therefore the reduction of microorganisms.
The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in water has a significant influence on water treatment processes. Water industries around the world consider coagulation/flocculation to be one of the main water treatment methods. The chief objective of conventional coagulation-based processes is to reduce the turbidity of the water and to remove natural organic matter (NOM) present in solutions. The aim of this paper is to present some developments in terms of improved coagulation for the drinking water of Sidi Yacoub treatment plant located in the Northwest of Algeria. The experiments involved studying the effects of the application of two coagulants (ferric chloride and aluminium sulphate) on the removal of turbidity and natural organic matter from water by measuring the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the UV absorbance at 254 nm. The results showed that the rate of turbidity removal increased from 81.3% to 88% when ferric chloride was applied and from 89.91% to 94% when aluminium sulphate was applied. For NOM removal, the maximum removal rates of COD and UV254 were 48% and 52%, respectively, in the case of ferric chloride. These rates increased to 59% and 65% after optimised coagulation. When aluminium sulphate was used, the rate of removal in water increased from 43% to 55% for COD and from 47% to 59% for UV254 after optimised coagulation. The combination of the two coagulants at equal dosage shows a slight improvement in the values obtained after optimisation, both in terms of turbidity and the NOM.
Wciąż rosnące zainteresowanie mikrozanieczyszczeniami oraz zagrożeniami wynikającymi z ich obecności w ekosystemie wodnym, mogą prowadzić do zaostrzania przepisów związanych z ich monitoringiem. W niniejszej pracy zebrano wstępne wyniki analizy efektywności redukcji mikrozanieczyszczeń oraz ogólnej materii organicznej wykorzystując procesy alternatywne dla klasycznych technologii uzdatniania wód przeznaczonych do spożycia przez ludzi. Zaproponowane technologie wdrożone zostały do mobilnej, modułowej stacji badawczej również opisanej w tym artykule. Rozpatrywanymi procesami były: koagulacja, filtracja membranowa, sorpcja i wymiana jonowa oraz fotoliza.
Constantly growing interest in micropollutants and with threats resulting from their presence in the aquatic ecosystem may result in stricter regulations related to their monitoring. This paper presents results of the preliminary micropollutants and total organics reduction effectiveness analysis, with processes alternative to classical technologies of water treatment intended for human consumption. The proposed technologies are implemented in a mobile, modular pilot plant also described in this paper. The considered processes were: coagulation, membrane filtration, sorbtion and ion exchange, and photolysis.
The presented study aimed to compare the effectiveness of ultrafiltration and filtration through a sand bed during the water treatment process after the coagulation and sedimentation. The study was conducted in two flow-type water treatment systems: the reference and the test system. Both systems functioned continuously with a throughput of 1 m3/h. The research has shown that both processes ensured a very effective removal of post-coagulation suspensions, however, ultrafiltration was more effective. The filtration process allowed a slightly higher removal of organic substances as compared to ultrafiltration. The effectiveness of the removal of organic substances was determined by the biological activity of sand beds, which is not allowed in the ultrafiltration process. Besides, during the filtration process, aluminum remaining after coagulation was more effectively removed. In turn, the ultrafiltration process ensured an almost 100% effectiveness in reducing the total microorganism cell count, while the effectiveness of the filtration process was approximately half of that. In the end, the possibility of replacing the filtration process with the ultrafiltration process is determined by the costs of both processes.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy efektywności ekonomicznej budowy układów wstępnego oczyszczania wody przed procesem sorpcji na złożu GWA. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła na określenie opłacalności tego typu inwestycji warunkowanej przez jakość wody surowej oraz czasu pracy złoża sorpcyjnego pomiędzy regeneracjami. Wyniki symulacji pokazały, że praktycznie w każdym przypadku opłacalna jest budowa układu wstępnego oczyszczania.
In the paper the authors present the results of the analysis of an economic effectiveness of preliminary water treatment systems before GAC sorption process. The given analysis enabled to determine the profitability level of such investments determined by raw water quality and operating time of sorption deposits between deposit regenerations. The simulation results showed that practically in every case it is profitable to build a preliminary water treatment system.
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