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ESG reporting framework in Poland – the current state of affairs and perspectives

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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to systematise and present – against a background of the essence of ESG accounting – the applicable and proposed legal framework for non-financial reporting in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses qualitative research methods: the method of studying literature and legal acts, the method of analysis and synthesis, as well as the descriptive method and deductive inference. Findings: The results of the literature studies make it possible to conclude that the topic of ESG reporting is not new, but it is gaining importance, and this process will most probably continue. The growing demand and pressure for companies to be more environmentally and socially responsible are accompanied by the efforts that they make to present the best possible information in this area. To some extent, these activities are voluntary, but they are increasingly enforced by legal regulations. Non-financial information is gaining importance for various stakeholder groups, who are increasingly aware and sensitive to environmental, social and corporate governance issues. It, therefore, seems obvious that the disclosure of ESG information – in part voluntary and influencing marketing – is becoming increasingly regulated and necessary. This is evidenced by further EU regulations and their transposition into domestic legislation. Analysis of the regulations already in force and the draft CSRD Directive cited in the article clearly indicates that the European Commission has been increasing the obligations related to ESG reporting in recent years, and they will be further increased in the future. Originality/value: The value of the article is the analysis, synthesis and systematics of issues related to the essence and framework of non-financial reporting (sustainable development) in Poland, including issues related to the currently applicable and proposed European Union legislation.
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