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Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability in Gas Distribution Station: A Comprehensive Analysis and Technological Solutions

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Abstract: It is important to address the world‘s energy crisis, increasing energy demand and changing climate by finding ways to recover unused energy and minimise primary and secondary energy use and emissions. The natural gas sector, which consists of the transmission network and gas distribution stations, is an important part of the global and Lithuanian energy sector. However, due to the operating principle of gas pressure regulators, the energy potential of high-pressure gas is not efficiently utilized in gas distribution stations. As a result, natural gas boilers are used for gas preheating, and gas distribution stations cause additional environmental pollution. This study aims to find ways to optimise the efficiency of gas distribution stations and reduce their negative environmental impact by identifying areas where energy is wasted and proposing alternative technological solutions: turbine expander (as an alternative for gas pressure regulator), ground heat pumps, solar collectors and photovoltaic solar cells (as gas preheating alternatives). The best alternative technological solution for the gas distribution station is evaluated based on energy efficiency, economic viability, and environmental impact (3E criteria).
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